ITEM 3.5 Purchase od Fuel Management Upgrade°tuw CITy or ot go MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION TIO Request for City Council Action AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: REQU T R: street Supervisor BraNd Belalr MEETING DATE: June 10,2013 I INATIN DEPARTMENT: Fleet Management PRE ENTER(s): Consent Agenda REM EWED BY' City Administrator Lori Johnson ITEM ##: 3.5 Fuel Mgrnt. System Upgrade AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends replacing the current Gas Bohr fuel management system with ar new Petrovend K800 system and the installation of two mechanical leak detectors as required by the PCA. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT"? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUNDIJU T1FI TION The City fuel storage and dispensing facility eras installed in 2006 for use by fleet vehicles and equipment to improve operational efficiency. Currently the Gasboy fuel management system which monitors and reports usage does not offer software upgrades and is recommended to be replaced with a Petrovend K800 System. The upgrade las discussed as part of the 2013 CIP as project #P11-2-021 with the estimated replacement ent cost of $12,x.30. 1 have solicited quotes for the work and recommend we approve the lover quote from Zahl-PetroleumMaintenance Co. in the amount of $11,950 plus sales tax. In addition to the Fuel Management System upgrade, our annual fuel system inspection revealed a PCA required upgrade needed to add mechanical leak detectors. [ recommend approving the low quote of $924 from Zahl-Petroleum Maintenance co. to complete the work also to be funded from the Capital Equipment Revolving Fund 206. The Public Works Committee discussed the necessary Brei system upgrades at their May 2 , 2013 meeting and recommended the item placed on the ,dune 10, 2013 City Council Consent Agenda for consideration. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: C ATTACHED Ei NONE • Quotes from a l --Petroleum and Pump and Meter Service POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would lila it to appear in the m!nute . Motion to approve the low quote from ahl-P tr leum Maintenance Co. to complete the necessary i m proveme nts to the City fueI storage and dispensing fa dIity. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: X YES Total Project cost: $12.,874 plus safes tai using 206 Capital Equipment Funds, o NO kCTION TAKEN n APPROVED AS REQUESTED DENIED TABLED o OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: ZAHL=PETROLEUM MAINTENANCE CO. DIV. OF DAN tAf2SON ENTERPRISES, INC. Sales, Service, Installation. of Petroleum Equipment Since 1952 www.zahl-pmc,com • 5/3/2013 Otsego Public Works Otsego, M _ Attn: Brad Belau` I Opw Petrovend K800 hybrid fuel management system $7,950.00 w/K800-HFIT fuel Island terminal FSC 3000 controller 50 Opw chipkeys - encoded $350,00 Phoenix lus PC software $2.c000-00 I n c I u d es trade -1 n of existing G asboy series 1000 FMS . etpove existing Ca s b oy series FM S. $1,650,00 Install neer opw petrovend system, Bid based on re -using existing conduits, ,!