ITEM 5.1A Soccer field irrigation.0 TY OF ot C1 qgo MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDAT(ON: Staff recommends awarding a contract to Great Northern Landscapes of Elk River in the aMOUnt of $73,505 for installation of the irrigation system and performing the necessary electrical modifications to ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR' MEETING DATE: Parks and Recreation Ron Wagner, City Engineer n1 July 22 1 2013 PRESENTER(s)-. REVIEWED BY. ITEM #' Ron Wagner., City Engineer Lori Johnson, City Administrator 5.1A AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDAT(ON: Staff recommends awarding a contract to Great Northern Landscapes of Elk River in the aMOUnt of $73,505 for installation of the irrigation system and performing the necessary electrical modifications to the Otsego Public Works Building well room for the Soccer Field Project. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Yes No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION' Quotes were opened on July 181" at 12:00 larn. Three quotes were received and are as follows, lowest to highest. Great Northern Landscapes, Inc. $73.,505 Peterson Companies $81,.000 Carefree Lawn Sprinklers $96,360 The contractors who were sent request for quotes were chosen by staff for work they have previously completed in a timely and complete manner and with minimal changes to the cost, therefore any of these contractors can complete the project. The low quote is within the budgeted amount; therefore we recommend awarding the project to the lowest quote, Great Northern Landscapes,, Inc. The lowest quote and the engineers estimate were Under $100,000 so advertisement for bids was not necessary. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: x ATTACHED o NONE 0 Plans by Hakanson Anderson 0 Plans by Central Turf & Irrigation Supply 0 Technical Specifications 0 Quote Forms received from Contractors POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. M otio n for' the City of Otsego to araid a contract for Otsego Soccer Field — We I I Room M od if i catio ns and Irrigation System (COP 13-05 Phase 5) in the a1110LJ11t of $73,505 to Great Northern Landscapes, I nc. BUDGET INF ORMATI-ON FUNDING, BUDGETED: x YES 208 Community Facilities Fend TRSA nNO ACTION TAKEN Ei APPROVED AS REQUESTED Ei DENIED ci TABLED m OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: LQ Ef V -c fl - cd OTSFG-0 80GOE L- r-1 F -iIVi�i�9��8G'wrff_..L1.. 0-0 1 A1EC�i�Ro m-aIRRIGKf ION,, 01111111111� Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors 3601 Thurston Ave., Anoko, Minnesola 55303 763-427-586() FAX 763-427-0520 2000 0 1 DDO 2000 SME I'll FEET %-f F I I w I %/ I %,P L.. %.oP W WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA SHEET I OF 4 SHEETS I OT720-2013 CI U, Cy 0 - 0 < LLI b i I Ld F C > 11 pop Z Ld Ld 0 CI U, Cy 0 - 0 < LLI LL- Ld F --odd 11 pop Z Ld Ld 0 0 Ld (f) __j CC I -LI 0 V) 0 'X C) n- `moi Ld UJ D i `J z C) ft - CY 0 :Z CL c-, 1:1�.Fj () CL CI! CL I CIL. z CIL I (�) v) to (3 LLI(r* V) Ell [_J L tj L -- .0 � t ki LA or) CI U, Cy 0 - 0 < i rX Ld F 11 pop n up WMATM bi I Lo 'It (L La Ell tL LL tri CL rA CL Z? Ld J IL �j 3z i Li zzoz�� F_ z LL, =1 z 0 OL ft: T -!;5 -:i m m -j 081 - 00 M I w 41 (D w Q (D A < LAI 9 0 21 C:) ro V3 Li L I (n CKL Ld -1 LO CL L L-0 z z V) V) 110 z LLJ < X � 0 rn Ld .Z D Lu Ld at� z LU Z L-jA IA < Z M CY- .eM ;I--- V) 0 CL 0 —I z CL m w V) M LLJ M M XV) V) V) V) 0 z 0 I— i < LJ C) I==- V) LL_ V) 0 Qca ,A w 3r, LO 0 LJJ LA_ LLJ LLI C) ___) V) 0 C:) IL cz) Ab w -Inc 0 (A Ld z z 0 0 Ld (A rb, L-91 m C3 e Ln 0 N 2 o>, 0 00 CII :3 c .V- cq (n E ra- _j 0 C: LL C<U_ U cy u 0 Eci_0 M. to 00 U) 0 r- -P > to o w M Z E i rX t_J 11 pop Ld 0 Ld (f) __j I -LI 0 V) 0 'X C) bi I Lo 'It (L La Ell tL LL tri CL rA CL Z? Ld J IL �j 3z i Li zzoz�� F_ z LL, =1 z 0 OL ft: T -!;5 -:i m m -j 081 - 00 M I w 41 (D w Q (D A < LAI 9 0 21 