06-05-17 Planning Commission MinutesOTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING
June S. 2017
7:00 PM
Call to Order.
Chair Black called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll Call: Chair Pam Black; Commissioners: David Thompson, Steve Schuck, Roger
Mord, Alan Offerman, and Aaron Stritesky; Absent, Commissioners Richard Nichols and
Jim Kolles. City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp. Staff: Daniel Licht, City Planner and
Sandy Lindenfelser, Administrative Assistant.
1. Announcements:
No announcements.
2. Consider the following minutes:
2.1 May 15, 2017 Planning Commission Meeting_
Commissioner Thompson motioned to approve as amended. Seconded by
Commissioner Mord. All in favor. Motion carried.
3. Public Hearing items:
3.1 Boeson CUP:
A. Conditional Use Permit to allow a second driveway access to a
single family lot from 101St Street in accordance with Section 20-
21-4.H.11.d() of the Zoning Ordinance.
City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report.
Applicants, Nathan and Tiffany Boeson, 9747 101St Street NE were present and had no
Chair Black opened the Public Hearing at 7:04 PM
There were no comments from the public.
Commissioner Offerman asked about the asphalt surface requirement. Mr. Boeson said
that they were advised by their contractor to hold off completing the black topping for
one year and will be completed at that time.
Chair Black closed the Public Hearing at 7:06 PM.
Commissioner Thompson motioned to approve a conditional use permit
allowing a second lot access to a public street from 9747 1015 Street NE,
subject to the conditions listed in the Planning Report dated 31 May 2017.
Seconded by Commissioner Schuck. All in favor. Motion carried.
3.2. Boulder Creek:
A Amend Boulder Creek PUD -CUP to establish the principal building
on 55 foot wide lots as detached townhouse dwellings.
City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report.
John Rask of M/I Homes, 941 NE Hillwind Road, -Fridley MN 55432, was present. Mr.
Rask said what are referred to as detached townhomes in the City's Zoning Ordinance
are a single family home built on a single family lot with association lawn. and sidewalk
Chair Black opened the Public Hearing at 7:17 PM
Bill Mussel, 7649 Paris Court NE, is concerned as to what is allowed with the detached
townhome. City Planner Licht said the Zoning Ordinance only establishes minimum
requirements for livable space and garage space for detached townhomes and per
building code standards, these are single family homes. Mr. Mussel asked the builder
whether or not they plan to build any of these homes within the current areas and the
spec homes currently being put up. Mr. Rask said that they are offering a number of
single level homes in the neighborhood, so what we are talking about here are only
association maintained ones.
Josh DeZurik, 15548 76th Court NE, thanked the builder for responding to a lot of the
concerns at the association meeting. Mr. DeZurik asked where the 4th addition would
be located stating he never heard anything about a phase 4. City Planner Licht said
that they are currently grading phase 3 and phase 4 at this time and the 4th addition
reference in this application consists of one lot.
Commissioner Thompson asked if some would have basements and other would not.
Mr. Rask said that they do offer slab on grade homes and said that this is typically what
they would do if the home wasn't already graded for a basement of walkout.
Commissioner Thompson asked if the homes would include a safe room if it's a slab on
grade home. Mr. Rask said the safe rooms would be provided for slab on grade homes
as required by the Zoning Ordinance.
Commissioner Thompson asked how wide the garage door is on the third stall. Mr.
Rask said it should be a standard size 8 foot door.
Commissioner Offerman asked City Planner Licht if on previous applications the City
added requirements to require different designs and building colors? City Planner Licht
said the City has added a monotony clause on similar developments and one would be
appropriate here.
Commissioner Stritesky asked if all the setbacks are as required with the preliminary
plat? City Planner Licht said yes.
Joel Demaris, 7676 Palmgren Avenue NE asked the builder for clarification for the
northwest section of the first final plat if there will be any villa style homes built on
those lots. Mr. Rask said that there will be one level homes offered but there will not
be any association maintenance on them. City Planner Licht said that the original
approval included potential one -level home styles that would fit on those 55 lots also.
Commissioner Schuck asked if there is an existing homeowners association that covers
the balance of the development and will any of the new homes going in on the
southeast corner still be subject to the existing homeowners association. City Planner
Licht said yes.
After no further comments, Chair Black closed the Public Hearing at 7:30 PM.
Commissioner Stritesky asked if these lots in the southeast corner are going to be a
separate association or an additional subassociation within the current homeowners
association? Mr. Rask said these lots will be part of the existing homeowners
association but there will be subassociation for their snow and lawn care.
