RES 13-36RESOLUTION NO. 2013-36 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE FEASIBILITY STUDY AND ORDERING PREPARATION ATIO of PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF JALGER AVENUE AND '100TH STREET — NORTH of 95TH STREET WHEREAS, the City Council ordered the preparation of a feasibility study for the improvement ori the 13th day of May 2013; and WHEREAS, such feasibility study was prepared by Hal ancon Anderson Associates Inc. and presented to the Council on the 24th day of dune 2013 ars declares the improvement feasible, for an estimated cost of $128,331; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED B THE CITE' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: Such improvement is necessary, cost—effective, and feasible as detailed in the feasibility report. 2. The City Engineer is directed to prepare plans and specifications for the project as detailed in the feasibility report. 3. The council will consider the making of such improvement in accordance with the report and the assessment of benefiting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429 with the estimated total cost of the improvement being $128,331. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Otsego th1s 24th day of %jullul 21 �' Motion : Ta�ald Second By; Warehime All in Favor' Stockarnp, Darkenwald, Warehime,d Those Opposed: Mone CITY of OTS GO L i# _ �IrAMMIW�o 'fir J �M'*St .. o . ckamp, essi Vila- . ATTEST: Tari Loff. Clerk