ITEM 5.1A Establishing turf for Soccer FieldsI P. CITY OF Ot e 0 MINNESOTA g nFPAPTMI=NT IKIFC)PMATIC)N Request for City Council Action 5111IIE! ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT' REQUESTIR: OIL- MEETING DATE: Public Works Ron Wagner,, City Engineer July 8., 2013 PRESENTER{ $)' REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Ron Wagner, City Engineer Lori Johnson, City Administrator 5.1A AGENDA ITEM DETAILS =77 W RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Approval of quotes from Professional Turf & Renovations for establishing turf and providing staff consultation for the Soccer Fields. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? Yes ISA PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No BACK RO U N DYJ U ST I F [CAT I ON: City Staff has been working with Professional Turf & Renovation since the inception of the Soccer Field Complex Project. City staff is familiar with Professional Turf & Renovation and has worked with them on various athletic fields before. Professional Turf & Renovation will provide the seed, prepare the seed bed and manage the turf through freeze up. Also included in the quote is time to attend meetings regarding design, and provide and assist Park and Recreation staff with a maintenance program for future care of fields. The total quote for the turf establishment cost is $23,,000. The estimated cost of this was $25,000 in staffs comprehensive cost memo dated March 14, 2013. SUPPORTiNG DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED NONE 0 Professional Turf& Renovation Turf Establishing Quote. 0 Professional Turf & Renovation Consultation Quote 0 Plans and Specifications for the Soccer Field Seeding and Consultation BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: 208 Community Facilities TRSA ACTION TAKEN BUDGETED' X YES D © APPROVED AS REQUESTED L) DENIED DTABLED o OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: Professional Turf &Renovation March 14, 2013 Ross Dennant Parks & Recreation City of Otsego 13400 99'x' Street NE Otsego, MN 55330 Subject: Soccer Complex Dear Ross: 24144.72r'd Street Phone: {763} 263.215 Big Lake, MN 55309 Fax: (763) 263-2152 Professional Turf & Renovation is pleased to offer you a quote to provide consultation on the new soccer complex for the City of Otsego. our services will include the following: Proposed Soccer Combe Observed the site In the Fall of 2012 Meet with, Otsego personnel to discuss design, grading plan timing of the project etc. Attend meetings this Spring to finalize plans for project to go forward Take soil sample from site before construction to check ply, nutritional values and micro nutrient levels Assist the City during the project with timing, grading approval, irrigation etc. Work with City personnel after project is complete to establish a sound maintenance program to assure premier soccer fields. Fertilization, mowing, irrigation requirements, verification# topdressing, o erseeding, and herbicide use will he discussed Total Cost for the above services is 3,00.00. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, John R. Hopko Professional Turf & Renovation 24144172nd Street Phone: (763) 263-2152 Big Lake, MN 55309 Fax: (763) 263-2152 March 14, 2013 Ross [errant Parks & Recreation City of Otsego 13400 90'x, Street ISE Otsego, IVT 55330 Subject: Soccer Complex Dear Ross: Professional Turf & Renovation is pleased to offer your a quote to establish turf on the proposed 9 acre soccer complex for the City of Otsego. Our services will include the following: Soccer Complex Turf Establishment 0 After grading is approved and irrigation installed, prepare seedbed with a power rake 6 Supply appropriate athletic seed mix and install with a primary seeder 0 Supply starter fertilizer w/micro nutrients and apply day of seeding • Supply and apply all additional fertilizations the first fall to establish uniform, dense turf 0 Monitor turf progress until freeze up * Work with City Staff on proper watering, mowing, goose control etc. • Provide the City of Otsego with the highest duality fields and no additional costs for reseeding if needed, will be necessary 0 The City will start a maintenance program in 2014 Total Cost: $19,800.00 If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, Jahn R. Holo INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS PROJECT DESCRIPTION Complete fine grading and preparation of seed bed (approx. 8.5 acres of athletic turf and I acre of non -irrigated field grass for occasional overflow parking, see construction plans). The City would like to have use of the athletic fields sometime next year, preferably as early as June of 2014 if weather cooperates. Two separate seed types for the different areas are required. A recommendation of type of seed for the athletic field and overflow parking areas and application rates is required. Bid prices shall be based on these recommendations. Maintain turf until deemed ready for use as an athletic field including but not inclusive to watering, fertilizing, disease control, weed control, aeration, etc. Reseed any areas that did not germinate or over -seeding of any areas that are deemed too thin or sparse in cover. Work with Irrigation System Contactor regarding system design (zoning and head locations) and controls. Work with City Park and Recreation staff on training regarding timing and/or amount of watering per zonelper season or weather, timing of fertilizer application and type of fertilizer, timing and application rates of herbicides, etc. PROJECT SCHEDULE Commencement: Contract will be awarded at the July 8, 2013 Council Meeting. As soon as contract is