07-01-13 PCOTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGD CITY WALL July i, 2013 7:00 PM Call to Order. Chair Black called the meeting to order at 7.00 PM. Roll Call: Chair Pam Black; Commissioners: David Thompson; Aaron Stritesky, Jim Kolles and Heather Eiden. Absent; Richard Nichols, Brian Gerten and Tammle Fallon. City Council: CM Vern Heiden r. Staff: Daniel Licht, City Planner; and Tmi Loff, City Clerk. 1, Consider the following minutes: 1,1 Juno 17, 2013 Pl nnlnci Commission Meet" . Commissioner Thompson motioned to approve as written, Seconded by Commissioner Koller. All in logon. Motion carried. 2. Public Hearn mems: 2, 1 Vetsch: A Zoning Map amendment rezoning property from A-1 District to A-2 District. B. Conditional Use Permit to allow a lot less than 20 acres and greater than 2,5 acres in an area within an A-2 District, City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report. City Planner Licht said after speaking with the applicant City staff is recommending removing item 2. The request proposes 4.29 acres be added to their property. Applicants Todd and Kristy Vetsch were present and agreed with the City staff report. City Clerk Loff attested to all the proper noticing, posting and publishing has been completed, Chair Black opened the Public Hearing at 7:05 PM. Hearing no comments Chair Black closed the public Hearing at 7;06 PM. Commissioner Stritesky motioned to approve a conditional use permit allowing administrative subdivision resulting in a ion with an area greater than 2.5 acres, subject to the following conditions listed in the Planning Report, Seconded by Commissioner Thompson. All in favor. Motion carried, 3, Update an Ci Council actions. CM Heidner updated the Commissioners on City Council actions. 4. Update an future Panning Commission Agenda items. City Clerk Laff informed the Commissioners of a Public Hearing scheduled for the Judy 15, 2013 meeting. Y Adjourn. Commissioner Stritesky motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Eidem. All in favor,, Motion carried, Adjourned at 7:14PK Pam Black, Chair ATTEST:931M")�-T Doff, City Clerk