ITEM 3.7 Renewal of group health insurancei TY OF 0 t qgo HINNESOYA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action mg I I INI III :n-...:n..,nn,,..,.... ry................n.n.- v..-..v.....,.........n...........................,.............-.............._-......_....n._-...,.---.,..-_................................:............ ...... ................ ........... ............... ..-N.v.,-..n-..N....-............-.,..,........-........n.ry......._._......... ...... ........... ....-........-......_.-.........................-..._...... of i l lATi3�1 DE f T rtENT: RE UE TOR: IEETIk DATE: Finance Finance Director Gary Groen June 10, 2013 P€ E ENTER(s): REVIEWED BY, ITEM #: Consent Agenda City Adr Administrator Lori Johnson 3.7 AGENDAITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recornmends the change in the health insurance renewal date from January 1, 2014 to December 1, 2013. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL of ACONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No, I arra requesting a change in the annual No coverage period. Health Insurance —The City currently provides a health insurance program for the City"s employee through HealthPartners. The health insurance contract is currently set to renew on January 1, 2014. However, after consultation with our health insurance agent, it is expected the health insurance rates will increase significantly on January 1, 2014. By moving the renewal date back by one month to December 1, 2013, we believe the City will lock in better premium rates for the following twelve month period. In effect, the City will be delaying, what is projected to be significant, health premium cost increases by eleven months. We believe it is in the best interest of the City to change the renewal date to December 1, 2013. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS.- X ATTACHED a NONE Notice to H althPartners requesting a change in renewal dates and graph. MOTION: (Please % ord moVon as you would like it to appear in the minutes.) Approve the request to change the City's health Insurance annual renewal date from January 1, 2014 to December 1, 2013. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: YES N/A NO ACTION TAKEN E APPROVED AS REQUESTED a DECRIED a TABLED o OTHER (List charges) COMMENT IM. OtTY F 0 MINNESOTA Jure 11 , 2013 Tanya Hamilton -Roth HealthPartners 8170 33a Avenue Stip Bloomington, MN 55425 Fie: City of Otsego - 23243 Please process our group medical renewal plan for an early renewal effective 12-1-2013. Thank ye . Sincerely, Kathy Grover Finance Assistant City of Otsego 113400 'h Street NE, Otsego, A4N 553301 'del. (763) 441-4414 Fax (763) 441-9163 c96 1�j GF �94:SC-6-o Small Group -Rating Lovuest Rates Possible it Y Rate Highest Rates POSSOle Appx, 1,05-1,10 ' Carr"rer`s h ave nit fret released th-eir com munity rite, expected mid-September ?- T, h e i n crea s e -or d etreas e percentages ars best guess esti mat es. S �z�{-1CC-Y p �e,�-�.w � ✓�'�-c.�,� � � rz�1-13 1,-,OcKa� �-�'am 11 e,AA s