ITEM 3.11 Cowboy JacksotCITY OF 0 MINNESOTA 9 DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request -for City Council Action AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of a special event permit and alcohol premises extension permit for Cowboy Jacks for 17 August 2013 ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? I IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No. NO. BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Cowboy Jacks is planning on hosting a private wedding reception at their restaurant on 17 August 2017. The restaurant will be closed to the public after 4:OOPM for the event. The event will occur within the restaurant and is proposed to have outdoor games in the 17 parking stalls off of the patio area. An extension of the restaurant's existing on -sale liquor license is required to allow beverages to be served in the outdoor game area. The information subrnitted with the Special Event Permit application indicates that the management has proper training and procedures in place regarding alcohol service and that additional insurance coverage has been provided. The temporary extension of the premises permit can be included in the approval of the Special Event Permit. The restaurant managennent has worked with the other businesses within the building to address on- site parking availability during the event. The management will also shuttle guests to/from their hotel at the Holiday Inn or off-site parking at the Waterfront East Building B location. The management is requesting that the City allow on -street parking of Quantrelle Avenue to provide additional parking capacity. City staff supports covering the no -parking signs and allowing parking on one side of the street for the event. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Ei ATTACHED o NONE A. Special Event Permit application B. Special Event Permit --;F=; I 00�012031� �� -- - ; _�_. - - -- -- A ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR' MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 22 July 2013 PRESENTER(S)' REVIEWED BY: ITEM #' Consent Agenda City Clerk Loff 3.11 — Cowboy Jacks City Administrator Johnson AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of a special event permit and alcohol premises extension permit for Cowboy Jacks for 17 August 2013 ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? I IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No. NO. BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Cowboy Jacks is planning on hosting a private wedding reception at their restaurant on 17 August 2017. The restaurant will be closed to the public after 4:OOPM for the event. The event will occur within the restaurant and is proposed to have outdoor games in the 17 parking stalls off of the patio area. An extension of the restaurant's existing on -sale liquor license is required to allow beverages to be served in the outdoor game area. The information subrnitted with the Special Event Permit application indicates that the management has proper training and procedures in place regarding alcohol service and that additional insurance coverage has been provided. The temporary extension of the premises permit can be included in the approval of the Special Event Permit. The restaurant managennent has worked with the other businesses within the building to address on- site parking availability during the event. The management will also shuttle guests to/from their hotel at the Holiday Inn or off-site parking at the Waterfront East Building B location. The management is requesting that the City allow on -street parking of Quantrelle Avenue to provide additional parking capacity. City staff supports covering the no -parking signs and allowing parking on one side of the street for the event. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Ei ATTACHED o NONE A. Special Event Permit application B. Special Event Permit POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to approve a Special Event Permit for Cowboy Jacks on 17 ALIgu t 2012 from 4:o P I to :O AM (18 August 2013) as presented. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: r YES NA Ei No ACTION TAKEN o APPROVEDAS REQUESTED ci DENIED ci TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: Date Filled: 14 ev( �15 11 Date Complete: -11) A 9 0 Received Bir: IRPFCIAL FVFNT APPLICATION Instructions: Written application for special event permits must be made at least thirty (30) days in advance of the event's proposed date. This application period shall not begin to run until a complete application has been filed with the City. A fee, in the amount set by the City's fee schedule, shall be paid to the City along with the completed application form. Failure to provide a complete application or to pay the fee, as herein required, is sufficient reason to deny the special event permit. Property Information Property Identification Number (PID#): Street Address: 9010 Qyo�dLAp A\JL 0 AvLks Applicant Information Name: 0;,�,01 Business Name: CJJL% � I Address: City- ay, r State: Mo_ Zip Code : Telephone:- Fax: Property Owner Information if other than applicant): Name: Address: City: Telephone: Fax: Business Name: 5-5-3-30 e - rn a i 1: ckkeR C6LA-�c ijA j'f 1. _�. ( b