ITEM 3.13 Kadler aveRequest for otSCITY 2OF g0 City Council Action MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT T INFOR DATION -��.:hw--::.:-__:-.:_-__.:._::.::___:.ry:_.::_:::.: w:._.N._.___::.:___w__.:-_...:-- - - --__.:....:..:.:.:...........::...M.:..w: v::.-::.:.:wry:-:..:-:w::..:-:.n:__-.::.:_..-.-_.:.:.:-_:.n_:-::.v..v_.:.. ---w-- -._...... ....... _.._.n....__..w-._-..._-..nn.......-.......w.-.n. F ICI ATIN DEP f T 1Ei T: I ST F : MEETING DATE: Administration Lori Johnson, City Administrator July ,201.3 PF E ENTE (). REVIEWED Br. ITEM #: Consent 3.13 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Recommend authorizing the City Engineer to determine the cost to complete I adlerAvenue street construction from 7 01h to801h Street at a cost not to exceed $1,000. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL of A C NT ACT? No IS PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? UIRED' No BAC NDIJUSTIFICATro : The City is working with developers and property owners along K dlerAvenue who own or are marketing property for commercial and industrial development. As the Council is aware, before development can occur, infrastructure improvements are necessary. The Council previously discussed the utility improvements required and included estimated costs in the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). However, ever, the street improvements are not included in the CIP. It is important that the City be prepared with the cost and timeline of installing all necessary infrastructure, including street improvements, to respond quickly to future development proposals. Therefore, staff is recommending that the City Engineer develop a project budget and timeline for installation of the street improvements. The Public Works Subcommittee discussed this item at its July meeting and recommends approval of an engineering study by City Engineer Ron Wagner to provide a street improvement project budget and timeline for Nadler Avenue from 701h Street to h. Street at a cost not to exceed $1,.000. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: n ATTACHED x NONE POSSIBLE MOTION Please %cord motion as you would like it to appearIn the m1nute . Motion to authorize the City Engineer to complete an engineering study to determine ar project budget and timeline for K dler Avenue street improvements bet Teen 70th Street and 80th Street at a cost not to exceed $1,.000. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: ❑ YES Street ci NO kCTION TAKEN a APPROVED AS REQUESTED DENIED TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) � MMEI TS: