ITEM 1 handout 2NOW Big Lake Bypass _ , e Northeast Wright County 6 V r`,ra 10 SubwArea Study Figure 8 Future Functional Ic L Classification Plan Ulm, otsgo yRegional Palk 1 Z N m a) { Legend 5t� NE } x, i $ � Ilk � � �� � �+ �d ► r � r f r �� pc r; r- [ �' e�ih $f.N� _ _ _ G t Principal Arterial Otsego r!. R z `■' �' 10 Minor Arterial � rpr 1 72nd St NE ti' 701n sl ° r +. Collector I 651h Sl Minor Collector <' "uia + �. .. + , ' t E _ W r C. Future Roads (Dashed) oam f4 > 0f r , t. 117 jp■,��4ery+�/U �A.1 ' ' .��0wt�, Existing Interchange 501h 8t NE 119 = - �� Q Proposed Interchange pPUTX Existing Bridge S�� �1C�� V�'>fr ra� � '..,:: 1 t_�-fit.. - dtn - � _ _ . __ ___, .. -- `- --. . . _ J 121 4, r . Future Bridge esu ti �0 ,., — I '� 1 btzilxa Roads r#,ti��d2n F-.: -- _ � _��-n ;,•s,_'u`� '�,--;_.�_ ' °� rbrTkl ���a� rc•yts!: W f r i � w rrt,o Lakes and Rivers rRrr.rr rrwrrr■ mrrr# ¢ Rrhi�r Srer!W.s :a i Crow Hassan q Park Reserve Parks - - - -= - - •--__• fir u,!tr�,■b� � ! to w. Hassan `#�.�' rrr' Potential Future River Crossing t,t:,U,, ,t:-,d.w, �L",8111 o. u« Beebe Lake �:a.,�t �H1�dve�{ Regional Park , cn eam tri, 120 1 0 1 2 ,aL,dcr Miles If 1441-, r. ; - r N�! ti4rl!5� �aru•�v ! a Table 4 Potential Jurisdictional Transfers Potential Est. Future Transfer Transfer Roule Termini Current Transfer Route 'KAsting 2044 Functional Rationale For Change Rationale Against Change Transfer Tlmeframe Group Rating From To MAIM To Length Volume Volume Class ricaGon 1 1 CSAH 37 West Junction Kadler Wright City of 1,00 2,750 11,500 Collector This route is shown. as collector rouse in s)vm plan, has many local access Existing CSAII 37 has interchange access point and serves Transfer timeframe dependent on other systern of CSAH 18 Avenue NE County Otsego points and Iacks the continuity to be developed into fuhrre arterial route. AlbertvUdOtsego area accessing 1.94. modifications and 1.94 access decisions. County Future route would provide more continuous east -west route that connects to could petition to add nuleage and drew needs on this interchange at TH 101 and potential imerchangdoverpass at I.94. Change route as four -law arterial, Maintenance agreements would support future land use better due to more uniform spacing, could be developed to address maintenance of current routes. 1 1 CSAH 37 Kadler Eastern Wright City of 2.06 4,150 13,500 Collector Same as above Same as above Same as above Avenue NE border of County Albertville City of Albertville _ 1 1 CSAJI 37 Along the Eastern Wright Cities of 0,63 3,500 25,500 Collector Same as above Same as above Same as above border border of County Albertville between City of and the Cities of Albertville Otsego Albertville and Otsego — — 1 I CSAH 37 Eastem Oakwood Wright Cities of 1.53 3,500 7,500 Collector Same as above Same as above Same as above (601 Sual border of Avenue NE County St. Michael NE) Cityof and Otsego Albertville 1 1 CSAR 37 60th Street 701 Street Wright City of 0,98 9,600 Collector Same as above Same as above Save as above (0b,00d NE NE County Otsego Avenue NE) 1 1 70th Strut Nadala Oakwood City of Wright 096 145 28,0(10 Minor Arterial This route provides a critical east -west connection that is 'Atli spaced with Portions of the route require new alignrnent; jurisdictional changes will Same m above NE Avenue NE other arterials; the alignment is better for serving inter -county nips; and it will need to be coordinated with other system UnproVeMM, Avenue NE Otsego County avoid downtown Albertville ►which has been identified as a bottleneck problem; and it can provide beiter access control, 1 1 70th Street CSAR 19 Maciver Cities of Wright 1,00 32,500 Minor Arterial Same as above Same as above Same as above NE Avenue NE Albertville County and Otsego 1 3 701 Stec( Kadler --:-;, ;_.. CSAII 19 ..; .-, Cities of , , _.',. _ ... - Wright � ^ _ •• -; 1,00 _e.•r. _. _ ._.- 15,500 ,. --i77 Minor Arterial _ -- - . ,..,,n'�,��rca ye, va". Same as above Same as above Transfer may be later than other portions, due to fact NE Avenue NE Albertville County that 1.94 overpass should be constructed to facilitate crossing of 1.94. and Otsego Northeast Wright County Sub -Area Transporiatim Study Page 3.10 I Raised Bituminou Conc, Trail Boulevard Thru Lane Thru Lane Median' Turn lana Thru Lane -41 1, ! 1' 14 14 s n, I 14 1 L' Right of Way Footprint =1 50' Right Turn Bituminous Thru Lane Lane Boulevard Trail 12' i 14' 151 10' goFOURANE URBAN SECTION • CSAH (Turnianes at intersections) Figure A NORTHEAST WRIGHT COUNTY SUB -AREA STUDY CAN6UL747G GROUP, INC WE