signed work with the Irrigation Contractor(s) and City Staff will commence. Final Completion: Seeding shall be completed within 14 days following the installation of the irrigation system. At this time it is anticipated that the irrigation system will be installed during August, 2013 weather permitting, Sealed Quotes for the Otsego Soccer Fields — Turf Establishment as shown on the attached Construction Plans, will be received by the City of Otsego, MN. Quotes will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. July 3, 2013, at the office of the City Engineer. Faxed, mailed or emailed Quotes will be accepted. Fax: 763-427-5860 Email: ronw@haa-inc.com Address: Hakanson Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, IVIN 55303 IB -1 00200 All Quotes must be on the required Quote Form. All blank spaces for quote prices must be filled in, in ink or typewritten. The Quote Form must be fully completed and executed when submitted. The Owner may waive any informalities or minor defects or reject any and all Quotes. Any Quote may be withdrawn prior to the above scheduled time for the opening of Quotes or authorized postponement thereof. Any Quote received after the time and date specified shall not be considered. No Bidder may withdraw their Quote for a period of thirty (30) days after the date of opening. Should there be reasons why the contract cannot be awarded within the specified period, the time may be extended by mutual agreement between the Owner and the Bidder. Bidders must satisfy themselves of the accuracy of the estimated quantities on the Construction Plans by examination of the site and review of the drawings and specifications, including Addenda. After Quotes have been submitted, the Bidder shall not assert that there was a misunderstanding concerning the quantities of work or of the nature of the work to be done. The Owner shall provide to Bidders prior to bidding, all information which is pertinent to, and delineates and describes, the land owned and rights-of-way acquired or to be acquired. No bid bond, payment bonds, or performance bonds are required for quotes less than $75,000. A conditional or qualified Quote will not be accepted. Award will be made to the lowest responsible Bidder. All applicable laws, ordinances, and the rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over construction of the project shall apply to the contract throughout. Each Bidder is responsible for inspecting the site and for reading and being thoroughly familiar with the contract documents. The failure or omission of any Bidder to do any of the foregoing shall in noway relieve any Bidder form any obligation in respect to his/her Quote. The Project Engineer is Hakanson Anderson, 3601 Thurston Avenue, Anoka, Minnesota 55303, telephone (763) 427-5860, fax (763) 427-0520 IB - 2 00200 OTSEGO SOCC F---�:3H FIELDS '7]rU11F LV--)1--ABL18HWi F---,'Nl 3 W1 I I W1 w I %.J"WW WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA 2000 0 1 Wo 1000 Eim- I Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors SCALE IN HET 36DI Thurston Ave., Anoka, Minnosota 55,303 763-427-5860 FAX 763-427-0520 SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS OT720-2013 r T - - -- - rc I I MU G 9rk T E ATHLETIC TURF4M (8 -,---- r — r s fACRE,i) d F IVA r � r r _ r a-- --,---,�----fidd 1 1 � r _ 1 I i r r , i �• - - r F_ -M -P I PUBLIC WORKS BULIDING IL el i I ! 1 9 F a � � 5 rl r � - a a r � _ f — i 80 4 80 160 fFEU_1 ,%,I ol, 2013 - 1:44p,„ SCALEfit! SOCCER FIELD3PHASE-4-9he8g TURF ��T�l��H E iSHEET Anderson OTSEGO SOCCER FIELD Cryll Englnoora and Land 8tarvears 3601 Thuralon Aver Anoka, Minnesota 56303 CITY PROJECT 13-05 OF 763-427-5860 FAX 763-427-0520 a www.haa-InO.CDm CITY OF IT E O, MINNESOTA SHEET X177 -2013 CITY OF OTSEGO SERVICES CONTRACT AGREEMENT, made this day of 15 2013, between the CITY OF OTSEGO, a political subdivision ("CITY") and RECITALS ("CONTRACTOR"); CITY leas awarded to CONTRACTOR the job described below, Description of Project: The work consists of fine grading and preparation of seed bed and establislihig and maintaining turf as shown in the constnldt'011 plates (approx. 8.5 acres of athletic turf and I acre of non -irrigated field grass for occasional overflow parking). The City would like to have use of the athletic fields sometime next year, preferably as early as June of 2014 if weather cooperates. Two separate seed types for the different areas are required (See construction plans). A recommendation of type of seed for the athletic field and overflow parking areas and application rates is required. Bid prices shall be based on these recornmendatiotis. Maintain t-tirf until deemed ready for use as an athletic field including but not inclusive to watering, fertilizing, disease control, weed control, aeratim, etc, Reseed any areas that did not germinte or over -seeding of any areas that are deemed too dein or sparse ill cover. Work witli Irrigation System Contactor regarding system design (zoning and head locations) and controls. Work with City Park and Recreation staff on training regarding timing and/or. amomit. of watering per one per season or weather, timing of fertilizer application and type of fertilizer, timing and application rates of herbicides, etc. The C01IStrUCtion Plans and Contractor'sQUotation dated 2013 are attached as part of this contract. The project will be completed within 14 days of the installation of the Irrigation System. 1. Contract Performance. CONTRACTOR shall complete performance of the PROJECT in accordance with the Project Description, Construction Plans, and Contractor's Quote dated 2013. 