ITEM 4.1 Resolution 13-42Request for ot CITY g 0 OF City Council Action MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT lF RMATIO v _ __ry ___ _ _ _ _ __ __..................... ........................ RIGINATII EI1T: E UE T R: MEETING DATE: Administration ..ori Johnson, City Administrator July 22, 2013 P E ENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM : Lori Johnson, City Administrator 4.1 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Recommend adoption of the resolution authorizing a joint pourers agreement and giving preliminary approval to the issuance of revenue bonds for a senior housing project in Albertville after conducting a public hearing on the lousing plan. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? 15 A PUBLIC HEARNVG REQUIRED? Na I Yes BACKGROUNDIJU TIFI ATIO : The City received ars application for conduit revenue bond project financing from Evans Park, Inc., for financing a senior Dousing and health care project in Albertville. The requested financing is eligible under the City's Conduit Bond Policy. Evans Parl, Inc., submitted the required application fee along with the application and by such has agreed to the terns of the City's Conduit Bond Policy. Further, on July 15, 2018, the City of Albertville approved a Joint Pourers Agreement that outlines the conditions of the issuance of bonds including the ability of the City of Otsego to issue bands for this project. A public hearing Inas been called for 7:00 p.m. on July 22,, 2013, to tale input on the Housing Plan that must be approved for this project to proceed. The Housing Plan addresses the issuance of revenue beads to finance a combined senior rental housing and health care development at 51.01. Kessel Avenue Northeast, Albertville, Minnesota. The Housing Plan states that this 60 unit complex is intended for residency solely by elderly and handicapped persons thugs income limits do not apply. The Plan further states that the maximum amount of bonds to be issued for this project is $10,000,000. By adoption the attached resolution, the City gives its preliminary approval for issuance of the revenue bonds for this project. The issuarnce of such bonds does not constitulte a financial obligation of the City and does not affect the City's band rating and debt limit. All costs for issuance of the bards are the obligation of Evans Park, Inc. including ars issuance fee of .50 percent of the par amount of the bands. Representatives from Evans Park, Inc. will be at the Council meeting to give a presentation on the project and their request for the issuance of conduit revenue bonds by the City of Otsego. The City's bond counsel at Briggs and Morgan has reviewed all bond documents on the City's behalf. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED ci NONE Resolution Authorizing Joint Powers Agreement and Giving Preliminary Approval to Issuance of Revenue Bonds (Evans Park., , In . Project) Program for a Senior Multifamily Housing Development ,point Powers Agreement Notice of Public Hearing POSSIBLE MOTION ....-.:..... ..... .........:.......:......n--..-........-.--- ---- ...-...-.... -:..--...n.:..,:...:......::.._.n..n.-:..n._:..-._:....-::_.:....:.-.n.:.....--.....-.......-.-..-..__........ _...--...--.......... .................. ................. ............. ........... ............. ................. ....... _... .n.. ... ........ _... ..................-........................-.....................-.........-....._-....._..............- ....... ........... Please word motion s you Would I�I�e �� to appear In the minutes. Motion to approve Resolution 2013-42 Authorizing Joint Powers Agreement and Giving Preliminary Approval to Issuance of Revenue Bonds (Evans Parl , Inc. Project) BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: q YES All costs and fees paid by applicant. ❑ No ACTION TAKE ❑ APPROVE D A REQUESTE D DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: : Resolution No. 2013-42 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING JOfNT POWERS AGREEMENT AND Gf 'n G PRE LIMINA APPROVAL TO ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS VANS PARK, INC. PROJECT) BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego (the "City"), as follows: Section 1. Recitals and_Fin ..1. Evans Park, Inc., a Mil ie ota nonprofit corporation (the "Borrower") has requested that the City issue its re en e bonds grans Park, Inc. Project), pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C., as amended (the "Act"), in one or more series, and in aggregate principal amount not to exceed $ (the "Bonds"), The proceeds of the Bonds shall be loaned t the Borrower, to provide financing for the acquisition, construction and equipping of a combination senior housing and health care development to be located at 5 i o i Kassel Avenue NE in the City of Albertville, Minnesota (the "Project" or the "Development"). The issuance of the Bonds and the financing of the Project are more fully described its the Housing Program prepared pursuant to the Act (the `Housing Pr gr ref"), The Housing Program is currently dile its the offices of the City Administrator. 