Packet - Sanitary Sewer FundCity Of Otsego Enterprise Fund Budget - 2018 Department Requests Sanitary Sewer Utility 49450 - Sanitary Sewer Utilitv Fund 1 Comments Includes 4% Rate Increase - See Cash Flow Based on YTD Monthly Average (Rounded) Currently does not account for Lead Position Allocated 75% of 4,140 Gallons (2016 Actual) at $2.85 (Same Rate as Fleet) Allocated 50% of Monthly Bill Mailings (3,450 Accounts at $0.47) See Detailed Attachment See Detailed Attachment See Detailed Attachment See Detailed Attachment U:\Budget\2018\Utility Funds\2018 UTILITY BUDGETS INPUT (V1.0) Sewer Fund Requested Account Number Actual Actual Year -to -Date Budget Budget Fund Department Source Account Description 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018 Revenues 602 49450 37200 SEWER SALES $ 1,415,583 $ 1,527,633 $ 1,369,995 $ 1,534,576 $ 1,719,602 602 49450 31900 PENALTIES AND INTEREST 54,794 63,162 54,796 64,000 65,000 602 49450 34000 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 7,226 - - - - TOTAL - OPERATING 1,477,603 1,590,795 1,424,791 1,598,576 1,784,602 602 49450 33422 OTHER STATE AID GRANTS - 7,457 - - - 602 49450 36200 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 475 615 602 49450 36210 INTEREST EARNINGS 20,717 30,823 602 49450 36213 NEY CHANGE IN INVESTMENT FMV (5,285) (13,417) 602 49450 36220 RENTAL INCOME - 602 49450 36232 CAPITAL CONTRIB. DEVELOPERS - 294,115 - 602 49450 38020 DONATIONS & CONTRIBUTIONS 1,000 602 49450 38991 REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS 1,625 1,305 5,352 602 49450 39250 TRANSFER IN - CAPITAL ASSETS - 162,876 - TOTAL -NON OPERATING 17,532 484,774 5,352 - - TOTAL -REVENUES 1,495,134 2,075,569 1,430,143 1,598,576 1,784,602 Expenses 602 49450 101 FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES REGULAR 145,083 189,082 155,914 199,103 211,802 602 49450 102 WAGES - FT OVERTIME 4,825 8,799 6,271 7,500 9,000 602 49450 104 WAGES - PT EMPOYEES 2,700 - - - 11,700 602 49450 119 PAYROLL ALLOCATION - - - - - 602 49450 121 PERA 12,844 14,178 12,164 15,270 16,560 602 49450 122 FICA AND MEDICARE 11,492 14,500 11,891 15,576 17,786 602 49450 123 HEALTH - - - - - 602 49450 130 OTHER EMPLOYER PAID INS 18,640 26,048 26,338 28,589 30,333 602 49450 150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 4,447 6,995 13,334 8,507 9,080 602 49450 191 GERF PENSION EXPENSE 2,771 11,058 - - - TOTAL - PERSONAL SERVICES 202,802 270,659 225,912 274,545 306,261 602 49450 201 OFFICE SUPPLIES AND EXPENSES 3,057 3,372 3,014 5,000 4,000 602 49450 202 FUEL 5,455 8,015 - 5,490 8,849 602 49450 206 POSTAGE 6,179 6,013 6,212 9,306 9,729 602 49450 210 OPERATING SUPPLIES 27,238 19,303 20,461 30,732 25,000 602 49450 216 CHEMICAL SUPPLIES 24,604 79,259 29,466 37,000 36,000 602 49450 220 REPAIRS/MAINTSUPPLIES 36,726 31,470 50,544 68,000 62,000 602 49450 225 UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 1,808 1,234 666 1,375 1,480 602 49450 227 SAFETY SUPPLIES 790 3,961 185 1,800 1,800 602 49450 240 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 2,087 2,819 3,698 3,000 3,500 602 49450 298 W/S FLEET EXPENSES 1,745 5,260 - 3,000 