09-12-17 Public Safety Commission MinutesOTSEGO PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER SEPTEMBER 12, 2017 6:30 PM 1. Call to Order Public Safety Commission Vice Chair Bill Abderhalden called the meeting to order at 6:33 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp, Council Member Jason Warehime Public Safety Commissioners: Jim Breitbach, John Braun, Paul Fields, Greg Hubbard, Deb Schreiner Others Present: Albertville Fire Chief Eric Bullen, Elk River Fire Chief T. John Cunningham, Rogers Fire Chief Brad Feist, Wright County Sheriff Deputy Thole Not Present: Commission Chair Chuck Schauss 2. Approve Agenda Hubbard moved to approve the Agenda, seconded by Fields. The motion carried unanimously. 3. Approve 8-08-17 Meeting Minutes Hubbard moved to approve the August 8, 2017 Public Safety Commission Meeting minutes, seconded by Braun. The motion carried unanimously. 4. Open Forum No matters were brought forward for discussion. 5. Public Safety Police / Fire / Ambulance Updates a) Wright County Sheriff: Deputy Thole reported complaints of an egg smell from the West Wastewater Treatment Plant recently near 76th St. and Large Ave. NE. Bullen said he told City staff that he has received three or four similar complaints per month lately. b) Albertville: Bullen reported six calls in the last six weeks; otherwise, activity levels were normal. There was a crash at 80th and LaBeaux, but otherwise, it has been a quiet month. c) Rogers: Feist said there have been three runs in September to date, as well as a terror threat on 9-11-17 at Rogers Middle School that was proven to be a false alarm. No suspects have been apprehended. Feist said there was also a brawl at the Dayton trailer court where one person was injured. d) Elk River: Cunningham said the month was quiet, except for a minor fire assist at the Kwik Trip when a power line went down. Other updates included: i. The Otsego City Council approved a Special City Council Meeting on 10-30-17 at 6:00 PM at Prairie Center to hear a presentation on the Elk River Fire Station Study by the consultant for Elk River and Chief Cunningham. 9-12-17 Otsego Public Safety Commission Minutes 2 ii. The Fire Academy was a great success. A regional one is set for October 22 – 26 with attendees expected from Monticello and Big Lake. 6. Old Business a) CERT: No updates were available at this meeting. The topic was referred to the October meeting. 7. New Business a) Parking Policy Changes: Resolution 2017-73 was adopted at the 9-11-17 City Council meeting that restricts parking on Park Avenue NE and Parkington Circle NE, except by permit for residential properties only as issued by the City. Details are noted in the 9-11-17 Otsego City Council Minutes. b) Fall road cleanup will be at 6 PM on October 10, 2017, prior to the Public Safety Commission meeting. c) Council Member Warehime said a new alternate Public Safety Commission Member has been chosen and will be announced soon. d ) Discussion was held regarding the authority of the Public Safety Commission to make recommendations to the City Council, specifically regarding a Master Plan Fire Service Study for the entire City of Otsego. 8. City Council Meeting Updates Fields said there were no updates to report. 9. City Council Meeting Assignments September 25: Paul Fields October 9: Paul Fields 10. Adjourn Breitbach moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Braun. The meeting adjourned at 7:39 PM. Next meeting: October 10, 2017, 6:30 PM, preceded by Fall Cleanup at 6:00 PM. Submitted by Deb Schreiner, Commission Secretary