ITEM 3.1ITEM 3_1 TPC The Planning Company PLANNING REPORT 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — Bison Plaines REPORT DATE: 14 September 2017 ACTION DATE: 21 October 2017 TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND SR LLC has submitted application for preliminary and final plat approval of Bison Plains consisting of two lots and two outlots. The subject site includes the Minnesota Native Landscapes wetland restoration business location. The preliminary/final plat will incorporate the additional 39.58 acres east of the initial Minnesota Native Landscapes parcel that was acquired by the property owner and annexed to the City by ordinance on 14 November 2016. The preliminary/final plat provides a lot for the Minnesota Native Landscapes buildings and subdivides the building used by the separate business tenant onto their own lot, which that business will then own. The undeveloped portions of the existing and annexed property is to be platted as two outlots. The application also includes a request to amendment Zoning Map rezoning the annexed parcel to A-2, Agriculture Long Range Urban Service Area consistent with the balance of the property, a PUD -CUP for the area and access for Lot 2, and vacation of existing right-of-way and drainage and utility easements. Exhibits: A. Site Location Map B. Preliminary Plat ANALYSIS Zoning. The initial Minnesota Native Landscapes parcel is zoned A-2 District. The annexed parcel is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District as specified by Section 20-50-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. The property owner is requesting a Zoning Map amendment including the entire preliminary plat within the A-2 District. The A-2 District allows for both existing businesses within the subject site and their past approvals are not affected by the subdivision as there is no change to the operation of the uses themselves. Lot Requirements. Lots within the A-2 District established after 14 October 2002 are required to be a minimum of 20 acres in area and 450 feet in width, except by conditional use permit. With approval of a conditional use permit, the lots may be a minimum of one acre with a minimum width of 150 feet. Lot 1 is to be 10.4 acres in area and Lot 2 is to be 6.0 acres in area. The area of the proposed lots is based on the area needed to accommodate the current business and allows potential for expansion. The platting of the balance of the properties as outlots provides for continuation of agriculture activities until a more intense use is identified. Approval of the proposed lots being less than 20 acres in area and less than 450 feet in width with a PUD -CUP complies with the intent and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Setbacks. The table below outlines the setbacks required by the A-2 District: Yard Front Side Rear Setback 35ft. 10ft. 50ft. The existing buildings within Lot 1 comply with all applicable setbacks. Lot 2 does not have defined front, side, or rear yards being completely surrounded by Lot 1 and Outlots A and B. Setbacks within this lot will be established by the PUD -CUP as 10 feet from any lot line. Access. The subject site is accessed via right-of-way extended from the terminus of 77th Street. A right-of-way easement was recorded over the east line of the initial Minnesota Native Landscapes parcel to allow for future extension of a north -south street. City staff believes a better location for a north -south street is along the east line of the parcel annexed to the City to be platted as Outlot B based on spacing from Jalger Avenue. As such, the proposed preliminary plat includes vacation of the existing north -south right-of-way easement and dedication of right-of-way for a cul-de-sac turnaround at the south line of the preliminary plat. As the existing right-of-way easement will not serve a public purpose, it's vacation is appropriate. The developer will be required to construct a gravel turnaround at the terminus of 77th Street, subject to approval of the City Engineer. Lot 2 does not have frontage or direct access to a public street. The design of the preliminary plat in such a manner is common for industrial type uses and may be allowed by approval of a PUD -CUP. Anew access easement will be dedicated from the cul-de-sac terminus of 77th Street north to proposed Lot 2 to allow access to a public street. If a new driveway is to be 2 constructed to access Lot 2, the design and specifications for the driveway are to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Easements. Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires dedication of drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of Lots 1 and 2. These easements are shown on Lots 1 and 2, as well as Outlots A and B. All drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Grading Plan. No grading plan has been submitted as no site alterations are proposed at this time. Utilities. There are no sanitary sewer and municipal water utilities available to the subject site. The existing developed uses within the preliminary plat are served by on-site septic and well utilities. Park and Trail Dedication. The preliminary/final plat establishes Lot 2 as separate from the balance of the Minnesota Natives Landscapes development. The portion of Lot 2 not previously platted as a developed parcel is 3.1 acres. Such action is subject to park and trail dedication requirements established by Section 21-7-18 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The Future Parks and Trails Plan within the 2012 Comprehensive Plan does not identify acquisition of land within the area of the preliminary plat, so park and trail dedication will be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land. The cash fee in lieu of land for an agricultural business use is $3,500 per acre or $10,850, which must be paid prior to recording the final plat. Criteria. Consideration of the Zoning Map amendment and PUD -CUP applications is to be based upon the criteria set forth in Section 20-3-2.F and 20-4-2.F, of the Zoning Ordinance respectively: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for industrial land uses. Minnesota Native Landscapes and the tenant business are defined as agricultural uses, which are appropriate for the subject site on an interim basis until such time as utility infrastructure is extended to allow for development of more urban industrial businesses. The subdivision of the initial parcel separating the two businesses onto individual lots and incorporating the annexed parcel is consistent with the interim rural use of the property and future development of industrial uses guided by the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The uses are agricultural in nature. The subject site and surrounding area is rural, but planned for future industrial development. The existing uses and proposed preliminary/final plat will be compatible with existing and future uses in the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The proposed lots comply with the requirements and intent of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, and Engineering Manual subject to modifications allowed by approval of the PUD -CUP. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The proposed preliminary/final plat will not result in additional traffic generation beyond what may be expected from the natural growth of the existing businesses. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed preliminary/final plat will not result in a significant intensification of development or activity within the site and the City has adequate capacity to serve the existing uses. RECOMMENDATION Our office recommends approval of the applications for Bison Plains subject to the conditions as outlined below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS Decision 1— Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to recommend City Council approval of a Zoning Map amendment rezoning property from A-1 to A-2 District based on a finding that such action is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the application is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — PUD-CUP/Preliminary Plat -Final Plat/Easement Vacation A. Motion to recommend City Council approval of a PUD -CUP, Preliminary and Final Plat, and vacation of existing easements for Bison Plains, subject to the following conditions: M 1. Principal and accessory buildings within Lot 2, Block 1 shall be setback a minimum of 10 feet from any lot line. An access easement between 77th Street and Lot 2, Block 1 shall be drafted and recorded with the final plat, subject to review and approval of City staff. 3. Dedication of all easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. All utility issues shall be subject to review by the City Engineer. The developer shall satisfy park and trail dedication requirements as a cash fee in lieu of land prior to recording the final plat. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the application is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and does not comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator/Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer 5 z TM NORTH QU(MER CORNS¢ BELZf, TYR+lZ1, R1K,24 ; W� N E4ST11NECFJNE 5rc2s, iYOP UY, SR SEC]8 TWY 11 � RNG24 (GSrfRLWMGWI1NENr) P.I.D. 8118-800.291200 .