07-10-13 PRITEM 5.1
TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission
FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager
DATE: July 8th, 2013
RE: 2013 Capital Improvement Plan Recommendations
City staff has been working to update the Capital Improvement Plan for the City Council
to review. Has part of that update, staff is seeking direction from the Parks and
Recreation Commission on prioritizing the current Capital Improvement Plan as it relates
to the Parks and Recreation Department.
Included with this memo are the proposed 2014 Parks and Recreation Capital
Improvement Plan projects. Staff's intent is to go over these projects in more detail at
the July Parks and Recreation Commission meeting and seek feedback on the projects
and their priority.
Tennis/ Basketball Court Repair
Over the past year, staff has noted that several of the court surfaces are cracking and
are in need of some level of repair. The cost to go ahead and repair and resurface all
the courts that are in need of repair is estimated at $45,000. The work could be
phased in and some of the courts could wait until 2015 to be repaired. Staff will have
pictures documenting the courts that are part of this quote and will be requesting
direction from the commission on prioritizing the courts and their repair.
School Knoll
The existing pre -k play structure at School Knoll Park was installed in 2002. The play
structure has a life expectancy of 10 to 15 years. Significant deterioration of the
existing play structure is resulting in frequent repairs and increasing maintenance costs.
The current Capital Improvement Plan has $15,000 for replacement of the structure;
staff is recommending increasing the amount to $20,000.
The City currently has one painter that is not powered and is designed to paint smaller
soccer fields and baseball lines. In order to accommodate three full size soccer fields'
staff is recommending the purchase of a riding painter. This would increase
productivity by allowing staff to mix 50 gallons of paint at once, which would paint both
baseball and proposed soccer fields without filling the tank more than once. The cost
of a unit ranges from $10,000 to $17,000 depending on brand and the ability to buy
new or used.
Water & Electric at Prairie Park Baseball/ Softball
At the June meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission, Commissioners
recommended installing potable water and electricity at the baseball/ softball fields.
Staff is currently working with different contractors on estimates for the work to be
done. Once those estimates are completed, staff will present them to the Park and
Recreation Commission.
Playground Wood Chips
Currently the city has 7 parks which have 19 play containers that all have engineered
woodchips. These engineered wood chips need to be maintain to a certain level for
both playground safety and accessibility. Although there are no specifications in
regards to playground wood chips in relation to curb levels, it is left to professional
judgment to determine if the curbing is in fact a tripping hazard or not. The curbing is
actually considered to be outside the playground and that is why the regulations
governing playground safety do not address curb height. Most manufactures try to
keep a 2" lip around the exterior of the playground to contain the wood chips and
eliminate the tripping hazard. There are several play containers that fall far below that
2" standard staff is recommending that they be brought to the 2" standard and
maintained to this level annually. Staff will be meeting with a contractor on Tuesday,
July 9t" to get an estimate on the cost for both.