ITEM 3.2TPC The Planning Company PLANNING REPORT 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP REPORT DATE: 14 September 2017 ACTION DATE: RE: Otsego — Holy Ground; PUD-CUP/Lot Line Adjustment TPC FILE: 101.01 BACKGROUND Ms. Betty Benson, together with two abutting property owners, has submitted a certificate of survey to adjust lot lines for four parcels along the east side of Mason Avenue. No new lots are being subdivided. The purpose of the lot line adjustment is to "square" the parcels and make for more logical boundaries based on conditions in the field. The lot line adjustment can be approved administratively as a minor subdivision in accordance with Chapter 2 of the Subdivision Ordinance. However, one of the resulting parcels has a lot width less than that required for the Zoning Ordinance. To allow the reduced lot width, the property owners have requested approval of a Planned Unit Development -Conditional Use Permit (PUD -CUP). A public hearing to consider the application has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 18 September 2017 at 7:OOPM. Exhibits: • Site Location Map • Certificate of Survey (2 sheets) ANALYSIS Zoning. Parcels A, B, and D are zoned A-2, Agriculture Long Range Urban Service District, whereas Parcel C is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District. Parcels A, B, and D were approved apart of the Holy Ground final plat in 2002, which included a conditional use permit allowing lots less than 20 acres in area and lot widths less than 450 feet. Parcel C is an existing lot of record as of 14 October 2014 and is required to have a minimum lot area of one acre and minimum width of 150 feet. Lot Requirements. All of the parcels are required to have a minimum lot area of one acre and minimum lot width of 150 feet. The table below describes the existing lot area and lot width of each parcel and that which is being proposed on the submitted certificate of survey: Parcel Existing Side Proposed Min. Setback 35ft. Lot Area Lot Width Lot Area Lot Width A 10.01ac. 387ft. 13.2ac. 387ft. B S.00ac. 180ft. 5.73ac. 330ft. C 4.05ac. 262ft. 1.52ac. 196ft. D 14.69ac. 150ft. 13.29ac. 66ft. All of the proposed parcels comply with the minimum lot area and width requirements established by the Zoning Ordinance, except Parcel D. The Certificate of Survey adjusts lot lines such that the 150 foot wide portion of Parcel D abutting Mason Avenue is attached to Parcel B; The south lot line for Parcel C is to be adjusted to attach the south 66 feet of that parcel to Parcel D. The adjustment in boundaries between Parcels C and D reflect the in-place driveway across Parcel C used to access the single family dwelling on Parcel D. The 66 foot width of the driveway corridor to Mason Avenue is such so as to allow for the opportunity to dedicate right-of-way and construct a public street access at such time in the future when Parcel D may be further subdivided. Allowance of the lot width less than 150 feet for Parcel D may be allowed by approval of a PUD -CUP. Setbacks. The table below summarizes the minimum setback requirements applicable to each existing and proposed parcel. All of the existing buildings within the proposed parcels will comply with minimum setback requirements for each yard. Yard Front Side Rear Min. Setback 35ft. 10ft. 50ft. Easements. The Certificate of Survey does not identify drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of each parcel. A 10 foot drainage and utility easement is required by Section 21-7- 15 of the Subdivision Ordinance at the perimeter of each parcel (5 feet each side of common lot lines) and must be shown on a revised Certificate of Survey. The revised Certificate of Survey must also dedicate a 40 foot right-of-way easement for Mason Avenue for each parcel consistent with the Transportation Plan designation of the roadway as a Minor Collector Street. Utilities. Each parcel is currently served by on-site septic and well utilities. The proposed lot line adjustment as shown on the Certificate of Survey will not affect the existing utilities serving the parcel. N Park Dedication. The proposed lot line adjustment does not result in subdivision of any new lots. As there are no new lots created, the proposed lot line adjustment does not impact the City's park and trail system. No park dedication is required as part of the proposed lot line adjustment. Criteria. Consideration of the PUD -CUP application is to be based upon, but not limited to, the criteria established in Section 20-2-41 of the Zoning Ordinance: 2 4. 