ITEM 5.1 Jalger Ave/100th St1e 0 ot C' 0 MINNESOTA g DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City Staff recommends Accepting the Fea s i bi I ity Report for the Jangler Avenue a n d 1001h Street Improvements, ordering the City Engineer to prepare plans and specifications and calling for a public ORiGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE' Public Works Ron Wagner., City Engineer June 24th )2013 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY' ITEM #: Ron Wagner,, City Engineer Daniel Licht, City Planner 5.1 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City Staff recommends Accepting the Fea s i bi I ity Report for the Jangler Avenue a n d 1001h Street Improvements, ordering the City Engineer to prepare plans and specifications and calling for a public for residents to be presented project scope and possible assessment costs. -hearing ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No. Assessment hearing proposed for July 22. BACKGROUNDMUSTIFICATION: As per City Council direction, we have prepared a Feasibility Report for the Jagler Avenue and 100'h Street Improvement Project. A majority of the current property owners petitioned the City requesting the streets be improved from a gravel surface to a bituminous surface. The Project is located along Jalger Avenue and 100th Street north of 95th Street (C AH 39). It includes shaping and paving Jagler Avenue and 10011 Street. Two cul-de-sacs are proposed on 100th Street with 40 foot radii to allow traffic to turn around and provide access to the adjacent properties. With the construction of the cul-de-sac on the east end of 100th Street,, City staff is proposing to vacate a portion of the existing right-of-way to the adjacent property owners. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED NONE A. Feasibility Report B. Resolution 2013-36 accepting a feasibility report and ordering plans and specs. MOTION: Motion to adopt Resolution 2013-36 accepting the Feasibility Report for improvement of Jalger Avenue and 100th Street and ordering preparation of plans. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: Assessment BUDGETED: o YES X NO ACTION TATE! ui APPROVE D AS REQ UESTE D o DENIED o TABLED o OTHER List changes) COMMENTS' CITY OF ot FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR PROPOSED STREET [RECONSTRUCTION JAILGER AVENUENE and I 00t" STREET NORTH 01_- gjpl"H STREET (CS H 39) CITY OF TSEGO, 'II NNEso-rA June 2013 Prepared by: al�anson A P-�nclerson 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 Telephone: 763-427-5860 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under illy direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer Under State of Minnesota Statutes Sections 326.02 to 326.16. Ronald g nor/ S:kMtjiiicipalk AOTSEGO1390\ot39OFeasibility.dor, 26052 Reg. No. June 19, 2013 Date TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 1 111. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ................................................................ 1 A. Project Location ......................................................................................... 1-2 B. Existing Conditions ................................. .................... ............................. 1-2 C. Proposed Improvements ..................................................................... 2 11. INITIATION ......................................................................... i ...................... 1 IV. FEASIBILITY ....................... 1 .............. i i ........................................... i ......... 2 V. RIGHT—OF—WAY / EASEMENTS ..................................... 1 f ........................ 2 VI. PERM ITS ............................................................... 1 .................................. 2 VII, COMPLETION ....................................................................................... .... 2 VIII. PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE .................................................... 3 IX. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST ........ 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 K 0 , 0 a 0 5 0 0 a a a 3 0 0 a N v s% w w w P F, 0 1 q 0 a a a 0 0 , a m 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 ff 4 X. PROPOSED FUNDING ................... f ......................................................... 5 X1. ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT ......... 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 , 9 0 0 , 0 0 2 0 F ff 0 0 , , 6 w I N P N P , , . . . 6 A .. n a t a m a s m m a a m s a z z m 5 XI 1. