ITEM 3.1_attachmentReview No. 1 ��Hal«nson 1��Anderson ENGINEERING REVIEW Residential Subdivision for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Adam Flaherty, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Tony Bolduc Jeffery Prasch, The Gregory Group, Inc. Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, Brent M. Larson Date: September 27, 2017 Proposed Development: Raspberry Hills Street Location A portion of the NE'/4 of the SW'/4 of Section 21, T121, R23. Of Property: West of Odean Avenue NE and South of 85th Street NE. Applicant: Tony Bolduc Developer: 15099 Scenic Drive Dayton, MN 55327 Owners of Record: Jeremy & Cherlynn Uzzell 8465 O'Dean Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 Purpose: Raspberry Hills is a proposed 10 single-family low density residential lot development on approximately 15 acres in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development unsewered one plus acres. The proposed development will be served with municipal storm sewer and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer), and Wright County TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE PRELIMINARY PLAT FINAL PLAT CONSTRUCTION PLANS TITLE SHEET DETAILS & CONSTRUCTION NOTES DETAIL AND SWPPP NOTES SWPPP EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND REMOVALS GRADING PLAN AND LOT TABULATION TREE PRESERVATION PLAN UTILITY PLAN STREET AND STORM SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE STORM SEWER DESIGN/HYDROLOGY v,,/m►-1 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION PAGE 2 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2338\ot2338 RVW1.docx INFORMATION AVAILABLE Site Development Plans for Raspberry Hills, dated 9/5/17, by The Gregory Group, Inc. Final Plat for Raspberry Hills, by The Gregory Group, Inc. Preliminary Plat for Raspberry Hills, dated 8/2/17, by The Gregory Group, Inc. Storm Water Management for Raspberry Hills, dated 9/5/17, by The Gregory Group, Inc. Soils Logs for Individual Sewage Treatment Systems, dated 8/31/17 by Halling Engineering, Inc. Wetland Determination Report, dated 9/20/17, by Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company, Inc. Additional Information Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement City of Otsego Engineering Manual City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances National Wetland Inventory Map PAGE 3 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2338\ot2338 RVW1.docx PRELIMINARY PLAT 1. The preliminary plats are required to show the following information; a. Show location, names, widths of existing streets, buildings, etc within 150'. b. Location, size, and elevations of existing sewers, watermain, culverts, and other underground facilities within 150'. c. Boundary lines of adjoining unsubdivided or subdivided land, identified by name and ownership within 150'. d. 100 -year flood elevations. e. The proposed well locations shall be shown. f. The proposed house (garage floor, lowest opening, and basement) elevations shall be shown. g. Provide proposed width of lots at setback line when on a curve. h. Provide proposed centerline lengths, horizontal curve information, centerline gradients, roadway widths, and typical cross-sections are needed. 2. Much of the storm sewer layout and storm sewer ponding does not match the final design shown in the construction plans. FINAL PLAT 3. 50' of right-of-way was previously obtained along 85th Street and Odean Avenue by the City. Additional permanent easement along these streets was also obtained beyond the right-of-way and varied from 16.5' wide to 33' wide. 4. The storm water basins shall be within platted Outlots which shall be deeded to the City. 5. Separate documentation providing ingress/egress easements are required for access to Lots 2 and 4, Block 1. 6. The culvert under Lot 4's driveway is critical to Lot 3 draining. The drainage and culvert should be covered by an easement. CONSTRUCTION PLANS Title Sheet 7. Provide an approval signature line for Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. City Engineer. Details and Construction Notes 8. Detail NO shall callout a casting/grate 9. A geotechnical report is required with a recommended "R" value and the appropriate streets section shall be called out in detail 4/C3 PAGE 4 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2338\ot2338 RVW1.docx Details and SWPPP Notes 10. Overlapping text in existing pond located at SE comer of 80th Street and Maciver Avenue. ► .L . . FSa1 11. No comments. Existing Topography and Removals 12. See preliminary plat comments for additional existing conditions requirements. Grading Plan and Lot Tabulation 13. All cross drainage shall be directed along lot lines or contained within drainage easement. The following locations shall have the grading revised or easement platted: a. The cross drainage through the rear of Lot 2 b. From the side of Lot 3 through Lot 4 to the culvert. c. The cross drainage from the side lot line between Lots 6 & 7 through Lot 6's septic areas. d. The cross drainage from the side lot line between Lots 5 & 10 through Lot 5's rear yard. 14. A maximum slope of 4:1 is allowed. It appears a few areas have 3:1 slopes. Please label all slopes 4:1 or steeper. 