-boxes and wiring. Includes electrical Isco net and reconnect. Startup and training. Total Bid $11,950.00 NOTE: DUE TO PRICE FLUCTUATION, PRICE ON EQUIPMENT IS SUBJECTTO CHANGE AFTER 2 WEEKS, E PROPOSE TO FURNISH MATERIAL AND/OR LABOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES. TOTAL PROPOSAL; ELEVEN THOUSAND NINE HUNDRIED FIFTY DOLLARS AND 00/10 NOTE: `CHIS PR }P AL MAY BE WITHDRAWN BY US IF NOT ACCEPT D WITH I N 3 D DAYS$ ACCEPTANCE of PROPOSAL: T E ABOVE PRI CE54 SPF IFICATI ONS AND CO NDITI S ARE. AND ARE HEAR BY ACCEPTED. YOU ARE AUTHORIZED TO DO THE WORK AS SPECIFIED. PAYMENT T WILL 13E MADE AS OUTLINED BELOW. DATE of ACCEPTANCE,., CUSTOMWS SIGNATURE+ ZAHL PETROLEUM MAINTENANCE COMPANYAUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: PAYMENT SCHED U LE: BALANCE DUE NEW 30 DAYS FROM INVOICE DATE 3101 SPRING STREET N.E. - MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55413 PHONE: (6x12) 331-8650 - FAX: (612) 331-8553 UAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Y Z HLxxPETR0LEUiWMA11VTENANCE COs LMpgZA L � .. DIV. OF DAN LARsoN ENTERPRISES, INC. Sales, Service, Installation of petroleum Equipment She X952 3101 SPRING STREET N,E.-f MINNEAPOI.IS, MN 55413 PHONE {M} 331.8550 MN WATS (800) 462-5336 FAX (512) 331-8553 Www.xah!-pmc.com • FAX SHEET 4;a/ 01�;�at Aj��. eers DATE: TIME; TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES: (INCLUDING THIS SHEET) To: �.� G FAx NUMBERS I COMPANY. � 4z 4 . BUILDING: DEPT; • CITY. . COMMENTS: e coo e6olf der �1 � �'��.�-/cam 9 AC5� -7 t �� Gr>auLc! do 7G�s _w� lot 0 111111 r,-oe-r FROM: x AM. Petra Vend Fuer CONTROLS K 8 0 0 TM HYBRID FUEL CONTROL SYSTEM Now with the flexibility of warring the fuel site controller w4hin the FuelIstand Termn�rl as a c�s�nd-�allone system for sites that require outdoor installations,, or as a separate unit indoors. Available wilh FSC3 0 7` Me Controller Inside FP W r� _y ' .,:.;.:. •,* :�{ ��a,5 +#,, .. r , *; Electronic Iran aclton recording & card updates S"INGS Ideal for small private +fleets needing a low cost fuel management system. 4 E A D I N 0 EASY -TO -USF, Customizable prompts for driver clarity. ARTWare PC software makes config ration a snap, Whether operating a stall fleet with a single fuel site or ci large fleet with multiple sites, the PetroVnd K800' Hybrid Fuel Control System can help you improve the management of your unattended fueling operations by controlling one or your biggest assets*and expenses � your fuel. Benefits Neal fr small private fleets needitfg a low cast Fuel management solution Each Island Verminal controls up to 4 mec' hanicol dspensers 0 Each F es` can control up to 8 FITs with a maximum of 32 Bases per site is Backlit LCD provides enhanced vi ibility In bright sunlight and at night * Programmable prompts to guide drivers through the fueling process a Durable metal keypad,* 6 -gauge steel enclosure and thermostatically onlrolled healer for reliable operation in the harshest en ironrnents a Downloadable software for easy system upgrades * USB memory ory key for`transaetion backup/transfer and updating card files # Optional dial-up or cell modem allows aom unixotian to remote location it Each K80T Hybrid can also be oujfWad with 802.11 Wil'i or Blu toot r.om nuni anon- de ee -to-fat llitale-updates. . and retrieval of transatia data ,o .INSTALLATION Integrated C' for installations where no building is available. USB key for transaction backup and aural file updates, VV'Ob FUEL MANAGUMENT SYSTEMS VOMMW THE WAY IN FUEL C N TPIL COMMUNICATION Optional 904 MHz wireless communicallon between teen island and building. Cell modem, BluefoothO and 802.11 iF! communication r + also a ailablet 5 INN 0 A T1 0 N to i --r K ��0'" Hybrid Fuel Control System K800" Hybrid Fuel Confrol System Features •Windows-based ATWore PC software makes programming simple and provides system backup . **System management