Commissioner Stritesky motioned to approve a PUD -CUP for M/I Homes
designating lots within Boulder Creek 3rd Addition and future 4t" Addition as
detached townhomes subject to the conditions outlined in the 2 June 2017
Planning Report and the following:
4. No exterior elevation shall be used on two abutting lots or lots directly across a
public street, and no elevation shall be used for more than 25 percent of the lots.
Seconded by Commissioner Thompson. All in favor. Motion carried.
3.3. Crimson Ponds West 4t" Addition:
A Zoning Map amendment rezoning a portion of Crimson Ponds West
from R-4, Single Family District to R-5, Single and Two Family District.
B Revised preliminary_ plat and PUD -CUP for Crimson Ponds West 4 t
Addition consisting of 25 single family lots and 39 detached townhouse
(single family) lots.
City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report.
Jeff Benzinger, 12301 County Road 81, Rogers MN 55374, was present, and said they
like to call these single family homes "villas", which they've built in St. Michael and
Rogers. Mr. Benzinger said the land is association maintained and the individual homes
sell for about $325,000.00. Mr. Benzinger said some of these homes will be single level
or slab on grade and some have basements. Mr. Benzinger said these are basically 65'
lots. City Planner Licht said the minimum lot area for an R-5 lot is 9,000 square feet,
whereas the lot areas per dwelling unit for the revised preliminary plat is approximately
11,000 square feet; the density is comparable between the proposed villa homes and
single family lots within Crimson Ponds West.
Commissioner Thompson asked if they are all at least 10,000 square foot lots? City
Planner Licht said the preliminary plat is configured as a unit and base lot subdivision.
This is the preferred way to see development such as this so that there is common
ownership of the yard area under a homeowners association, but there is more than
10,000 square feet of lot area per dwelling unit within each block.
Chair Black opened the Public Hearing at 7:45 PM.
Eric Larson, 7522 Ogren Avenue NE, asked if the zoning is going to an R-5 District,
which is two family district, but all the houses being built are going to be single family.
City Planner Licht said the zoning is to be R-5, Single and Two Family District, but all
these homes will be single family. Mr. Larson asked if this could be changed? City
Planner Licht said it cannot be changed unless it goes through a plat amendment
process. Mr. Larson asked who controls which contractors build in that area, and if
they are they all owned by Mr. Benzinger? City Planner Licht said the developer installs
all the public improvements and the homes.
Jim Essington, 14722 75th Lane NE, said he understood that the development was going
to be all single family lots. City Planner Licht said the property owner has the right to
request a change in zoning to accommodate their proposed development and that the
request is evaluated based on the Comprehensive Plan, which addresses the types of
housing that should be built. Mr. Essington asked if there were plans for a park in this
area. City Planner Licht stated there is a Future Parks and Trails Plan that identifies
areas where parks are to be acquired and developed as a part of an overall system.
City Planner Licht said there was no park identified to be developed within the area of
Crimson Ponds West when the development was preliminary platted, however the City
acquired a piece of land on the south side of 75th Street NE that provides for a trail
connection Boulder Creek. City Planner Licht said that the City is moving forward with
developing a playground area within Boulder Creek, as well as a trail that goes from
Padgett Avenue NE over to Palmgren Avenue NE. Mr. Essington asked if the
development adjacent to 70th Street NE (CSAH 38) going to be detached homes. City
Planner Licht said that this is grading for Boulder Creek with total of 360 single family
lots, of which 31 in the southeast corner are proposed to be single family villas. Mr.
Essington said that he would like the proposed plan to be denied.
Brent Voller, 7536 Ogren Avenue NE, wants to know that if this does get approved,
what is this going to do to the value of his property, what types of homes are there
going to be and are they going to be anti -monotony, and how many of these homes are
going to be under the association and what is the minimum number we need to make it
viable? City Planner Licht said that the Zoning Ordinance criteria for consideration of
the application doesn't include impacts to property values. City Planner Licht said if
there is a motion to approve, he recommends an anti -monotony condition be added.
Chad Beck, 7764 0 Dell Avenue NE. Mr. Beck is concerned that the current O'Dell
Avenue cul -du -sac adjacent to his property is going to be removed. City Planner Licht
explained that when the preliminary plat was approved for Crimson Ponds West in
2005, the preliminary plat included extension of that street for public safety and traffic
circulation reasons.
Christi Kingren 7792 0 Dell Avenue NE, would like clarification that the plan is to
remove the cul-de-sac and connect the streets. City Planner Licht said yes. Ms.
Kingren asked if they are required to connect to City sewer and water. City Planner
Licht said existing lots in Deer Field Acres are not required to connect to utilities per
City policy. Ms. Kingren asked if there is going to be curbing installed. City Planner
Licht said there will be a transition to the existing street without curbing. Ms. Kingren
asked where the traffic come in from off of O'Dean Avenue to 77th Street? City Planner
Licht said with the proposed final plat, the developer will construct another access to
connect 77th Street NE to O'Dean Avenue. Ms. Kingren would like the proposed
development denied.
