06-11-13 OPCOtsego Police Commission Minutes June 11,, 2013 Present: D r4 an"Den' Berg, Paul Fields, Denise And rusl o, Ro b Van Sally Dufner, M egh'a n Anderson, Mayo r r Jessica t0tkar ', ,.â€ĒJ on W rehim , Jim Breit ach. Police officer: Rob Mossman Meeting called to order at: :3.. Informational Handouts reviewed- Received and reviewed. Agenda: APPROVED — Note to add Minutes to agenda. Minutes from: April 9, 2013 — Approved OPEN FORUM (5 minute finilt ): Paul asked Jason to check with Brad about having road clean up vest for the Police Commission. Law Enforcement Updates & Discussion — Nothing rate worthy Old Business: 0 ,dune 11, 2013- Otsego Safety amp- about 54 kids attended, it went very well, o National Night out- August 6, 2013- Contact City Hall If interested in signing up, New Business: Otsego Fe t1vaI - September 14, 2013- Mc gruff to attend. City Council Meeting Updates- Nothing noteworthy. City Council Meeting AssIgn ment : a June 24th -Jim 0 Jul Y th -- Dana Next Meeting: July 9, 2013 Meeting Adjourned 7:30 p.m,