15. The NWL, 2 -yr, 10 -yr, 100 -yr high water levels shall be labeled for the ponds. 16. Verify the slope across the septic area of Lot 10, a maximum slope is 12% or 18% for a trench system. 17. Label the top of berm elevation between the forebay and the infiltration area in Pond 4. If this is an earthen berm it should be protected from washing out (cable concrete or possibly use a rock filter instead). We have had issues with similar ponds where the berm has washed out when this close to and directly across from the discharge point. 18. The pond inlet (FES 214) is too close to the outlet (FES 100) which will cause short circuiting of "Pond 6". Would it be possible to connect the pond inlet pipe directly to the outlet pipe and bypass/eliminate the pond as the downstream regional pond already accounts for this site runoff. 19. The low area west Oday Court (near the CB's) needs to be filled (beyond the property boundary) or a pipe needs to be extended to pick up the water being trapped here. Tree Preservation Plan 20. No comments. Utility PAGE 5 S:\MunicipaMotsego23xx\2338\ot2338 RVW1.docx 21. No comments. Street and Storm Sewer Plan and Profile 22. Provide the storm sewer pipe and structure information (sizes, elevations, slopes, etc.) in the profiles. 23. Label the structures in the plan view. 24. The maximum horizontal grade difference is I% without a vertical curve. Verify the grade difference near station 0+50 along 83rd Street does not exceed 1 %. 25. Show the storm sewer structure at 2+39 along Oday Court in the profile. STORM SEWER DESIGN/HYDROLOGY 26. The storm water runoff for this site has been accounted for in the downstream regional pond in the NW quadrant of 85th Street and Odean Avenue. Only the infiltration requirements (1.1" runoff from all new impervious surfaces) need to be met onsite. 27. The storm water report states the in-situ soils determined to be Hydraulic Soils Group A in the location of the infiltration basins. The soils map indicates soils to be 740 (Hamel loam, Hydraulic Group C) and 106D2 (Lester loam, Hydraulic Group Q. Justification for using Group A infiltration rates is necessary. It may be necessary to test infiltration rates after the basins are constructed to ensure they are functioning as designed. 28. The entire site infiltration requirements are being met in Pond 4. The need for Pond 6 is unclear. Justification is necessary as to why none of the required infiltration volume is being utilized in Pond 6. 29. Provide storm sewer pipe sizing calculations using the rational method. WETLANDS 30. The Wetland Determination Report, dated 9/20/17, has been received and under review. DEVELOPMENT PLAN 31. A development plans shall be provided with the following requirements; a. Include a north arrow and bar scale. b. All setback and easement lines shall be shown. c. House pads shall be shown (within setback lines). d. Denote House Type and Garage Floor, Lowest Opening, and Lowest Floor elevations by Block and Lot. A separate (pdf. word or excel) document must be provided listing house type, Garage Floor, Lowest Floor, and Lowest opening elevations by Block and Lot. e. The legend should include abbreviations for house types. PAGE 6 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2338\ot2338 RVW1.docx f. Include drainage arrows (no existing or proposed contours should be shown). g. Proposed finished grade street centerline elevations and gradients shall be shown. h. Elevations at lot corners shall be called out. i. Emergency Overflow (EOF) elevations shall be called out on the plan. j. Plan shall be certified by the design engineer. 32. A lot tabulation (separate word, excel, or pdf document) must be provided listing proposed House Type, Garage Floor, Lowest Floor, and Lowest opening elevations by Block and Lot. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 33. A geotechnical report with a recommended "R" value for the street design shall be submitted. 34. A statement certifying the environmental condition of the site including the presence of any hazardous substance as defined in Minnesota Statutes 11513.02, Subd 8 is required. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION Contingent upon the above items being addressed we recommend Revise and resubmit. PAGE 7 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2338\ot2338 RVW1.docx