2. Compliance with Applicable RegUlations. CONTRACTOR shall, pursuant to performance, comply with all applicable rUICS, regUlMiOlIS, statutes or ordinances of any other unit or agency of governmem, iiieluding but not limited to those relating to non- discrimination in hiring or labor practices, payment of all required witMolding taxes, workers' compensation and Linemployment compensation insurance, liability ni isurance, OSHA or other safety rules, and regLilations, construction practices, environmental practices, wetland protection measures, vehicular safety and/or weight restrictions, reffise disposal. practices, and notices to employees, whether or not such rLdes, regulations, statutes or ordinances are set forth or adopted by reference in the Submission Requirements herein. PurSUant. to Laws of Mimiesota 1995, Chapter 31, if CONTRACTOR shall fall to pay any subcontractor hired by CONTRACTOR Wider this project within 10 days after CONTRACTOR receives Payment fi-om CITY for work for iNuhich CONTRACTOR is liable to any subcontractor, CONTRACTOR shall be liable to the subcontractor for interest on the unpaid balance, at the rate of 1.5 per cent per month. Any subcontractor aggrieved by CONTRACTOR'S failure to remit payment to the sLibcontractor shall, for the purpose of enforcement, be considered a third -1 aq beneficiary of this contract. However, nothing in this contract shall be deemed to impose upon CITY any ditty to monitor, enforce or otherwise become involved in payments from CONTRACTOR to any subcontractor. 3. Indemnification. CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and save harmless CITY froill any liability arising out of CONTRACTOR's failure to observe compliance with Paragraph 2 above, specifically including, without limitation, liability arising out of the improper disposal or storage of any hazardous waste by CONTRACTOR or any entity hired or used by CONTRACTOR for such disposal. 4. Warranty of Workmanship and Timely Completion. In addition to any warranty which might, be a part of the Plans and Specific ations /Proposal, CONTRACTOR warrants that all work completed in connection with the PROJECT shall be done in a workmanlike and timely manner in accord with applicable indLlStly standards. Where materials are being fUrnislied by CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR warrants that all materials will be of good quality and SUited for the puri pose for wliicli they are ntended. a 5. Compliance witli Statutory Req Lurements A. Data Practices Compliance: Contractor may have access to data collected or maintained by the City to the extent necessary to perform Contractor's obligations tinder this contract. Contractor agrees to maintain all data obtained from the City in the same manner as the City is required under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13. Contractor will not release or disclose the contents of data classified as not public to any person except at the written direction of the City. Contractor agrees to defend and indernnify the City from any claim, liability, damage or loss asserted against the City as a result of Contractor's failure to comply with the requirement of the Act or this contract. on terinination of this contract,. Contractor agrees to return data to tke City, as requested by the City. B. Worker's Compensation Contractor shall, at the time of execution of this contract, furnish evidence satisfactory to the City that Contractor maintains or is exempt from maintaining Worker's Compensation coverage, pursuant to Miiiiiesota Statutes Chapter 176.182. C. Income Tax Wiffiliolding Prior to the time of final payment of any allIOLIlIts owing to Contractor tuider this agreement, Contractor shall furnisli a copy of Form IC -134, certified by the Minnesota Department of Revenue, documenting that all withliolding tax requirements have been observed by Contractor. D. Audit PUSUant to Mitinesota Statutes Chapter 16C.05 (subd. 5), the books acid records of Contractor wliicli are relevant to the services being performed under this Contract shall be subject to inspection in accord with said statute, for a period of six years from the date of final payment leer* wider. 6. Performance mid Payment Securi!y (Check One) X Contractor is not required to post any performance and paymeiit security as a condition of this Contract by reason of the fact that the contract amount. is for less than. $75M00.K and City is not requiring performance security. Contractor is required to post perfortuance and payment security acceptable to the City, even though the contract price 'is less than $75,000,00. Contractor is required to post performance and payment security because the contract price is more than $75,000.00, Note: Regm-dless ofwhich olwion above is checked, ifl-miformance andpqymew security is t'-equh,-ed, the Fecw-itjshall meet that standai-ds outlined in Minnesota Statutes Chaptei, 574.26 7. Notices Any notice which is or should be reqUired to be given to CONTIUCTOR shall be sufficient if addressed as follows, and deposited, postage prepaid, in the regular United States Mail. Notice shall be deemed to have been received on the third business clay following the postmark: (Contractor) address) 8. Termination Either party may terminate this agreement on 30 days written notice to the other. 9. Payment City shall remit to Contractor the amounts billed for services assuming that Contractor has folly complied with all of the terms of this agreement, completing the project in a timely and compliant manner. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement the date above written. CITY OF OTSEGO By Jessica Stockamb Mayor By Tami Doff City Clerk, CONTRACTOR By Its