RES 13-32RESOLUTION NO.: 2013 - 32 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION APPROVING A POLICY REGARDING PUBLIC SIDEWALKS,. WHEREAS, the City has required (and continues to require) installation of public sidewalks within the public right -of -gray or public easements for new developments, which vary in age and in quality of condition. Not every mere inequality or irregularity i the surface of the sidewalk rises to the level of a defect. The City recognizes that some sidewalk conditions create unreasonable hazards for pedestrians and other sidewalk users; and, WHEREAS, the City has limited employee and financial resources and cannot reasonably replace all sidewalks reeding replacement or repair in the same year the sidewalk is identified as needing replacement and repair. Sidewalk replacement and repair can be costly. Comprehensive sidewalk surveys are expensive and require the use of limited city personnel and other resources. Under appropriate it mstan es, some or all of the cost of sidewalk replacement may be passed to the adjacent property owner; and, WHEREAS, s, the City and its Public Works Department ent rust exercise both discretion and professional judgment in determining whether and when sidewalks need to be replaced or repaired. The City expects that its agents, employees, and City officials will exercise discretion in identifying conditions requiring replacement and repair, in the scheduling of replacement and repair and In establishing priorities for replacement and repair; and, WHEREAS, City staff drafted a policy related to sidewalk maintenance, repair and replacement that is in addition to requirements established by the City Code and other City policies regarding this matter; and, WHEREAS, the Public Works Subcommittee at their meeting on May 29, 2013 reviewed the proposed policy and recommends its approval; and, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego that the policy regarding public sidewalks attached as Exhibit A is hereby adopted. MOTION Y: Hei ner a SECOND Y: Schroeder ALL IN FAVOR: S ooh amp, Heidner, Schroeder, Wr hime THOSE OPPOSED: None ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego thisI oth day of June, 2013. ATTEST'. TEST'. Tamm Loll, City Cl CITY of OTSEGO ` . 'am'p, r