C:) ro V3 Li L I (n CKL Ld -1 LO CL L L-0 z z V) V) 110 z LLJ < X � 0 rn Ld .Z D Lu Ld at� z LU Z L-jA IA < Z M CY- .eM ;I--- V) 0 CL 0 —I z CL m w V) M LLJ M M XV) V) V) V) 0 z 0 I— i < LJ C) I==- V) LL_ V) 0 Qca ,A w 3r, LO 0 LJJ LA_ LLJ LLI C) ___) V) 0 C:) IL cz) Ab w -Inc 0 (A Ld z z 0 0 Ld (A rb, L-91 m C3 e Ln 0 N 2 o>, 0 00 CII :3 c .V- cq (n E ra- _j 0 C: LL C<U_ U cy u 0 Eci_0 M. to 00 U) 0 r- -P > to o w M Z E ry 0 LLI cr- LLI LLJ Z < 0m + C) LL Lo C) 0 —1 CL w m r1r) C) LLI V) Od :3 0 LLI z 0 LLJ m Z LLI M =1 H cc LLI C3 Ln LO > >i to LLI W CL (L N cq go V) 0� LLI M I-- 0 Ld z 0 V) F- C) C3 Leri Ld > (A CL F - z LLJ 0 LLJ C3 L) :I 13L V) 113L a On Z 0 z :2 .i .j Ld F- LLJ z 0 z FJ0 z LLI CL LLI IL 0 z w V 7, T, CL < + C) V) z LLI LSM Ld Cn LL, cl� InL. LL. uL z J j Q: m 0 0 7, T, CL -i + V)V) V) z LLI LSM LO N -j LJ CL. a. 0 0 LLJ z IL F- D a z 0 L) C14 CL LLI w It ID CP 0 06 90 1 ft) m UA C) --1 V) cz UL Li D- 0 0 >- L a m LLJ x LLI 0 V% LL, 1 0 V) z X Ld z 0 C) uj z z 0 Ld IA Ld L'i LO D 0 Li m UA C) --1 V) cz UL Li D- 0 0 >- L a m LLJ x LLI 0 V% LL, 1 0 V) z X Ld z 0 C) uj z z 0 W PRESSURE SENSOR / _ ---e,o--__ '_ , , , -~ ' IMUGATION SYSTEM DART 1— GE NERAL 1.01 Scope of Wo0c The work is to consist of the C01I tRICtiOn of an automatic irrigation system as ftirther defined its the plans and specifications. The contractor is to fLimish all of the labor, supervision, tools, irrigation materials, and equipment required to construct the system. Pump station will be Purchased by the City Of Otsego and xvill be installed by the chosen contractor, including concrete slab, electrical connection to the pump, furnish and install radio at loth pump station and public works building and installation of the intake line into the pre- existing Nvet well. Automated controls within the public works btrildillg Used to control the well to refill pond will also installed by contractor. Unless otherwise specified, the plans and specifications are intended to irrchide everything obviously re Lrisite and necessary for the proper installation and completion of the work whether each necessary item is mentioned herein or not. 1.02 D sulption of Work Controller to be located per owners specifications; contractor Nvill review with owner exact locations. The Citi{ shall f urnislr electrical service to which the contractor shall reale leis connection to the controller and lumping station. Water for the system shall be supplied by the pump station. 1.03 Cor duct of the Work The Contractor or subcontractor shall have demonstrated ability in the installation of sprinkler irrigation systems of this type and magnitude. All work shall be installed by spilled per om proficient in the trades required, in a neat, orderly and responsible manner- with recognized standards of workmanship. The Contractor shall coordinate his work with the other trades and in Particular the owner's operation. The Contractor shall confine his operations to the area to be improved and to the areas allotted Iiini by the Owner for materials and equipment storage, During the work, the Contractor shall erect proper protective devices to Nvarn of - the clanger o coil strLiction activities. 1.04 Submittals Irrigation system shown is not to be value engineered or changed without the permissions of the city. 1.05 Wai The Contractor agrees to replace any defective equipment and components furnished for the system, within one (1) year Froin the date of acceptance of the system, provided that the system is maintained and serviced in accordance with the Contractor's specifications. The Contractor shall warrantee that the materials have been installed in accordance with manufaCtUIVI'S" recommendations and by accepted methods of the irrigation indUSti-Y. SUCII installation shall be warranted for a period of one (I) year from the date of acceptance. The warranty period shall commence when the complete system and/or any portion thereof has been put into operation and accepted by the City. 1.06 Citv's Accei)tance Within ten (10) days of the Contractor's notice that the installation is complete and satisfactory pressure testing as per inanufacturer's specifications has been completed, the City will inspect the installation and either give filial acceptance or prepare a "punchlist" of unacceptable items which must be corrected by the Contractor. Upon correction of the "punch list" items by the Contractor, City shall give Final acceptance and make final payment to Contractor. 