ITEM 3.3A PSC 6.11.2013 MinutesOtsego Police Commission Minutes June IL 2013 { Present: D - . _--� 1'_D'nB r Paul Fields, Denise An ru�sl o Rob vaM DenB r Sall Dufner, Mo h n Anderson, Mayor :�,-�F - .. Jessica to #. J i n Warre irno, Jim Br itba�c . t F Police Officer: Rob Mossman Meeting called to order t: t3plrn. Informational Handouts reviewed- Received and reviewed. Agenda: APPROVED — Note to add Minutes to agenda. Minutes from: April 9, 2013— Approved OPEN FORUM minute limit). Paul asked Jason to check with Brad about Ewing road clean up vest fort e Police Commission. Law Enforcement Updates & Discussion s clothing note worth Old Business: June 11, 201 3- Otsego Safety amp- about S4 I Ids attended, it wont very well. • National Night Out- August 6, 2013# Contact City Hall If Interested in signing up. New Business: Otsego Festival- September 14, 2013- Mc rUff to attend. City Council Meeting Updates- Nothing noteworthy. City Council Meeting Assignments: a Jure 24th -Jim July 8th - Dana Next Meeting: Judy 9, 2013 Meeting Adjourned :30 p.m.