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ............................................. P6 =ffEfl1wqk_&l LOCATIONMAP .......... ................................................. .................................... A RURALSECTION ................................................................................................ B PROPOSED 100"' STREET RE—ALIGNMENT ..................................................... C PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE ....... T f .............................................................. D BENEFITING PROPERTIES .............................. ................................................. E BENEFITING PROPERTY ASSESSMENT SUMMARY ........... m m m m , m m m m , , m n , , , r r a * , q * r r r w F 1 PROPOSED STREET RECONSTRUCTION JAL ER AVENUE— 95TH STREET TO Io TH STREET CITY OF OTSEGO, MN I. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Feasibility Report is to present the City of Otsego with a preliminary examination of municipal street improvements for Jalger Avenue and 1000 h Street in Otsego, Minnesota (see Exhibit A — Project Location Map). The report discusses the proposed scope of improvements, preliminary cost estimates, potential assessment costs, and a project schedule. The report has been prepared in compliance with Minnesota State Statutes 429 for projects resulting in special assessments. [11. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS A. Project Location Jalger Avenue and 1 00th Street are located in Section 10 and 15, Township 121, Range 24, City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. Jalger Avenue, from 95 th Street (CSAH 39) to 1 00th Street and I OOt" Street, from the west cul-de-sac to the east cul-de-sac provide direct access for nine properties to 95 th Street (CSAH 39). Eight of the parcels are within the City of Otsego and one parcel is with Monticello Township. All parcels are rural residential type lots. The project area and roadway location is depicted on Exhibit A. B. Existing Conditions Jalger Avenue and 1 00th Street utilize a rural road section gravel surface. Jalger Avenue is approximately 1,495 feet in length. The width of the existing gravel typically varies from 22 to 24 feet, though it widens to almost 40 feet at the intersection with Io t" Street. 1000, Street is approximately 290 feet in length with an elongated cul-de-sac at the West end and a semi -circle intersection providing access to three properties at the east end. The width of the existing gravel is approximately 29 feet, with the west cul-de-sac being 64 feet x 95 feet. A geotechnical investigation has not been performed at the time of this report. The existing road section was hand dug to check the existing depth of gravel. Existing Class 5 thicknesses ranging from 4.5" to 6" were found. The Wright County Soil Survey issued by the USDA Soil Conservation Services depicts a subgrade of a loamy sand mix with a small area of loamy soils near 95th Street (CSAH 39). Possible areas of concern (i.e. soft spots, potholes, continually failing areas) were discussed with City personnel and no problems were identified. Therefore, for this report, the subgrade was assumed to be adequate. 2 Drainage is conveyed by the existing ditches, which are generally shallow and typically have in -slopes less than 4:1. The drainage is split at approximately the midway point along Jalger Avenue. The north half of Jalger Avenue flows through the ditches and then continues via sheet flow to the north, towards the Mississippi River. The south half of Jalger Avenue flows through the ditches to a creek that flows to the Mississippi River. C. Proposed Improvements The proposed street improvement project consists of shaping and paving the existing gravel surfaces. The project would require adding gravel to widen the road to a consistent width and obtain sufficient thickness to extablish a typical section that is in general conformance with City Street Standards. No easements or right-of-way are proposed to be acquired. It may be necessary to vacate a portion of right-of-way along 1 00th Street and turn it back to the resident(s). See section V. Right-of-Way/Easements for more information. We recommend all road sections be a paved rural section with no curb and gutter. The existing gravel surfaces will be graded to achieve a minimum 24 foot wide surface with a 1/3 inch per foot (2.78%) crown. After the existing gravel is graded, 2 inches of additional virgin Class 5 aggregate (100% crushed) shall be placed to achieve a minimum of 6 inches of aggregate base. A test roll would be performed to