1.07 As -Built Drawings The contractor shall maintain an "As -built" drawing of the system during the duration of the installation — keeping the same CUITC11t on a daily basis, After completion of the installation, the Contractor shall furnish an "As -Built" CAD drawing of the System to the City. Drawing shall show any changes from the original plans, accurate nicasurements from two fixed pernianent features to gate valves, valve boxes, splice boxes, pij)e at road crossings, etc. 1.08 Ci 's Responsibility Foi- Maintenance It Nvill be the City's responsibility to maintain the system in working order during the warranty period, performing necessary minor maintenance, keeping grass form obstructing the sprinkler heads and preventing vandalism and dainage during the athletic fields regular maintenance schedule 1.09 Service By Contructoi, The Contractor shall service the system at the City's request during the warranty period and shall be paid for work performed which is not covered by the warranty. If requested by the City, the Contractor will furnish the City with a schedule of fees. PART 2 —PRODUCTS 2.01 Substitution ofMatei-ial No Substitutions Neill be allowed. All material installed in the job site shall be new and of the best gtiality. The r ani facturer's recommendation shall be followed for the installation of all equipment. Representatives of manufactm-ers offering products meeting, or e c edmg, specifications ineltide the following: 1) Central Irrigation Supply, Iiie Himter controllers and valves Hunter sprinklers Dura 111allual valves 2.02 Pivinur Materials All main line piping (pile under mitimious pressure) shall be Polyvinyl Chloride(PVC) SDS. 1 -Class 200 made from virgin material conforming to ASTM -D1754, Type 1, Grade 1 standards. Sizes shall be as shown on the drawings. All plastic pipe shall be riew and be continuously and permanently marked witli manufacturer's name, materials size and type All lateral bile in athletic fiefs (ori discharge side of automatic valves) shall be SDS. -26 Mass 160 made fi-om virgin material conforming to ASTM -D1784, Type 1, Grade 1 standards Nvith solvent weld bell end cote liirgs. Solvent welding shall be done under clean condition by personnel experienced in such procedures using only approved cements and primers. Sizes shall be as sliown on the drawings. 2.03 Pipe fittii PVC lateral Pipe fittings on solvent weld pipe shall be Scheckile 40 polyvinyl chloride, tip 1-11, and comply witli ASTM D24666. PVC insert shall be used with poly pipe. Fitting shall be manufactured by Dm -a. 2,04 Manual valves The manual isolation valve shall be of cast broil e, chrome plated brass ball, blowout -proof stein,. The valve slrall lla.ve stainless steel 90 degree hatidle and a 600 WOG rating. The 111allUaI valve shall lie NIB CO brass gate. The quick coupling valve shall be a one piece type Litilizhig. a single slot keyway. The QCV shall be installed in a 6 inch valve box for locating. The QCV shall be Model WGV100PL. The system shall be drained by purging with compressed air, therefore, no drain valves geed to be installed. 