easily performed on-site or remotely via dial up, cell phone modem, LAN/WAN, or Bluetooth# * Compatible YA optioncil FleeILiW4 RFID systehl., allowing vehicle I.D., mileage and other Information to be automatically captured through the fuel nozzle at the a tcle's feel fill tube w Pump and product totals auiomotia lly or on demand * System con be sat to track the mechanical puimp totalizers • Daily and monthly allo a ion amounts * Sixteen quantity restriction levels , * Sixteen product restriction combinations • Odometer or hoor.meter recording * laser can be prompted to enter m1scallaneous data of up to ten digits (job, vehicle, driver 1D, etc.) . * Single or deal card/key/cardless entry operation (driver vehicto number) • Cards can be assigned to accounts or departments a Cara/key/account lockout Programmable K800"4 Fuel Island Terminal displays messages and user prompts * A pride shay be assigned to each product' to be recorded for each transaction • Staticlard system utilizes magnetic carols • Chips eyO mileage and rea€s nabllity assures accurate mlleage entry * Optional proximity card reader * Programmable system peer/ease tires 0 Password protection for ultimate security * -self-test and diagnostic utilities for start-up and trouNeshooting * office journal printer for transaction logging * USB key for transaction information backup and card updates * Optional Bluetooth` or cell modem communication for remote situ • Optional 900 MHz wireless communicollon between island and - boilding * The K800' Hybrid System: interfaces with many commercial fueling networks Memory * Standard mernory 2,OGO proprietary cards, and 500 transactions Expandable to 64,000 prorletary cards, and 2,000 transactions Pump Control Methods • Pump ()ntro �i U es for me r sal D]s ]sponsors With me Marti al ra inters Mounled in Peel Island Terminal for low-cost, convan ent wiring — Mounted to remote cabinet Pump Handle Monitor — Manual bypass for each dispenser Four adjustable fueling lirners i Maximum fueling time • Maximum time to activate pump handle * Maximum tune until fust pulse a Maximum imum tune between pulses 0161 1*L* Counts in gallons or litres from thousandths to full units Pump sentry provides protection from faulty pullers * Direct Purnp Control communicates via serial link to f e dispensers (Optional) �- Supports Wayne, Gtlbarco and Tokhelm protocol -- Extremely simple installation * Universal Pump Controller for operation with a pump controller (Optional) Interfaces with woyne, Gtlbarco and Tokhelm Allows pumps to be controlled via the fuel Island Terminal or retail pump console Phoent ' Software * P h oe nle Plus -- poll transactions, perform cc, rd updates, run repods * Phoenixes` Premier — all of 1he Phoenle Plus features, plus tank augo interface for recond110110n KBOGN Hybrid Fuel island Terminal Spedficotions Readers (any one of t o folloviing): * Magnetic -Stripe Card • Cinipl eyb • H1 Proximity Card/Key ( ptionol). Display; 2 line x 16 character Backlit LCD Enclosure imensloin :l 2' H x 13" w x 10' D (30.5 cm H x 33 cm w x 25,5 cm ) Powe`Requirements: 120/230 VAC IGO watts Max, Operating Temparalure: -40' F to 122' P (-40* C to ' C) Pumps Control Terminal pecIficafle"s' Relay mating: 1 HP, 1201240 VAC .. pulser Cornpatibllity,. Contact l 2 VDC Eleclronlc Pulser Power Supply's 12 OC; AO milliamps rnax, pulser Pulsar Speed: 6,000 pulses/minute (mechanical) 100,.000 pulses per minute (electronic) Pulser Rate: 1.1 to 9,999:1 (in one -pulse Increments) r