ITEM 3.9 Accepting Donation§CITY O otfgo MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action Of f lATI DEPAf TMENT. E IJE ZI..-".-"., . ......... .. . .... . .. ....... ..... . ... ... . ToMEETING DATE: Finance Department Finance Director Gary Groen June 10, 2013 PI E ENTER(s); REVIEWED BY ITEM #: Consent Agenda City Administrator Johnson 3.9 RECOMMENDATION: The Finance Department requests the City Council accept a $1,000 cash donation from The Bark of EI River for the Prairie Park Festival to he held on Saturday, September 14, 2013, ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL of A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUII ED? No No BA KGROUND/JUSTIFID TI : The City is sponsoring the Prairie Park Festival on September 14, 2013 and is requesting support from area business communityto assist with the event. The Bank of Elk River has contributed a $1,000 cash donation to assist with the sponsorship of the event. The City Council approved resolution 2012 —32 adopting a policy regarding gifts and donations. The donation of $1,000 from The Bank of Elk Purer is consistent with that policy. The donation will be used to assist with the sponsorship of the Prairie Park Festival on September 14, 2013. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: XATTA HED X NONE • Resolution to accept donation MOTION: (Please word motion as youwould Bite It to appear In the minutes.) Motion to approve Resolution 2013-31 to accept the donation from The Bank of Elk River in accordance with the City's gift and donation policy. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: I BUDGETED: NIA YDS N/A No ACTION TAKEN! d APPROVED AS REQUESTED a DENIED o TABLED o OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: RESOLUTION O.: 201 - 31 CITY of OTSEGO COUNTY of WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A $1000 CASH DONATION FROM THE BANK OF ELK RIVER FOR THE OTSEGO PRAIRIE FESTIVAL WHEREAS, EAS, The Bark of EIEC River has donated $1,000 to the City of Otsego, and WHEREAS, the donation to the City is for the purpose of financing the City -sponsored Otsego Prairie Festival on September 14, 2013, and WHEREAS, the City has adopted Resolution 2012 — 32 establishing a policy regarding gifts and donations to the City; and WHEREAS, the donation from The Bark of Elk Kiger is consistent with the criteria and intent ofte policy; and WHEREAS, the City is very appreciative f the $1,000 cash donation, !glow, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED ED y the City Council of the City of Otsego that the donation from The Bark of Elk Firer is hereby accepted. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 1 Oth day of June, 2013. CITY of OTSEGO Jessica Sto kamp, Mayor ATTEST; Tauri Loff, City Clerk