ITEM 4.1 PowerpointItem 4.1 Public Hearing Comprehensive Watershed Map History 2014 to today Overall watershed of 2014 vs today increased 2.4 acres or 0.3% - goal was to maintain water to same watershed wherever possible Additional 9.7 acre was routed through 86-7W due to a downstream draintile not functioning causing stormwater issues along 70t" St History — 2014 to today n), Runoff that ultimately drained to 86-8P will still get to 86-8P 86-7W History Has overtopped twice in last 40 years causing issues with homes, garages, septic systems and wells 2. Latest overtopping occurred in 2014 (pre -70t" StProject) National Wetland Inventory L Legend Parcel NWI - - �.e��C; s tip4♦�t AL , a _ u 4F � � ��' - - R1ia. < -t°'a � �185003�23b2. _ �-•. '�� 1Ai 1 x �Ij Ap .y: C 1 185 150283-403 �q { ` 118.500332100 z^ 118500294400 1�:9'18,700283300 - - .. i r 1 85 - 92 01 1 .a ....cam.. " �•/ 8 3 o +3t _ _ t. � • u}" I 0'03 _ 3185 0032.1 - 1 4 A - f � Cr"7Tti-EIR E � � ��' - - R1ia. < -t°'a � �185003�23b2. _ �-•. '�� 1Ai 1 x �Ij Ap .y: C 1 185 150283-403 �q { ` 118.500332100 z^ C .. i 1 85 - 92 01 1 u}" I 850 D3321 C 1 �l rS-O 0 3. 2 1 ZJ G AL MiL 0 !?102 a 29 80 Year Annual Precip % Notable 2012 29.59 93% 2013 32.77 103% 2014 35.44 111% May, June and July accounted for 22.19" or 11,9" above average for those three months - 86-7W overtopped (pre 70th St project) 2015 36.14 113% July 7,28" or 3.28" above normal during construciton of 70th St) 2016 40,32 126% 2nd half of year- every month much above average - constituted 26,9" or 10.17" above average going into freeze up 9/1/16 to 8/31/17 46.8 147% 1st half of continued very wet cycle- running year almost 50% more than normal Avg Year 31.89 Summary - working on 5th straight year above average precipitation Reason for Project Minimize flooding potential of residential homes and property adjacent to 86-7W and shorten time of elevated water elevation at 86-7W to provide storage potential for next large runoff event Reason for Project Currently 86-7W recedes to NWL below overflow elevation only by evaporation and infiltration and is extremely dependent on temperature, humidity, wind, and additional precipitation Design Criteria by City and DNR Water quality of 86-302 maintained by directing 86-7W to 86-8P Set outlet of 86-7W @ 926.7 to preserve existing wetland (slightly above OHWL) Outlet must have fish barrier design to keep undesirable fish out of 86-7W Design Criteria by City and DNR Size outlet pipe to reduce high water elevations and lessen drain down time of 86-7W without negatively affecting downstream Lower risk of any house being flooded Minimize number of properties affected by construction � Complete in time of year that minimize affects to property (late fall) oiasi ....................................................................... 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