1.2. In connection with the issuance of the Bonds, the City will enter into a Joint Powers Agreement (the "Joint Powers Agreement"), in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 47 i .5 , with the City of Albertville (the "Participating Jug#is lietion"), all as contemplated by Sections 4620, 14 of the Act. A copy of the proposed form of the Joint Powers Agreement has been presented to the City Council in connection with its consideration of this Resolution, and is currently on file in the offices of the City Administrator. f . . On the date hereof, a joint public hearing (the "Joint PublicHearing") was held on behalf of the City and the City of Albertville, Minnesota (the 'Tartici acing Jurisdiction"), by the city council of the City, with respect to the issuance of the Bonds, as required by the Act and the provisions of section 147(f) (f) f the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, a amended (the "Code") and regulations thereunder. The Joint Public Hearing was held following publication of notice thereof, not fewer than 15 clays in advance of the hearing, in a newspaper of general circulation in the arca in which the Project is located. Prior to publication of the notice, copy of the Housing Program was filed by the City with the regional 'development commission for the area in which the City is located, if any, all to the extent required by and as contemplated by the Act. Section 2. Mprovals and Authorizations. 2.1. The Housing Program, as currently on file in the office of the City Administrator, is hereby approved. 2.2. The Joint lowers Agreement, in the form currently on file in the office of the City Administrator, is hereby approved and the Mayor and the City Administrator, and any one or more other officers of the City, are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Joint Powers Agreement in such forni, together with such modifications thereto as the officer or officers executing and delivering the sane shall approve, such execution and delivery t constitute conclusive evidence of such approval. 2.3. The city council hereby approves, ratifies and confirms the holding of the Joint Public Hearing with respect to the issuance of the Bonds, on behalfof both the City, as the issuer of the Bonds, and the Participating Jurisdiction, as the host jurisdiction. 2.4. Preliminary approval is hereby given to the issuance of the Bonds, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $ 10,0 0 0, 0 o; provided, however, that the details of the Bonds, the provisions for the payment thereof, and the forms of the legal documents to be entered into by the City in co lection therewith shall be sub I ect to filial approval by the city council prior to their issuance, The Bonds shall not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upo ny'property of the City, except e revenues to be deceived from the orrower specifically pledged to the payment thereof, and each Bored, when, as and if issued, shall recite in substance that such Bond, including i t re t therco , is payable solely ftom said revenues and Rinds specifically pledged to the payment thereof, and shall not constitute a debt or pecuniary liability of the City within the meaning of any constitutional or statutol-y limitation. 2.5. Pursuant to Section 265(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), the City hereby designates the Bonds as "qualified tax-exempt obligations, " within the i ea ing of Section 265(1)(3). The B onds are to toe issued on b chalf o an organization described in. Section 501(c)(3) of the Code and are to be issued as "qualified 501 bonds" under Section 145 of the Code. The City, together with all subordinate entities thereof, does not reasonably expect to issue tax-exempt obligations, including the Bonds other than private activity bonds not constituting "qualified 501(c)(3) bonds") which, when added together with all such obligations heretofore issued by the City in calendar yeas• 2013, will be i an aggregate amount exceeding 10,000,000 in the eu ffent calendar year. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Otsego this � day o � 2013. Attest: City Administrator 4852-3664-7444\2 Mayor 2 CERTIFICATE CITY OF OSLO L the undersigned being a duly qualified and acting officer of the City of Otsego, Minnesota, hereby attest and cer-tify that: I As such officer, f have the legal custody of the original record from which the attached resolution was transcribed. 2. 1 have careftilly compared the attached resolution with the original record of the meeting at which the resolution was acted upon. 3. f find the attached resolution to be a true, correct and complete copy of the original: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT AND GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS (EVANS PARK, INC. PROJECT) 4. f further c fti fy that the affirmative vote on said resolution was ayes, nays, and ase a stentiont 5* Said meeting was duly held, pursuant to call and notice thereof, a required law, and a quorum was present. lTNSS my hand officially as such officer this � day of, . City Clerk CITY of o S Goa MINNESOTA PRO GRAM FOR SENIOR IO MULTITAMILY HOUSING IDEVELOPM T Adopted July 201 3 . Proposal; Author . The City of Otsego, Mituiesota (the "City"), ), on behalf of itself and the City of ,Albertville, Minnesota (the "Participating Jurisdiction"), pursuant to a Joint Power Agreement (the ".point PowersAgreement") by and between the City and the Participating Jurisdiction, proposes to issue revenue bonds and to take other actions in Riftherance. of the objective of financing the acquisition, construction and equipping of the Combination senior rental housing and health care development described herein (the "Development") applicable authority conferred upon the City by the laws of the State of Minnesota, including without limitation Mimiesota Statutes, Chapter 4620, as the same may be amended from time to time (the "Act"). Purposes. In creating this Program, the City is acting in furtherance of its findings that the Preservation of the duality of life in the City and the Participating Jurisdiction i in part dependent upon the maintenance and provision of adequate, decent, safe, sanitary, and affordable housing stool, including housing for the elderly, within the caning of the Act; that accomplishing the goals of this Program is a public purpose and will benefit the residents of the City and the ParticipatingJurisdiction; that the need exists within the City and the Participating Jurisdiction to provide its a timely fashion additional affordable rental housing and health care facilities to and for the beliefit of elderly persons; that there exist or are expected to exist elderly persons and families within the Participating Jurisdiction and the City who are and will be able to benefit from and are in need of this Program; that this Prograire is necessary in view of the limited resources that may be available to such persons relative to the expenses involved in accomplishing the type of objectives outlined in this Progtain in the absence of one or inure of the forms of assistance d s ibed herein or otherwise available pursuant to theAct; and that the City hereby finds that such forms of assistance re often necessary for the benefit of such persons, families, , and goals and that, further .ore, the successful implementation of the ob0ectives of the kind described In this Program has been found to provide iiupetus for the development of other housing and health care facilities, as well as the general development of the City and the Pailicipating Jurisdiction, by other persons who are not the beneficiaries of Such governmentally sponsored or assisted activities. Rental Housing.Purposes. More particularly, the City finds that there exists a need for multifamily rental housing and health care facilities for elderly persons,, due to a variety of factors, including that the cost of new construction may in many eases prove economically unfeasible, given the high costs of construction and prevailing area rental levels, and that therefor ,appropriate levels of public assistance may be helpful and necessary in bridging that gap. General Description of the Pro This Prograin consists of assisting in financing the. acquisition, construction and equipping of an approximately 60 -unit combination senior housing and health care facility, to include independent living units, assisted living units, and ceftai units dedicated to memory earc residents, to be located in the Participating Jurisdiction (the 4'proje t" or the " e elop enf . The owner of the Project will be Evans Park, hic. (the "Borrower"), a. Minnesota nonprofit corporation. The Dovelopinent will be designed and i intended to be used for rental occupancy; the Development will bo designedfor and used primarily elderly or physically disabled persons; and nursing, Inedleal, personal care, and other health-related assisted living services will - e available on a 24-hour basis in the evelopment to the residents. The Borrower is a 501(c)(3) corporation. Consequently, no, income limits apply under federal lay. The Project has been designed and is intended for residency solely by elderly and handicapped persons, and consequently, no income liinits apply under the .Act or other state law. Location. . This Program is limited to the Project. The Project will be located at 5101 Kassel Avenue NE in the City of Albertville, Mimiesota. Revenue Bonds. The maximuni amount of revenue bonds to be issued by the City to finance the Program is 10,000,000. The proceeds of the Bonds will be loaned by the City to the Borrower under a loan agreement. Loan repayments made by the Borrower nder the loan agreement will be applied to payments