ITEM 5.2 Comminty Ed AgreementITEM 5.2 TO: Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director DATE: August 10, 2017 RE: Agreement with ISD 728 Community Education Staff from the ISD 728 Community Education office and City of Otsego have been working to develop an agreement to better deliver services to area residents. The discussions have focused on collaborating with programs and making facilities available at a free or reduced rate for each agency to utilize for their own programming. An example of the programs being discussed would be if the City wanted to offer open gym at one of the area schools in Otsego and one wasn't already being offered, the City and Community Education would then both promote the opportunity. Staffing would be provided by Community Education, any revenue collected would then go to pay the staffing. Once the staffing levels were covered, any additional revenue would come back to the City. Another example would be if Community Education wanted to offer a cooking program for seniors and the City was not currently providing that opportunity, Community Education would then have access to Prairie Center to teach the class. Both organizations would promote the class, Community Education would collect the fees which would then first pay for the staffing that was provided by the City. Once the staffing levels where covered, any additional revenue would go back to Community Education. The sample agreement does make mention of a "Non -Duplication of Programming Agreement". The intent of this section is as follows: The City and School District recognize that there will be times that program duplication will occur. If and when this happens, each group will provide their program independent of the other. Staff is requesting that the Parks and Recreation Commission review the information included in this memo and provide a recommendation to the City Council on how to proceed. Enclosures: ITEM 5.2 Draft Agreement Between the City of Otsego and ISD 728 Community Education Prairie Center Rental Policy