2.05 Valve Boxes Valve boxes shall be placed over, all maiii Brie isolation valves and shall be adjustable telescoping type, where depth of trench dictates; otherwise top section only shall be used. Box shall be Carsoji VB910 or as required. Remote control irrigation valves shall be housed iii individual 12' valve boxes, Carson VB 1419184 standard 18' box with snap -in cover. The valve boxes shall be installed per ina nu fact tirer's specifications with adequate space for operation, set -vice aii(I removal of the equipment in the box. Six (6) inches of Y2' gravel shall be placed Under each valve box. Gravel shall be fitt-nislied by the contractor. Boxes located `ort of play' shall be ijistal led flush to grade — extensions steal I be rased as required Boxes mounted in 'play' areas shall be covered with a minimmil. of (6) six inches of topsoil with a four (4) inch sleeve and plug over the isolation valve. 2.06 Wi re Electrical power supply (120 VAC) shall be supplied from the location verified by owner/coiAractor. Wire to the controller locations shall be sized to supply no less than 105 VAC. Size of wire shall be not less than 12/2 OF — copper Nvire Nvith ground — with UL listing. Valve control wire and common shall be Hunter twisted 2 -wire, solid copper conductor, PE jacketed, direct burial irrigation Nvire. Control wire shall be no smaller than #14. Alt splices for power cable and valve wiring shall be made ill C011troller enclosures, valves boxes or a separate splice box. Field splices shall not be allowed without specific approval of Designer (such splices shalt be accurately measLired on the 'as built' drawing). All splices shall be sealed with Scotchloc Sealing Packs - #3570 with wire nuts or other approved epoxy style connectors or DB Y and DBR. 2,07 Irrigation Controller The controller shall be housed in a lockable, weather-resistailt steel case. It shall have a mininium of 99 outputs for valve activation, plus one output for master valve pump activation. The controller shall have individtial station timing,. The controller shall have a station time multiplier for seasotial and water budgeting adjustments. The controller shall be capable of manual, semi-automatic or fully automatic operatioti, with rapid advance through unused stations. The controller shall be Acc99d Metal w/ Pedestal. The controller shall include one (1) Roam XL Remote Control. 2.08 Electric Valve The valve shall be globe pattern, normally closed and electric solenoid -actuated. The valve shall use the reverse flow principle, eqtial.ty pressurizing the top and bottom of the diaphragni assembly when deactivated. The valve body and bomiet shall be constmeted. of plastic. The valve shall incorporate internal bleed for manual operations. The diaphragm shall be one-piece, molded, and with a burst test strength of 2600 PSI. Tile valve shall incorporate a stainless steel How control stem. The valve shall be Hunter Model ICV series. Size as shown in plan. 2.09 Surbilder, Eguipment All sprinklers shall be located as shown on the plan or as directed by the owner's repremitati e. The sprinkler shall be of the gear driver? rotary. The sprinkler shall be available in both fall circle and adjustable part circle configurations. The adjustable part cirele unit shall be infinitely adjustable from 40 to 360 degrees. Adjustment will be made from the top of the sprirrklcr. The sprinkler shall be equipped with a drain check valve to prevent low head drainage and b capable of checking tip to 15 feet in elevation climige. The sprinkler shall have the capability, should condition dictate, to operate wliezi installed Y2 inches below grade. The sprinkler shall have a mininium ofV9, inch pap -up stroke to bring the rotating 11OZZIC tL11TCt illtO a cleat? environment. Sprinkler shall have a `co -molded' tubber cover to unsure durability and safety. The sprinkler shall have an exposed surface diameter after itistallation of 2 inches to ensure player safety. The riser] and nozzle turret assembly shall be encased in stainless steel. The sprinkler shall carry a five-year, over -the —comfit r exchange warrmity, iaot prorated). The sprinkler small be manuf ctUred by Emiter hidustries, Sari Marcors, California. It shall be Hunter Model I-4 04ss & 1-4004SSON for athletic fields and 1-20 4ss, Pro -Spray leads for general area. 2.10 Sprinkler Connection to Maim The sprinkler leads shall be comiected to the pile to the pipe by iiistalling a 2 elbow PVC prefabricated swing joint riser. The riser shall have P MPT tbread . The swing joint will have a care thread to prevent dirt from entering. The PVC shall be rated for 250 PSI. The swing joint shall be manufactured by DURA or equal. 