Puler Type; Single channel Pulser Duty Cycle: % Operating Temperature Range: -40' F to 122° F �- * C to 5CP C) �* 4 F 0 °` Fuel Site Controllor Specifications Dimensions: " H x 101' W x I V D (5 cm H x 25 cm 11 x 28 cm D) Power Requirements: 0 VACS 50/60 Hz; 25 walts mox, Operating TemperatureRange- (indoors}: 32°..1 -to 1220. f -- - -- ( 0 C to W Serial Communication Por � i ■ 11ri.ai I or - 0' r 1 PHOENIX' PC SOFTWARE FOR ADVANCED MANAGEMENT ir Phoeanle Plus and Pho s " Premier are powerful fuel management software packages for your windows compatible PC. The intuitive user interface lets you easily navigate between site, account, card and transaction screens. Phoe ie Plus features back-up and restore, terminal emulation . and on -demand transaction polling. It is also a powerful data management and communications software package that gives S ENi9wota IW17 #-,3 04 1 -A. r;jv.,� WM=fMT +2M5, CC+.1Fk 1 {J73rb'* _M r14 1 S"EVY _ Ud4ad U* OMW (Node: WWOWS Its a regtsiar d trcklemark of Microsoft Corp.) rff!� you Total, centralized control over your fueling operations. Ph n'00 Premier offers complete site reaoricillation by incorporating additional site data from your OPW tank gauge or other brand of tank gaugo (see the Phoenlbe' Premier sales 11teratu+re for details). Most dato can be exported to third -party database, spreadsheet and fleet maintenance programs for further processing, X Arm"De165RePodBy81rg;aCards CAA TrA t'n iJ txr AX -% l 4M 0&AF4_r 2++4 kmp rail "^ asci Ifti "r-# 1"4a ev k"•t Phooni C Plus includes a new Autopoll Scheduler that lets you schedule aciivities t6 be automotically performed daily, weekly or monthly. These activities include; capturing transaction data, printing reports, exporting transaction data tiles --send acing. p r -u pFdoitng.-ca nd records: Th ore's - tls- ;a built-in help fealure to assist you with each option. You can stor6 address, phone number, tank, site employee and fuel provider information for each site. Exporting Transaction Data Phoeni x" even lets you export yobr fransactions in Excel 5.0, HTML, dBASE IV, FoxPro 2.5, Lotus 1-2-3 WK3, Paradox,4,x and two ASCII formats: CS (comma separated variable width) and 5 F ;(space delimited fixed width), This feature lets you make changes to your caro[ database in one central location for multiple sites. Fuel sites are then autorrttiaally updated during routine polling Additional card management tools include data entry defaults and reassigning cards to new accounts, #,mej0% limeyPrflt,k;Q# h�rt�t 1.1t 4311'2 1 #i1 , •Reporting' Phoenbe' allows you to choose from oyer 60 different types of reports. They include; Account, Card 1 and Card Master File fisting, Site .Sal s, Product Sales, Account Sales, Transaction and Pump -Total reports _.. • Phoenlealso allows you to consolidate data from multiple sites and custornize the report meatus to just show the reports you use. • Enhanced Odr Checking This feature lets you easily find obvious, incorrect mileage entries such as single, sequential or repeated numbers. You can define an average MPG with a tolerance for each cord, which is thea used to verify the amount fueled a ainsf the odometer en'try. Using the enhanced odometer shad ling tools allow you to fisc entry errors before running reports or exporting data to your fleet malintencince ' of# are program i t14# SC�31 #71'1 Ni. 7'x1f SLIM 14e1' }try Q41 iqu ir,.t* ova C#t 4" 41.1 i#] 1" VM 113 WE$ 111 1re0 #tom$ iml 4UA 1iVO IXY4 M" 15A &WA 14 1 UTA 221 0A tit" P -n Op 1Jl3 Jose's trbe4 1rd3 11`1 M 04 10 Ux Pax M 1M* Stilt 17rt 111A SIVA i[570 1130 nil] Toula TfLPP4 4 t.A f X'3C #O,FS1 kT116UA 1U Wj PJ W4r=f T ,Iri eu Im i lrrii [44;# j11! 