ITEM 8.1t'ly ()k � WRIGHT COUNTY ARGIL G, HAWI{INS, DEPARTMENT OP HIGHWAYSti P.E. Highway Ungineer 763 682.7388 m CHA .D. HAUSAMNN, P,E, Wright County Public Works Building Assistant Highway Engineer "� 1901 Highway 25 North (763} 682.7387 lose Buf faro, V 55313 ALMA. JOHNSON Jct, TY. 25 and CA 138 Right -of Way Agent Telephone: (763) 682.7383 (763) 682.7386 Pte, (763) 682,73.134.i , t „Uja�° . l�J I.. l i , 1 '• i. I l Date: July 12, 2013 I E To: Wright County Cities & Wright County Township i t From: Virgil Hawkins, P,E,, Wright County highway ngineer RE: Wright County 6st.Sharing Policy Update We are writing to you to invite your City/Township to become an active participant in the process of updating the Wright County Cost -Sharing Policy (for County Highway construction projects), The Wright County Board has directed us to begin the process of updating our Construction Cost -Sharing Policy (that was last updated in 1993), The objectives for the policy update include: 1, update the Cost -Sharing Policy,to include missing elements like Roundabouts, Electric/specialty Sigtns, Trails, landscaping, Ae�tlilefic Treatments, Pedestrian Ramps (ADA) & any other items that are identified through tdis' inp[it gatheting process, 2, Develop an updated Cost -Sharing Policy to include both conventional projects (projects that are included in our 5 -Year or 10 -Year Work Plan); and a separate written policy to address development driven projects, Past practice for development driven projects has been negotiation (generally with no county participation unless the segment of highway affected was included in our 5 -Year Plan), 3, Ensure a fair and'consistent approach for ail projects regardless of location, 4. Remove uncertainty so that cities and developers understand county expectations related to cost share for improvements on county highways needed to"accommodate development. Please find enclosed a spreadsheet that shows how the existing Wright County Cost -Sharing Policy compares to the policies of adjacent and/or similar sized counties, Wright County will schedule a public meeting late summer/early fall this year for purposes of receiving input about possible changes and updates to our current policy. You will be given advance notice of this meeting, to attend and provide input. Peel free to send written input/comments to our -office at any time, Please contact our office if you have any questions or require additional information. Enclosure cc: County Commissioners Chad Hausmagn, Assistant County Engineer, f.ee'Kelly,)nterim County Coordinator File QD000nmts and Setiingslvgh738?WyDoctinicntslCost Shariag PolicyUpdate 20131Wor6Cover,Letter,Cost,Share.Policy,ilpciate,Junc,2013,docx Equal Opp ortwi tyIAfftrmativeActionEmployer 1 Cast Participation Policy Comparison µ i (lune 2013 • County Part)cioation Comparison 11 Cornparab Wnnestoa Counties stonda(d County CanstructionlnCities lvlthPo ufotlon>5000 State Aid Citles ond(Wes <5000and townships whicht 1ra1 have yety low cost shore. FOR PROJECTS INS gAR_PLAN ANDO_IMATOOYCOUNTYI Item Wright (Current 1993 Policy) Sherburne County Stearns County Anoka County Scott County Carver County — >5,404papu#ati0n <5,000&Tovmsblps >5,040pop, urban areas <5,004urbankeas >5,000pop. urbanareas <5,000urbankeas �5,000populatl0n c5,000papu!atfon CrJes/Townships 4,044populawo <5,000papulatfan Rightofway(RJ1!} IVA (Countydeslgnedpro�); I00'blCountydestgnedpro].); 01Urhanareas O�UrbanAreas 0;0 O-Csmfloutes Up toIn(dits;plyfor PAY Up toIn(dtiespay for Rn"l needed 70031(esdu�'ngRfVlfor Parking fanes) B�yt;egotfatian ByNegotiation ; VA(CitydesgneciproIj o} h(Cityciesignedpro].1 I A-CountyRoads leaded for sidewafks,trA,etc.) for sidemalks, trals, etc.1 Rural Oesht4 GradbrgLems Wh lOGti (AggBase,bit Items, tud, culverts, akcl UrttanResf;nGradfngNems 843; Up to In 500 AHRoules Countypaysy4thin curb Coun as •County I��]1P1 out CarntypaysWWri curb line;Coun Road -County 140 IVA I40'A, IVA {AggBase, Wtltems,turf, culverts, etc] pays nter24',Gtypays pa}scenter ls',Crtypays eserAhl gouts!deofthat everythingMsideofthat Concrete Curb MerW