ITEM 3.5 Resolution 13-41CITY OF Ot e 0 MINNESOTA 9 DFPARTMFNT 1NFnRMAT1()K1 Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works Ron Wagner, City Engineer July 22, 2013 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Agenda Lori Johnson, City Administrator 3.5 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION., Staff recommends adopting Resolution #2013-41 which designates, extends or shortens Municipal State Aid (MSA) Streets throughout Otsego. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No I No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: The previously designated MSA Street system needs to be revised as the criteria for collecting State Aid Needs on MSA streets has changed. The new rules are much more heavily dependent on the existing traffic volumes of a street. Therefore we are proposing to revise the Otsego MSA Street system to remove non -existing streets (future roads) and lower volume streets to replace them with roads that see greater traffic volumes. This gill maxi m ize the amount of State Aid Needs Otsego can collect. A Resolution was previously passed in May 2013 with the proposed revisions to the MSA system. The system has been revised per comments received from the State. These revisions require that the City adopt a new resolution for the revised MSA Street System. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: x ATTACHED ci NONE • Plans for the proposed Otsego 2014 MSA Street System. • Tabulation Summary of the streets added, removed, or unchanged. • Resolution 2013-41 POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to Approve Resolution #2013-41 upon which this Resolution will be sent to the Commissioner of Transportation for his consideration. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING- I BUDGETED: o YES N/A ACTION TAKEN n A PPROVE D AS REQ U ESTE D o DENIED DTA13LED o OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: NIL FFUEPA-cEO Rf' I Ha ancon 2DW I Anderson SCALE Cfe3 Er5�!n*ars and Land Surveyors Ml Thmlon Am. Ani;ka. Wlmr,030x0 553J03 763 -427 -*36G rJkX 763-427-0520 ww-W.hi3G-Inc.c0,-n DENOTES ll�f�5TATE EY5FFESS7dkAy L-21 V LES CEN-�TFt,5 Lr-NNtS/)TA STATE TRUNK Kf9,l'kkY 4.04 VLE S L-CNOTi-;S w—�HT COA�LrY STATE r'Q I-PSPrwLkY 24.31 PES CENOTES OTY Fv--)-kU (OPJktiil) CP4OEs OTY Fo.kb Cafulj N'Dus) til';OrES OTY HAU CiEN�i1rtS U�k STREETS 0 DENOTES NO-ACOESS CUL -CC -S -LC DENOTES QTY VOhKRY PREPARM _PkNL 1537 it StS:2 1)31 lft� 2 SAY"N 7 ■ _LL I I I __j — —i , 11 1 — I ----r I a ' - . m RT NO. 112 L4 1-1 FT -1 Fj 70TH S"REET 16 .rrE E —1 erre CF c'F J! 5 z Li -LL L dc> L.LJ m cr. R ITT -RT----k, 0-� 114 1 0 OTH Il ■ ® ■NI I I� � F-1 �IlT c�A I I It a N 0 3P 3P 0 IL aFM a E M 0 1 1 0 MhWdLl� 0 1 WEMd 0 0 B 0 00=0 1 11-4 9 5w 4 4 W-2 04 U� 0 ffNL= m 0 1--q m 0 E�wl 0 iYTf A OF ST cnV cr ST. LOWALL crrt clp V. LIKI-MLmlm mm m TkFS IS NOT A LECALly RECOFCCO UPr rr PZF�ZXT� A CCAZ"-rLAr40N Of hFChK*,LJLn--H ANO DATA FPON CCgj%Tf CCTO�M STM K� RANGE 24 RANGE 23 ps k ALrFWN-lirES Alka OTHM SOURCES. 3t 61 291 I A 2 V A 36 LAN 2014 MUNIGIB"'I -L ST E AID S"""Lc AIT PTION 1 ci'l-v OF DENOTES REMOVE0 FROM MSA SYSTEM (APPROX. 8.28 MILES) MINNESOTA DENOTES REMAIN IN IVISA SYSTEM (APPROX, 14,24 MILES) DENOTES ADDEO TO MSA SYSTEM (APPROX. 