1t9t #1s W #rS 214 1{ 2:4 11}13 11V0 6311 #11.#3 * lzm cold art ?a b13C7 VU #*fit GCs X13# 'rr2 1 wa 04 bid U3 ttt law M 14#$ Al U33i Kul $" lull e450 LW #t1.+* #tit# #11 Sd 9W J3#1 7i1 h# 41" ow #W CO SW ## T # # os GFS 21$ 324 Wrl 297 17'11; 34LJ UW 11311 Wis Iii" 11.104 t" V1:1 #1t#1 #+b-It3 7"uw t C4 a 1+r Y#a I I-1$4 717! 5&41 Q i1,i Y.7 1 A-31 w 1kfW 11I Di os `F 1 $90 UZI #»k 21f Iran "Owv Ir" 04 310 l4JJ 11M WA tm OP Un &it% " = l3tJ F1 W U14 01 258 2d1 OCA ru 434 its llim IMP W11 stssl 1<14i Im Put hill l+SM ti]4 pu = Aw "i " iK1 U$ 4m$ tit IS1+2 3U1 1.644 #tilt #1IFA b#s! ti3 E41 )#i 5U'LA Ws m 6k, %w 1 192 IJ4 Ili# 1+! 40&# 143 6WU stm IL91 #lfii e## 00 W1 40.14 TotLtd —if—in jLrr —1 Era— irr"q P� atws�- i'SG6 rrt acs I��rst+tx-1 ter+ 41`i Wi 4 il..lt! i,e#G #txi I`��i t�## 11•C1 bs3 I+wl.rs+at*d Hili , �s1 0.5 0 #tk# i631 #1�iI Rim Ck}1 *4 1' _A W WAS W4 is it K* WhtwV=4rtaI wt 9.0 46 O AUn tin 1tU1 Ire41 %sJ2 t AnW,�1'4-t __T $r#P&n #Li11 3 04#'t Phooni C Plus includes a new Autopoll Scheduler that lets you schedule aciivities t6 be automotically performed daily, weekly or monthly. These activities include; capturing transaction data, printing reports, exporting transaction data tiles --send acing. p r -u pFdoitng.-ca nd records: Th ore's - tls- ;a built-in help fealure to assist you with each option. You can stor6 address, phone number, tank, site employee and fuel provider information for each site. Exporting Transaction Data Phoeni x" even lets you export yobr fransactions in Excel 5.0, HTML, dBASE IV, FoxPro 2.5, Lotus 1-2-3 WK3, Paradox,4,x and two ASCII formats: CS (comma separated variable width) and 5 F ;(space delimited fixed width), This feature lets you make changes to your caro[ database in one central location for multiple sites. Fuel sites are then autorrttiaally updated during routine polling Additional card management tools include data entry defaults and reassigning cards to new accounts, #,mej0% limeyPrflt,k;Q# h�rt�t 1.1t 4311'2 1 #i1 , •Reporting' Phoenbe' allows you to choose from oyer 60 different types of reports. They include; Account, Card 1 and Card Master File fisting, Site .Sal s, Product Sales, Account Sales, Transaction and Pump -Total reports _.. • Phoenlealso allows you to consolidate data from multiple sites and custornize the report meatus to just show the reports you use. • Enhanced Odr Checking This feature lets you easily find obvious, incorrect mileage entries such as single, sequential or repeated numbers. You can define an average MPG with a tolerance for each cord, which is thea used to verify the amount fueled a ainsf the odometer en'try. Using the enhanced odometer shad ling tools allow you to fisc entry errors before running reports or exporting data to your fleet malintencince ' of# are program i Proposal No: Main Wlw - JIM Ekoelsior BW. - HQpkiu, MX.5043 52)933-4 - Fax: . 939-0418 2013288�O . .. . . . &i: ww.�amxmoa 3..il • Date: 5/16/20135/1 4013 • Page: I. of 3 �1 - L A TI ONPum and meter Service,Inc oej'rn Ptd Sff ur - A disao`tx Mir enrk�, t. Duluth Bfainch - -`mac: l 389- 9 Ply: 15)�� F` 1 To: City of Otsego Job Site: City of Otsego Brad Belain 13400 90th St NE 13400 90th St NE Otsego, MI 55330- Otsego, 5330-t eg , NM 55330- P: Fax Ph: Fax: Salesman: Bill Brown Email: Job Description: Fuel Management System Re -Work and Mechanical Line Leak Detectors ultme t I The External FSC3 000 Includes USB Transaction Storage, Standard Cant Record S o var , I ownl.oadable Soffivare, ARTWare windows -Based Configuration Utility Software, Built-in 10ba e -T Ethernet Port, 8 Serial Communication Ports, Direct -Connect PC Cable,Petro-net Cable, Plug --in Memory Voile with Transaction Memory Level 2 (500 Transactions) and Card Memoty Level 2 (2000 cards), CD with System ocu mentation, Printed Jnstallation Manual, I Hybrid Fuel Island Tenn al (HFI 4 -Hose (includes 4 -Hose Pump Control, 2X16 LCD display, heater, pedestal and choice of ChipKe or 20-4139#01 magnetic stripe card Treaders and 50000 ystem2 eon atibl soffivar�) 1 Pocket Weatersliicld o Chi Key 50 Standard Encoding for Cbz �e I FSC30o S ste 2 Phoonix Plus 1. Factory Direct Fele hone 'f ~ral 2 Gasboy.485 Boards i Subtotal Freight Tax (7.275%) $3048.00 $35,415.00 • $64.50 $352.00 $11.'7.00 $1� 4ioo $414.00 X701..0 $10375.50 $100,00 $762#9 Installation -(Labor &Material) -------__.--------.__ - } REMOVAL 1.. Disconnect and remove old Gasboy 10 00. INSTALLATION I . Unpack, assemble, and anchor the new P tro end K800. 2. Termbiate existing w1irmig at the PetroVend. 3. Prograin and startup. Intllalivll $25554,00 Total Consideration Thirteen thousand Soren hundred nine! -orae and 591100 dollars $13)791,59 'dotal Amount ,Fuefing Systems Efectronk Gagging +r' t T � • r i+i e t t emre r i�TPipe Auto 0Parts service station PUWx wp%Eit 1 i 5 _T Proposal No: Mail off1w -11X3 &oebis , -lig e MN 5243 2013288�O Pltmie, (9A93348M - Fax :(952)9390418 r`+ # ime F 1 • )?M 8223 - Fax: f 1- 7242 Work Se Exclusions There is a possibility that the conduits under the existing Gasboy 1000 will not fit ander the new FMS. We may have to install a splicingjunction box, and then cripple mato the side of the new Petro end, which is not included in this proposal. Existing oleo rieal conduits are considered clear, unobstnicted, reusable and ofsufficient capacity to handle the necessary wires required. Electrical bid based on existing electrical parcel having necessary capacity for added equipment. Expanded panels or sub anels will be billed extra. lectrica.l code requireanEmergency stop at all fueling facilities. Unless specificallystated in oar proposal, e stop irxr as cd to already exist. IF it docs not, cost of histallin the -•Stop will be billed extra. Electrical code requires STP isolation relays for each dispenser. Unless specifically stated in our proposal isolation is assumed t exist. If not the cost of adduig isolation wilt be billed extra. tion DescriptionMy Mechanical Line Leak Detector ��. - Includes labor. Terms Project invoiced upon completion. Net 30 days. finance charge of 1. % per month (18.0% per annum) will be applied to unpaid balance after 3 o days. Para nts made by credit card over $1.,500.00 will be subject to a 2.6% processing fee. All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Owner of Job Site: Date of Acceptance: Authorized Signature: Bill Brown Note: This proposal may be with.- I4f _.. -dxr by us if lti-'30-''-- Xr FrWM b -- The above prices, specifleation53 and coudWon% inelud1ng the terms on the reverse side, are satisfactory and are hereby ,jecepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. � pri nt will be inad a as otiflined above. Signatarc; 0 Owner Tenant Ej Other Title: Fuefing Systems Efectronk Gaivfnq & BeMetyPp I f #ted n r Fibergbas Tanks & Pipit Auto Lf V tiJ4 Parts Cotppremnq 1 vice Station RDWS .r`•4