5 The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The subject sites are guided for future low density residential development within Urban Service Expansion Area W2. Low density residential development will not occur until such time as sanitary sewer and water utilities are extended. In the interim, the subject sites are allowed development of rural residential uses at a density not to exceed one dwelling per 10 acres. Parcels A, B, and D were approved as an interim rural residential plat consistent the Comprehensive Plan and Parcel C is an existing lot of record. The proposed lot line adjustment and PUD -CUP to allow Parcel D to have a lot width of 66 feet does not intensify or even alter the existing development in the area and is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for interim rural land uses. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: As the proposed lot line adjustment and PUD -CUP will not intensify or alter the character of existing development of the subject sites, there will be no compatibility issues created with surrounding rural residential uses or future low density residential development. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The proposed lot line adjustment will comply with all requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance except as modified by the PUD -CUP. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The proposed lot line adjustment and PUD -CUP will not result in any increase in traffic generation. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed lot line adjustment and PUD -CUP will not intensify or alter the character of existing development of the subject sites, which are currently accommodated within the City's existing service capacity. RECOMMENDATION Our office recommends approval of a PUD -CUP to allow Parcel D to have a lot width of 66 feet subject to the conditions outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend approval of a PUD -CUP for Parcel D to allow a minimum lot width of 66 feet subject to the following conditions: 1. The parcel shall comply with the minimum lot area requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The parcel and all principal or accessory buildings shall comply with the minimum setback requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. C. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Betty Benson N Parcel A Area a 1.122 ACRES r i A I t,l �aV r J Area of Parcel D I It � b Cmege SAM Neuse attached to Parcel B Parcel B r j Sao Area = 5.73 ACRES 01" r 4• tt � a j ss9w,] 'e .� r I`$ SR69 a $ f ss9V9'r6 E 4i 1� rl 9e9V976E 674.98 I589T432T) I Aed 6 1 ea,e ti o `�I 7 Parcel CW I p et, � j Area= 1.52 ACRES ` e Ij 12 ' EtJ a a 0 r o V e IF .TJ 4a I N63L9Y5"N 67(09 �r sv SW CN o1 Me Nw. 1/4 cost al f . r f l IM N£ 1/4 11 5-111,i Cwnfy .Vldv 7S Scum tiro o1 Ne XW. 1/4 of t the NE 1/4 01 S -Ii. 19 *4 tJ t C � N I l� Awfn gime er ue sw. r/4 er the SL 7/4 el Src!!an t8 42439 No,M five of the hr i/4 aI rhe XE 1/4 0l SeUfac 18� Area of Parcel C attached to Parcel D Parcel= D Arca = 1329 ACRES erouoe i "9.t3 Certificate f Survey � � U n e E� ,n % m O g� E c m c f� Nc m 2 _ • 0 4 a ir- S� \`e F (NDO'UOW"t) denotes De(d Bearing o m Area of Parcel D mm =�K attached to Parcel Ay Gl D H `"— F- m c z u� a y L+j m rr 1! _ o0 11, W x ^ Lj (j) C m �- f ] (D VJ --` PROPOSED PROPERTY D£SCR1P77ONS m5. O C PARCEL A. Lot 3. 81ack 1. BFCKM Af FARM, Wright Cormry, MTrnnesalo, acca dibg to the MW racarded plot thereof.Cal AND I� Ihat part of Lot Z. Hoek 1, HOLY GROUND, WrTgh! (aunty, Minnesota, occarrling to T t the recorded plot thereof that tic wltNh fhe Southwest Ouorter of the Southeast Ouorler of SeeUon 1$ Township 121, Range 73 `n T r Jq PARCEL B: r ; � o y o f� `m Yy^ a 0 o e Lot 1, Stock 1, HOLY GRGUND, 14YTgfit Covnfy. Minnesota, eccordirtg to the thereof. w, recorded plot ` m e That port of Lot 2. Ofock 1, HOLY CRCUND, {WightCounty, M7oaesoto, accarding la m o A b b the recorded plat thereof that ties wffhi7 the West 331.46 feet of the Narthwesf 1 e 0..,ter of fhe Northeast Cuarter of Seetien 19 Township 121, Range 23. .� PARCEL G That pari ai the Wsst 337,<6 feet that lies Northerly of (h. SoufA 68.00 feet of 2, q.9 the Ukwklg d—cribed praperty fi e si R v o 0 A m + � That port of Ole Narthwast Quart— of the Northeast quarter of Sactim 19, 3 H W Tawnell7p 121, Range 23, Weight County, MTanesoto, described w- commrnc-bg the Soathwest cpner thrnce North 7eng the West lino d$lonce t t e m c of a of 73.787 feel to the of beg7nn149,• thrnca 5 fh 89 degrees 14 mklutes point 52 seconds 15 s1, o efistorce of 674.98 feet; thence North 26L83 legit: fhenca ` hOrM 89 dos ocs 14 minutes 52 seeaods West, o distance of 674.96 /cel to tn. West lino; thance South 261.83 feet to the polnt of beginning 4 0 PARCEL D: c m That part of the laf/awing described property U� 7ho1 part of the Northwest Ouorter of the Northeast Oucrter o1 Section 19, Township 121, Rangy 23, Wright County, Minnesota, described