ITEM 2.1AHaIcanson Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax-, 763/427-0520 ASSOC,,InC. A/1 I F-44 1Vt 0 RA N D U M TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council CC: Lori Johnson, City Administrator Tanii Loff, City Clerk Dan Lielit, AICP, City Planner Andy itcArthui-, City Attorney Ronald Wagner, P.E. City Engineer Bill Christian, Cliristian Builder -s and Reniodelers, Ire. Meyer-Roblihi Laird Sei-vices FROM: Brent Larson, P.E., Assistant City Engineer DATE: June 12, 2013 RE: Justen Second Additioii — Pi-eliminary/F inal Plat Review We have reviewed the Preliminary and Final Plat, dated 6/10/13, for the above referenced subdivision. The submitted plat is to be considered for preliminary and final acceptance and therefore nitist meet all requirements pertaining to preliminary and final submittals. With this in consideration and recognizing that this 'i's essentially a lot split only, and no public improvements are proposed at this time, we would offer the following comments: prefinlin Plat 1. The James Addition and Justen Addition plats both depict a 33' wide drainage and utility easement along the east side of the property which does not show up on the Justen 2nd Addition plat (see attacbments). This easement is intended for a potential street needed to sLibdivide of existing tots in the future. We recommend that this easement remain and not be abandoned. 2. The proposed Neater system locations must be shown. 3. The proposed septic system and back-up system locations must be shown either in a separate drawing or on the preliminary plat. 4. The low floor elevations are at or above the minimum elevations recommended in the geoteelmical report by Independent Testing tecluiologies, Inc. dated June 5, 2013. 5. The wetland in the sotithwest corner of Lot 2, Block I shall leave a protective buffer of natural vegetation at least twenty (20) feet wide frose the delineated edge at the time of development shall surround all wetlands within parcels preliminary plat. The buffer Shall be overlaid by a conservation easement and marked by permanent signs to prevent encroachment. C:\Users\Taiiii\AppData\Local\Microsofl\Wits doNvs\'Feiiipoi-aty Internet Files\Coiiteiit.Outtook\K4X23YMO\ot2500 Justen 21id rvwl.doc 6. A principal building setback of forty (40) feet from the delineated edge of all wetlands or twenty (20) feet from the edge of a buffer easement, whichever is greater, shall be provided. 7. A statement certifying the envimimental conditions of the site is required. Film] Pint I . See above comments 1, 5 and 6. 2. ROW shall be rounded at intersections (10' radius) to allow for utility installation. S11111111als and/ots Recommendation We recommend approval contingent on the above comments being addressed. Hai nn Anderson C:\Usei-s\Taiiii\AppData\Local\Mici-osofl\Wiii(toNvs\Teiiipoi-ar)r Int rat FHes\Coi1tei1t.0ut1(1i7H Assoc., Inc. rvw L doc 31" lhWilplit a 0 IR a k % rr11- s; � 11- d CIS Hi c 0 3 PO as z to OIN ti dri a r ffljP,-1 JF4F It d' :)p *---% 1 G) 4A dp > LA (A V) I c) UZ 0 31" lhWilplit a 0 IR a k % rr11- s; � 11- d CIS Hi c 0 3 PO as z to y4 0 1 f) L I LI Ll kl'o 4n L��] r, a 0 .0 rN WIF F -J BN 3rr-M%V P13A.'sYd CL ■ IN -Auf v.'v 3c ri s 0 F il � 0 M t 13 r flip -3 1Z IL. J5 24 u -3 Li L L r ft j 1.9 L sem, PC :1 9 10 C_ N v 17 la C1> r J CA m Z' ILI :3 13 r 4 4?' Z% 40 %P o r ON E. 40is If 12 LL a."b L -r-, Cc 13 a 0 11 Z 13 IS LI c A L.j 41 j 1 Aj 4t: IN 0% — rFO CL P a a: - y. L D 3, u tz 1Z 'o r a LO f—P 01-1 I�l r# I —� I^�l °—F 1'� , A1C`# b V IN aJ q? a Lid la f) L I LI Ll kl'o 4n L��] r, a 0 .0 rN WIF F -J BN 3rr-M%V P13A.'sYd CL ■ IN -Auf v.'v 3c ri flip ---------- 4 PC la C1> r 4 4?' ON 04 f3 41 j t tz dp "il f—P 01-1 I�l r# I —� I^�l °—F 1'� , A1C`# IN aJ IL