Oi3 � 0 435 0 54h 50# 5035 00 M Corurete CmbGutter Re acement 0'h IVA 100°A lr3 � 56'� Sl1h 100% 0 5430 Curb and GutterfvMedians U to U to Up p 50=h•New 54'� New ]00� 14l>=/s 144;, 104 100'h 100'h-Re lacement Natn CM(ete I&$an U 10100% U to I00.1 Up P 50% • New 54'}, -New 100'h In f2atAddressed 100;5 I06'h 144�•Replacement I00�•Rep!acement Shoulders 104 140'/, ]40°,S I00�3i 031 0� I00`h U%Iforpa�inglanes on5&61ane tslghWa) 0J (forparkingfaneson5&6#ane hrghwa s] ,� Turn Lanes - Left, Right, Center Up to ION a O0 0S • + Ll �, r (Pa1'cment suriacrng, Parldnglanes ipayed shaua3ers Up to 70-4fpatitmsntc00) 144;; 0% O'% 0'h 0% � ConcreteM"Valk-New 0sh 0{ 4'h 0% 03S 0% 0% 0% 0% Pedestrian Ramps • New 0% 0% SO b SlderrelkRepBlsement O'h(unlessrelocatiandueta 0 (unlessrelaatfandueta 0h 4 �� 104 100% 1D0 0 SO adingl radi ] B:icerray 0% 4',s 4% act 4;q Ofa 0'la 0% 4; LocalTral; 50%Unking& Regional;lDOOesBnaUan WOcalTrail; 501AUnk�g& Regional; ]04,4esdnation MewayReplacement 0% G% OIA 0% Up toIWA Uptolm hfallbozF1pport(meetng s'Afag away safety standards) - 100% IM I00'h 100% LocalUh]itles 0% 0'h 4'h 0'!a 0% 0 0'/c 03s 0% Intersectng Streets IM 100% 0% 4 Wzatlon,TraffrcControl Pro-ratedbyconstructionshare Pro-rated byconstructanshare Pro-rated byconstNuctonshare Pro•ratedbyconstruction share StormSe'NerlmanWes, grates, castings) Usban Based on5tateAldLetter of Med onState Aid Lettetpf SO'h � Based on5tateMletter(or Based on StatOld Letter (or S0'/ssofWlycontributing flow orcentage ch ssi (ontributinflow contributingfla++ Based on StaleAldLetter of Based on State 0lefterof conlnia-gfiavforCountyRoads) cori!rUtingflow for CountyRoads) as• total W. (cdverts/Mdges paid by %ofCanLHWtrgFlaw ofconvibutingflarr cantributngRau cont6xAgP#rr agancypf]urisdicUon) Driveua}s fdnd ` RuraI-IM inRural-I44'hinklnd; 031- New VA • New 0% 0%� 1C4`(dtlespay100%of #nand 100%, In (cities pay 100~h,4nk!nd (cities l04igoiupgrades) 104}, rban•OConc Lxos Ura •OYConc,Avon$ 106'A•Re acement IM-Replacement upgrades) u rade$ pay 106;; 50`haf local Share Iamount MoflacalShare(amount remalntn;afterFederal/State Mot lacalShare (amount 50%ofLocal Share(arnount 1/2cestofCuuntyLegsof Traffic 9 pals g remaining after Feder allstate g I partidpailanlsdeduded}; 106'6 lama 1 remalyd after federal State BasedonL sofintersedran � I � Basedonle sofintersection g Intersection IOOiS the legs county g Le � g B Le Y g partidpationlsdedaded) inTa�msis! s partfdpationhdeducked) partici abonisdeducted P } Bridges Negotiation ByNegdation $yflegotiation Trafrrc5'gnalsnot warranted Of 6X 0� 6sg 0y, s Roundabouts Basedonlegsoftntersecuon Based on legs ofinterse-cilon EVP 0 4 4 m6 0 Street Ughting • Urban to 740 Up to 10035 [PerSlree tUghVngPallry] (PetStreekUghtlngPo!rcy) 0-A 0% 0`h 0% By Leg By leg StreetUghting-Rural Up to 50% Up to 5N (Per Street Ughting P9cy) IFerStreet UghtgPopry) ah 4 4=h 0;0 0 0h RetairIngwalls UptoM Up to 56 affes 54 50°6 a6 0h Up tp 700'/ Town0ps �� Retalnfngwa':lsinlieuofR�4V 1 � acquistf0n i Same%aspAll Same`AasMV Was ciependingontYpeand Rural-I00'6 AverageTotalofCanstN lan length of proleUrban Varies{04'to75%} SS°h SSS aestgnEntneering Des18rPrellrnrgtneed Based oncasi artd atipn Based oncostparUd flan P P � Based on cost artidpation P Based on cost artd atlon eased on cost artld tlon P P P Pa Basildon artici atfon p P Ne otiation g Pro-rateOiconstrucionshare Pro rakedbyconstructionshare COnsiructionFngneering I Based ancastpartidpatinn Based on costparUdpation Based on costpartidpi* Based oncostpartdpation Rasedoncostpartklp3ti4n I Based oncastpAdpation $h Engiraeri tgpaid try non-lead a e 82AIngneeringpa'dlrynon-lead agency Negotiatipn Pro-Wed by construction share Pro-rated4construrHon share Uthermtes: ONlcounties paYfor the majority ofWafgand paving,Ah. someexcepbons, 091 counties share federal fundswithciUes. Olf Project has W.aral Ws, the Ms shares are much b-fier (S.IVA)The cost share agreements kldclnonnan•federdshare. PNlcounties hardediyutlitlesinsimilar ways, WWutMsarepafdforbythecityunlessthey need adjwmenlsso#elybecauseefthe _.--.--..._.._.__.. .r •yrecanst�dedhi;hway,