ITEM 3.2B 6.24.2013 Minutes1 T a M 3 r 2 OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER ,dune 24jr 2013 6:30 PM Roll Call: Mayor Jessica tlp; ncilreâ–ºer: Doug Schroeder, Jason lrehlrre, and Torn D rl enw ld. Excused absence: Councilmember Vern Heidner. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner,, City Engineer; Andy MacArthur, City Attorney and T r l Loff, City Clerk. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1.1 Open Forum. Special Presentation: Center Point Enemy Representative Chad Hibbard. Brad Kackman,, Representative from Center Point Energy, presented a check in the amount of $650 for the purchase of safety equipment. The City Council thanked Mr. Kackm n and enterPoint Energy for their contribution to the City. . Consider agenda awroval. CM Darkenwald noted he was not: in attendance at the June 10, 2013 meeting. CM Schroeder motioned to approve as written. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. motion carriledl , Consent e Non-controversi l itenns . .1 Approve Claims List. 3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. A. June 5. 2013 Special Meeting. B. Jure 10, 2013 meeting. -MOVED TO ITEM 3.9 3.3 Received Commission Meeting minutest Ar Planning Commission March 4. 2013, , Parks & Recreation April 10, 2013. C, Police Commission April 9, 2013, D, HPC May 14, 2013, 3.4 Resolution 13.33 accepting Center Point Energy Grant. 3.5 Call a Special Meeting on July 8,. 2013 diretiy following the regular scheduled meeting. 3,6 Approve hire of Recreation tion Assistants. 3. ' Approve Liquor License for Pour Bottle Shop, 3,8 Approve utility tool purchase, .9 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes for June 10, 2013. CM Darkenwaid motioned to rove item 3.21B to item 3.9 and approve items 3.1 t .8. Seconded by CM Schroeder, All in favor. [lotion carried. M Schroeder motioned t approve item 3.9. Seconded by CM Warehime. motion carried -. CM Darkenwald abstained. -- Public Herir , .1 Consider Leeux Avenue Assessment, , City Clerk attests to leaal notice} B. Presentation. C. Public Commentsir D. Close the Public Hearing. ft E. Consider Resolution 2013-34 andoff. s3 r City Clerk Lo f attested that all the proper noticing, posting and publishing have been completed, City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report. City staff* recommends delaying awarding the contract until all the signed easements are received. Mayor Stockamp opened the Public Hearing at 0;41 PM. City Attorney MacArthur reviewed the assessment process and presented for the record the appraisal of benefit to the properties in the amount of $9,000-10,000. Carol Fernh i , 7514 LaBeaux Avenue NE, said her concern is with the school bus and the children once the cul-de-sac is removed. She questioned if STMA be told Of this change because they currently have a stop down by her house where the cul-de-sac will now be located at 7' Street. She is worried about the ditch. City Planner Licht said the city could add a trail connection out to County Road 19. Mayor Stockamp has concern with the safety of the children as well. City Engineer Wagner said we could add a culvert with a path with concrete bolsters to keep Carrs Off the trail. City Administrator Johnson stated it is the City's intent t remove the cul-de-sac for safety reasons. She further stated staff would work to resolve the bus stop issue. Mayor Stockamp directed city staff to contact the St. Michael -Albertville School District and the bus company. Ed Specht, 8724 Meson Avenue, asked when the payment for assessment would start. City Administrator Johnson said May 15 of 2014. Mr. Specht asked when the interest starts, City Administrator Johnson said 30 days after the assessment. Elizabeth Specht, 8724 Mason Avenue, regarding property 7818 LaBeaux ernue NE, said she doesn't think that it is fair to pay interest from the day it is approved. Ms. Specht said she feels it should begin when the project is completed. City Attorney MacArthur explained the state statute. CM Darkenwald said the City could reduce that cost from the arum. City Attorney MacArthur stated a rection in the amount is allowed by statute. Ms, Specht also questioned the interest rate stating she feels ° is tea high. City Planner Licht said the sewer bead rate was 4.09%.For a recent project, Pr spectPc irate; the assessment interest rate was 5.4%. Ms. Specht said she feels 5.4% is fair. Ms. Specht questioned the width of the proposed road, City Engineer Wagner said it is 22 ft, wide with one foot of gravel on each side. Ed Specht, 8724 Mason Avenue,, said easements are usually bought not given. City Attorney (Arthur explained that because this property was originally platted by the county the normal easements were not given as is the case with properties now platted by the city. He further stated that the city