ITEM 3.3B OHP 8.23.2017 MinutesITEM 3_3B 8-23-17 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission Present: Toni Seroshek, Chris Wilson, Zonja Matushenko, Gail Anderson; Mayor Jessica Stockamp Meeting was called to order at 6:40pm. Minutes were approved for the June meeting. There was no July meeting due to lack of quorum. Re: attendance at the State Historical Preservation annual conference: No Commissioners were able to attend so we will not have representation at this event this year. Newspaper clippings: Chris is continuing to collect Star News clippings pertinent to Otsego's historical interest. We discussed Lance Lindberg's article on the history of Elk River and noted his historical knowledge. At some point we may wish to interview him re: Otsego. Festival proiect: Chris has painted the "canvas" background of a few of Otsego's biggest symbols like the round barn, the water tower, the old school/city hall and a police car by it. This will be the background for the pictures we will take with Jessica's camera. We can also take pictures with people's own cameras or phones If we run out of battery or if they wish. Those pictures will be posted, without names, on the City website. The layout of the booth was determined. We will offer our books and Jessica will get us $60 in change. Jessica will bring a smaller table for the books we are selling. Toni will ask Ross if our booth can be located near the Boy Scouts and the car show. We will also have two easels on the front corners of the booth. There will be a table on each side for participants to write on the two different questions: What are the reasons you live in Otsego? and What do you like about Otsego? We passed a motion for Kim Welter to make a permanent banner which says: "Heritage Preservation Commission" preceded by Otsego City Logo and which can be used to identify our booth every year. Chris will make a sign which will be on the front of the booth, "Check in and make history today." Chris will check prices on two foam core backs to be used on the easels. We will also have on display the Otsego map with historical sites which Chris made some years ago. Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm. Next meeting is September 12, 7 pm. Gail Anderson, Recorder