ITEM 3.15 Purchase of road graderCITY OFgo ot MINNESOTA nEP F T1 FNT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIOi[ ATING DEPARTMENT: _ REQUE TOR: ...._.. -� - -w- — - - - n .-n. -v .. ...n. -...... _ . . MEETING DATE: Public Works Streets Brad B lair, Street Supervisor July 22,20 .3 PRESENTER(s). REVIEWED BY. ITE( . Consent Agnda Lori Johnson, City Admini trator 3.15 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Recommend t0 advertise for bids t0 purchase a used road grader to replace the current city owned 1988 Cat 140G grader. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No I No BA ROU DMUSTIFIC TION: The City currently owns a Cat 140G road grader that was purchased new in 1988 and is used t0 maintain approximately 15miles Of gravel roads. The CiP recommends mends ufipgrading the current gradr through replacement Or reconditioning in 2014 for ars estimated cost Of $150,000. A comparable neer replacement grader (2013 model) purchased through state contract wound cost a p p roxi rn atOly $300,000-$350,000. The Public Works sub -committee mitt discussed ars opportunity t0 purchase a used 143G Cat grader, which i owned by a nearby township that wouId meet the future reeds Of the City for the next ten t0 fifteen gears at a net cost of approximately $110,000 net trade. TO meet State Of MN purchasing requirements, the consensus Of the Public Works Sub -committee was t0 recommend the City Council approve advertising for the purchase of used road grader equivalent or exceeding the ago and condition of the 2001 143G grader discussed. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED u NONE 0 CIP related information POSSIBLE [MOTION .:..:.:.............v..-_....vn....._........w_..-..._......--.............. -- --------------- Please word motion as you would I] ke it to appear in the minutes. Motion to approve advertising for bids for the purchase of road grader. BUDGET INFORMATION 11111 FUNDING: BUDGETED: X YES I P PW -12-103 03 oN ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED u OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: HEAVY EQUIPMENT October 2012 February 2012 Unit # ProjJect## Description Mileagel fours M ileagel Hours Year Purchased Schedule Net Cost Purchased Cost Replacement PW#5 PW12-193 1988 CAT load Grader 12894 12641 1988 $122,674 2914 $150,000 PW#46 PW12-103 2905 CAT 908 Loader 252E 2411 2010 $63,33 2014 $40,000 2014) P I#'12--'103 subtotal: $190,000 PW#14 IPW12-103 2010 John Deere 320D Skid Loader360 2W 2010 3,lH[ 2015 $291900 2015} P 12-103 subtotal: $201000 PVA #21 PW 12-103 2000 CAT IT28 Loader 5394 5245000 $1491 700 2016 $150,000 2016} P 12-103 subtotal: $150,900 PW#1 IPW12-103 2007 Elgin street sweeper 790E 1636 70B8!1462 2011 $773484 2017 $180,000 2917 P 12-'103 subtotal: $180T 0 P1112--103 TOTAL: $540,090 PWM5 IPW12-0322003 Sterling S Dump Truck, Plow 1 '2984-71-2330 2874 ....10461'200 $135,21 2013 18D,009 Ply #49 1= W 12-045 '1999 Ford F578 Boors Truck 103400 '1 � 999 �1 1 � 2009 $9,6761 2019 `i �.'._.PW ##42 1 PWI2-047 2002 Sterling L8511 Dump Truck, Plow 145171 14250 2910 $52,9831 2020 $190,009 PW #39 P I2-044 2908 Sterling L8500 Dump Truck, Plow 102061-72E 94401 6591 200E 1 $68,028-.1-2023 $200,000 PW #8 P 12-027 2010 CAT 3050 ExGavator 273 258 2010 $551286 2025 $801000 PW ##43 P II'12-04 2019 Mack U 1 Tandemr Dump Truck, P10 11060 599 9346 497 2010 $197,699 2925 $2991000 L 1f # 44 P111 J -01 Mack ac GU713 Jet -Vac 131 711 3616 554 2010 $260,514 2026 001000 Capital Improvement Plan 2013 I/Irli 201' City of Otsego, Minnesota ,ejectH PW -12-103 i lProJectNameHeaver Equipment Description Heavy e uiprrrent purchase and replacement schedule as follows: Department Public Works Contact Public Works Supervisor Type Equipment Useful Life 1 - 20 Category Epipment Prlorl(y n/a A) 2014 - replace 1988 Cat grader with plow and wing attachments PW. -- $150,000 net B) 2014 - replace 2005 Cat 90front end loader (PW.46) r $40,000 net C 201 - replace 20 10 JD 320Dskid Ioader W.1 -- $20,000 net D) 2016 - replace 2000 Cat IT28 front end loader with plow and wing attachments (PW.21) - $150,000 net E) 2017 - replace 2007 Elgin Pelican street s vee W. 1 - $180,000 net The following new and replacement equipment ent is scheduled lased on the Pubtlic Works Department's ent's net management practices as defined in the introduction: The City owns a 1988 eat 1406 grader with p I ow and ging attach meats that are used in various public works 1 ;.,ailment projects, maintenance of gravel streets and snow removal operations. B) The City owns a 2605 Cat 9 0 8 front end I oad er purchased Li sed ire 2 0 10 for various Pu b I is Worl s Depa rtment projects and snow removal operations. The City owns a 2010 JD skid loader. This equipment is used in various Public Works Depaitment day-to-day activities, projects and snow removal operations, D) This equipment is used in various Public Works Department projects and snow removal operations. Based on the current condition of the unit and i is present value, it wiI1 meet its useful I i (approximately 10,000 hours) and be sch dul d for r• placement, E) This "used" 2007 Elgin Pelican street sweeper was Purchased in 2011 and replacement is scheduled for 2017 wben 10 years old. Sent. 201 - Item A (Cat rad r) was moved from 2013 to 2014 based on current condition and use. EJ pendrtures 2013 201d 2015 2016 2017 Total EqpYVeh1das/Furn1sh1ngs 100,000 20oOOO 150,000 1804000 540,000 Total 1903000 20,000 — 150,000 rrrf� 180,000 540,000 Funding Sources 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total 206 Capital Eqpt Revolving olving Fu 1 0,om 203GOO 150,000 1 801coo 540,000 o�C�� 190,000 20,000 r - - 1503000 1 80,000 � - --- 540,000 � Page 77 Thursdq, October 18, 2012