verify the compaction of the existing sub base. Any soft spots would be excavated and replaced with suitable soils. Finally, a 22 foot wide, 2.0 inches bituminous non -wear course will be placed followed by a 1.5 inches bituminous wear course. The existing road profile would remain the same but raised approximately 5 inches. All driveways will be adjusted accordingly. The existing cul-de-sac at the west end of 1 00th Street will be regraded to a 40 foot radius cul-de-sac and relocated within the existing right-of-way. The east leg of the I 001h Street intersection will be revised to a 40 foot radius, semi -cul-de-sac. We further recommend that topsoil shouldering material, approximately I foot wide, be placed on each side of the road to reestablish the shoulder level with the new bituminous surface. The proposed typical road section is shown in Exhibit B and the proposed realignment of 1 00th Street is shown in Exhibit C. Bituminous surfacing reduces or eliminates issues associated with gravel streets such as frost boils in the spring, wash boarding, rutting, dust, and gravel into yards. The value of existing housing is positively benefited by fronting on and being accessed by bituminous paved streets. Surface water within the project area will be conveyed via the existing ditches driveway culverts. No proposed ditch grading is anticipated. 0 III, INITIATION Residents of the Billstrow's Riverview Addition subdivision have signed a petition requesting the City complete a feasibility report regarding paving the existing gravel streets of Jalger Avenue and `10 1h Street. The City Council accepted the petition in accordance with the City Code and authorized a feasibility report be completed to determine costs and potential funding sources. IV. FEASIBILITY From an engineering standpoint, the project is feasible, and will benefit the property being served. It can be accomplished as proposed, and need not be constructed in conjunction with any other project. The City and the persons assessed should review the project for benefit to determine the economic feasibility of the proposed improvements. V. RIGHT-OF-WAY.1 EASEMENTS The existing streets and proposed street upgrades are located within the existing platted 66 foot wide right-of-way. No additional utility and drainage easements are anticipated at this time. If additional utility and drainage easements are required based on the final design, these permanent and temporary easements will need to be provided to the City of Otsego. Three properties access 100th Street to the east of Jalger Avenue. The existing road alignment in this area does not match the platted right-of-way. There are fences, driveways, and a septic system that encroach within the existing right-of-way and easements. We recommend that sufficient right-of-way and easement remain to provide access to all lots and to cover all City maintained streets as well as provide enough area for small utilities to be maintained. The remaining right-of-way and easements could be vacated at this time and turned back to the adjacent property owners to maintain. Vacation of the right-of-way may also require approval of a conditional use permit to allow less than the minimum frontage to a public street as required by the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed realignment of 100th Street is shown in Exhibit C. V1. PERMITS A Wright County right-of-way permit will be required to work at the intersection of Jalger Avenue and 9 Street (CSAH 39). At this time, no other permits are required for this project. VII. COMPLETION This project is proposed to be completed during the 2013 construction season. 0 VIII. PRELIMINARY PROJ ECT SCHEDULE The preliminary project schedule for the street improvements for Jalger Avenue and l 00th Street: Table I City of Otsego Jalger Avenue NE and I 00t" Street NE Preliminary Project Schedule 2013 If Public Hearing Waived 1 City Council Receives Feasibility Report June 24 June 24 and Schedules Public Hearing 2. City Council Holds Public Hearing for July 22 Improvement Project City Council Orders Project and 3. Authorizes Engineer to Prepare Plans July 22 July 8 and Specifications or Discontinues Process Engineer Submits Plans for City Council 4. Approval and Receives Authorization to August 12 July 22 Advertise for bid 5. Bids Due September 4 August 13 evies Bids and Awards 6. City Council Rw September 9 August 19 Contract or Discontinues Process 7, Contractor Begins Construction Late September Early September 8. Contractor Completes Construction By November 1 By October 15 9. City Council Holds Assessment Hearing November 1 1 m over 11 and Adopts Assessment Roll IX. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST A detailed estimate of 2013 construction costs for the improvements has been prepared. The costs and quantities herein are estimates only and are not guaranteed. The estimated costs shown are determined through experience with other projects of similar scope that have been built in the past. The estimated cost includes a contingency factor to cover items and issues that are unforeseen at this time. Final 5 contracts will be awarded on a unit price basis. The total estimated project cost is $128,331.00. An estimate of the cost of the improvements is shown in Exhibit D. X. PROPOSED FUNDING All of the costs for the improvements of Jalger Avenue and 1001h Street are proposed to be assessed to the benefiting properties. For this project, the recommended assessment method is to assess the benefiting properties on a per unit basis. The proposed nine parcels (9.0 assessment units) shown in Exhibits E and F, will benefit from these improvements. The property at the northwest corner of 95th Street (CSAH 39) and Jalger Avenue has direct access to 95th Street (CSAH 39) and cannot be subdivided therefore it does not benefit from the project and will not be assessed. Theproperty at the northeast corner of 95 th Street (CSAR 39) and Jalger Avenue, Parcel #9, currently has direct access to CSAH 39 but is subdividable. Any future subdivision of this parcel will require access to Jalger Avenue and is therefore a benefiting property. The City may pass a general obligation/revenue bond that will be backed by assessment of the costs to the benefiting properties of fund internally. The assessments may be paid in full up front or amortized over a period of time, typically 10 years, with an interest rate as determined by the City Council. The City Code required that the interest rate be established at 1.5% above the bond rate or the rate if bonds were to be issued. The estimated total improvennent cost is $128,331.00. One hundred percent (100%) of the improvement costs are to be assessed to the benefiting properties. Access to the property at 9000 1 00th Street, Monticello, MN 55362 is provided via 1 00th Street and Jalger Avenue. This parcel is within Monticello Township. In order for the City of Otsego to assess the property for their portion of the project costs the City of Otsego and Monticello Township must enter into an agreement in which Monticello T Township will assess the parcel and reimburse the City of Otsego prior to the City awarding a contract to undertake the project. X1. ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT The assessment portion of the project would be 100% of the total project costs depending on the final typical section. By dividing the total amount to be assessed to the benefiting properties by the number of assessable units (9.0), an assessment value is obtained. The estimated cost per unit was determined to be $14,259.00 (Exhibit F, Benefiting Property Assessment Summary). The per unit method of assessment was used due to all the benefiting properties being large single family lots and use the streets in much the same manner for access. 0 X11. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION This report analyzed the feasibility of reconstructing Jalger Avenue, from 95 th Street (CSAH 39) to 1 00th Street and 1 00th Street, from the west cul-de-sac to the east cul-de-sac. The total estimated project cost for this improvement is $128,331.00. One hundred (100%) of the costs are to be assessed to the benefiting property owners. The proposed improvements are necessary, cost effective and feasible from a technical and engineering standpoint, and benefits the properties shown on Exhibit E and the list of owners shown on Exhibit F. This report will be forwarded to the property owners proposed to be assessed for this project for their consideration and comment. We recommend that the City Council accept this report and order a Public Hearing. M LOCATION MAP INNES 'l' I 100TH STREET NE F w PJE CL LCTI N T t E 13 (CSA T 19) Hakanson 2-50 a 2-50 500 Anderson --m •2 _1 0. 201.3 — 1D: 2c-a,-n SCALE it! FEET T 390 K: \ca-j—e--g\F-R{t.ECTS\%YJ!, C P+-L\0T3: D\01390 FEAS' c EJTY- c!og TYPICAL S FGTION TYPIrAl Hal .ns n Anderson K-\cci.-I—t-.g\F-RO-IECTS\VL.",CPAL\OT3�O\OT3?i'I FDLS� UTY-d.-a )tCITY OF se MINNESOTA t4 L- 1. 5 J) BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE (LV4) -2.0 BITUNINOUS BASE COURSE (LV3) EXISITING CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE PLUS 2" VIRGIN CLASS 5 EXJSTING SUBGRADE (ASSUMED LOAMY SAND) PVqlnl7KlTlAl �24!fm 0 Mal Ilk E3fHlB- l I" B OT390 PROPOSED 100TH STREET RE -ALIGNMENT 19t CITY OF MINNESOTAg TV Hakanson I EXHIBIT C 30 a 30 60 Anderson F'i. i` .k. -L �0, 2013 ^ lDr27Qrn SCALE I'll FEET Y: \rc-J_Er. ?