--.- 5 89'23' 58' W 908.74 _1 J INSETA j ,• � NelcfNUNEt�rxESEia 13 k3[hhp3 N +v lCSSTIRrwMG11uMFNJ) - .-,.• .-o_ ,., scczr, THv lz, wlczs EasrouaerEE ccwNrn •••-•• 1189'11`17-W 3950.40 -----• •, • np; THP rzf, xAGz4 _.. 589'34'iTEt, 13\ f�TIRavMaYUvtXf) B6M S7REETNE "•. `.. ..-.... jl OF '!l7i'WSP0RTA77ON 3 b SI w �a PER rwc Nlli I 1 k k f�laf�afa7618f ,k � g Ae44nraulrrle cr>R,�x sEc]e, TWP lv, aNGz4 l "r � es�ns � . wn�aJa'us� l k 8" I fc.�' amF°1"�s"mu..ar B I z (cASTlxcwMOMJuwp 1t I zm rorrxs.n.uv� I1�� �N ZtI/�HEl/1 z TM � I P ; W� N E4ST11NECFJNE 5rc2s, iYOP UY, SR SEC]8 TWY 11 � RNG24 sr,.._ -i i P.I.D. 8118-800.291200 .--.- 5 89'23' 58' W 908.74 _1 J INSETA j Htr (NO SCALE) 13 k3[hhp3 OUTLOT A r' jl OF '!l7i'WSP0RTA77ON 3 b SI 1 \ Ne9'235P_ INSET B w 1 1," -• S 89-48'43- E 2605.62 -- Q - - ----------• 1302.81 $ —teams+-- - Necoaacrt----- —;4 1zf,101624 .¢928 TfYP 111, 8AG34 E4ST11NECFJNE 5rc2s, iYOP UY, SR SEC]8 TWY 11 � RNG24 sr,.._ -i i P.I.D. 8118-800.291200 .--.- 5 89'23' 58' W 908.74 _1 J OUTLOT A i8•� .Y,T �'�� � \ 76761@, , 1 1076076183o, & 10161& \— – – – – -- jl OF '!l7i'WSP0RTA77ON p ,4!G -T!, OF WAY SI I4 I 1 k _ a 1302.81 a S --- - —-. m�,a.�.nu-------- - Riti''ii. 344.65_ s LOT 2 N 1 E 563.52 LOT 1 - 9'23' k^•�\ uav,n�unwaffi m I I9 srEp@7A 276 6 � •. 346.76 - . •• �\ �yty\ m l l \\�� P.I.B. 12118-000-1B71D, I I m T' mrMP ExJec fv�'sr� i�ials2",e srZo\ .:h'F I L •\ \ W \��BLO�.1 N��7HE 5,r28 TWP 131, AW14 tk XASTIR1YP11f A -M (GST/R]NMCNILB£Nr) k C, ORIENTATION OPTH18 BEARING SYSTEM ISBASEDONTHEWRIGHT COUNTY COORDINATESYSTEM NAO 83 (1998 NARNADJ.) 0 200 400 SCALE IN FEET a DENOTES: SET IRON PIPE WITH CAP STAMPED 'DELEO 40341" • DENOTES: FOUND IRON MONUMENT ® DENOTES: GOVERNMENT SECTION CORNER MONUMENT k P.I.D. 12273-ODO-]81100 ��, i ��11k OUTLOT B / i For7n N 89°24' 09" W 1310,20 (14 i�•1I 1zf,101624 E4ST11NECFJNE 5rc2s, iYOP UY, SR SEC]8 TWY 11 � RNG24 •^y aggro tk A C .t ®fWTfY1BF%IPLICFdiD i8•� .Y,T �'�� � \ 76761@, , 1 1076076183o, & 10161& \— – – – – -- jl OF '!l7i'WSP0RTA77ON p ,4!G -T!, OF WAY �.---------- – EASTQ(f/ertRcma? I (O4fT1RONMrYIP /2f, RNr.21 OVN41ENt) PROPERTY BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION FOR PLAT The Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NEIM NE1/4), Section 28, Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota. Together with That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NW114 NEI/4) and NORTNIUSTthat part of Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SWI /4 NEI M), Section s ue 28. Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northeasterly of MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO. 86.3, as is an file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for Wright County, Minnesota. BUILDING SETBACKS Agricultural -Long Range Urban Service District A-2 Principal Structures: 130 feet from Arterial/Major Collector Centerlines (or 65 from R/V ) 65 feet from Local Street Centerlines (or 35 feet from R/W) 10 feet from side yard lines 50 feet from rear yard lines PLAT AREAS Entire Plat = 70A8 Acres Lot 1= 10.40 Acres Lot 2= 6.00 Acres Outlot A= T 7.18 Acres Outlot B= 36.50 Acres ROAD R/W= 0.40 Acres CONTACT INFORMATION Owner and Develooer- 5 R, LLC 8740 77th St NE Otsego, MN 55362 Joe and Amy Schaffer 9471 Jaber Ave NE Monticello, MN 55362 Phone: 763.295.0010 Land Surveyor - Sam DeLeo Kramer Leas DeLeo, P.C. 13 North 11th Ave. St. Cloud, MN 56303 Phone: 320.259-1266 __1 i�•1I E4ST11NECFJNE 5rc2s, iYOP UY, SR SEC]8 TWY 11 � RNG24 •^y T: -. UII NNfESOTA CDIARTYEV jl OF '!l7i'WSP0RTA77ON I ,4!G -T!, OF WAY PLATNO. 66-4 BUILDING SETBACKS Agricultural -Long Range Urban Service District A-2 Principal Structures: 130 feet from Arterial/Major Collector Centerlines (or 65 from R/V ) 65 feet from Local Street Centerlines (or 35 feet from R/W) 10 feet from side yard lines 50 feet from rear yard lines PLAT AREAS Entire Plat = 70A8 Acres Lot 1= 10.40 Acres Lot 2= 6.00 Acres Outlot A= T 7.18 Acres Outlot B= 36.50 Acres ROAD R/W= 0.40 Acres CONTACT INFORMATION Owner and Develooer- 5 R, LLC 8740 77th St NE Otsego, MN 55362 Joe and Amy Schaffer 9471 Jaber Ave NE Monticello, MN 55362 Phone: 763.295.0010 Land Surveyor - Sam DeLeo Kramer Leas DeLeo, P.C. 13 North 11th Ave. St. Cloud, MN 56303 Phone: 320.259-1266 __1 Site Location Map Overview Legend Roads — CSAHCL — CTYCL MUNICL — PRIVATECL — TWPCL Highways Interstate — State Hwy — US Hwy City/Township Limits ❑ c 0 Parcels