of principal of and interest and premium, if any, owing on . the Bonds. The proceeds of the Bonds will. finance i the acquisition,, construction and equipping of the Project; ii the funding o -one or more reserve funds to secure the timely payine t of the Bonds; (iii) the payment of interest on the Bonds during the construction of the Project; and i) the. payment of the costs of issuing the Bonds. The Project will be operated by the Borrower as a facility for rental primarily to elderly or disabled persons and as a combination health care and housing development, within the meaning of Minnesota esota Statutes, Section 462C.05, Subd. 7. The Bonds may be. structured so as to take advantage ofwhatever inea s arc available or necessary and are permitted lair t enhance the security for and marketability f the Bonds. Substantially all of the net proceeds the Bonds (the initial principal amount thereof, less any amounts deposited in a reasonably required reserve or paid out as costs of issuance of the Bonds) will be used to pay the cons of the Project, including any functionally related and subordinate facilities. The Borrower will construct the Project in compliance with all applicable development restrictions., and all new construction and rehabilitation of the existing buildings is subject to applicable state and local building codes. The Borrower will e'required to operate the Pfoj ect i accordance with state and local anti -discrimination imus and ordinances. The costs of the Project and the Prograin undertaken to finance the Project, including specifically all costs to the City, will be. paid or reiinhu i ed by the Borrower. 2 Monito • n 0 The Program will be monitored by the City tIn-o gh agreements and covenants entered into by the Borrower pursuant to the loan agreement to be entered into in comiection with the issuance of the Bonds. The City expects to enter into or continue suitable agreements with necessary parties to ensure consistent compliance with the objectives of this Program, as well as with the requirements of applicable law, Meeting Needs; __ethods.. The City believes that this Program will meet the need identified by the City and the Participating Jurisdiction for new and expanded health care and rental housing facilities. The specific methods anticipated to be used include the issuance o revenue bonds under the Act to provide feasible financing fog• the Development, elopment, The City will monitor the implementation o this Program pursuant to its loan agreement with the Borrower. Authorization. lie Program is undertaken pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 4620. 3 4849-5857-691612 DRAFT: 07/10/13 JOINT NT POWERS AGREEMENT ` This JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is entered into as of the t st day of August, 2013 (the "Joint Po ers Agreement' or the "Agreement"'), by and between the City of Otsego, Minnesota (the "Issuer"), and the City of Alber-tville, Minnesota (the "Participating Jurisdiction"). Each of the Issuer and the Pailicipating Jurisdiction is a municipal corporation duty organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 1. Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59 tie "Joint Powers Act"' provides that two or more governrrnental faits, by agreement'entered into through action of thein governing bodies, may j oirrtly or. ooperati ely exercise any power common to the contracting parties, and may provide for the exercise of such power by one of the pailicipating governmental units. 2. Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C, as amended (the"Housing Programs Ae '), authorizes eines to issue revenue bonds to finance multifamily housing developments, including combined facility developments described in Section 462[.05, subdivision 7, of the Act, all in accordance with a housing program developed therefor pursuant to the Act. Section 462[.14 of the Act authorizes a city to provide housing program and development financial services outside of its corporate boundaries when authorized to do so under a joint powers agreement that authorizes such city to provide the services within the boundaries of another city. 3. The Issuer has developed a housing program pursuant to the Act under which it proposes to issue revenue bonds to provide financing for a combined facility, as described in Section 462C.OS, subdivision 7, located in the City of Albertville (the "'Project" or the "Development"), s further described in Exhibit A. hereto. The Project will be undertaken b Evans Park, Inc., a Minnesota nonprofit corporation (the "Borrower"'). 