ITEM 6.2 Funding for Prairie Center Project. 10 Request for Ots""e�-o City Council Action A DEPARTMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT' REQUESTOR, MEETING DATE: Administration Lori Johnson, City Administrator July 8, 2013 PRE SENTER (s), REVIEWED BY' ITEM ft: Lori Johnson, City Administrator 6.2 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Recommend review of funding options for the Prairie Center Project for the cost that exceeds the previously approved budget of $326,000 and designating an additional funding source(s) based on the Council -'s approval of the project at a cost of $450,000 plus furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FF & Q. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No I No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: The Prairie Center Reuse Committee has been meeting since December, 2012, to review the current and proposed uses at Prairie Center and to define a space/building design based on those uses. In anticipation of this project, the 2013 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) included funding of $326,000 for the Prairie Center project. At the June 26., 2013, City Council meeting the proposed design and estimated project budget were presented. According to Grady Kinghorn of Kinghorn Company, based on the Committee's proposed design which the Council approved with very minor changes, the construction cost is approximately $389,000. As I stated at that meeting, the addition of a construction contingency, permits and fees, and additional architectural fees bring the project cost to approximately $450,000 excluding costs for furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FF & E). The Council unanimously approved moving forward with the project based on the $450,000 plus FF & E cost estimate. A brief discussion of funding sources took place at the June 26 meeting after which the Council directed me to return with funding options on July 8 for the project assuming a $450,000 plus FF & E budget. As I stated at the June 26 meeting, the 2013 CIP budget for the project is $326,,000; of that $7,000 is payment from an insurance claim for roof damage, $75,,000 is planned to come from the Community Facilities Fund to replace the approximately 20 year old heating and air conditioning systems that are at the end of their useful lives and to fix the related existing design issues that cause water damage, and the remaining $244,000 is planned to come from the Revolving Capital Improvement Fund. This leaves a funding gap of $124,000 plus the cost of furniture and equipment items which has not yet been estimated. Furthe�as|stated onthe '6'»,other sources offunding are available ifCouncil wants tofund this project as propoaed. Funds are available in both the Community Facilities and Revolving Capital Improvement funds; although, funding another $124,,000 plus FF & E from those funds will require a shifting ofpriorities, changing the scope ofone ormore projects oradTust|ngproject timing. Aoa|wmys, there |salimited amount ofmoney available; therefore, |t/scritical that projects andQoa|sare prioritized ensuring that available funds are spent on the Council's highest priorities. Bythe action on June 26,the Council has determined that completing this project ayreoommendedbytheConlDl(tteeiS a high priority. Below isasummary of each ofthe funds from which this projectbbudgeted: Community Facilities Fund: AsofJanuary I,3OI3,this fund had afund balance of $748,000. This fund has noongoing revenue source. Ofthe fund balance $3S5,00Owas approved 1n2O13 for the soccer field complex with $100,000 to be reimbursed by TRSA over the next eightyears. That leaves acash balance of$3g3,OOOavailable /nZO13. After deducting the $75,OOO budgeted for Prairie Center, the cash balance available is $318.,000 and $328.,000 after the $20,,000 TRSA reimbursement due in 2013 is received. The CIP budgeted $480,700 for DarhenvvaldLand|ng and $44,OOOfor moving the sledding hill |nZO14. The sledding hill project will be deleted based on the recommendation to keep the hill at its existing location. The 2013 OPpr 'eotedacashshortfaUof$lOB,7OOaftertheTRSAre|mburaementispaid(nfuU|n2O21- that shortfall |sreduced toto$65,7OOafter deleting the sledding hill project. Per the ZOl8C|P,a portion ofthe Oarkenea|dLanding project vvou|dneedtobefundede|sevvhenoun|esathescope ofthe project vvaareduced. Additionally, other interim funding will need tobeidentified and committed tothe DarkenvvaldLanding project lf1t1snotde|ayeduntUthe$lOO,O8Osoocer complex reimbursement |sreceived. Revolving Capital Improvement Fund: As of January 1, 2013., this fund had a fund bGbDCe of $727,000 and acash balance of$3S4OOO. The main revenue sources for this fund are special assessments and transfers from the General Fund, the estimated annual total of which ranges from $99,OOOupto$146OOOfor the five year period from ZOl3toZU17. The 2023C|P budgeted expenditures included $24,,000 for campus signage, $244,000 for Prairie Center., and $13,500 for park signage. Special assessment revenue of$98,OOOisdue |n2O13resulting /na projected 2013 year end cash balance of $168,500; if the demolition of old City Hall is comp|eted,that balance decreases to$138,OOO This