06-12-13 PR ITEM 3.1
June 12, 2013
7:00 PM
Call to Order.
Chair Torresani called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM.
Roll Call: Chair Peter Torresani; Commissioners: Charles VonBerg, Mike Brumm, Angie
Dehn and Brian Fahey. Absent: Commissioner Susan Krekelberg and Doug Cassady.
Commissioner Doug Cassady arrived at 7:03 PM.
City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp. Staff: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation
Manager; Daniel Licht, City Planner and Tami Loff, City Clerk.
1. Open Forum.
No one present.
2. Consider agenda approval.
Commissioner VonBerg motioned to approve as written. Seconded by
Commissioner Brumm. All in favor. Motion carried.
3. Consider the following minutes.
3.1 April 10, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes.
Commissioner Brumm motioned to approve as written. Seconded by
Commissioner Dehn. All in favor. Motion carried.
4. Unfinished Business.
No items.
5. New Business:
5.1 Pickle Ball Courts.
Parks and Recreation Manger Demant presented the staff report. Commissioner
VonBerg recommended considering pickleball in city parks. Commissioner VonBerg
currently is on a league in other communities and thinks it would be a good option for
the city. He stated there are other Otsego residents on his league. There was discussion
on using tennis courts. Commissioner Cassady asked how many tennis courts we
currently have and how many would the commission propose for pickle ball. City
Planner Licht said the city have five courts. Commissioner VonBerg recommended
pickleball on the west side at Lily Pond Park and the east side at possibly School Knoll
Park or Frankfort. There was discussion on the safety of the nets and supplies.
Commissioner Dehn suggested a lock box with a combination code as they use in the
City of Plymouth. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant said the approximate cost to
add two pickleball courts to existing tennis courts is $1000, which includes netting and
painting the lines. The Commissioners agreed locked storage would be needed. Parks
and Recreation Manager Demant said a lock box would be around $600. Commissioner
Cassady suggested use of the basketball courts. Commissioner VonBerg could use them
but there would be no fencing. Commissioner Brumm stated he is not sure Lily Pond
Park is the right location; the residents in that area us the tennis courts; he questioned
if Zimmer Farms Park would work. City Planner Licht said the city has had some noise
issues there and recommended Kittredge Park or Frankfort Park. The commissioners
agreed with the suggestion of Kittredge Park. Chair Torresani questioned the
disadvantage of doing all the courts. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant
recommended trying it at one location. The Commissioners agreed.
Commissioner VonBerg motioned to recommend two courts in one at
Kittredge park tennis courts for the 2014 CIP with portable nets and storage
not exceed $2500. Seconded by Commissioner Brumm. All in favor Motion
5.2 Prairie Park Master Plan.
City Planner Licht presented. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant asked the
commissioners to consider the maintenance side as well as the structures age and to
help prioritize addressing such things; like does the commission want to address the
quantity or the quality. Commissioner Brumm said he thinks the Prairie Park master
plan is good he asked when the irrigation would be addressed. City Planner Licht said
the city has included preliminary costs in the CIP; which is not funded at this time.
Chair Torresani said there is a need for more shelter. City Planner Licht said it is in the
CIP for next year.
Mayor Stockamp commented that additional parking is needed and recommended
option 2 for the sledding hill. City Planner Licht stated option 2 is preferred. The
Commissioners agreed that priorities would be water, power and parking. Parks and
Recreation Manager Demant said city staff will bring back to the July meeting an edited
map and the cost estimate for water and power.
6. Parks and Recreation Manager Update.
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant gave an update.
7. City Council Reports.
Mayor Stockamp gave an update.
8. Adjourn.
Commissioner Cassady motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner
Fahey. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:52 PM.
Written by Tami Loff, City Clerk