2.11 PVCCement Cement for, use on PVC fittings shall be NSF approved for type I and Type 11 PVC Pipe and clre Jule 40 fit0igs. Cement is to meet ASTM D-2564 and F-493 for potable water, pressure, gas conduit and drain pipes. Application temperature shall be 3 5 to 110 degrees Falrrenlrcit. 2.12 Wire splicing Kits Aire splicing kits shall be D + DBR wire nuts. They shall be U.L. listed and C.S.A. certified. The wire nuts shall have eater proofing compound pre -injected. Aire nuts shall be manufactured by 3M, Electrical Products Division, ision, St Pard, Minnesota. Connectors shall be manufactured by 3M Corporation. 2.13 lectri{cal Electrical tape shall be non -corrosive, Nvater and oil resistant and 8 ml. Thick. Tape shall b suitable for use between 32 aid 176 degrees Falireiiheit. Tape shall be U.L. listed and approved. 2.14 Rain Sensor The Rain Sensor shall shut the irrigation system off by opening the common wire to the irrigation controller. The Rain sensor shall be adjustable to the amount of rain needed before slititdowti. The rain sensor shall be Hunter Wireless Rain Semon. 2.15 Radio The wireless radio shall consist of Linear XT -1 Tran mitter with T-1224DC wall momit power supply a ti (I ANT- antenna, Li near XR- 1 Receiver with T-1 4.8 DC wall mo u il t power supply acrd ANT -1 antemia aiid all necessary cables, fittings and mounting brackets for iiistallation. PART 3 — EXECUTION 3.01 Staking Out The Contractor shall stake out all proposed piping and wiring routes, sprinkler, valve mid controller locations in accordance with the locations showii on the drawing. The City's representative and/or designer shall approve such staking prior to the installation operation. Miiior climiges. in location shall be made at this time. Stakes shall be furnislied by the Contractor. Installed equipmeiit shall be adeqttately staked and flagged Nvith colored surveying tape so as to properly alert other trades (particularly the finish grade and seeding contractor) of these locations. 3.02 Excavating, PiL)e and Wire Laying And Backfilling The Contractor shall do all excavating,, vibratory plowing and backfilling required for the proper installation of the work. Pipe shall be installed strictly in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer, including bedding of pipe in bottom trench and securely tllrLIStillg ally fittings to change direction of the pipe. Thrust blocks shall be poured so as to not interfere with ally pipe joint or connection. Concrete for thrust blocks shall be furnished by the Contractor. Minimum depth of cover over pipe and wire shall be as follows: a. Main line piping — mijiinium 24' b. Zme piping (downstream of automatic control valves) — 1. 8" for athletic fields, 12" for general area. c. Wire in main line pipe trench shall be at the depth of the pipe, d. Wire in separate trench from pipe: 24 -volt wire — 18" e. Wire mider roads and through culverts shall be installed in 1 V2" conduit. Coliduit shall extend five feet beyojid road or culvert and shall be plugged with duct tape or approved eqUal. Wire shall be installed in the same trench as the pipe wherever possible. All Nvire shall be installed with at least 1% slack, 365) expansion loop at each 45 degree or 90 degree wrii in the trench and have an 18' expansion loop at each automatic valve. Wire may be