ITEM 3.2B 7.8.2013 Minutes1�r a M . 2 B OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER July 8, 2013 7:00 P Call to Order. Mayor Jessica St cka p called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica St a p: un llrn mb r : Vern Heldner, Jason Warehime and Doug Schroeder. Absent; Tom Darkenwald. Staff: Lori Johnson,. City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Andy MacArthur,, City Attorney and Tam! Loff, City Clerk. . Plcio of Allegiance: Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Open Forum, Judy food, 8841 O'Brian Avenue NE,, concerned with dogs running and acting vicious when she takes her walk. lis. blood gave a list of three properties to the City Clerk. City Staff will forward to the Sheriff Department. Marr 1 al rius, 13701 70th Street NE, asked for another coley of option IC roundabout plans for the 70th Street project because he couldn't see exact property and street locations on his copy. He also asked about the Wright County Commi sion r"s meeting tomorrow. City Engineer Wagner said he will send Mr.1alrlus a copy of Option 1C and that is also will be uploaded to 1.h City website. City Administrator Johnson said the Wright County Commissioner's meeting will be hold at the Wright County Public Works Building tomorrow at 1:30 P 11 Randal Begin, 9227 Napier Avenue HE, asked the plans for the property limo along the neer soccer fields that .meet his property. City Engineer Wagner stated there is silt fencing noir, once the turf is established the fencing will be removed and the edge would then be softened, Mr. Begin asked about the completion date. City Engineer Wagner said it will be seeded August 1 or later. 2. Consider acien a approval. City Administrator Johnson requested to amend Item 3,2A; Jure 11, 2013 .minutes; to read in the second paragraph after the City Engineer discussed 70th Street, CM Heidner asked if there was traffic control design that would prevent traffic from going onto 70th Street. Wright County Engineer Virgil Hawkins said no. CM Heldner .motioned to approve amended. Seconded by CM Schroeder All in favor, Motion carried. Consent. A ends. [on-controverslall iters . .1 Approve Claims List. 3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. A, Jure 11, 2013 Special Meeting, B+ Jure 24, 2013 Meeting. ting. C. June 26, 2013 Special Meeting. 3.3 Approve hire of Utilities Systems Operator. 3,4 Received Commission Meeting Minutes: A. Planning Commission June 17, 2013, 3.5 Call a Special meeting on ,duly 22, 2013 directly following the regular scheduled meeting. 3.6 Pay Estimates/Requests: A. Approve Pay Estimate to Fehn Companies for the grading of the Otsego soccer fields in the amount of $77,t331,04, B. Approve Final Payment to Fehn Companies for the construction of 7& Street from Marlowe r nu to Martin Farms Avenue in the amount of $7,861.30. CM Heidner motioned to approve with correction to item 3:21. seconded by CM Schroeder. All In favor. Motion carried. 4. Communily Development: .1 tsh : A, Zoning Map amendment rezoninci propeUfrom -1 District to A-2 District B. Conditional Use Permit to allow a lot less than 20 acres and greater than 2.5 acres in area within an A-2 District. City Planner Licht presented the staff report. CM Heldner motioned to approve a conditional use permit allowing the lot at 11140 Street to have an area greater than 2.5 acres subject to .Fre stipulations in the findings of fact as presented. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. . Public ibis; .1 Soccer Field proiect approvals, , Consider quotes from Professional Turf & Renovations. , Consider quote for Clay Lininci of Pond for water supply for irrigation. C, Consider quote for supplyina power and street li htsr City Engineer Wagner reviewed the quote from Professional Turf & Renovations in the amount f $23,000. CM W rehime stated he likes to see the quote under budget. CM I' rehime motioned to approve the quote from Professional Turf & Renovations in the amount of $23,000. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Nation carried. City Engineer Wagner reviewed quote from Fehn Companies in the amount of $18,,701.05. C Wrehirne asked if the testing for $750 is in addition to the $18,,701,05, City Engineer Wagner said yes that city staff would do the testing. CM Schroeder :motioned to approve the low quote of $18,701,05 from Fehn Companies for clay lining the irrigation pond for the soccer fields projectl seconded y CM Warehime. All in favor= Motion carried. Randal Begin, 9227 Maier Avenue, asked if staff has considered fabric lining or bentonite. City Engineer Wagner said both of those options weren't cost effective. City Engineer Wagner reviewed the quote from Wright Hennepin Cooperative Electric. CM eidner said an earlier drawing It shoved parking only on one side. limy Engineer Wagner said for now it will only be one side with overflow parking on the grass area with the option t expand in the future if needed. City Engineer Wagner stated it meets parking space required per the city code. CM W rehirme motioned to approveWright Hennepin Cooperative Electric quote of 1,l. for the soccer field street lights and pourer supply. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All In favor. Motion carried. . Administration: .1 Resolution requestinci inclusion of 1-94 West Corridor Expansion in the Minnesota State Highway Investment Plat. City Administrator Johnson presented the staff report. M Heidner motioned to approve F e luti n 2013-40 requesting inclusion in of 1-94 t Corridor Expansion in the Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan (MNSHIP). Seconded by CM 11 rehir e. All in favor, Motion carried. ,2 Approve Financing for Prairie Center _Pr City Administrator Johnson presented the staff report which presented options for funding. Mayor Stockamp asked about the Darkenwald Landing project pians. City Planner Licht said City staff met with representatives from D & ; they want the property to be given back but n official request has been submitted. There was discussion on Revolving Capital Improvement vement Fund and its revenue sources. CM H idn r is concerned that some of those resources will b going away and, therefore, has concern taping from that fund. There was discussion on the Community Facilities Fund option. CM v r hime commented that he thinks this will be a good thing for the community and residents and he feels it is reasonable priced for what we aro getting. The City Council agreed and City Administrator Johnson said the community is gaining space for community activity for a reasonable price. CM Schroeder motioned to talo from the Community Facility Fund. Mayor Stockamp seconded. Thorn was discussion on funds. M Schroeder amended his previous .motioned t $62,000 to come from the Community Facilities Fund and $62,000 from the Revolving Capital Improvement ent Fund and for furniture and equipment to he brought back for funding options. Seconded by Mayor Sto kam . All in favor. Motion carried .B Approve Qy..Policyand Guidelines Reciarding Conduit Debt. City Administrator Johnson presented the staff report. M Schroeder .motioned to approve the City Policy and guidelines regarding conduit debt at ,5010 as writtem Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. City Administrator for Johnson said the Public Hearing for the Guardian Angels project in Albertville is scheduled for July 22, 2013. t City Council Reports and Updates. Thorn was discussion on a letter addressed to the City Council regarding Boondox. Mayor Stockamp requested copies be given to the Police Commission. Thorn was discussion on Bondo`s outdoor venue. Cid Schroeder gave an update on the Eagle Scout project by Jacob Postum. . r staff Deports and Updates.. City Administrator Johnson reminded the City Council of Representative Bachman meeting scheduled for Friday, ,duly 12 at 11:30 at Holiday Inn Otsego and City Engineer Wagner gage an update on projects. r Adjourn. CM W rehir a motioned to adiourm Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:28 PSI. ATTEST: Tari Loff, City Clerk 4 Mayor Jessica Stockamp