ITEM 3.2B 7.10.2013 MinutesOTE O CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTEO PRAIRIE CENTER Juno 10, 2013 :00 PM Call to Order. Mayor Jessica Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7100 Pik. Roll ll: Mayor Jessica St ckar p; r cilr r r : Vern Heidn r, Doug Schroeder and Jason Wr hire r Absent: Councilmember Toni Darkenwald. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Ron Wagner,. City Engineer; Andy MacArthur, City Attorney and Tani LfF, City Clrkl Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor St ck mp led in the Pledge ofAllegiance. r Open Forum_. 1,1 Special Presentation; 2012 Annual Financial Report._ Abdo, E[ k & Meyers R pr s nt tv Andrew Berg presented the annual report. Z. Consider acienda approval. City Administrator Johnson requested to pull iters 3.8A which will be back to the June 24 City Council meeting and add item 3,12 approve settle agreement and release of claims dated January 22, 2013, CM idn r motioned to approve as charged. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Notion carried. 3. _ Consent Agenda. (Non -controversial It ._ .1 Approve Claims List. .2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. A. May 2, 2013 Meeting. B. May 28, 2013 Special Meeting. 33 Approve Superior Lawn Contract. 3,4 Approve mire of Utilities Systems Operators. 3.5 Approve purchase of fuel management system upgrade. 3,6 Call a Special Meeting on June 13, 2013 at 7:00 PM. 3,7 Request Renewal f Group Health Insurance on December 1, 2013, 3.8 Pay Estimates/ Requests: A. Approve Final Pay Estimate #5 for 70th Street from Mason Avenue to Martin Farms Avenue to l~ehn Companies in the amount of $6,623.49. -REMOVED B. Approve Pay Estimate #4 for Repair of Various s City Buildings to Erickson Builders and Co., Inc. in the amount of $102,51{4.60. 3,9 Approve Desolation 2013-31 accepting the donation from The Bank of Elk River. 3.10 Request Amendment ent of Wright County Regional Trail System to include Otsego Trails. 3.11 Approve Resolution 2013-32 adopting a SidewalkPolicy. 3.12 Approve Settle Agreement and Release of Claims dated January 22, 2013. CM Hidner motioned to approve as amended. Seconded by Ci Schroeder. All i favor. Motion carriedS 4. Public Works: .1 Kedler Avenue Storm Serer Pr . A. Award contract and Project funding. City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report. CM warehir e asked for clarification on the out of district and in district. City Engineer Wagner said required for cities over 5,000 any stormsewer after 199. as part of the wetland conservation act is required in district. CM Heldn r asked if the city has dote work with Dave Perkins Contracting before. City Engineer Wagner said they did work with the splash pad. CM Heidner motioned to award contract for Kadler Avenue storm sewer to Dave Perkins Contracting of Ramsey in the amount of $47,,121 to be funded % out district and 2 in district. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried 4.2 Needham Avenue Prole t. Award contract. City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report, City staff is recommending pursuing phase I at estimated cost of $48,000 which would include re -grading the ditches and resetting the culverts. City staff is also recommending televising the existing line. Mayor Stockamp asked if this will affect the Coenner property. City Engineer Wagner said he is moping fir. Goenner will stir[ make the charges but he has not spoken to hire, mayor Stoclap said she worries if we do phase I and he doesn't it will not take care of the problem, CM Heidner asked if the property owners will still be assessed for phase 1. City Engineer Wagner said yes. CM warehime said he would be ok with the phase 1. Mayor Stockamp np said the residents along phase 2 are the ores who complained so she is hoping that cleaning the pipe will help with their issue. CM warehime asked is the residents will be notified. City Administrator Johnson said a letter will be mailed to the property owners. CM Schroeder asked when the road is slated to be redone. City Engineer Wagner said in about ten years; it was last done in 1999. CM Heldner motioned to authorize staff to determine if Phase 1 is an option. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. r City Coun it Reports and Updates. Mayor Stockamp motioned to call a special meeting on Wednesday, ,dune 26r 2013 at 6:00 PM to review the Prairie center Project, Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. [lotion carried. Mayor Stockar p questioned which account the $200 bill from the Initiative Foundation will cone from. City Administrator Johnson said she is thinking the economic development fund and that she will confirm. CM warehime said he spoke with the Albertville Fire Chief at their open house and he recommended ended in the future the city notifies the residents of their events so they are aware. The City Council agreed. Staff Reports and Updates. City Administrator 3ohnson reminded the City Council of the June 11, 2013 Special Meetin at 11:00 AM regarding the roundabout options and also gage an update on dust control, City Engineer Wagner gave an update on LaBeaux Avenue Project, soccer fields and the Great River Centre repairing that is being done this week. Cir Schroeder motioned to recess into a rrrein at 7:59 PM to speak on the interviews scheduled for Thursday. Seconded by CM W rehime. All in favor. Motion carried. CM Schroeder motioned to reconvene the meeting at 8:05 PK Seconded by CM Warehlme. All In farm. Motion carried, City Administrator Johnson gave an update on the Administrative Services Director recruitment and selection process. After discussion, it was suggested that the special meeting for June 13 should start at 6:30 PM to accommodate passible schedule conflicts. CM Warehime motioned to change the meeting time for the June 13 special meeting to 6:30 PM, Seconded by CM Schroeder, Motion carried 4-0. " dx. urn. CM Warehime motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Schroeder* All in favor. Motion carried,, Adjourned at 8:53 PMII ATTEST: Ta m [ Loff, City Clerk 3 Mayor Jessica Soar