I , (0)VI Aw 0 6 State: Zip Code: e-mail: Description of Event: On separate pages, please respond to the items below to describe the event in reference to Section 7-5-5 of the City Code: A. Details regarding the location of the event including a site plan. B. Identify the days and hours during which the event may be held. C, Detail provisions made for availability of potable water and restroom facilities and trash containers. D. Describe measures to be taken for security and crowd management including use of barricades and/or fencing. Page 1 of 2 F. Identify available off-street parking and describe traffic control measures. G. Verifv that the followina emeraencv services have been notified of the special event: a. Wright County Sheriff (a separate special event application required). b. Fire Department. C. Ambulance. H. State whether alcohol is to be served or sold at the event, provide documentation of required licenses and describe measures to ensure no sale or consumption occurs by people under 21 years of age. 1. Provide documentation of adequate insurance, including liability and/or Dram insurance as may be applicable. J. Identify use of any signs, banners or other advertising or promotional materials. K. Identify use of any additional or temporary outdoor lighting sources. L. Identify any sources of outdoor noise and use of equipment to amplify sound. M. Describe any temporary construction including but not limited to stages, shelters, fences, stairs, ramps or other structures. N. Provide a plan for post event clean-up of the site and surrounding area, removal of advertising or promotional materials and trash disposal. 0. Submit documentation, of adequate insurance, including liability and/or Dram insurance as may be applicable. P. The City Council and/or City staff may request any additional information deemed necessary to consider the soecial event permit amAcation. Signature of Applicant and Property Owner: I, the u nders iq ned, hereby apply for the considerations described above and declare that the information and materials submitted in support of this application are in compliance with adopted City policy and ordinance requirements and are complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that this application will be processed in accordance with established City review procedures at such time as it is determined to be complete Appl icant: Date: Property Owner: Page 2 of 2 Date: Special event / extension ofpremise outline Michael DeMarco 612-817-0689 m"rimip*rs1-:V;4'Aoqm chef (Otlieafte.i-inidiiiglitgrLoLil)..COM Below are the answers to the application questions A -P to the best of rnv abilitv. A. Cowboy Jacks Saloon, First parking lot area of17parking spots. Bi ALIgUSt 17m5pmLo2arn C. We will have our regular restrooms as well as potable water and trash facilities. Depending on this potential permit iwill bring inadditional trash containers. D. EnioloveeS Dosted at each entrance for verification of RSVP as well as the area to be roDed off with stantions. EMysheet is missing E, dont know if that was myprinter oranoversight, sorry, F. Wewill beutilizing our lot, with exceDUonofthe snocesset as�efor cn�stone. Safe Harbor � owned by my family, so | will utilize their signed spots. Also peop|ewill be shuttled overhnm Holiday Inn as well as the Nystrom lot nearby. If the city will allow park/ng on QuantreUe Ave it would henreat|vanVneciated. G No emergency services have been notified. I planned on informing officer Halverson this past vveekendbut d(dnot run|into Nm.|fthis )sreq u|red for anevent Uketh/y|w/U|behappytodoao ASAP. On a side note in revards to ernergencv services and securitv. I will have members of the Plymouth and Bloomington police force, Elk River fire department as well as a number of medical professionals atthis event. H. Yes alcohol willbesen/od.A||Ucen»esarouotodntmandoostedon1Vcat|on.Tn(nsuro1hatno minors are going to be served we have made a no minor on premise after 8pm rule as well as having my staff, All of whom have attended alcohol training and are aware of the carding orocess-VVemnst/1ke|vvvU|addwrist bendsorstamnntooennIe'shanduifthe councUvvou]d like. L Insurance documentation should have been provided from Kim Brown (651-238-0866) of Illinois [ausmUtvInsurance Gnnun' ]. VVewill beposting the "doaedtoPublic, � Saturday at4pm,reopening Sunday the l8m at 10arn" on all of our entrances, restroorns, gate facing 101 as well as Face Book and twitter. K. Noadditional lights L. Noadditional speakers ormusic outdoors. M. Notemporary construction. N. Staff will conduct normal sight clean up the night of as well as road, sidewalk and overflow oarNnnthene°Lday.Traahshou|dnotbea|osueduetousexpectingsomem/hatofanormo| Saturdays business. O. Refer to answer (1) as I believe Kim would not have forgotten the correct information. P. Whatever the council needs in addition I will do mv best to orovide in a very timelv fashion. Thank you for your time and consideration onthis application. |doapologize that kwas not Submitted sooner however wehave only been engaged for alittle more than amonth thus plans great without issues. Since voeare Use toalarge amount ofguests at Cowboys, <peoona|k/ don"t exDect it to be much different than a nv other Saturday night aside from the fact that |will be with friends and family and not the.general public. Thank you again for Vour time. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY IIiSURANCE DATE (M.%1/D0/YYYY) 7/10/2013 THIS CERTIMATE IS ISSUED AS Al MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must tie endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. Astaternent on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieti of such endorsernent(s). IPRODUCER CON I ACT NAME- Kim L Brown President KIM L BROWN INC PHONE FAX ASC, No, ai): (651) 730-980 1(,6jc. Nion: (6 51) 578-2427 PO Box 25407 E-t.WL ADDRESS: kim@klbins.com oodbury, MN 125 W 55 IN AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIG# im-7. k1bins. com INSURER A ; INSURED Cowboy Jacks Saloon A INSURER B: INSURER 0: AMG- Otsego, LLC BP34323 INSURER 0 256 1st Ave N, 3rd Floor INSURER E: 9010 Quantrelle Ave Otsego, MN 55330 INSURER F, Mp1s, MN 55401 COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NM.IED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO VVIAICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERmS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOM MY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. MR TYPE OF IN URA CIS ADDL sU® PQE1CV-E�FF— —P0UZy-ExF1--- LIMITS LTR HIM VAM POLICY NIUMBER (NINUMNYYY) (N1MJ0DNYYY) 17 GENERAL LIABILITY DDL@planningCO. com I EACH OCCURRENCE $ 11000,000 X COMP-3ERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY IMAGL IOKENIL�U PREMISES (Ea occurrence) $ 100r000 CLAIMS -?."DE I—x IOCCUR M ED EXP (Any one pe r:son) 5 excluded PERSONAL &ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 A BP34323 10-8-1210-6-1 GENERAL AGGREGATE s 2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIM IT APPLIES PER, PRODUCTS - C0!'.1Pj'0P AGG $ 2t0001000 $ " IRI- -IPOJECT LOC _UCY AUTOMIOBILE LIABILITY -C OM B I N E -T-Sl N G LE U �M t I (Ea accident) 130DILY INJURY (Per person) ANY' UTO ALLOWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS AUTOS BODILY INJURY (Per ar-cfdenl) $ PROPERTY DAMAGE NON-MNED HIRED AUTOS AUTOS (Per accAent) UMBRELLA LIAR OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ AGGREGATE EXCESS UAB CLAIMS -MADE r—i DEO I I RETENTICIN $ V%QRKERS COIMPENSATION --] WC STATU---I- 10TH- TORY LIMITS ER AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY YIN El- EACH ACCIDENT 500f000 A ANY PROPRJETOF�PARTNEREXECUTIVE 0FFJC-M' I EXCLUDEO? NJA E- L DISEA SE - EA FJ.1 PLOYEE $ 500,000 'EMBER (M andatory In N H) ' WC15033 10-8-1210-8-13 If yes, d e scunder DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS bel'u-v E -L DISEASE- POLICY L11A.111T Is 5001000 A Liquor Liability LL96066 7-1-13 7-1-14 $1,000,000 occurrence I I I I I unlimited aggregate DESCRIPTION OF OPERAMNS I LOCAMNS /VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Add fonal Remarks Schedu.e,if more spaw is requ'red) Coverage extends to all areas of the premise including parking lot and extends an additional 1000 sq ft beyond that. CE RTI F ICATE HO LIDER CANCELLATION City of Otsego 13400 90th Street NE SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Otsego, MN 55330 ACCORDANCE V%ITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. F 763-441-9163 17 AUTHORVED REPRESENTATIVE 00� ffAwh%awm) DDL@planningCO. com @ 1988-2010 ACO RD CORPORAT I N. Al I rights rese rved. AD25 (2010105) The ACCORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD ot 0 A KIN to C ifl 7 f9 SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT APPLICANT: Cowboy Jacks APPLICATION: Request for approval of special event permit for Cowboy Jacks on 17 August 2013. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 22 July 2013 FINDINGS: used upon review of the application and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: A. Requests for special event permits are subject to the provisions of Chapter 7, Section 5 of the City Code. B. The Special Event Permit application dated 15 July 2012 submitted by Cowboy Jacks is incorporated herein. C. The Request for Council Action prepared by the City Planner, The Planning Company LLC, is incorporated herein. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the application is hereby APPROVED subject to the following conditions: The event hours (not including setup/take down) shall be limited to 4:OOPM on 17 August 2013 to 2:OOAM on 18 August 2013. 2. On -sale liquor shall comply with Chapter 7, Section 3 of the City Code and expanded to include areas of the premises designated for outdoor gaming only for this special event. In no case shall alcoholic beverages be taken beyond the boundaries of the premises. 3. The organizers shall provide documentation of insurance coverage in amounts as determined necessary by the City Attorney, 4. All event signs shall comply with Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance including issuance of a sign permit. 5. Parking shall be allowed along one side Quantrelle Avenue on 17 August 2013 to 20 August 2013. I & [0 11910 1 SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: Attest: ,ADOPTED by the City Council Of the City Of Otsego this ""i day of July, 2013. 'ami L.ff, City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO Vern Heldner, Acting Mayor