ITEM 3.8B Pay Estimate #4..'r TY 0 Ot 1e F 0 MINNESOTA g DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: I E UE T I: MEETING DATE: Public Works it r Engineer Wagne r June 1, 2013 PRESENTER( ): REVIEWED BY: ITEM Consent Agenda City Administrator Johnson 3.8B AGENDA ITIS DETAILS REC MMENbATI N: City Staff Recommends payment in the amount of $102,514.60 for the repair of various buildings. Payment is to Erickson Builders. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEAR] N f EQUIP ED No N BA K ROU DIJU TIFICATI N: Erickson Builders has completed the replacement of the roofs and the storm damaged siding of the EIdln s of the West l a ste Wate r Treatment Facility. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED NONE Pair Estimate 4 MOTION: (Please word motion as you would like It to appear in the m1nut s,) Motion to approvepayment to Erickson Builders ire the amount of $102,514.60 for the repair of various buildings. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: UD ETED: X YES LMC Insurance Sewer Fund u NO Water Fund ACTION TARN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ti DENIED n TABLED n OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: PA's E671MATH# ENGINEER CITY OF OT8E(30 Repair Various Eby BuIldings May 20g 2013 i Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Otalego 8899 Nashua Avellue NEI Otsego, MN 65330 Et RepaIrVar10 us Cityi ulIdIng anlracA Amount -. 111311 0.0 D Award [date; November 1 , 2012 omplaUon Date: Juns 1, 2013 Door HonoraNla Mayor and Council Membe ; ' Tho foltovAng work leas been completed on the above-raf rear d projact by Eitcksofi laujiders and co,1 [no, Rita 130 011"113 Ws" w Roof lestIOB # ESTIMATED CONTRAOT USED TO ITEM DESCRIPTfON UA ITY . rN MT f ! t �IAl ' UNIT NET PRIRE ONYPA T AMOUNT RAT E ONSIG We W RW1no, roof 8heatbinWsWag Roof ys(om and profit (QT remova1 of and d14pol al of dole r ed wood Demciifion and 14ew Sf a0i1nW,,5h!npta R ysim toot dock am replace v411 rmwfrtick i LUMP SUP �.$Q We Pro Lre a[Me rtf HuMng Roof S#� htn�h �t Rif U-2 TOW Cast per 8 F to Indudo WorMs, Igbor, ovorho ad on 0Ad New rr#.I lag hglo Roof y'aterlt DOnl0r,110 , 1 # 81am f � m t 1 ��fJJ LUMP �J1�,�4 �3 � . �} j� ,�4 e16.�� 'f4 14.01%0 t W03 ConW10u g Roof Sh ua th I rigl& hincto Roof 8ratem MAD Tate1 U I d Set3odRIG "C" l e a n and New hoa(hln W01pgg a Roof 3yetom P - I 13 RoelAuernnt LUMP SUM &42.40 042.40 23,842,00 West Blower Rul.4 r 9 NO SIteaVdAU/Sh to Hoof Sydam E)an"t i9m an d Now fteWrt fi l")o Roof System 6 Ga€n nt 1 1.0M � 9f* 00F .off 404.40 f 20,694,00 16 Fa.Rt i+ AH VPum a s 1 t. P a,oa # e.0o 113Toto 13Id Achedule "B14 ESTIMATED ON `f A 5HO TO rml 0, ITEM DESCRIPTfON UA ITY UNIT UNIT PWOU {� IST AOA U T DATE RkTENIQN 11-i Total 006t per 6 P to l# od0 rAatwh-61 laboi, avo41oa fi a and profit (QT remova1 of and d14pol al of dole r ed wood toot dock am replace v411 rmwfrtick i LUMP SUP �.