3,000 TOTAL -SUPPLIES 109,690 160,706 114,246 164,703 155,358 1 Comments Includes 4% Rate Increase - See Cash Flow Based on YTD Monthly Average (Rounded) Currently does not account for Lead Position Allocated 75% of 4,140 Gallons (2016 Actual) at $2.85 (Same Rate as Fleet) Allocated 50% of Monthly Bill Mailings (3,450 Accounts at $0.47) See Detailed Attachment See Detailed Attachment See Detailed Attachment See Detailed Attachment U:\Budget\2018\Utility Funds\2018 UTILITY BUDGETS INPUT (V1.0) Sewer Fund city of Otsego Enterprise Fund Budget - 2018 Department Requests Sanitary Sewer Utility 49450 - Sanitary Sewer Utility Fund Requested Account Number Actual Actual Year -to -Date Budget Budget Fund Department Source Account Description 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018 602 49450 301 LEGAL SERVICES - - - 1,000 1,000 602 49450 302 ENGINEERING FEES 105,418 439,623 70,360 63,000 25,000 602 49450 303 PLANNING FEES 550 - - 1,000 1,000 602 49450 306 PERMIT & FEES 7,350 8,900 8,590 8,590 7,350 602 49450 315 GIS SERVICES 281 2,475 2,752 4,000 4,000 602 49450 320 TELEPHONE 5,179 5,419 5,081 6,600 7,200 602 49450 321 MILEAGE/TRAVEL 37 126 217 200 300 602 49450 322 UTILITIES 158,515 163,781 142,677 171,485 178,487 602 49450 325 GARBAGE SERVICE 7,481 7,661 6,231 7,800 8,400 602 49450 350 PRINT&PUBLISHING - 72 - 300 300 602 49450 355 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS 83 69 323 100 350 602 49450 360 EDUCATION/TRAINING/CONFERENCES 6,706 3,451 2,208 3,357 3,520 602 49450 361 LIABILITY AND PROPERTY INSURAN 22,829 31,148 23,096 32,678 33,028 602 49450 390 CONTRACTED SERVICES 192,148 171,893 93,552 147,000 114,000 602 49450 402 REPAIRS/MAINT BUILDINGS 327 4,920 2,480 18,200 - 602 49450 410 RENTALS - 2,904 654 872 1,465 602 49450 419 BIOSOLIDS HAULING 46,369 65,889 - 70,000 55,000 602 49450 437 BANK SERVICE CHARGES 11,126 14,565 14,900 13,200 20,860 TOTAL - SERVICES & OTHER CHARGES 564,400 922,896 373,121 549,382 461,260 602 49450 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY (GENERAL) - 12,006 - 500 2,250 602 49450 501 EQUIPMENT - 79,080 55,988 44,885 40,000 602 49450 530 IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BLDG 74,177 1,900,556 11,250 148,000 213,885 602 49450 550 MOTOR VEHICLES - - - 35,250 83,231 602 49450 590 REHABILITATION & REPLACEMENT - 150,000 602 49450 599 CAPITALIZED ASSET OFFSET (162,674) (2,297,241) - - - TOTAL - CAPITAL OUTLAY (88,497) (305,599) 67,238 228,635 489,366 602 49450 420 DEPRECIATION 824,437 839,617 - 925,000 995,000 602 49450 610 BOND INTEREST - - - 100,000 166,790 602 49450 720 OPERATING TRANSFERS 179,838 143,316 155,481 155,481 158,280 TOTAL -OTHER 1,004,275 982,933 155,481 1,180,481 1,320,070 TOTAL - EXPENSES 1,792,671 2,031,595 935,997 2,397,746 2,732,315 NET INCOME / (LOSS) $ (297,537) $ 43,974 $ 494,146 $ (799,170) $ (947,713) 2 Comments See Detailed Attachment See Detailed Attachment See Detailed Attachment Based on YTD Monthly Average Randy's Environmental Services (12 Months at $700) Statutory Publish Requirements (Budget & Financial Statements) MMUA Membership (75%) See Detailed Attachment Estimate - 5% Increase from 2016-2017 Actual Premiums See Detailed Attachment Lease Payments - Utility Bill Folding + Envelope Stuffing Machine Pumping of Storage Tanks w/ Land Application Based on YTD Monthly Average + 5% Increase Computer Replacements (2 Computers at $1,500 Each) - Allocated 75% See Detailed Attachment Based on Draft CIP (Less Engineering) Allocated 75% of Planned 2018 Fleet Purchases (Crane Truck) See Detailed Attachment Increase to account for depreciation on East Aerator & West Digester SAC Allocation of Debt Service Interest on 2009A Bond General Fund Administration ($119,880) +Jet Vac Debt ($38,400) U:\Budget\2018\Utility Funds\2018 UTILITY BUDGETS INPUT (V1.0) Sewer Fund City of Otsego Enterprise Fund Budget - 2018 Detail of Line Item Requests Sanitary Sewer Utility Requested 602-49450-220 Budget Budget Account No. & Description 2017 2018 Item Detail / Description 14,000 $ 26,385 602-49450-210 $ 24,000 Facility Operations & Preventative Maintenance Supplies OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,347 1,000 Collection System / Lift Stations Operations & Maintenance Su 20,000 30,732 5,000 25,000 $ 25,000 5,000 $ 26,000 Ferric Chloride - Phosphorous Removal 602-49450-216 CHEMICAL SUPPLIES 7,000 10,000 Polymer - Belt Thickening Process 5,000 - Solids Handling Chemicals - Odor Control / pH adjustment 37,000 36,000 602-49450-220 $ 14,000 R/M SUPPLIES 14,000 5,000 20,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 68,000 $ 1,000 602-49450-225 UNIFORMS/CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 375 1,375 $ 25,000 602-49450-302 ENGINEERING FEES - 38,000 63,000 $ 5,900 602-49450-306 PERMITS & FEES 1,450 1,240 8,590 $ 3,225 602-49450-320 TELEPHONE 1,560 675 360 630 150 6,600 $ 15,000 East Wastewater Treatment Faciltiy Corrective Maintenance 15,000 West Wastewater Treatment Facility Corrective Maintenance 5,000 Lift Stations Corrective Maintenance 22,000 Collection System Corrective Maintenance (Ex. Chimney Replacements 5,000 Equipment + Components Maintenance - Influent Sampler East WWTF - Equipment + Components Maintenance - Influent Sampler West WWT Equipment + Components Maintenance - RAS pump West WWTF Equipment + Components Maintenance - Dehumidifier 000 Clothing Allowance= $400 x 5 Operators (50% Allocation 375 Boot Allowance= $150 x 5 Operators (50% Allocation) 75 Clothing Allowance= $150 x 1 Seasonal Operators (50% i 30 Boot Allowance= $60 x 1 Seasonal Operators (50% Allocr General Sewer Engineering (Permit Review, Odor Mitigation, Instrumentation) AE2S Engineering Services for Planning of West Digester & East Aerator Projects Wastewater System Master Plan (from CIP) 5,900 MPCA -Municipal Permit Annual Fee -East WWTF 1,450 MPCA -Municipal Permit Annual Fee -West WWTF - West WWTF Permit Renewal 7,350 i 3,225 Employee Cell Phones ($55 x 5) + Replacement Phones ($1,000) - Allocated 75% 1,920 CenturyLink Internet + Phone Lines at Facilities ($160 Per Month) 450 Answering Service ($75 Monthly) - Allocated 50% 960 Land Line Telephone Service ($80 Monthly) 630 IPAD's ($35 x 2) - Allocated 75% 15 Rounding Contingency+ Inflationary Factor U:\Budget\2018\Utility Funds\2018 UTILITY BUDGETS INPUT (V1.0) 7,200 Comments 3 602 -Detail City of Otsego Enterprise Fund Budget - 2018 Detail of Line Item Requests Sanitary Sewer Utility Requested Budget Budget Account No. & Description 2017 2018 602-49450-360 EDUCATION /TRAINING/ CONFERENCE 1,600 3,357 602-49450-390 $ 44,000 CONTRACTED SERVICES 38,392 11,000 1,700 2,100 3,500 2,000 2,000 40,000 2,308 147,000 602-49450-402 $ 10,000 REPAIR / MAINT BUILDINGS 2,000 5,000 1,200 18,200 602-49450-501 $ 29,885 EQUIPMENT 15,000 44,885 602-49450-590 $ REHABILITATION & REPLACEMENT Item Detail 1,920 IMinnesota Municiapl Utilities Association - Citywide Safety Training (16 Total Visits) 1,600 10perator Certification Licensing and Training ($320 x 5 Operators) Comments N $ 44,000 East & West WWTF Permit Required Certified Lab Analysis 41,020 Locates (Hakanson) - Based on 2017 YTD Monthly Average + 5% 2,455 Locates (Gopher One) - Based on 2017 YTD Monthly Average 4,000 Electrical 1,700 Security Monitoring (2 WWTF) + Parts & Maintenance 2,100 Lawn Services - Spraying 6,514 1 Pavement Management 4,500 Equipment inspections / Testing - Generators 4,000 Collection System Repairs 2,500 Mechanical - Heating & Air Conditioning - Master Plan Results Contingency (Increased Chemicals, Increased Hauling, Capital, Etc) 1,211 Rounding Contingency+ Inflationary Factor 114,000 $ West WWTF Automatic Security Entrance Gate (This is City's share, contingent on OHSA). Gutter - West WWTF GBT East WWTF - Mechanical Air Unit Update East WWTF - Door Repair in Chemical Room $ Jet Vac Fan (Based on Quoted amount from ABM Equipment & Supply - 10/26/2016) SCADA Radio Upgrade Project (50% Water & 50% Sanitary Sewer) 17,000 WAS Level Sensors - Equipment, Installation and Instrumentation 23,000 Lift Station #1- Pump Replacement 40,000 Ongoing investment for costs of R&R as identified in Wastewater Treatment Master Plan. East WWTF - Pretreatment Mechanical Air Unit Replacement U:\Budget\2018\Utility Funds\2018 UTILITY BUDGETS INPUT (V1.0) 602 -Detail City of Otsego, Minnesota Capital Improvement Plan 2018 thru 2027 PROJECTS BY FUNDING SOURCE Source # Priority 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 602 - Sanitary Sewer Utility West WWTF - Driveway & Parking 602-2018-01 nla Lot Paving East WWTF - Digester Piping & 602-2018-02 nla Aeration Sanitary Main - 85th & Maciver 602-2018-03 nla East WWTF - Dewatering & 602-2020-01 nla Chemical Stabilization Lift Station #3 - Pump Replacement 602-2020-02 nla Lift Station - W2 District 602-2023-01 nla West WWTF Capacity Expansion 602-2026-01 nla 602 - Sanitary Sewer Utility Total GRAND TOTAL 5 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total 63,885 63,885 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 12,280,000 12,280,000 36,000 36,000 750,000 750,000 22,300,000 22,300,000 213,885 12,316,000 750,000 22,300,000 35,579,885 213,885 12,316,000 750,000 22,300,000 35,579,885 Thursday, October 19, 2017 City of Otsego 274,545 306,261 312,386 318,634 517,680 528,033 538,594 549,366 560,353 C 799,972 Sewer Utility Fund 160,706 164,703 155,358 159,995 164,754 467,883 492,049 516,994 542,740 v 596,724 Cash Flow Summary N 757,274 922,896 549,382 461,260 527,829 543,817 637,145 664,387 692,463 721,397 751,211 Revised: October 18, 2017 898,906 943,358 839,617 925,000 995,000 1,014,900 1,035,198 1,055,902 1,077,020 1,098,560 1,120,532 Estimated Bill (Sk Gallons) $ 36.30 $ 37.37 $ 38.86 $ 40.42 $ 42.04 $ 43.72 $ 45.47 $ 47.28 $ 49.18 $ 51.14 $ 52.17 $ 52.17 $ 52.17 Rate Increase (Inflation) 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% Rate Increase (Adjustment) 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 0.00% -2.00% -2.00% Total Rate Increase 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% 0.00% Connection Fee Inflation 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% New Customers 250 250 250 250 250 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 150,000 Actual Forecast Budget 200,000 200,000 250,000 250,000 Projected 250,000 300,000 300,000 - - - 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Sanitary Sewer Fund Operating Non -Operating Investment Interest Bond Proceeds SAC Fund Connection Fees Investment Interest Total Expenses Personal Servcies Supplies Services & Other Charges Depreciation Capital Outlay Capital Outlay (General) Capital Outlay (Fleet) Capital Outlay (Current CIP) Capital Outlay (Collection) Capital Outlay (R & R Plan) Capital Outlay (Phasing Plan) Debt Service (Existing) Debt Service (Projected) Transfers Out - General Fund Transfers Out - WAC Transfers Out - Jet Vac Total $ 1,590,795 $ 1,719,218 $ 1,904,581 $ 2,102,023 $ 2,312,212 $ 2,535,853 $ 2,855,526 $ 3,196,715 $ 3,560,630 $ 3,948,543 $ 4,277,912 $ 4,528,311 $ 4,778,709 10,377 - - - - - - - - - - - - 17,406 - - - 12,280,000 22,300,000 2,672,018 2,065,829 2,406,073 2,406,073 2,406,073 2,406,073 3,849,716 3,849,716 3,849,716 3,849,716 3,849,716 3,849,716 3,849,716 49,378 4,339,974 3,785,047 4,310,654 4,508,095 16,998,284 4,941,926 6,705,242 7,046,431 7,410,346 7,798,259 30,427,628 8,378,027 8,628,425 270,660 274,545 306,261 312,386 318,634 517,680 528,033 538,594 549,366 560,353 677,923 799,972 815,972 160,706 164,703 155,358 159,995 164,754 467,883 492,049 516,994 542,740 569,309 596,724 722,527 757,274 922,896 549,382 461,260 527,829 543,817 637,145 664,387 692,463 721,397 751,211 781,930 898,906 943,358 839,617 925,000 995,000 1,014,900 1,035,198 1,055,902 1,077,020 1,098,560 1,120,532 1,142,942 1,165,801 1,189,117 1,212,899 1,979,636 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,142,942 42,250 1,189,117 - Cash Balance - Ending $ 6,663,065 $ - 6,762,334 $ - - - 5,505,632 $ 5,327,879 $ - 83,231 6,909,601 $ 35,250 7,639,513 26,250 300,000 36,000 38,430 228,635 213,885 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,203,036 1,203,036 1,203,036 1,203,036 1,924,858 1,924,858 1,924,858 1,924,858 1,924,858 1,924,858 1,924,858 150,000 150,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 300,000 300,000 - - - - 12,280,000 - - - - - 22,300,000 - - 1,924,856 1,920,710 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,929,414 1,932,486 2,102,302 2,776,047 2,788,301 2,801,589 2,525,707 2,454,335 2,726,538 3,910,013 2,309,893 100,316 116,281 119,880 122,278 124,723 127,218 129,762 132,357 135,004 137,704 140,459 143,268 146,133 - - - - - - 341,079 341,079 341,079 341,079 341,079 341,079 - 40,000 39,200 38,400 32,245 6,238,687 4,218,456 5,697,975 5,455,155 18,007,715 6,984,911 8,145,489 8,322,745 8,110,683 8,431,792 30,941,311 10,268,170 8,410,387 Cash Balance- Beginning 7,820,997 6,663,065 7,154,656 6,762,334 6,830,174 6,855,942 5,868,859 5,505,632 5,327,879 5,748,073 6,257,483 6,909,601 6,208,576 Balance Sheet Effects (98,836) 335,979 510,395 529,151 548,452 568,315 588,752 640,802 748,029 776,632 806,078 Capital (100% of Next Year Less Bond Projects) 1,566,921 Revenues 4,339,974 3,785,047 4,310,654 4,508,095 16,998,284 4,941,926 6,705,242 7,046,431 7,410,346 7,798,259 30,427,628 8,378,027 8,628,425 Expenditures (6,238,687) (4,218,456) (5,697,975) (5,455,155) (18,007,715) (6,984,911) (8,145,489) (8,322,745) (8,110,683) (8,431,792) (30,941,311) (10,268,170) (8,410,387) Noncash - Depreciation 839,617 925,000 995,000 1,014,900 1,035,198 1,055,902 1,077,020 1,098,560 1,120,532 1,142,942 1,165,801 1,189,117 1,212,899 Cash Balance - Ending $ 6,663,065 $ 7,154,656 $ 6,762,334 $ 6,830,174 $ 6,855,942 $ 5,868,859 $ 5,505,632 $ 5,327,879 $ 5,748,073 $ 6,257,483 $ 6,909,601 $ 6,208,576 $ 7,639,513 Cash Balance Reserve Operating (3.5 Months of Next Year) 304,138 327,392 335,979 510,395 529,151 548,452 568,315 588,752 640,802 748,029 776,632 806,078 Capital (100% of Next Year Less Bond Projects) 1,566,921 1,353,036 1,403,036 1,403,036 2,124,858 2,174,858 2,174,858 2,174,858 2,174,858 2,224,858 2,224,858 2,224,858 Debt Service (100% of Next Year) 1,967,814 1,964,731 2,102,302 2,776,047 2,788,301 2,801,589 2,525,707 2,454,335 2,726,538 3,910,013 2,309,893 2,306,638 Total Cash Reserve Recommendation 3,838,873 3,645,160 3,841,317 4,689,478 5,442,310 5,524,899 5,268,880 5,217,945 5,542,198 6,882,900 5,311,383 5,337,574 Percentage of Cash Reserve on Hand 186.37% 185.52% 177.81% 146.20% 107.84% 99.65% 101.12% 110.16% 112.91% 100.39% 116.89% 143.13% LJABudget\2018\Cash Flows\Utility Funds Combined Sewer & SAC City of Otsego 274,545 306,261 312,386 318,634 517,680 528,033 538,594 549,366 560,353 677,923 799,972 Sewer Utility Fund 160,706 164,703 155,358 159,995 164,130 467,247 482,145 497,452 513,178 529,334 545,932 Cash Flow Summary N 681,322 922,896 549,382 461,260 527,829 541,644 639,334 657,557 676,254 695,436 715,115 Revised: October 18, 2017 841,341 868,095 839,617 925,000 995,000 1,014,900 1,035,198 1,055,902 1,077,020 1,098,560 1,120,532 Estimated Bill (Sk Gallons) $ 36.30 $ 37.37 $ 41.11 $ 45.22 $ 49.74 $ 53.72 $ 58.02 $ 62.66 $ 67.67 $ 72.41 $ 72.41 $ 72.41 $ 72.41 Rate Increase (Inflation) 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% Rate Increase (Adjustment) 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 5.00% -2.00% -2.00% -2.00% Total Rate Increase 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 8.00% 7.