4. The Issuer and the Participating Jurisdiction are entering into this Agreement, pursuant to the .point Posers Act and the Housing Programs Act (referred to together as the "'Acts"), to authorize the Issuer to issue one or more series of revenue bonds, in ars aggregate pritrcipal amount not to exceed $1 ,000,000 (the "B and "), and to loan the procceds thereof to the Borrower to provide financing for the acquisition, construction and tri financing of the Development, as more specifically described in Exhibit A, and all in accordance with Section 46X.14 of the Housing Progri nis Act, . The goveming bodies of the Issuer and the Participating Jurisdictlon have each adopted or will each adopt a resolution i evidencing its intent to eater into this Agreement, ii authorizing a Joint public hearing to be geld with respect to the issuance of the B onds ,on behalf of both the Issuer and the Participating Jurisdiction, by the governing body of the lssu r, and all in accordance with the provisions of section 147(f) of the Intemal Revenue Godo of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and regulations thereunder; and (iii) granting approval to the 'issuance by the Issuer of the Bonds, all as required under the Acts and the applicable provisions of section 147f) of the Code, . The Issuer shall exercise the powers conferred Bruder the Acts by adopting, approving and executing such resolutions, documents, and agreements as shall be necessary or convenient to authorize, issue, and sell the Bonds and such other resolutions, documents, and agreements as shall be accessary or required in connection with the issuance of the Bonds and giving effect to or carry ng out the provisions of this Agreement and documents under which the Bonds are issued and/or secured, The Issuer and the Participating Jurisdiction hereby specifically agree that, upon request of the Borrower, the Issuer or the Participating Jurisdiction may at any time during the term hereof issue its refunding revenue bonds for the purpose of refunding the Boyds, In such event this Agreement t shall continue to apply to such refunding revenue bonds and such refunding revenue bonds shall be governed hereby, all without further act by either the Issuer or the Patlicipating Jurisdiction. +7. The Bonds shall be special, limited obligations of the Issuer, payable solely from proceeds, revenues ue and other amounts pledged thereto. In no evert shall the Bonds ever be payable from r charged upon the general credit, taxing powers or any funds of either of the Issuer or the pai i ipatir g Jurisdiction; neither. the Issuer nor the Participating Jurisdiction shall ever be subject to any liability thereon; no owners of the Bonds shall over have the right to compel the exercise of the taxing power of either of the Issuer or the Participating Jurisdiction to pay any of the Bonds or the interest thereon, nor to enforce payment thereof against any property of either of the Issuer or the ParticipatingJurisdiction; the Bonds shall not constitute a Charge, hien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any propedy of either the Issuer or the Participating Jurisdiction; and the Bonds do not constitute ars indebtedness of the Issuer or the Participatitig Jurisdiction within the ni aning of any constitutional, statutoly,, or Chap er limitation. No atn unt of the Bonds will be allocated to the Participating Jurisdiction for purposes of Section 6 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as an -tended, . This Agreement shall terminate upon the retirement or defeasance ofthe last outstanding Bonds or, if refunding reven e bods are issued in accordance with the provisions hereof and the provisions of the Acts, upon the retirement or defeasance of the last outstanding refunding revenue bonds, and this Agreement may not be terminated in advance of such retirement or defeasance. 40 9. Any property acquired by the Issuer as a result of the Bonds, this Agreement, o the Indenture or the Loan Agreement entered into in connection with the Bonds shall be and remain the property of the Issuer, to be disposed of pursuant to the applicable terms of the Loan Agreement and the Indenture. Any surplus moneys remaining after the purpose of this Agreement has been completed, unless otherwise provided for in the Indenture or Loan Agreement shall belong ratably to the Issuer, the Participating Jurisdiction, or the Boffow r, as their respective interests ni y appear, 10. All costs h curred by the Issuer and the Participating Jurisdiction in the authorization, execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement, and providing approval of the Project ject nd host approval for the issuance of the Bonds, shall be paid by the Borrower. 1 r . This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall bo all original, but such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same instrument. 