is paying for the entire storm sewer improvement. Mr. Specht asked if the easement would be ten feet. City Engineer Wagner said correct. Mayor Stockamp p closed the Public Hearing of 7:04 PM. M warehime asked if the city adds the path, will that change the numbers and approval. City Engineer Wagner said he estimates it will add around $2,000-3,000 to the City's cost. City Planner Licht said his numbers were wrong previously; its 5.6% interest charged on the recent assessment. Cly Darkenwald motioned to approve Resolution 2013-34 adopting assessment with ten year term; and ,0o interest, table III changing 7818 LBeux Avenue t current owners Ed and Elizabeth Specht and reducing the assessment amount by $62.70 to a total of $4,,371.68 per parcel. Seconded by CIS Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. 2 City Engineer Wagner said this iters will be brought back to the City Council in July. 51 Public works. 5.1 Consider Resolution tion 16- accepting Feasibility I e ..for.,.Jalger Avenue. City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report. City Engineer Wagner said a Conditional Use Permit would be reed for the far driveway access. CM Da rke nwa Id question why riot just have it end with no cul-de-sac. City Engineer Wagner said because there would be no connection for the property owner. City Engineer Wagner said the city will need warier of the assessment ent public hearing signed by the propel owners. Mayor Stock rnp asked what the majority i needed to proceed. City Planner Licht said five out rine property owners. CM Darkenwalld motioned to adopt Resolution 2013-36 accepting the feasibility report for improvement ement of, Iger Avenue and 100th Street and ordering preparation of plans, Seconded by CM ware ime# All in favor. Motion carried. .2 Consider Resolution 13-37 approving Plans and Specifications for Needham Avenue Drainage Improvement Proms, City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report. Richard Devitt, 8360 Needham hal Avenue, asked if something will be done with the culvert. City Engineer Wagner said yes it will be reset. fir. Devitt said he hopes it will be reformed on his side, City Engineer Wagner said yes. Mr. Devitt stated he feels it is almost just putting a band- aid on the problem, City Engineer Wagner explained they televised the line and the water was mooring. Mayor Stockamp asked for the status of the improvements to be made by Mr. G enner. City Engineer Wagner said a letter was sent to fir. Goenner with the last date by which the project must be completed and he responded by submitting plans which City Engineer Wagner said he is currently reviewing, Cid W rehire said if the property owners are assessed again if Phase 1 is done and then the City goes. back to do Phase 2. City Engineer Wagner said yes, M Schroeder motioned to adopt Resolution 2013-37 approving plans and specifications for the Needham Avenue Drainage Improvement ent Project Phase I and ordering request for quotes. Seconded by CM D rl en v ld. All in favor. Motion carried, . Community Development: .1 J sten 2nd Addition At Preliminary and Final Plat. B. Vacation tion of Drainage Easement,. City Planner Licht presented the staff report Applicant Representative tie Brad Richardson was present and accepting the recommendations by the City Engineer. City Panner Licht said City staff reviewed the soil tests and grading plan and found them to be consistent with City requirements. City Engineer Wagner is recommending a shallow basin on the southern portion of Lot 2 to catch the runoff equal to two 106 year back to back storms, CM Darkenwald asked if Lot 2 could be subdivided in the future. City Planner Licht said it doesn't have adequate frontage; it would need 10 feet from the neighboring property to meet the requirements, CM r en r ld motioned to approve the Preliminary Plat and Final Plat of Justen 2nd addition subject to the conditions outlined in the findings of fact as presented, adoption of [resolution 20134 39 and Resolution 2013-39. Seconded by C tare irne. All in favor, Motion carried. , City Council Reports and Updates, 1 Metro Appliance Recycling lin invoice. CM Darkenwald motioned to approve. Seconded by Mayor Stockamp, Motion Carried 3-0. CM Ware i e abstained. . Staff Reports and Updates., City Administrator Johnson said she received a request from Guardian Angels for conduit bond financing in for a project in Albertville. She is looking for approval to continue discussions with Guardian Angels on their request. CIS Darkenwald said he agrees with pursuing but would lice to see a list of pros and cons. The City Council agreed to proceed, t Adm. CM Dar en Bald motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM 1l are ime. All in favor. Motion Carried. Adjourned at 7.52 PMI ATTEST: Tani Doff,. City Clerk 4 Mayor 3essica S oC amp