ITEM 3.14 Amended Well head protection planRequest for ot CITY 90OF City Council Action MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT TMESIT II FORMATION u_ :__ ----_:� : ___:-____:� :n:::::_:�:_-:_-�:-_ :�: _:.wry.:- :_ -.�__ w -- __ .__ ��—......n.:w:.:..:�_ _::_ry�:.:v.-_:-: -.: w: :-_ _ _:-::-nw... ..... i11AT11 DEPART�I3EI�T: RE�lETOR� 1EET�i� DATE: Public Utilities Kurt Neldermeler, Lead Utility July 22 2013 Systems operator PRE ENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM : Consent Lori Johnson, City Administrator 3.14 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Receive amended Well Mead Protection Plan as provided; no action Is required. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL of A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? UIRED? No No DAD RoUNDIJU TIFICATIoN: Well Head Protection Plans are amended each tern years. Included is the proposed schedule for the Otsego Plan amendment and notification to local government units. The Public Works Subcommittee was provided a copy of the Well Head Protection Plan amendment notification and schedule at the Dully .6th meeting. The direction was to include the submittal to Council for informational review. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED ii NONE • Well Head Protection Plan amendment notification and schedule POSSIBLE MOTION _ .............._n._.....-..... - -- - - - ._..-_....-----------__.__:..-:__.:_:._:.n::.::.:n_.:N..n:.::..v.::...:::........ , n ...n................................................_.....-..._....-._._-...._.._-.... -- ---- ----- --..-._..-....-........M.......-..n................n,.n.} .v_ ..... Pleas word motion as you would like it to appear In the minutes. Ido action required. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING. NA ACTION TAKEN BUDGETED: ❑`SES ❑No APPROVED AS REQUESTED fl DENIED a TABLE] ❑ OTHER (List charges) COMMENTS e F ;0 C1TY 0 ot MINNESOTA Date: Jure 2, 20 l 3 To: Wright County Board Sears Riley, Zoning Administrator Kerry Saxton, Administrator, Wright Soil and Water Conservation DistrictJoseph Jacobs, Water Planner, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District Karen Voz, Planner, Minnesota Department of Health Trudi Witkowski, i, Complia ce Officer, Minnesota Department of Health Aaron Meyer, Source Wates; Specialist, MN Rural Water A ei tion From: Kurt N id rmeier Well Head Protection Manager City of Otsego Ike: City of Otsego Wellhead Protection Program The City of Otsego is notifying neighboring and overlying omits of government of Its intent to amend our wellhead protection plan, The goal of a wellhead protection plan is to prevent human caused contaminants from entering our water supply wells and to protect all who use our water supply from adverse health effects associated with groundwater contamination. This notice is required by the Minnesota wellhead Protection Rule 4720, pail 4720.5300. The entire project will tale about t o;ce years to completer Public informational meetings will be held in the spring/early summerspring/earl of 2015 and 2016 at Otsego Praire Center, In accordance with the wellhead protection rine, the following i nformation must be included in this notice: 1. wellhead protection man K rt Neiderrrreier, City of Otsego, 13400 W" St. NF, Otsego, MN 553303 763-458-4219. 2. Unique well numbers; Well #1 (554501), Well #2 (622715), Well #3 (657343), Well #4 (b96888), Well #S (696$89), Well #6 (709269), Well #7 (721663), Well #8 (752116). 3, Date wellhead p iotection plan must be completed: June 1, 2016. . General project work plan — See attachment. 5. Missing data elements needed for wellhead pro etio : If available, please submit to ie: 1 any existing water and related land resource plans and official controls; and 2) a description of conflicts, problems, or opportunities that you want examined and addressed in our wellhead protection plan amendment. if you have any questions, please contact Kurt I eiderr eier at 763- 458-4219. 3s458-4219. Thank you for your assistance in our wellhead protection efforts. City of Otsego WHP Plan Amendment Work Plan Projected Completion Step Date: Month/Year) PART I :.:.... .. tatn.PlA d.� loan ent... . 1 ut. 2 Notice of -Plan Development Sent to Local Units of Government (LUG July 2013 Public Meeting Held with LUGs June 2015 WHP Manager Appointed Existing LUG Tear Established (Optional) June 201 Wellhead Protection `beam Appointed June 201 Scoping 1 Meting Held March 3, 2013 ..... . .... . ........... Prepare Aquifer Test Plan and Submit to 1 DH December 2014 Wellhead Protection Area WHPA Delineation January 2015 Drinking Wates` Supply Management Area (DWSMA) Delineation January 2015 Conduct Vulnerability Assessment January 2015 Vulnerability and DWSMA Submitted to MDH January 2015 ' :. rl :..: In Ili eli .. '. ...,..,:SDH' ro l:OfDw :,' H1 ,,. , ..,., .....e....ab.......t ........:...ss .� ., ... ,t.,..-:.':..' . .. ..... .. .. .. .. ., ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. ... ., ., ...... .. ............,....,............,..:.... ..:.........::..... ... �.... .., .. .,. ,. ., .., ., ,., .,. .... .. :'.' :2015'.' :.': ..... .:':.'..... :...':'.:.:::'::':::.:'.:::.::,.,::.,?::':: .....:.::......:..:'.".:'::..:......::,.:.'.'.:.."..:':...::.'.::':.. ... .... ... - .. ... ...... ... ... ... .. ... .-. Vulnerability, WEPA and DWSMASubmitted to LUGs May 2015 Public Meeting Held June 2015 PART 11 Scoping 2 fleeting Held July 201 *MDH-'�'-Scop..n& ecision ette i -D `(L gus. t:-2:0. 1�.5_ Inventory of Potential Source Contamination Sept. — Oct. 201 Management Portion of Plan' Nov. Deer 2015 Submit Plan to LUGS Januar; — Febwary 2016 Consider Comments Received by LUGS March 2016 Public Hearing Held March 201 Submit Plan to MDH March 201 .:'- �#.:.::.::....:..:...:::..:...:::':::.:',:":'::':::',:'.:.::::.','','.'`:'.:':`:':::::,',`::`::'.::.':":'`':'':.':,':'::':':'.'.:::::::.:'.:.'.:".-':.,.,'.:..,:.:,:...'..:.'..:.. :::..:.:... Provide Notice to LUGS About flan Approval July 201 B glii Plan Implementation July 2016 Prepare response to impact of changes on PWS N ell; issues, problems and ppoilunitl ; WHP goals; objectives and plan of action; evaluation program; alternate water supply; contingency strategy, Incoi-porate response to comments in plan; hl '�"h-f" 6"'I''I"'o-te's.'. S"t' 6'' 6'" 1 e'' t e' d by '-MDH Tanie of Person Completing This F ri: Kurt Nei er eier Date: June 18, 2013