ITEM 3.4 Approve hire of Utilities Systems Operatorr Request for Otsego City Council ActionMINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION o f I At'ING DEPARTMENT:.. RE UE TOR: MEETING DATE: Administration Lori Johnson,, City Administrator June 10, 2013 PRE ENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM Lori Johnson, City Adr Administrator 3.4 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: MENDATION Recommend hiring two Utilities System operators: Eric Moening starting at step 1, pay grade 7 with a starting date to be determined, as early as June 12 and not later than June ; and Warne Johnson starting at step 7 pay grade 7 wilth a starting date of June 25. ARE YOU EES I iG APPROVAL of A ONT# A T? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No B DKGI oUNDIJU T(FI TION: The City advertised for Utilities System operators to fill three open positions. Following completion of the selection process, staff and the Public Works Subcommitteerecommend Firing two operators at this time. A third hiring will be requested in the rear future. The two applicants recommended for hire have the necessary licenses, meet the qualifications of the position, and have completed the background check process. Mr. Moening has Class D Water and Wastewater licenses and Mr. Johnson has Class CII Water and Wastewater licenses and a bio -solids license. Mr. Johnson has experience working at the Otsego treatment plant. SUPPORTINGDOCUMENTS: n ATTACHED u NONE POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to hire Eric Moening and Warne Johnson atthe pay rags and starting dates stated In this staff memo. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING- BUDGETED: YES o Ivo ACTION TAKEN r� APPROVED AS EQUE TED DENIED TABLED o OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: