ITEM 3.3D OHPC 5.14.2013 MinutesI �rEM 3_3 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission Minutes May 1., 2013 Present: Toni Seroshek, Chris Wilson, Lisa Fahay, Gail Anderson; Doug Schroeder, Council Member. Special Cameo Visit by Dan Licht, City Planner. Commissioners Torn Constant and Jarnie Plantenberg- elbitschka excused in advance. Chair Tori Seroshek called the meeting to order at 7: pm. Agenda was accepted as is and minutes Of the last meeting were approved. Park History research and si n ro'ect: The goal is to get the signs up by the time of the Otsego Festival. The grant application to a SHPO was denied. However, Dan is going to write another grant request for the same purpose. old Schoolhouse Town Hall: One more move of materials Commissioners wart to save from the building is required; we agreed to do this on the evening of our next meeting. (Question: will no lights be a problem We may have an expanded space in the remodeled Prairie Center to include storage of such materials (Jamie., who also serves on the Planning Committee, has asked for that.) Chris called Habitat for Humanity inquiring whether they aright wish to acquire the building for housing but agree to keep the exterior preserved. They sounded possibly interested; Chris will follow up with thea. Right now a city ordinance calls for 2.5 acres per lot in that area so that could be a problem because the lot will be smaller than that. Doug serves on the Otsego Economic Development Authority which is the branch of local government which would review such a plan. Archives: This item will be added to the next meeting's agenda. Doug will ask Laura Schroeder to core to the next meeting because she is interested in this topic and we are interested in her help. Meeting adjourned at 7: opm. Next meeting will be Tuesday, June 11 at 7p r. Gail Anderson, Recorder