excludes any transfer from the General Fund because the amount of that transfer, if a transfer will even be made, will not be known until the end ofthe year. The ZDl3C|Pstates that the Revolving Capital Improvement Fund balance hits alow point of$174,OOOin2O14and climbs to$458,OOOatthe end of2O17. Based onthe assumptions above and the 2013 adopted CIP, funding is available |nthe Revolving Capital improvement Fund for the $124,000 and FF & E costs of the Prairie Center project in 2013. Funding is available |Dthe Community Facilities Fund only |fthe Darkenwa|dLanding project |Sde[8yed/[edUcediD scope, orfunded through other sources. |fthe balance nfthe Prairie Center project (ossumiDg $15,000 to $25,000 for FF & E) is funded by the Community Facilities Fund, approximately $186,000 to $196,000 would beavailable for the Darkenwa|dLanding project |nZO14wlth8DOth8r$8(\C0O0Vertl0efora total ofapproximately $218,OOO to $226,00,0. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED Ej NO • Preliminary Cost Estimate from Kinghorn Company • CIP Excerpts POSSIBLE MOTION --- r I Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING- I BUDGETED: u YES D NO ACTION TAKEN APPROVED AS REQUESTED DENIED ❑ TABLED n OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: 4 c LO C: 0 L 0 0 W�y Y L- co CL� (1) II W 4-f ■ LU 0 W C) �D L V 0 4-J 4+ ■ c O .0 E ai U 0 E •� '�" I L Or L b y� ro {x3 L�J � k� 4i 1 Ln S•! 1 ll fn V 1 r -i 0 CD \. 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S 'A 1- 1 4 ,y�-y+�ti i V�y� m t �}� I� /q� � jti 1JJ �}S Lot is I M � � y�4 L I �y+� co '�`o • A/ r yyyr�, 5� 1 fa 00 Y I yVl 1� 00 � �r '! 1 4 co -1-i LA t F j{ { Y/ T i tri 1 V F L P 414 V i LLA T E ai U 0 •� '�" I Or m'"'���'""„1111 i6 /�.y}y b y� ro y� J L�J � ,��V{ I� (D ro 0 L... � 40.1 a � 1� L0/ [n � , 5 4--j CJy�'',r�y, l J0 'yFp- ` '++jam LJ r 5 � w W ■_ i H m Lit w r-, oo a) c3 ) �D c i Som-ce 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 208 Community Facilities Fund Begimmig Balance 735,000 335,000 (179,700) (169,700) (159j700) Revemics and Other Fujid Som-ces Revemie T ContfibutIon 20,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 101000 Nige 6 Afonclay, July 01, 2013 Total 20,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Total Reveimes mull Othet- Fetid Som-ces 20,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,OOD Total Fujids Available 7551000 345P000 (1693700) (1592700) (149,700) Eximi(fituves and Uses Capital Pwjecls & Equipmew City Facilities Prairie Center Remodeling FAC -12-002 (75,000) 0 0 0 0 Total (75,000) 0 0 0 0 Parks & Recreation Darkenwald Landing P&R-DL12-033 0 (480,700) 0 0 0 prairie Park Soccer Fields & Parking Lots P&R-PP12-054 (345,000) 0 0 0 0 Praide Park Sledding Hill P&R-PP 13-001 0 (44,000) 0 0 0 Total (345,000) (524,700) 0 0 0 Total Expen(fiftwes an(Il Uses (420,000) (524,700) 0 0 0 Chmige in. Mimi Balmice (400,000) (514,700) 10,000 10,000 10,000 Eiidhig hmice 335,000 (179,700) (169,700) (159,700) (149,700) Nige 6 Afonclay, July 01, 2013 Source 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 414 Revolving Capital Inipi-v B eg i n ii i ii g Balance 615;000 254,175 174,175 279,175 343;175 Reveiittes aiid Offer Ftiiid Sout-ces Revetilie Sale of McDonald Property 13,500 0 0 0 0 Total 13,500 0 0 0 0 Other Flund Soiaes Special Assessments 96,000 57,000 55,000 49,000 65,000 Transfer from General Fund 50,000 50,000 50,000 50J000 50,000 Total 146,000 107,000 105,000 99,000 115,000 Total Reveiiiies aiid Othei- Ftiiid Sotirces 159,500 107,000 105,000 99,000 115,000 Total Fmids Available 774,500 301, 75 279J75 375,175 458,175 Expeiidityi-es awl Use Cap 1 ta I Noje c ts & Eq ti ipiii e i? t AdniWstragon City Entrance Signs (3) ADM -12-001 0 (60,000) 0 0 0 Q� Campus Signs ADNI-13-901 (24oOOO) 0 0 0 0 Total (24o000) (60,000) 0 0 0 City FacIlIfies Prairie Center Reniodellng FAC -1 2-002 (244;000) 0 0 0 0 Demolition of Old Town Hall FAC -1 2-009 (30;000) 0 0 0 0 Total (274,000) 0 0 0 0 Finance 2004 G. 0.Improvement Bond (Quaday) FIN -13-001 (2080825) 0 0 0 0 Total (208,825) 0 0 0 0 Parks & Recrealon Waterfront East Park P&R-12-047 0 0 0 (35,000) 0 Park Signage P&R-13-001 (131500) 0 0 0 0 Total (13,500) 0 0 (35,000) 0 PublIc Safe Erna rgency Sirens (2) PS -12-001 0 (27,000) 0 0 0 Total 0 (27,000) 0 0 0 Public Works Highway 1011144 Project Coritflbution PW-ST1 3-001 0 (100,000) 0 0 0 Total 0 (100,000) 0 0 0 Total Exl)etidittwes azi(I Uses (520,325) (187,000) 0 (35,000) 0 Page 13 AIonday, July 01, 2013 Source 414 Revolving Capital Impry Change in Ftmd Balance Endhig Balance vi I.M4 2015 2016 2017 (360,825) (80,000) 105,000 64,000 115,000 2543175 174j175 279,175 343,175 458175 S0111-ce 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Other Local Sources Begiiiiiing Balance 0 0 0 0 0 Revel es amd Othei- Rigid Soiu-ces Reve?ute Insurance Reimbursements 7j 000 0 0 0 0 Tolal 7,000 0 0 0 0 Total Revetwes niid Othei- Ftuid Both-ces 7,000 0 0 0 0 Total Funds Available 7,000 0 0 0 0 Expendittwes and Uses Capital Pi-ojects & Equiptnetit City Faciffie-s Pralie Center Remodeling FAC -1 2-002 (7,000) 0 0 0 0 Total (7,000) 0 0 0 0 Toftwl Expewlitui-es and Uses (7,000) 0 0 0 0 Chaiige hi Fuiid Babitice 0 0 0 0 0 E nding Balance 0 0 0 0 0 Pzige 2 1 Monday, July 01, 2013