ITEM 3.7 Schedule a special meetingCITY O ot 90 MINNESOTA nr-DA Tftfi= T 1 1: P ATS Request for City Council Action ................... .. .......... _.......w, ORI ]ATI DEPA T ENT: n.......w ____ _ wM..�ry_�_.._.._L.___w__�n.w__�nx........._._..._.nnw.v...._._..._...._..__ry_..._.._.ry..._..._._ RE IJE TOR: _�.._._____ .._._.�._ry�.w._.__..n._.n............._.._._._..k_..___._....__._.n...._n___._..__.._......_._.�.... EETfhI DATE: EmergencyManagement Brad ReIair, Streets upervisor July 22,2013 PRESENTER s : REVIEWED IEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Agenda Lori Johnson, City Administrator 3.7 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Approve scheduling a Special City Council Meeting for N I MS I C402 training for City Council and department heads on July 29, 2013 from 6prn-9: Opnn. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? 1S A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No N4 BACKGROU N D/JUSTIF[CAVION: At the July Administr ti Sub -Committee meeting I updated the Committee on duties I have performed since being assigned Emergency Management Director for thCity. We also discussed the reed to c lntinue N I MS tra ining for all potelntial participants of the Cit} Erne rgenc 0perations plain with specific roles including City Council and staff. It was the consensus Of the committee t0 recommend City Council and department heads complete I C402 AIMS training. I have arranged for Scott CarriV au of Customized Fire Rescue Training Inc. to present the training at City Wall on July 29, 2013 from 6pim- 9: Opm. The NIMS ISC402 trainlingis highly recommended by Wright ht Counter Emergency Management Director Steve Berg who is currently organizing similar training sessions for elected Officials throughout the County. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED NONE 0 Quote from Customized Rescue Training Inc. POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would life it to appearIn the minutes. Motion to approve the quote for $450 from Customized fescue Training Inc. and schedule a Special M eeting for N I MS training o n July 29, 2013 at 6:00 PM at City Mall. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: ❑ YES General Fuad Emergency r Manag r ent NO 42500-6 ACTION! TAKEN EN ❑ APPROVED AS F EQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED u OTHER (List changes COMM E NTS; ... .... .... Brad Belau From: Scott Carriveau <zipscoot@1akedale1ink.net Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 12:42 PM Brad Belau Subject: ISE; City of Otsego NIMS Training May, , Brad. i was able to find a DIMS Training Matrix which r c r r ends for elected and appointed officials; Ni #s IS100 Introduction to the incident Command S rst ren NIMS IS70TAINS, and Introduction OR IS100 &700 listed above (can be taken as independent study) G402 (2 Hrs ICS, Overview for Executives and Senior Officials Also recommended is G191 (8 lirs), ICS/EOC Interface, this one is only available in a classroom setting. HERE IS WHAT SUGGEST; We st rt out with a might of G402 (2 firs) take a break, have ars additional hour on whatthe elected and appointed officials role is in ars emergency response, We could have some pizzas brought in for ser, etc. f This is time well spent. 1 could do this class for $450 with materials, After the first right, we can move forward to see how they feel abouttaking additional training in classroom (for ISS. I o0) or taking g it online at their own pace. For Persons actually responding to the incident, such as public worlo. employees, 1 would suggest 15 100 & IS700 training. Let me know if you have any further questions. Thank you, Scott Carriveau Customized Fire Rescue Training Inc. Pig. 320-980-5307 e-mail ziPscoot@iakedalelink.net �iNit i .Scott - 3 _ t. _ ott- 3- P Ma$V p a- 1