ITEM 3.2A SCC 6.11.2013 MinutesITEM 3_2A SPECIAL. CITE` COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OTSEGO CITY HALL JANE 11, 2013 Roil Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp,, Co ncilmember : vera Heidner, and Jason Warehime. Staff: City Administrator Lori Johnson, City Attorney Andy MacArthur, City Engineer Ron Wagner.. City Planner Daniel Licht, Others Present-, Wright County Commissioner Mark aleiden; Wright County Commissioner Nike Potter; Virgil Hawkins, Wright County Engineer; Chad Hausmann, Wright County Assistant Engineer and Bill I lingbeil, H R Green. Mayor Stockamp called the meeting to order at 11:02 ani, Introductions were made. City Engineer Magner discussed the 70th Street roundabout designs and reviewed new round about options at 7& Street and Oakwood Avenue, CM Heidner requested that Wright County take over 70th Street as a Counter road and retain existing CSAH 37 as a County road given that 70th Street when improved will function as regional corridor. CM Heidner stated that 70th Street between facIver and CR 19 is not constructed to handle the traffic of a regional corridor. City staff reviewed the recommendations of the 2004 northeast Wright County Transportation Study and criteria for Wright County assuming jurisdiction of planned roadways that support upright County taking 7& Street as a County Road from Oakwood Avenue to CSAH 19. Wright County Engineer Hawkins stated his priority is to design the safest intersection possible on County Road 37 at 70th Street and Oakwood Avenue. Assistant Wright County Engineer Hausmann discussed traffic modeling stating that cars will go where they want to go and it needs to be designed the safest possible way. CM Heidner reviewed the City's transportation plan stating the City's considered and Mill retains the option to construct 85th instead of 70th, He stated the construction cost to complete the last mile of lot' Street between Madver and CR 19 is $1,,000,,000,, He indicated the cities of Albertville and Otsego do not have funding available for this project. There was discussion about Wright County assisting in paying for the last mile. The timing of construction for the approved 1-94 and Taber Avenue interchange in St, Michael and subsequent effects on CR 37 were discussed. Assistant Wright County Engineer Hausmann explained state aid standards and stated that the standards are the sane for counties and cities if state aid is used. Wright County Engineer Hawkins stated that Wright County doesn't havemoney to for construction and maintenance of this road, Commissioner Potter stated that Northeast Wright County doesn't have roads like the other side of the county where Wright County has funded concrete roads. CM. Heidner stated the City's issue is to prevent regional traffic from using 70th Street. Assistant Wright County Engineer Hausmann indicated that no design will prevent that use; the question is will it be safe. Commissioner I aleid n suggested moving forward with Wright County taking over 70th Street. City Administrator Johnson asked Commissioner l aleiden how he recommends that be accomplished at the County level. It was discussed that the installation of an interchange on 1-94 at Naber Avenue would be the trigger for the current section CSAH 37 from Oakwood Avenue and 60th Street to 1-94 being turned back from Wright County to Albertville, Otsego, and St. Michael. CM Heidner stated Otsego is willing to take CSAH 37 when the 1-94 Jaber Avenue interchange construction is completed. There was discussion about the maintenance of portion 70th Street from Oakwood to Madver. It was agreed by all present that maintenance would be addressed in the agreement with the County and that Otsego was willing to continue maintenance for a couple years to allow the County time to program those expense into the County's budget. It was agreed by all present that next t year Wright County, Albertville, and Otsego should collaborate on soliciting Federal funding through 7W for the improvement of 70th Street from MacIver to CR 19 including the intersection at CR 19, It was further agreed that this item would be placed on the ,dune 24, 2013, joint St,. Michael, Albertville, and Otsego City Council meeting agenda to get support from all three cities. CM Heidner stated that since 70th Street would be a County road based on the proposal, he has less desire to pick the roundabout design but requested that the neighbors on 70th be taken into consideration. Commissioner C alelden asked fir. I lingbell, as a roundabout expert, which design he would recommend from a safety perspectives Mr. I lingbeil stated Option 1C is the best from a safety perspective. City Attorney MacArthur questioned the timeframe for the final round about design approval in the content of securing the right of way for the project. It was the consensus of the Council members to proceed with option 1C. Commissioners Daleiden and Dotter stated they will propose the jurisdictional changes and turn back timing option agreed upon at this meeting to the County Board t CM Heidn r motioned to adjourn, Seconded by CM ' I r h« . All in favor,, Motion carried. Adjourned at 12:0 pm. Jessica LE Stockarnp, Mayor ATTEST: Lori Johnson, City Administrator