8.32 MILES) Summary of Proposed Otsego MSA System Revisions 'to 61, :4 001 Ira Street Name Termini Points EXISTING I Mile NON -EXISTING Mileage TOTAL Mileage Nashua Ave CSAH 37 to 83rd St 0.49 1.95 2.44 85th St CSAH 19 to Nashua Ave 85th St 2,58 2.68 Palmgren Ave 85th St to CSAH 37 0.30 0.95 0.95 Quaday Ave CSAh 42 to 85th Street 0.60 0.88 78tH/75th St Nashua Ave to Odean Ave 1.64 1.07 1.07 ,MacIver Ave ICSAH 39 to 85th St CSAH 39 to CSAH 42 1.00 1.00 8.15 8.64 0.49 ADD EXISTING NON -EXISTING NON -EXISTING Street Name Termini Points Mileage Mileage Mileage 85th St CSAH 42 to Quaday Ave 0.30 0.30 Page Ave 85th Street to CSAH .39 0.50 0.50 MacIver Ave CSAH 37 to 80th St 1.64 1.64 96th St and Ohland Ave CSAH 39 to CSAH 42 1.29 1.29 87th St CSAH 42 to Quaday Ave 0.21 0.97 0.21 Quam Ave CSAH 42 to CSAH 37 0.84 0.84 Queens Ave CSAH 37 to CSAH 36 1.70 0.63 1.70 80th St/Marlowe Ave/83rd St MacIver Ave to Nashua Ave 1.75 1.75 ,93rd St and Quads y Ave ICSAH 39 to CSAH 42 0.23 0.13 0.36 8.46 0.13 8.59 REMAIN ON SYSTEM EXISTING NON -EXISTING NON -EXISTING Street Name Termini Points I Mileage Mileage Milea2e Nashua Avenue 83rd St to CSAH 39 1,33 1.33 ;85th St Nashua Ave to CSAH 42 2.28 2.28 Page Ave 78th St to 85th St 0.78 0.78 Odean Ave CSAH 37 to CSAH 39 2.26 2.26 QUam & QUaday & 88th St dothSt to CSAH 42 1.82 0.97 2.79 75th St and 78th St Odean Ave to Quaday Ave 1.59 1.59 70th St CSAH 19 to Nashua Ave 1.97 0.63 2.60 160th St_ Jaber Ave to Jason Ave 0.25 0.25 1 12.28 1.60 13.88 NEW TOTALS 20.74 1.73 22.47 miles MAXIMUM ALLOWED PER ANNUAL 22.66 miles CERTIFICATE OF MILELAGE RESOLUTION No. 2013-41 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AND REVISING MUNICIPAL STATE AAIB STREETS WHEREAS, it appears to the City Council of the City of Otsego that the streets hereinafter described should be designated, extended or shortened Municipal State Aid Street under the provisions of Minnesota Lary. NOW THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Otsego that the roads described as follows, to -grit: 80th Street NE from MacIver Avenue NE to Marlowe Avenue NE 83rd Street NE from Marlowe Avenue NE to Nashua Avenue NE 7th Street NE from Wright CSAH 42 to Quaday Avenue NE 93rd Street NE from Wright CSAH 42 to Quaday Avenue NE 96th Street NE from Ohland Avenue NE to CSAH 42 Marlowe Avenue NE from 801h ;street N E to 83rd Street N E Ohland Avenue NE from Wright CSAH 39 to 96th Street NE Quaday Avenue NE from Wright CSAH 39 to 93rd Street NE Quare Avenue NE from Wright CSAH 42 to Wright CSAH 37 QueensAvenue NE from Wright CSAH 37 to Wright CSAH 3 be, and hereby established, located, and designated a Municipal State Aid Streets of said City subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of Minnesota. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Otsego that the roads described as follows, to -wit: 85th Street NE from Wright CSAH 42 to Quaday Avenue NE 'ladver Avenue NE from Wright CSAH 37 to 80th Street NE Page Avenue NE from 85th Street to Fright CSAH 39 be, and hereby extended as a Municipal State Aid Streets of said City subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of Minnesota. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Otsego that the reads described as follows, to -wit: 71h71h Street NE from Nashua. Avenue NE to Odean Avenue NE 85th Street NE from Wright CSAH 19 to Nashua Avenue NE liaclver Avenue NE from 85th Street NE to Wright CSAH 39 Nashua Avenue NE from Wright CSAH 37 to 3'd Street N E Palmren Avenue NE from Wright CSAH 37 to 78th Street E g g be, and hereby shortened as a Municipal State Aid Streets of said City subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of Minnesota. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed OT316 2013 Resolution Establishing IDSA St(e is (RE SED 7-16-13) to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Transportation for his consideration, and that upon his approval of the designation of said roads or portions thereof, that same be constructed, it and maintained as a Municipal State Aid Street of the City of Otsego. ADOPTED 02013 Motioned By: Seconded By: All in Favor: Those Opposed: Vern Heidner (Acting Mayor) Tami Loff (City Clerk) OT315 2013 Resolution Establishing MSA Streets (REVISED 7-16-13)