ITEM 3.2C SCC 6.26.2013 MinutesI T a M 3. 20 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE IE CENTER June 26, 2013 6:00 P Call to Order. Mayor Jessi a Stockamp called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica t a p; C un ilmemb rs: Vern Heldner, Jason W r him , Doug Schroeder and Tori Darkenwald. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; loss Demantr Parks and Recreation Manager; Daniel Licht, City Planner and Tri L fi", City Clerk, Prairie Center Reuse Subcommittee members: Argy Stemler,, Jamie Plant nb rg- eibits hka and Charles VonBerg. Kinghorn rn epr s nt ti r Grady Kinghorn. 11 Review Otsego Prairie Center reuse proiect. Kinghorn epr s nt tive Grady Kinghorn reviewed the preliminary cost estimate for the project. The total project estimate is $388,,797.00 which Mr. Kinghorn noted the design/architect amount probably will need to go up and be also recommended the City Council add contingency of 7-10%. Mr. Kinghorn said he could see some of the amounts go down once they are bid out. CM Warehire asked the completion time start to finish, Mr. Kinghorn said about months. Mayor Stockam p said if possible to be completed by September 1 , 2013. Mr, Kinghorn said it will be tight; but they will try.. CM Darkenwald asked what the city has budgeted for this project. City Administrator 3ohnson said $326,0001 Parks and Recreation Manager Demant reviewed the proposed floor plan in detail. A question was asked about the furniture depicted on the drawing. Mr. Kinghorn said this was for demonstration only and that there had been no discussion about furniture or fixtures. There was discussion on addition of a door with a window in the small meeting room attached to the Council Chambers to provide gathering place for the parents during activities. City Clerk Loft= said it would be beneficial for election space. But consensus was to leave plan as is. There was discussion of square tables in the senior area. The City Council agreed with the design as presented with the windows as discussed. City Administrator 3ohns n stated that based on the budget provided by Mr. Kinghorn tonight with the addition of a contingency, permits and fees, and architectural costs, the project totals approximately $450,000 excluding furniture, fixtures, and equipment which would add to the cost. Mr, Kinghorn Concurred. There was discussion about the difference in the estimated project Cost of $450,,000 plus furniture and equipment and the budget of $326,,000 and bow the difference is funded, City Administrator 3ohns n reviewed the approved CIP for this project and the balances of the corresponding funds. City staff will present financing options for the project cost that exceeds budget at the Duly 8 meeting. There was discussion on the proposal for Guardian Angels conduit bond, the amount of the fee, and bow the City may spend the fee. City Administrator Johnson gave an update on the project. The City Council agreed for City staff to move forward. City Administrator Johnson said a draft conduit bond policy will be presented for the City Council at the July 8,, 2013 City Council meeting and a Public Hearing on the Guardian Angel's bond issue has been noticed for July 22, 20130 CM Schroeder motioned to go forward with the Otsego Praire Center Reuse Project and to finalize financing at the July 8, 2013 City Council meeting. Seconded by C D r enw lld. All in favor. Motion carried. . Tennis Dome discussion.- City iscussionCity Planner richt presented background on the project. Del Bauer is considering purchasing land from Randall Begin to develop ars indoor tennis and soccer facility which would include five tennis courts and two soccer fields. Mr, Bauers group would purchase the land from Mr. Begin and donate the land to the City. The city would lease it back to the group with a thirty year lease. The requirements of the lease would provide that they include lessons for the Parks and Recreation programming and a block of hours would be provided to the City for use as the City determines. There was discussion that if the done owners wanted the City to schedule the soccer fields, ar separate scheduling agreement would be entered into. The City Council agreed to continue the discussion. 7:45 PM Mayor Stockarnp called for a five minute recess. 7:50 PM Mayor Stockamp reconvened the .meeting. Discussion on Administrative Services Director position. City Administrator Johnson requested a .notion to cancel the July 8, 2013, special meeting called to review the 70 Street appraisals because the City Attorney MacArthur has not yet received the appraisals and, as such, will not have adequate time to review them before July 8. She further requested that the July 2, 2013, special meeting for Administrative Services Director interviews be cancelled because one of the candidates is not available. She stated that both candidates are available on ,duly 11. CM Darkenwald motioned to cancel the July 2r 2013 special .meeting and call special meeting for 5:45 PM on ,duly 11, 2013 for the purpose of conducting Administrative Services Director interviews,. Seconded by CM Schroeder. Motion carried -. CM Darkenwalld motioned cancel the July 8, 2013 special meeting on the 70t"Street appraisals. Seconded by CM Schroeder, Motion carried -. The Council discussed the Administrative Services Director position. City Administrator Johnson will prepare questions for the ,duly 11 interviews . Adjourn. CM D r en r ld motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM We ime. All in flavor. Notion carried. Adjourned at 9:27 P31 ATTEST: Tami L.off, City Clerk 2 Mayor Jessica Stockamp