as carnmeCiilg 2 C e NK a at the Southwest comer thence North afang the {Yest line o 6+ltamce of 73767 feet to the point of Lxgihn;.g; thence South 89 degrees 14 mt cafes Y \V 52 seconds East, a distowe of 674.95 feeC thence North 261.83 feet; thence F W " a North 89 degrees 14 mkw1w 52 secands Wast, o distance of 674.98 feel to Q Q the Wesl fine; thence South 261.83 lest fa the paint of begtnning except that m �+ part of !ho 01-133Z46 feet that tins Northerly of the South 66,00 feet of y" m sold property. t { N AND b That port of Lot 2, &ock 1, HOLY GROUN*J, Right County, Minriasatc, occarang to c mom— Me recorded plot thereof• that ties within the Nodhwesl Duarte, of the Northeast t 0aarfer of Sectian 19, Township 118• Rengo 2J one East of !hc {fest 337.46 feet of said Nwlhwest Ou^.rter o7 the Nar&aa I quarto. N o `7 314 C C b v N i `5 op m ti �U C IfI , *a h Certificate of Survey b Q t„ i ,54gpp N8999'36"W 127416 \ j f I �b f ' iiS l6 ^• Q I I G eV 110 _ I Ir [nickm � - Fe.l Fn 0 cooa � 1J� U y r u`�i II (N0000'OO'E) denotes Deed Bearing o mb a Parcel A `; I - �`•� � o��� - ( I Area = 1322 ACRES r n e o CA IZ xw,x, ._ h j L 1 �1 J w" 141- I 1J - � `a-> r s S ' Saefh Line of the S.W. 1/4 of ; ) SfWt19;T81• !27863 the SE f/4 of Secrtat 1 85414 �� 1 j 0 1 " 424.39 — m N NLU e N.& 1/4 of 3eck'm4 feJ I .` I I � �f I CeroSe Sned Parcel •B r I�,j • Arm = 5.73 ACRES i I O a�� r `y 1 �, Im_ Cn �L PROPOSED PROPERTY DtSCRIPUONS c, n f \ PARCEL A: 4-4 @ � �— f 5897/9' 1'56436 Lot 3, Black 1, BECKMAN FARM, Wright County, Mfinesata, according to the recorded plat thereof. W p[lp[ •`= a< 69 14� i,• I AND � t' That part of Lot 2, Block 1, HOLY GROUND, Wright County, Minnesota, accord/ng to m f 58999'18 E317,49 -- \ the recorded plot thereof that Ifes within the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast v 58999'161' 674.98 (5897432'£')° a Quarter of Section 18, 7—hip 121, Range 23, m r �I • shed -6G6- =1c . '/ I 1,. & PARCEL B.• o I Shed / I Lot 1, Block T, HOLY GROUND, Wright County, Mlnnesoto, acccvdnq to the recorded p/at thereat, o F„ AND yt m.c 3 m f $ Parcel V fiat port of Lot 2 Block 1, HOLY GROUND, Nfight County, Mlnneso", according to m o mo $ Area = 1.52 ACRES .s r �= the recrorded plat thereof that hes within the West 337.46 Leet of the Northwest m f. 8a a Parcel D Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 121, Range 23. - • g h Are. = 13.29 ACRES PARCEL C. a m { I IN I a� �mom16 j Thof port o/ the WesF 337.46 leaf That //es North -/y of the South 66.00 feet of ,Z, m y a I •. the fol/owing described property. y C� m p �, N69D9'f6'SV 337.49 J I $ That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19, e m y W t o 1,1 j Township 121, Range 2$ Wight County, Minnesota, described as commencing \yV I 3 at the Southwest comer thence North along the West line a distance of 1 733.87 feet to the point of beginning; thence South 69 degrees 14 mi -fes b 0 0. v D4 52 seconds East, a distance of 674.98 feet; thence North 261.83 feet minutes 52 econds West, a di Wo. e of 6 c7A98 et to fethence a i - Fence o.4' x the West fine; thence South 261,83 feet to the point of beginning �a o W-1 of Comer-� North 89 degrees 14 1.shed jj 411 _ r N 9nArs"W 574.96 (569'4521 - )PARCEL PARCEL D: 2 O1 y o y j That Part of the fol/awing described property. o c 7haf the Northwest v 1 - r7h port of Quarter of the Northeast Quarter o/ Section 19, Township 121, Range 23, Wright Couafy, Minnesota, described as commencing N2 p a = e a at the Southwest comer thence. Norfh along the West line o distance of o a 73387 feet to the point of beginning, thence South 89 degrees 14 minutes 52 seconds East, o dfsfonce 674,98 feet; thence North 261.83 fee(; �Q oc�i ^•� W I of thence North 89 degrees 14 minutes 52 seconds W t o distance of 674.98 feet to �-4i a z` t + the West line; thence South 261.83 feet to the point of beginning except that m Z3 o part of the West 337..46 feet that lies Northerly of the South 66.00 feet of said property. o" -f N r I ANO c o ibo o q �.aM�a ulo fiat part of Lot 7, Black 1, HOLY GROUND, Wright County, Mlnnesoto, according to tt p V F. 4Y F ce 4 the recorded prof thereof, that Has wIMIn the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast oy y o or c er Eoet of C-1 / Quarter of Section 19, Township118, Range 23 and East of the West 337.46 feet 9 �+ 3•' N = i SW. cone o! the KW. 1/4or said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter. i t of 1heN.E 7/4 of Section $89'4426W 649.13 Tnwn>1411","-,- 13 f µsign! County, M&u,emt° s°olh tine 1111* A. 1/4 W m 4 -C er 1 ! the KE 1/4 of Seclf- 19 I - C 2 ••� 3 y Site Location Map Overview Legend Roads — CSAHCL — CTYCL — MUNICL — PRIVATECL — TWPCL Highways — Interstate — State Hwy — US Hwy City/Township Limits ❑ c ❑ t Parcels