laid with a vibratory plow but never pulled. When wire runs do not follow pipe trenches, lay them in a straight line, which will be carefully located on the As -Built Plan. If a change of direction is required on these runs, they are to be made at air migle betweem tAvo straight rains, and not as a sweeping curve. A splice box is to be installed at the angle point Nvith sufficient wire slack to allow wires to be raised at least 24' above grade. Backfill material shall he free from rock, large stories, or other unsuitable substances to prevent damage to pipe and vire during backfilling operations. Excess material shall be removed to a readily accessible location on site, as desiii ted by the owner's representative. Backfilling will be done by hand, so as to place it mider, around and above the pipe in stages so that it is hard tampered in layers to a point 6' above the pipe. Special care should be taker to insure that this layer is completely free of stores and other deleterious matter;. The remainder of the trench may be machine backfilled Nvith available soil. Machine placed backfill shall b compacted to original density by maclritre tamping, rolling or puddling to prevent settlement in the trench, Throughout the entire work period, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to refill any tretrc yes that may have settled due to incomplete compaction or washed out by natural rainfall or axil -off. Trenches shall be compacted amid left flush with present grade and hand raked clean of stow with a fine rale. This shall not be necessarily constr-tied as a final seedbed. 3.03 Testing All n -min lines having continuously applied pressure shall be tested at maximum system pressure for a period of 24 hours. Derr=itig this time visual inspection shall be made for leafs. Any leads shall be feed and the lit7es re -tested until satisfactory. All zoite lines, dowtistream of control valves, shall be tested mider working cojiditims. and visual inspection made for leafs, 3.04 Spi- nl let- Installation Sprinklers shall be set to grade as shown in detailed drawings or otherwise directed by the City's representative. Those spritrklers or quick coupling valves set to grade .shall be plum and to grade for a distatice of four feet from the sprinkler in all directions sprinklers shall trot be in pockets or ozr a moutrd. The sprinklers lead shall be comiected to the lateral lines by installing a swing joint for athletic fields, Adjustment of the sprinkler heads and automatic equipment will be doge by the Contractor upon completion of histallation, to provide optlnium performance. 3.05 ontt•oller, Installation Ground rods shall be ' by l OUL, listed, copper clad. steel. Connection of gromid wire to rod shall be with Cadwell cotrtlectors. Ground rod box shall be Carson VB70 with cover, The controller shall be connected to ars individual grounding network. Grounding should achieve grioutrd reading of 15 aphis or less. 3.06 Radio The atrteimae shall be mounted outdoors and have a litie of sight. The transmitter shall be installed within a NEMA 4 enclosure. 0 Er LM r.0dr z 0 w 0 LL 0 0 LL Lip W U 0 (r) 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 C� o tn' tr), a' 0' 0 0 t-- in N rl- Ln co (0 0 o 0 cq 0 Ed W to W rl C N 0 a 75 LLJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (�) 0 r- 0 m r r-: C\! q: 41 Q7 Lu CL to r- (N 0 t z DI z 0 0 cl 0 0 C� o tn' tr), a' 0' 0 � Z 0 cq rl- Ln a C%j C) C� o C) N cq 0 W rl C N 0 E 0 75 CD CD 0 0 CD C3 0 C-) w 6 (.) C3V- `r' Ld 6 m tn 41 Q7 Lu cq N td 0 z =1 Cf CL 0 C: CL vm,- LL 0 CY z 0 � 0 R 0 C� 0 C� 0 Lo 0 W z to R cD o (L o U� 0 W C N 0 E 0 75 '4ml 0 0 n- 'E m Lu 0 it EL Cf CL 0 C: CL vm,- LL 0 CY z 0 P (L W C N 0 E 0 75 '4ml 0 0 n- 'E m Cf CL 0 C: CL vm,- LL 0 CY QUOTATION FORM To. City of Otsego Project- Otsego Sector Fields - Well Room Modificaltons and I rrigation System Proposal of- hie) LC (hereinafter