RES 13-33RESOLUTION NO.: 201 - 33 CITY of OTSEGO COUNTY OF WR IG HT$ MINNESOTA FSoLLJTIo! ACCEPTING A $650 MATCHI G GRANT FROM CENTER POINT ENERGY COMMUNITY PAT1 RSHIP FOR THE PURCHASE of SAFETY EQUIPMENT WHEREAS, tenter Pont Energy Community Partnership provides grant monies to local communities to purchase safety or emergency response equipment, and a requested assistance from Center Point Energy Community WHEREAS, the city h Partnership for the purchasey equipment of safet a ui r em needed to provide safe entry into confined spaces, and Point Ener Community Partnership will provide a grant of 1�1IH�F1�As, the Center yand $fortl�e prcl�ase of a detector to a used by city staff for confined space entry, WHEREAS, the donation from Center Point Energy Community Partnership is consistent with the criteria and intent of the City's donation policy; and WHEREAS, t ire City is verappreciative reciative of the gift from the Center Point Energy. 101', THEREFORE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego that the donation from Center Point energy is hereby accepted. MOTION BY: Dari en val SECOND Y: Schroeder ALL IN FAVOR: Stockamp, p, THOSE OPPOSED: None Dari enwald, Schroeder, Warehime ADOPTED by the Ci� Council of .lie elf f Otsego this 24th day of June, 20134 CITY of OTSEGO W./To ATTEST:Lim T'ami Loff, City Geri