Memo and attachmentsFix #TY OF 0 t ego NiINNES T MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Lori Johnson, City Administrator DATE, June 12, 2013 SUBJECT: Joint Meeting with Cities of Albertville and St. Michael We are pleased to host a joint meeting of City Councils with neighboring cities Albertville and St, Michael, Although this meeting was prompted by a desire"to, discuss Riv rRid r services, there are several other items of mutual interest that were added to the agenda, This is an opportunity f r the three cities to share information and work together taccomplish goals that benefit the residents in the three city area. By working together we can improve services for our residents, create efficiencies in providing services, and bring attention to the development opportunities and transportation needs in this area. In addition, together the three cities are better positioned to represent the needs of the communities as we work Frith Wright Counter on transportation funding and economic development programs. The majority of the information for the meeting will be presented verbally; therefore, individual memos have not been prepared for the each of agenda items. The following is a brief highlight of the agenda items: 1. Rive rRid e r Service. Mayor St cl amp and Parks and Recreation Manager Ross D mart attended the recent Riv rRidor Transportation Technical Advisory Committ meeting. This is a new committee set rip b Riv rRid r t ��provide guidance and advice to Riv rRidor' administration n ori issues relating to public transit services, funding, marketing, service strategies, developing p lic r, special projects and capital investments." Otsego currently receives er r limited service from Riv rRid r, City representatives believe there is an unmet demand for public transportation in Otsego, a need that may also exist in Albertville and St. Michael prompting ar discussion about partnering on service for the three communities as a region rather than as individual cities. Chad Gessell, Riv rRid r Transit Director, will attend to provide information on and answer questions about RiverRider. Further, attached is background end inf rm ti n that was previously provided by RiverRider. The next attachment is a recent transportation update to the St. Michael City Council from Administrator Steve Bot. . 1-94 Corridor Coalition: Elected officials from Albertville and St. Michael cast with legislators in Washington, D.C. recently r g rding transportation funding for 1-94. We look forward to ars update on their trip at the meeting. St. Michael City AdministratorSteve Bot, chair of the 1-94 Corridor Coalition, will inform gas on the Coalition's progress and initiatives. 3. Area Transportation and Development Items: St. Michael Community rr unit Development Director Marc Weigle will read the Naber transportation and development plan discussion. The Otsego Council and staff will lead the 70th Street discussion based on the recent meeting with Fright County Commissioners Mark D l id n and Michael Potter. The extension of 70t" Street, the intersection with County Road 37, and the future Faber interchange affect all three cities as well ars the County. The proposed cooperative project partnership with Wright County on 70th Street and CR 37 will benefit all cities which in turn will assist in securing future funding to complete the section of 70th Street to CR 19 that borders both Albertville and Otsego. 2013 Joint Powers hoard Members Brine Johnson, City of Cokato Noim Leslie, Big Lake Township Pad Sawatzlre, Commissioner Rachel Leonard, Commissioner Bivee Anderson, Commissioner Charles BotTell Commissioner Date Mil fours Adult--_]- DIs/WC S dere An ndale 2 1 V 13 88.26 3 15 15 Big Lake—V TA 835 71 116 52 146 314 Buffalo 1`. - �f v it�� .37973.5 3630.75 4271 2169 4278 1592 12310 C l =� } '' 1743 305 X 79 25 636 Delano 11611 1 1 74.5 292 2485 833 47 3657 Ell � RIVer h' • • .k. 38161 3380 4049 4385 1927 485 0346 mo nticell if Fl }:� 22379.4 1924.65 19 2944 21g 1565 6634 f V s c[ l 5391 RF f �..