called the "Bidder"), organized and existing Linder the laws of the State of And doing business as 6re44- N - n a�kd -rhe Bidder hereby proposes to perform all work for the construction of the above referenced Project In accordance with the attached Construction Plans and Contract Documents. Work will be awarded on July 22, 2013. All work shall be completed by August 15, 2013. All labor, material, equipment and other expenses required to complete this project as shown on the Construction Plans shall be considered incidental unless otherwise noted and provided for below. Bidder agrees to per -form all the work described in the Construction Plans and Contract Documents for the following unit prices and/or lurnp sums, which include sales tax and other applIcable taxes and fees. ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION Well Room Modifications Booster Puny intailarn 3 Soccer Field Irrioation Systern 4 As -Built Plans Total Quotation Respec fully submitted' Attest, ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION I- LS LS P5 b 1 LS LS I LS LS I LS $ -9'ignature N, Aqctm et Title M? '1 941c for? dr Address' -7 3 Da QF -1 00300 QUOTATION FORM To: City of Otsego Project: is Soccer Fields - Well Room Madificaitons and Irrigation System Proposal of: Peterson Companies Inc, (Iyer-einafler called the "Bidder"), organized and existing under tho laves of the State of Minnesota and d0111g IRISiness as Peterson Companies Inc, The Bidder herel)y proposes to perform all work for the construction of the abovea feToren ced Project in accordance with the attached C011MI-LICtion Plans and Gontr,-cict D=11110,11t.S. Work will be awarded Oil JLJ1y 22. 2013. All work shall be completed by AUgLISt. '15, 2013. All Icabor, material, eClUipment and other expenses RiClUired to complete this project as sh1 011 01G.- COnStfUction Pk -ms shall be considered incidental unless offs emibe noted and pi-ovided for below. Bidder agi-ees to perfoun all the work described Irl tl)e colISUL10011 Plans and Contract Documents for the following unit prices andlor lump SUMS, which indude sales tax and other applicable taxes and fees. ITEM —N0._1 ITEMDESCRIPTI-ON-- I Well Room Modifications --2 Booster Pump Installation z. 3 Soccer Fieldirri 4 As-Bullt Plans Totill Quotation Respectfully submitted: Attest: E- 5 T1 M AT E D Q U A NIT!"Y UNIT PRICE I H X T E N'$1,31 0 N- .1 LS $2, OaO .0 LS $2,000.00 LS �12t225.00 I _,q 12 1 2 25 . 00 1 L;S 66,575-00 LS $6(1, F)'75 , 00 1 LS �200.00 1 00 $200.00 1,1811000100 Pr_ nsident B326 Wyoming Trail. CIA..9ago Ciuy NIM, 55013 Address to QF -1 00300 qUOTATION To: City of Otsego Project- Otsego Soccer Fields - Well Room Modificaltons and lrrigation System Proposal of'.�ct�2..�t'e�-CAW!) e-rs (hereinafter called the "Biddee), organized and existing under the laws of 1he State of f4s P and doing business as 66i r L O%W The Bidder hereby proposes to perform all worlfor the construction of the above referenced Project in accordance with the attached Construction Plans and Contract Documents. Work will be awarded on July 22, 2013. All work shall be completed by August 15, 2013. All labor, material, equipment and other expenses required to complete this project as shown on the Construction Plans shall be considered incidental unless otherwise noted and provided for below, Bidder agrees to perform all the work described in the Construction Plans and Contract Documents for the following unit prices and/or lump sums, which include sales tax and other applicable taxes and fees. ITEM NOV ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION I Well Room Modifications 1 LS LS 2 Booster Pump Installation I LS -7� 4S 0 LS S 0, 0 o 3 Soccer Field Ir-rigation System I LS 41 LS —4 As -Built Plans LS Total Quotation Respectrully submitted: Sign u re h ere - Attest: Title s 00 tf�7 9 0 1:�, AA A/ Address "Y -f lt3o —211 0/3 --aw QF -1 00300