\Pfi' 0JECT5\VL11, C PAL\OT3-,-.�\034.3 FEAS,E: LiTY.e. City of Otsego Jalger Avenue NE and 100th Street NE Preliminary Cost Estimate Rural Section Schedule "A" - Streets Item No. Spec. No.1 Description Estimated Quantity Unit Price Extension 1 2021.601 Mobilization 1 LS $16,000.00 $15,000.00 2 2104.513 Sawing Bit Pavement (Full Depth) 105 LF $3.50 $367.50 3 2104.523 Salvage & Reinstall Sign 4 EACH $50.00 $200.00 4 2105.525 Topsoil Borrow (LV) (Shouldering) 60 CY $14.00 $840.00 5 2112.501 Sub rade Preparation 18 RS $185.00 $3,330.00 6 12211.501 Class 5 Ag g re ate Base (100% Crushed 800 TON $17.00 $1300-00 7 2232.601 Mill Bituminous Surface (1.5") 27 SY $25.00 $675.00 8 2350.601 Type LV 4 We a ri n g Course Mixture (B) (1. 5" Thick 465 TON $63.00 $29,295.00 9 2350.502 Type LV 3 Non -Wearing Course Mixture (13) (2" Thick) 625 TON $55.00 $34,375.00 10 2357.502 Bituminous Material For Tack Coat 260 GAL $3.60 $936.00 11 2563.601 Traffic Control 1 LS s1,000.00 $1 t000-00 12 2573.502 Silt Fence, Type Machine Sliced 300 LF $3.50 $1,060-00 13 2576.502 Seeding Nxture - 270 120 LBS $5.50 $660.00 14 2875.511 Mulch Material Type 1 2.0 TON $450.00 $900.00 I 2575.532 Commercial Fertilizer} .20-1 0-10 350 LBS $1.16 $402.50 Total Construction Costs $102,631.00 25% Overhead for Engineering, Legal and Construction Contingencies $26,700.00 _ TOTAL PROJECT COSTS ot39O Feasibility EngEst.xls FEAS—EngEst $1281331.0,13 6/20/2013 10.28 AM BENEFITING PROPERTIES i •. j CITY OF se o MINNESOTA 213-000-094403 iEFFEW 1E SHELLY 71ERDT 9000 1{}9`1.1, STREET NE k O.4TICELLO, WN 55362 1189113-441410 AVID & LEANN FEET C2) 024 100th STREET IA -113-001020 OTSEGO. WN 55362 VANE BACKLUND 9050 144th ETRE TSEGO, WN 6535 918—#13-001034 DOU-�LAS A PATRICIA AMTON'Y 900 1 h STREET RE OTSEGO. UN 55.3.62 � I 1 TSI STEET E 5. w An 478-iia-i1Oi070 THOWAS & KAY ZACKWIN 8-113-001040 9937 JALGER 14NUME HE HE OTSEGO, W4 55362 BRAD & WUSERLY K.kWOki,LA 9954 JiL1GER o,VINUE HE NE 8TS1 CA HH 55362 w 3-00 118-113-001050 i.AILL WRLAJ� LIERER 9854 JAL4GER AVENUE HE NE OTSEC4. urs 55362 118,113-0O1060 u� BRADLEY & CINDY KRAUS—R45.h0 9847 JkLGER AVENUE NE hE 0T5EG0F lJ:1 55.361 nQ 1 118�600�152�E44 �+ _ Ld �r W L.IAM do CHARLES HAULET 715 W. WEST ATE DR TRLR 259 Ulm -j 14'E'SlJ4CO3 T]( 78595 8 � f JJ 95 V�-J " (cs l� LEGEND D PROPOSED ASSESSED PROPERTY T Hakanson n d s �4 ISO (3 ISO 3 CSI tk.n 2,% 2�t}3 — 10--27cm SOLE 1a4 FEES K: 10 FSA$ E LPTY.cf„-g EXHIBIT E OT390 LU LLI LU LU LU W LU CL =) W LIJ U. LU LU 00 ski 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 C-! C6 C6 C C36 1 C6 C6 C6 C6 CL CA CA CA C� CA C CSI CEJ C EL CA CSI C q CSI CA CSI N QOU0 C3 01 01 Q0 02 CD on A SO r, Lr) U15 L0 Lb .--i W w w w w w w 0J F" F— Z w W w z w w w w w C co w w w w 1— M: m i _ IBJ 00f 0 CD CD ww w C3 CL N � 0 F-. co co cr, C 0) C cr) U) w to CD CD 0 C:) 0 0 (JD 0 b ce) C7 0 O CA � D C? q C} m C C A A 0 0O C? 0? C6 ob C 06C6ob 00co co La � ` O E '2 x .". ' 2 J C ' s 'cu C} m J M4) O` - >,' io CL CL � m UL :3 1;0 00 N 0 � Ln CD 1, 00 c co RESOLUTION NO. 2013-36 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE FEASIBILITY STUDY AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF JA LGER AVENUE AND 100TH STREET — NORTH OF 95TH STREET WHEREAS, the City Council ordered the preparation of a feasibility study for the improvement on the 13 th day of May 2013; and WHEREAS, such feasibility study was prepared by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. andp resented to the Council on the 24th day of June 2013 and declares the improvement feasible, for an estimated cost of $128,331; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such it is necessary, cost—effective, and feasible as detailed in the feasibility report. 2. The City Engineer is directed to prepare plans and specifications for the project as detailed in the feasibility report. 3. The council will consider the making of such improvement in accordance with the report and the assessment of benefiting property for all or a portion of the cost of the it pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429 with the estimated total cost of the improvement being $128,331. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 24th day of June, 2013. Motion By: Second By: All in Favor: Those Opposed: CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Jessica Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Tami Leff, Clerk