�r I [ 5� ff Adult 687 78.75 210 2 213 AAE)C 8874.25 543.75 1 396 230 627 D + 77 2443+ 1 V 4 4./3 AnnFU 11904 647.5 30 57 557' 11 6672 ru 12469 668.2 183 36 41364366 FUWR 2 869 778 5316 516 2790 100 4 405 409 Stop 22108 1112 0 2 6801--r-6 6839 I1 1 T 20635 '' 1016-76 512 11 5589 112 Shopping-- 206 5 331 60 416 Special 473 17 80 79 159 Sed ir. 1229061-2115886.6 1 11688 1367.7 36603 9273 71241:] Total 7 241 Dial --a-ride 39939 Route Deviation 31302 ' Miles Hours iaka-ridgy' 3415,9 067'4,'16 Route to ev i n 116645.8 5812.45 ' t:-w x`k o o o ao#'pero a 4 Of a xa o 0 cl. ICA'-)v rq C*# x- ;l� s' 't Cid SCf�rt {*� r CL) Nt \'N P. t-oac°x 0'C' a er `«F: c�i a tai m s i oo DI 10. ' •'7.�� •'f �+may Y y„� f ' C]CO #I *-+ N F, CO : rl7 iso ' o '' Cfdti. Ff }`t{ f : i Y! to 40 11- r- - �* C+} to cl) jD to �n * 7 s S co �3t .��.�t��.t; `{�'•;V {�d C�1 C� !'x3 [�l�eC�[ Cw] CY C� C�# C'��i�;C`� � � ��.. lu Lo N O }�4D-t73 t --x: ;' - 'co3'¢ O V5 NA. a tom#i- ' N N #T .�+<'. :��:t) LO Q[ eft e 0�� i * Sr�,,OD U? Mt ry LO zp et \llz �j�# *rzO bm � -7 •l ti',''f is } +:��:�* F+. '2�:� �s tl- to S ;" (` CP to 0 t3lcojo to tD 10, ca 0.3 \2, co (0 tto��D� � Nr W vr' v! s i # to -t J �i }� t� st CoC4 t ;xri tri tri 0'' & . + CtD% Oa til ;�' :- t C`iLq In r# :r t=to to Or tofW 4 R --j9 s -2 E -lE '(2) :1 =ja-0A- 0 in U +zt aq 0 0 r � � t + a. .. + �+� - . : } r , ..� +.+ , a . , ..- , .. �. �,e�-tee. .�4.. ..... �. r. �.-r.. • 4.._. � � , t r ... + � + ; _ _ .. r.. v o- Excerpt from City Administrator Steve Bot's memo to the St. Michael Council regarding Transit Update As the Council is aware, we have transit as an item on our joint Council meeting with Albertville and Otsego scheduled for 8pin on Jure 20' at Otsego City Hall. Over the past few days I have spoken with a numbe • of people related to this including Senior Center Director, Joyce Flury and River Rider Director, Chad Gessel. Below is a bulleted summary ofthose discussions which I will go over with the Council at the meeting. Joyce reports there is demand for a door to door arca transit service for the seniors. Currently there are a fewvolunteer programs including "Seniors Wright at Home" and the vets office who provide volunteer rides for seniors. Chad is very open to providing door to door scheduled River Rider service in this area. They currently provide five day a week service within the boundaries of Monticello., ello, Delano, and Buffalo. River Bided has a require 15% local funding f the service which those cities cover if there is a. shortfall from the $1.25 per one way ride cost to the rider. Delano has the lowest ridership of those cities and needed to pay River Rider $5335 for their service in 2012. Monticello puts money away every year for capital bus replacement of their exclusive Monticello bus. Chad feels that a starting point of 1-3 clays of daytime service in this area would be good start to see how it goes and potentially build from there. He does have capacity (both Driver and Bus), especially during the day. Currently his only service to St. Michael is for Functional Industries for which they pick up in the morning in St. Michael, drop folks off in Buffalo for the work day and return to St. Michael after work.This all day ride doesn't work out well for our seniors according the Joyce. Diver Rider's ridership in their current Wright County cities is 2% seniors and 18% non - seniors. Almost all of the non -senior ridership is preschoolers according to Clad. In the current Diver Rider cities in Wright County, the local bus service isn't allowed t leave the City in an attempt to justify the City Tax subsidy to benefit the businesses of the City. The Seniors would life to be able to go anywhere they want for appointments, etc but l have told them that the service area if considered would likely start only in the local area which could include St. Michael, Albertville, Hanover, and western Otsego (eastern Otsego is currently served in the Elk River Service area).