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Issuer and the Participating Jurisdiction has caused this Agreement to be executed on its behalf by its duly authorized officers, all as of the day and year first above written, CITY of OTSEGO, MINNESOTA s Issuer By: Its: Mayor Its: City Administrator [Signature page to Joint Powers Agreement dated as of August 1, 2013, between the City of Otsego and the City of Albertville] CITY of AL13E(RTVILLE, MINNESOT ► .41b By: Mayos' .41 By-. .. its; city cl [Signature page to Joint Powers Agreement dated as of August 1, 2013, between the City of Otsego and the City of Albertville] XIII` (Description of Development) Tile Development will consist of the acquisition, co struction and equipping of a combination senior* housing and health care facility that will include approximately 60 units o independent and assisted living for seniors, including certain units dedicated to memory care, .d will be located at 5101 Kassel Avenue N.E. in the City of Albertville, Minnesota. The Development will be owned and operated Evans Park, Inc., a Minnesota nonprofit corporation (the " er o ee). PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE or A PUBLIC HEARING To BE CONDUCTED BY THE CITY OF TSBGO, MSE, SOTA� TO CONSIDER THE ISSUANCE OF RE VENUE BONDS BY THE, CITY To FINANCE A COMBINATION SE NIOR HOUSING AND HEALTH CARE DEVE, LOP ENT LOCATE, D TO BE LOCATED W THE CITY OF AI QBE T V II LEI MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Otsego, Minnesota (the "City"), will hold a public hearing on Monday, July 22, 201 3, at :00 p.m. at Prairie Center, 8899 Nashua A ellue NB, Otsego, Minnesota, to consider a proposal that the City, acting pursuant to a i oint powers agreement the "Joint Powers Age+eeinelif' behveen the Issuer and the City o Alberille, Minnesota (the ' Participating Jurisdiction"), authorize the issuance of revenue bonds (the "Bonds"), by the City, in one or more eries, under the Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 4620, as amended (the "A.et" , in order to finance all or a portion of thefollowing: i the acquisition, construction and equipping of an approximately 60 unit combination senior housing and health care faefflity, including certain units dedicated to memory care residents, to be located at 5 10 Kassel Avenue N -E, its the City o Albertville (the " 'rojeet");(ii) the finiding of one or more reserve funds to secure the timely payment o the Bonds;(iii) the payment of interest on the Bonds during the construction of the Project; and i the payment of the costs of issuing the Bonds, Evans Park, Inc., a Minnesota nonprofit corporation the "BorroN er"), will own and operate the Pro0ect. The estimated aggregate principal amount of the proposed Bonds will not exceed $10,000,000. Following the public hearing, the Council will consider a resolution approving a housing prograi prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Act, and granting approval to the issuance of the Bonds. A draft copy of the housing program is available for public inspection during norinal business hours, Monday through Friday, at the City Hall in the City. The Bonds will be special, limited obligations of the City, and the Bonds and interest thereon will be payable solely from the revenues rid assets pledged to the payment thereof. No holder of any Bond ill ever have the right to compel any exercise of the taxing power of the City to pay the Bonds or the interest thereon, nor to enforce payment against any property of the City except inoney payable by the Borrower to the City and pledged to the payment of the Bonds. Before issuing the Bonds, the City will enter into ail agreement with the Borrower, whereby the Borrower will be obligated to sae payinents at least suf'f ieicnt at all times to pair the principal of and interest on the Bonds when due. Anyone desiring to be heard during this public hearing will be afforded an opportunity to do so. Iii addition, interested persons may file written comments respecting the proposal with the City Administrator at or prior to the public hearing. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Isl Lori Johnson City Administrator ONE' Tiot I 101 MONISM ` NMIElm !q ii h �■ Elm WMFlllf' ' F.. -11 I j i IH _ ,`I ��1.r. },{�n-.-�-.+�a ..ter _ i lJJJ� j l i NORTH 0 50' 100' 200' r PROPOSED SITE PIAN EngelHaus ALBERTVILLE, MN 6-17-20131 fOMM437162.13057 Guardian ° An GP S 1 �S SENIOR SF NVICES CONORWATE LIVING 15 UMTS -12,Mff CCL4 L4 Uj 00,0" CLJ CU CA STOR L 00 PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR PLAN 33,997 S.F. Engel Haus Al.BEftTUIILE, MN 6.17-2013 1 COMM#37162-13057 TOWN CENTER 9.RDSF Wil COMM m r1m CIO LL MEMIORY CARE Lr w WJL3 EUV Emn7fff Wffl Melt W14 K-1 PAM FJ1 OFFS 6 slim CU NX snolk LCM Fil CH wic' wx� PVT- I pim C04 97im VA VA3 Ww.) 91 Guardian � Y�Angels SENIOR Sl VICES CONGREGATE LIVING 15MITS 11WISF PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR PLAN 29,702 S.F. Engel Haus AIBERTUIILE, MN 6-17-20131 COMM 43716 2-13057 'id l ASSISTED LIVING 14 W76 -9,3411SF ELEO AL. I % FnEm Vill Ail - All 4 ki 11 Q;Wyl 1 X AL4 k9k CW 4 ES7 Till X71m VIV AW Guardian I�Angels SENIOR SEAVICE-S 1 -- EAST/ENTRY 7-1 SOUTH WEST Engel Haus ALBERTVILLE, WIN 6-17-2013 1 COMM437162.13057 L 0, J _77' JIVII I I 16MJ I —Asphalt Shingles 4, EFS, C*� P1 Elf S, Color 42 ��e Guardian Anap.l.� 1 b �sE,1o,.�,M�Es