$Q U-2 TOW Cast per 8 F to Indudo WorMs, Igbor, ovorho ad rid PrDfit for r r val of mW dIspml of 6a toriarated owed roof 0 c and replacaAilh mw dook t LUMP SUS MAD Tate1 U I d Set3odRIG "C" OTO 0t-20 1 - P , RepaIr Var o 01 r laulldfop P - I PAY ESTIMATE 04 CITY OF OTSEGO Repal VA flous 01ty ulldlnga 14karsn& r%.P ie.o VJr► of ENGWER ITE61 I � �' DIE RIPT10 uIt al and MArsM is r f I A ' QUANTITY # 6 UNIT LP CONTRACT UNIT PHICR #0.04 USED TO � A I�] NT DATE 1,300.00 130,00 MKT SION EXTEL1810H 881.0 aot VV Bu mp (RP -1 00) Repkac7 all Old tv on ihe wastefa h on 70 q. .) Chang --Or U9.2 + 23tj .00 289,484.34 -.1-1300.00 Y ViJ st 4lrF IT&M I ESTWATED $28.60i/�1y} Yi Y ! 2 V 4X0.00 a.*0 r�N+y[�1+JM f[ p/'1 �+ �{Ave.# RI i� Wrto e1�'+ ls- 6fjl alar L� O 4r * I LS S 6.74 1,866.74 / ■ �1 PHi."M 7 617 HIS ~ 60 RariW h lar C ro#on w I nor balto�sil oft Wash Ida of Uw East �'' O� ��] �#l. 1.020.N I 1,020.00 + �tiow ordor No. ■ ESTIMATED QUANTITY _ �il � �U %}}yya Order �y ae��{y �•.�j #�y nse Us E5 i We EXTEL1810H 881.0 aot VV Bu mp (RP -1 00) Repkac7 all Old tv on ihe wastefa h on 70 q. .) Chang --Or U9.2 + 23tj .00 289,484.34 271,38 .34 .�.. 271,381.34 IT&M I ESTWATED 0014TRA T 4 248,37 WED T 4X0.00 a.*0 1 ITS= E)ESURIPTION QUANTITY UNIT �I� '� �'� l N2U AAT #O�! C ro#on w I nor balto�sil oft Wash Ida of Uw East �'' O� all sld[Ag Orl the writ 01sVA n (12.4 sqr ft.) gm Was pro tro lelanttDOW Irk Ftp -107) I 1410,00 �7} A BUgd1 �-(z.0 0 attached .,/��fea 1 4.410.04 Add houia imp to 1h t)dh gn4 rifest side of ths Re6t I . 410616100 A GB'�,jffifldlsea € GYte � lure L 426,00 425.00 1 4� 6M Overhe had ani F tit O I� I1 0 79.00 .1 ! 9. a €3 i3rtr3inn 19 11 14 10 it a •! MA h A *? ,th 4 � J-2^ n Chimp order No. 2 0 gi.-00 - rhanna nrdfnr 4ln. 1-4 ITEM ,ITEm LE.80 ESTIMATED QUANTITY OONTRAOT UNIT PRICH CONTRAOTAM Us E5 i We EXTEL1810H 881.0 aot VV Bu mp (RP -1 00) Repkac7 all Old tv on ihe wastefa h on 70 q. .) + 23tj .00 289,484.34 271,38 .34 .�.. 271,381.34 241319,28 4 248,37 UL760.00 4X0.00 a.*0 1 7 .00 PE -2 u�t DVA-ar 13 old G (ESP -i10) o aco all sld[Ag Orl the writ 01sVA n (12.4 sqr ft.) gm Was pro tro lelanttDOW Irk Ftp -107) I 1410,00 1 4.410.04 I yr RO&O all C ] rig on the gest elevation t1,,i{'� Do nol rogjamsWin n onflisn ojih ejUnt� N. f1) 410616100 %416.00 { 0 00 Welt 0or1 l DWdfng (RP -100) € 9 $1di an W mat e$evaUon (370 sq, ft.) qy 5 _J-0.00 -6 PFD'act Mena errant 0 # *06.00 1 0.00 6J.1�040.00 QVcr ar�d fof 4 002.011 062.40 4062.00 7 1130ndloflL2Yq) L IM 1 16400 Bid 6dietfule W Bid Schedule W Bid echadule 001 arig D Order No. 1 hatio0 Order No, Ch a N a Order No. TOTAL Total Work Completed to Dato LESS Pay EWlmato # i LESS Pay EsUmpte LEGS Pay Estlnial LESS rAJNAGE-. OTO 01 -201x -FSH„ #Raab Var1ous Cfty BuW4a hain0o ardor No, 2 23#3 .OA Miaibo 1 apt g 0.00 ���4, A. 4 ���4,1 4.34 881.0 _ . - - - $81100 . + 23tj .00 289,484.34 271,38 .34 .�.. 271,381.34 241319,28 4 248,37 8#732,03, ��1 1 ■ 1 ., 1 .��r PE -2 RAY RSTIMATE 64 CITY OF OTSEGO e arrVarlou a City BuildIngs WF; RECOMMEND PAYMENT OF: APPROVAL$: CONTPAGTOR: E 10 ON WADERS CO., ING, IF oav n ntra r. I c at all Items and amoun(s ore correct for the Iwo C completed to cute, signed: ate ENGINEER., HAKANSON ANDERSON erUflwt(0n b ff Ificerr We cpm nd payment for vak and quantifles as shown. Signed. TWO:,- flee; Data 7-7 WNER4. CITY0VOTWIGO T901` i 3 - PET (36palrVa6oius city Baldfoos ENGINEER 3. 7a21614.0