ITEM 3.3C PSC 4.9.2013 MinutesI T E M 3 w 3 Otsego Police Commission Minutes April 9, 2013 Present: Dara 1 anDenBerg, Paul Fields, Denise And rusko, Rob V nDenBerg, Sally Dufner, Meghan Anderson, Mayor Jessica Stockarnp., Jason Warehir e, Ross Demant, Jiro Breitbach, BJ D B er. Police officer: oltmanns Meeting called to order at: 6:35p.m. Informational Handouts reviewed- Received and reviewed. Agenda: APPROVED MINUTES fr+orn: Ma rch 1, 2013— Approved OPEN FORUM B minute limit): Jason updated us on a meeting that he and Vern attended with the Albertville Eire Department; they will be attending their monthly meetings. Albertville has 27 full time firefighters B lire in Otsego. Albertville will be doing Fire Inspections of the West side of Otsego. They will be training Ice Water Rescue. They are looking at the Golf Course Fire Hydrants with the City to come up with options to increase the pressure. Jason will update us as needed. Lair Enforcement Updates & Discussion — Discussion of fights at Cowboy Jacks last weekend that resulted In a person sustaining injuries and reeding medical attention. Both Otsego Police cars were tied up with the barfight, in turn they needed to call for another car to cover Otsego. The Police Commission found this to be of concern The Police Commission would like Jessica and Jason to discuss this with the City Council and the Bar owners and review the ordinance. We would like the City to review the increase of calls, and polices that Boondocks and CowboyJacks have in place to see if changes need to be made. Old Business: June 11, 2013- Otsego Safety Carp- will be posted in the View and on the Otsego City website. Volunteer's welcome- must stop at City Hall and have a background check done. Ross provided us with an agenda of the Safety Camp. New Business: Spring Clean Up: May 14 — our next meeting, Paul will pick up bags. National N1ht out- Will discuss at a later meeting. City Council Meeting Updates- Nothing note worthy City Council Meeting Assignments: April 22th - Paul •May 13'h_ BJ Nest Meeting: May 1, 2013- Road Cleary U Meeting Adjourned 8:20 p.m.