ITEM 5.2 ISD728 CE and City of Otsego Park and Recreation AgreementSAMPLE DRAFT The City of Otsego Park and Recreation and ISD728 Community Education Collaboration and Facilities Agreement. This document serves as the agreement between the City of Otsego Park and Recreation Department and ISD728 Community Education in the areas of; facility rental, collaborative programming, and a non -duplication of programs agreement. Facilities Rental The ISD728 Facilities Usage Policy States: Local tax supported public agencies that do not charge District #728 rental fees and have negotiated a non -duplication policy or agreement with District #728 (at least 75% of participants reside in District 728) This Document serves as the agreement between the City of Otsego Park and Recreation and ISD728 Community Education and would fall under category B in the ISD728 Facilities Use Policy. (No rental fees) This will include all applicable District and City spaces that do not have additional requirements under the policy. (Fields, gyms, theaters, etc.) Staffing, utility and supply costs will still be applied as needed. Each Department will follow the facilities scheduling procedures outlined by policy. In the ISD728 Facilities Policy, recreation programs would fall under #3, "Local Government Use" in the "Priorities for Facility Use" section. Collaborative Programming The City of Otsego Park and Recreation Department and ISD728 Community Education will continue to explore opportunities to serve our constituents in the highest capacity possible. This may result in possible collaborative efforts between the City of Otsego Park and Recreation Department and ISD728 Community Education. When these collaborative efforts apply: • The department supplying the staff and supplies will handle participant registrations. • Facilities rentals will follow City and School District policies. • Collaborative programs will be cross -promoted by each department. • Both departments will share the costs and revenue for the program and split the remaining revenue after costs have been deducted. Community Department Marketing Both departments will indicate the opportunity for program registration with a link/ resource to the corresponding cross -department information, in publications and registration software. Non -Duplication of Programming Agreement The City of Otsego Park and Recreation Department and ISD728 Community Education strive to bring the highest quality programming to our constituents. To do this, both departments will advocate for the opportunities available to the Otsego community through the resources provided best by each department. Requests or recommendations from the Otsego community that fit the programming areas of the partnering Department will result in collaborative programming conversations or referral. ISD728 Programs Offered in the City of Otsego Adult Programs: Visual and Performing Arts, Cooking, Finance, Technology, Special Interest Dog Obedience, Skills, Parenting and Caregiving, Travel, Health/Safety and Wellness, Possible Conflicting Areas: Fitness, Senior Programs: AARP Adults with Disabilities: Arts and Crafts, Healthy Living, Lifelong Learning, Special Events, Trips, and outings. Infants, Toddlers, and Preschool: Dance, Preschool, Childcare, Parent/ Child Classes, Special Events, Parenting, Trips, Visual Arts, Music, Enrichment, Youth: Childcare, Academics, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Special Interests, Party Rentals, Technology, Cooking, Trips, STEM, Baby Sitting, Home Alone Possible Conflicting Areas: After School Athletic Camps The City of Otsego Park and Recreation Programs Adult Programs: Fitness, Date Night, Dog Events, Adult Leagues Senior Programs: 55+ Program Adults with Disabilities: Dance Youth: Karate, Sports Camps, Events, Golf, Cheer, Gymnastics, Archery, Tennis, Safety Camp, Adventure Camps, Skating Possible Areas of Collaboration: Adults: Fitness in the schools Adults with Disabilities: Fitness opportunities in the City of Otsego, Senior Programming: Utilize CE Programs as a Resource Events: Cross Planned with Department Resources Youth: After School Fitness/ Sports Camps, EdV Summer Week Promotion, Open Gym State Statute: 124D.19 COMMUNITY EDUCATION PROGRAMS; ADVISORY COUNCIL. Subd. 5.Policy to avoid program duplication. Each council must adopt a policy to reduce and eliminate program duplication within the district. ISD728 Facilities Use Policy: Local tax supported public agencies that do not charge District #728 rental fees and have negotiated a non - duplication policy or agreement with District #728 (at least 75% of participants reside in District 728) Advisory Council Bylaws: 4. The Council shall expand and improve communication between community groups, agencies, municipalities, and schools to assist in the coordination and elimination of duplication of programs and services.