ITEM 6.1 I94 Corridorot CITYOF 0 MINNESOTA g DEPARTMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Administration Request for City Council Action REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Lori Johnson, City Administrator July 8, 2013 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY' ITEM #: Lori Johnson, City Administrator 6.1 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Recommend adoption of attached Resolution Requesting Inclusion of 1-94 West Corridor Expansion in the Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan (MNSHIP) ARE YO U SE E K I NG APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? No IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: At the Joint City Council meeting with Albertville and St. Michael, Steve Bot, St. Michael City Administrator and Chair of the 1-94 Corridor Coalition gave an update on Coalition activities. He further informed the Councils that St. Cloud Mayor Dave Kleis is requesting adoption of the attached resolution that requests that the 1-94 West expansion project be included in MNSHIP. The resolution: discusses the importance of this corridor and the need for improvement. The corridor represents 1.6 percent of the system but 40 percent of the congestion on the system occurs on this 1.6 percent. The Otsego Council requested that adoption of the resolution be added to this agenda. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED Ei NONE • Letter from St. Cloud Mayor Dave Kleis Resolution 2013-40 POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to approve the Resolution Requesting Inclusion of 1-94 West Corridor Expansion in the Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan (MNSHIP). BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: ❑YES N/A DNO ACTION TAKEN o APPROVED AS REQUESTED o DENIED COMMENTS: oTABLED ci OTHER (List changes) June 19, 2013 Subject: West Interstate 94 Expansion Dear Interstate 94 Stakeholder: As you may be aware, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) is in the process of finalizing an update to their Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan (MnSHIP). "MnSHIP" sets a new financially constrained 20 year vision for transportation investment in Minnesota that focuses primarily on system preservation, with limited major highway expansion in the Twin Cities Region. MnSHIP, as current1v proposed, includes zero major expansion for Interstate 94 or other highways in Greater Minnesota. With newly appointed MnDOT Commissioner Charlie elle recently given the green light from Governor Dayton to make the case for increased transportation funding during- the upcoming 2014 Leqislative Session and the new MnSHIP year 2033 vision due to the Legislature this fall, the timing is right to make a final push for including expansion of 1-94 in this new Plan. As you know, the 1-94 West Corridor is a huge economic engine for cities and counties in Central and Western Minnesota and also the Twin Cities Region. In fact, as an international truck freight corridor, 1-94 is one of the highest tonnage and value truck corridors in Minnesota, and has been recognized by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) as a freight corridor that will be "highly congested" by the year 2040 from the Twin Cities all the way to North Dakota. The existing federal transportation authorization bill, MAP -21, requires States to address freight bottlenecks such as 1-94 using a performance used planning and investment approach. Many existing and previous MnDOT plans have identified performance based expansion needs along 1-94 to address freight, congestion and safety problems between the Twin Cities and St. Cloud. 1-94 is also critically important to the Minnesota tourism industry, transporting 1.85 million visitor trips annually to the Alexandria and Brainerd Lakes Regions. Given these startling and concerning facts, on behalf of the St. Cloud Area Planning Organization (APO) Board, I am requesting your community's support in respectfully requesting Commissioner Zelle to include Interstate 94 expansion from the Twin Cities to St. Cloud in the new Minnesota State Highway (investment Plan (MnSHIP). Please consider adopting the attached resolution and submitting it to Commissioner Zelle no later than July 15th to join the APO in this important message. Should you have any questions regarding this effort, please contact Scott Mareck, St. Cloud APO Executive Director. Thank you very much in advance for your support! Sincerely, Mayor Dave Kleis Chair, St. Cloud Area Planning Organization RESOLUTION NO.: 2013 - 40 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA REQUESTING INCLUSION OF 1-94 WEST CORRIDOR EXPANSION IN THE MINNESOTA STATE HIGHWAY INVESTMENT PLAN (MNSHIP) WHEREAS; the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) is in the process of finalizing a new Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan (MnSHIP) that will serve as a guide for investment on the Minnesota State and Interstate highway system through the year 2033; and WHEREAS; this new financially constrained plan proposes to focus the majority of future MnDOT highway investment on system preservation, with limited major expansion projects included in the Twin Cities Region and no major expansion projects included in Greater Minnesota, including the Interstate 94 West Corridor; and WHEREAS; MnDOT has numerous existing and recent plans, including the 1-94 Interregional Corridor Plan (2002), the Central Minnesota Regional Freight Study (2011), and the 2028 Statewide Highway Investment Plan (2009) that all identify performance used expansion needs for the Interstate 94 West Corridor, and WHEREAS; the Federal Highway Administration FH VA has identified the Interstate 94 West Corridor currently as "highly congested" from the Twin Cities to St. Cloud, with high freight congestion levels forecasted to extend to North Dakota by the year 2040, and WHEREAS; the new federal transportation bill, "MAP -21", requires State Departments of Transportation to address freight bottlenecks such as Interstate 94 using performance based planning and investment criteria, and WHEREAS; the Interstate 94 West Corridor from St. Michael to St. Cloud has 40 percent of the congestion on MnDOT's "Interregional Corridor" (IRC) system, yet accounts for only 1.6 percent of this system; and WHEREAS; crash and severity rates along Interstate 94 between Rogers and Albertville are nearly twice the statewide average; and WHEREAS; the Interstate 94 West Corridor is critical to the tourism industry in Minnesota, accommodating 1.85 million visitor trips annually to the Alexandria and Brainerd Lakes Regions; and WHEREAS; at the request. of Governor Mark Dayton, MNDOT is embarking on an advocacy campaign leading into the 2014 Legislative session to educate Minnesotans about the need for additional funding to construct many of the documented unmet State transportation needs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED; the City of Otsego does hereby request the Minnesota Department of Transportation to specifically include the Interstate 94 West Corridor from Rogers to St. Cloud as an unmet performance based need for major capacity expansion in its year 2033 Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan (MnSHIP). MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 8th day of July, 2013. CITY OF OTSEGO -- Tanni Loff, City Clerk