Beth Murphy, 7490 0 Dean Avenue NE, said the traffic is horrendous and asked if there
any plans to change the speed limit? City Planner Licht said that 0 Dean Avenue NE
and 75th Street NE are guided as residential collector streets; right now O'Dean Avenue
is a 55 mph street but as development occurs, it may be possible to lower that speed
limit from 55 mph to 40 mph in the future. Commissioner Schuck said that installing a
stop sign at Odean Avenue and 75th Street will not work as people won't slow down and
others will just blow right through it. Ms. Murphy asked if maybe a pedestrian flasher
could be installed in that area. City Planner Licht said with the trail being on the west
side of O'Dean Avenue, City staff will pass the comment along to the Public Works
Subcommittee and Parks and Recreation Department for consideration.
Brent Voller, 7426 Ogren Avenue NE, said the City of Rogers installed advisory speed
signs, which did have a noticeable effect on traffic but are not necessary a legal sign.
Frank Morrisette 7460 0 Dean Avenue NE asked for a clarification regarding storm
shelter requirements. City Planner Licht said the Zoning Ordinance requires that any
dwelling constructed as slab -on -grade must put in a reinforced storm shelter, usually
either in the laundry room or bathroom.
Brian Merkley, 7551 Ogren Avenue NE, asked why wait until there are over 30 homes
built before proposing to make a change to the development? Mr. Merkley said he
doesn't want to look out the back of my house and see these homes and stated he will
do everything he can to oppose this, including seeking a legal injunction if he has to.
Jeff Benzinger, Benzinger Properties, said this is a neighborhood without covenants or a
homeowner's association, meaning there are no private restrictions on the size or value
of homes that are built these lots. Mr. Benzinger said that the homes proposed are top
end homes with many amenities and quality construction.
Commissioner Offerman said that he lives in a minimum standard, two level split home
and that there are similar homes being built in his neighborhood by Benzinger Homes,
which make his home look better.
Commissioner Thompson asked if the City would have previously been looking at
attached townhomes proposals along Odean Avenue and then transition into single
family homes? City Planner Licht said the area of Crimson Ponds West has always been
guided low density residential development, which is single family homes less than
three units per acre. City Planner Licht said that what is being proposed is still
consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
Jim Essington 14722 75th Lane NE, is concerned about the density of homes. City
Planner Licht said the Planning Commission is considering the overall balance of
housing types within the City.
Eric Larson 7552 Ogren Avenue NE, asked if Otsego has a requirement that says you
have to have a certain density of villas houses? City Planner Licht said no.
Mr. Benzinger presented images of homes they are building in Rogers.
Brian Merkley, 7551 Ogren Avenue NE, asked why higher end homes would be built
when none of the existing ones in that area are over $600,000?
Commissioner Offerman asked if an anti -monotony condition can be added. City
Planner Licht suggested adding such a condition if the Planning Commission makes a
recommendation for approval.
Commissioner Mord asked if we approve the Zoning Map change and the developer is
unable to complete this development, is the Zoning Map change in place for future
development? City Planner Licht said yes, but changes to the approved plat would be
subject to approval of the Planning Commission and City Council.
Commissioner Thompson asked what type of buffer do we have along O'Dean Avenue?
City Planner Licht said the Zoning Ordinance requires a 65 foot setback and a landscape
Chair Black closed the Public Hearing at 8:22 PM.
Commissioner Offerman motioned to approve a Zoning Map amendment
zoning Blocks 1 and 2, Crimson Ponds West 4t" Addition to R-5 District based
on a finding that the request is consistent with the 2012 Comprehensive
Seconded by Commissioner Schuck. All in favor. Motion carried.
Commissioner Offerman motioned to approve a preliminary/final plat and
PUD -CUP for Crimson Ponds West 4t" Addition, subject to Plan subject to the
conditions outlined in the 31 May 2017 Planning Report and the following:
16. No exterior elevation shall be used on two abutting lots or lots directly across a
public street, and no elevation shall be used for more than 25 percent of the lots.
Seconded by Commissioner Mord. All in favor. Motion carried.
4 Update on City Council Actions.
Mayor Stockamp reviewed prior City Council actions.
5 Update on future Planning Commission Agenda items.
City Planner Licht reviewed the schedule for future Planning Commission meetings.
6. Adjourn.
Commissioner Stritesky motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner
Schuck. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:29 PM.
(ILL -
Pam Black, Chair
San y Lin enfelser, Ad i �istratbveAss`istant