ITEM 3.4A Planning 6.17.2013 MinutesI7`IEM 3.4 At, OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CIT HALL Jove 1, 2013 M Calf to Order. Chair Black caned the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Reil Call: Chair Pam Black; Commissioners: David Thompson, Richard Nichols, Tammie Fallonf Brian Gorton and Heather Ei, Absent: Aaron Stritky and Jiro K1l. City Council; CM Morn Hirer. Staff: Daniel Licht, City Planner; and Tarni Loff, City Glory. . Consider the followina minutes,, ,1 March 4.2013 Planning -Commission Meeti�n , Commissioner Thome son motioned to approve as written, Seconded by Commissioner i loner i of o All in favor, Motion carried. 2. Public Hearin items. ZA Justetl2nd Add'l�i0n: A. Preliminary.and Final Plat, B. Vacation of Drainage Easement. City Panner Licht presented the Planning Report, Applicant Chad Christian, X193 NE River Road, and Bill Christian from Christian Builders were present and agreed with City staff report. . City Clerk Loll attested all the proper noticing, posting and publishing has been completed, Chair Black opened the Pubic Hearing at 7.09 PM, Keri Paige, 15108 88th Sheet, said he is the adjoining property and there have been a lot of drainage issues in the past he is concerned with drainage with this project. Mr. Paige also stated he was told the properly could not be subdivided and can't build on. He said he spoke with a driller that hit water at 2-4 feet below the surface. Mr. Paige submitted to the City Clerk a petition signed by residents against the project, Dean Lowe, 8957 Packard Avenue NE, his understanding was there would be no building on this lot. Steve Schuck, 1.5170 88th Street NE, said it is his understanding the property could not be subdivided and that outlots were prohibited from building citing language in the Subdivision Ordnance. He said his sister tried to subdivide the lot to the south of this site and was told no subdivision would be allowed, Mr. Schuck said he has concern with the drainage and where it will go. Cory Vu e,, 8809 Packard Avenue NE, is concerned with the drainage and spoke of a stink hole in the street at the intersection of Packard Avenue and WhStreet as a safety concerns Debbie Lowe, 8957 Packard Avenue NE, is concerned with the additional traffic and signage. Chair Black asked what type of sign the City posts for dead end streets and if an "No Outlet" sign would be possible., City Planner Licht said the City has adopted the uniform traffic sign manual but has discussed other options for a dead end signs -such as those mounted on top of the street name signs. Joe Campbell, 8738 Packard Avenue NE, brought pictures of the drainage issue in back yard from previous years that has now been fixed but he has concern far additional drainage issue. The Planning Commissioner asked if there was any water issue now. Mr. Campbell said no. Danny Fietek, 15117 87th Street NE, said he has a water concern and staffed he thought the property could not be subdivided. Mr. Fietek asked if the residents would be required to subdivide if sewer and water was available. City Planner Licht said right now the City is only considering the subdivision of this property and that the City has no plans for sewer and water in that area in accordance with the current Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Nichols asked what had been fixed in this area regarding stormwater. City Planner Licht said there was a breakage in a stormwater pipe at the intersectiart that the Public Works Department repaired. Commissioner Nichols asked with the grading flan is anything going to be moved around other that the houses pad. City Planner Licht said that the only grading will occur of the house pads. There was discussion an easement and access, Commissioner Thompson asked the builder if the houses will be raised. Mr, Bill Christian said that the houses will most likely be split entry designs that doesnt require a lot of fill. Dean Lowe, 8957 Packard Avenue NE, said the current frees are taking up the stormwater runoff and he is concerned about their removal. Ken Paige, 15108 88 t Street, asked if they are changing the elevation of the site. City Panner Licht said just in the area of the building pad. Cary Vue, 8809 Packard Avenue NE, stated his safety concern again regarding the sink hales that acquired a couple years ago and how long it took to get fixed. City Panner 2 Licht said the Cib/ Council has directed the Public Works Department in the future to contract if needed to get it resolved as quickly as possible. Applicant Chad Christian said both proposed lots are over acre which means here should be little impact to starmwater drainage and that he flans on keeping as many trees as possible. Char Black closed the Public Hearing at 7:41 PM. Commissioner Gerten asked what the Planning Commission needed to do regarding the petition that was submitted. City Planner Licht said that the Planning Commission may fake it into consideration in making a recommendation to the City Council, it [ s entered into the record but no additional action needs to be taken regarding it. Commissioner Gerken asked about requiring an escrow to guarantee compliance with the grading plan= City Planner richt said the City requires an escrow for completion of the abrading plan as pari of the development contract and once the grading is complete and has been certified by the City engineer the escrow is then released. Commissioner Nichols asked about the out[ot status on these parcels. City Planner Licht established in 1999 when the then owner of the house at the southeast corner of the site subdivided the property into a one acre lob and Outlat A. Commissioner Fallon asked at the end of the project will if have to be inspected, City Planner Licht said that a certified survey is required to be provided at the time each house is completed to ensure compliance with the approved grading plan. Commissioner Gerten motioned to recommend to the City Council vacation of existingdrainage and utility easement and approval of the Justin grid Addition preliminary/final plat, subject to the rine requirements listed in the Planners Report, Seconded by Commissioner Fallon. All in favor. Motion carried. CM Heidner requested the City Engineer follow up prior to the City Council meeting regarding the issues raised regarding the soil test and the culvert issue as pari of the public hearing. 3. Zoning Ordinance u date, City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report, Commissioner Thomson reviewed his Inst of items; livable structures, easement between properties/plantings,, tornado shelters or safe rooms for townhouses and setbacks. City Planner Licht said that livable structures are a code enforcement issue and that easements cannot be obstructed. Commissioner Thompson also commented on the width of the eves of homes. City Planner Licht said he will check with the Building Inspector. 3 -Update on City.council ac ions, CM Heldner updated the Commissioners on City Council actions. , Undate on future Planning Commission Agenda items. City Clerk Loff said next meeting is scheduled for July 1, 20134 6, Adjo.urn. Commissioner meson motioned to adjourn, Seconded by Commissioner Gerten, All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 27 PMN Pam Black,, Chair ATTEST; Tauri Loft, City Clerk