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Connection Fee Inflation 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% New Customers 250 250 250 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150,000 Actual Forecast Budget I 200,000 200,000 250,000 250,000 Projected 250,000 300,000 300,000 - - - 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Sanitary Sewer Fund Operating Non -Operating Investment Interest Bond Proceeds SAC Fund Connection Fees Investment Interest Total Expenses Personal Servcies Supplies Services & Other Charges Depreciation Capital Outlay Capital Outlay (General) Capital Outlay (Fleet) Capital Outlay (Current CIP) Capital Outlay (Collection) Capital Outlay (R & R Plan) Capital Outlay (Phasing Plan) Debt Service (Existing) Debt Service (Projected) Transfers Out - General Fund Transfers Out - WAC Transfers Out - Jet Vac Total $ 1,590,795 $ 1,719,218 $ 2,014,461 $ 2,351,560 $ 2,676,247 $ 2,987,040 $ 3,330,433 $ 3,709,650 $ 4,128,229 $ 4,547,537 $ 4,677,869 $ 4,808,202 $ 4,938,534 10,377 - - - - - - - - - - - - 17,406 - - 12,280,000 2,672,018 2,065,829 2,406,073 2,406,073 1,443,644 1,443,644 1,443,644 1,443,644 1,443,644 1,443,644 1,443,644 1,443,644 1,443,644 49,378 4,339,974 3,785,047 4,420,533 4,757,632 16,399,891 4,430,684 4,774,076 5,153,294 5,571,872 5,991,180 6,121,513 6,251,845 6,382,178 270,660 274,545 306,261 312,386 318,634 517,680 528,033 538,594 549,366 560,353 677,923 799,972 815,972 160,706 164,703 155,358 159,995 164,130 467,247 482,145 497,452 513,178 529,334 545,932 660,501 681,322 922,896 549,382 461,260 527,829 541,644 639,334 657,557 676,254 695,436 715,115 735,302 841,341 868,095 839,617 925,000 995,000 1,014,900 1,035,198 1,055,902 1,077,020 1,098,560 1,120,532 1,142,942 1,165,801 1,189,117 1,212,899 1,979,636 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,142,942 42,250 1,189,117 - Cash Balance - Ending $ 6,663,065 $ - 6,872,214 $ - - - 5,007,691 $ 4,175,588 $ - 83,231 4,221,149 $ 35,250 6,235,482 26,250 300,000 36,000 38,430 228,635 213,885 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,203,036 1,203,036 721,822 721,822 721,822 721,822 721,822 721,822 721,822 721,822 721,822 150,000 150,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 300,000 300,000 - - - - 12,280,000 - - - - - - - - 1,924,856 1,920,710 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,929,414 1,932,486 2,102,302 2,776,047 2,788,301 2,801,589 2,525,707 2,454,335 2,449,154 2,419,945 819,988 100,316 116,281 119,880 122,278 124,723 127,218 129,762 132,357 135,004 137,704 140,459 143,268 146,133 - - - - - - 341,079 341,079 341,079 341,079 341,079 341,079 - 40,000 39,200 38,400 32,245 6,238,687 4,218,456 5,697,975 5,455,155 17,523,704 6,505,248 6,925,719 7,083,957 6,852,124 7,152,685 7,063,472 7,455,475 5,566,232 Cash Balance - Beginning 7,820,997 6,663,065 7,154,656 6,872,214 7,189,591 7,100,976 6,082,314 5,007,691 4,175,588 4,015,868 3,997,306 4,221,149 4,206,636 Balance Sheet Effects (98,836) 335,163 510,848 524,270 538,025 552,120 566,564 612,388 713,149 732,527 752,396 Capital (100% of Next Year Less Bond Projects) 1,566,921 Revenues 4,339,974 3,785,047 4,420,533 4,757,632 16,399,891 4,430,684 4,774,076 5,153,294 5,571,872 5,991,180 6,121,513 6,251,845 6,382,178 Expenditures (6,238,687) (4,218,456) (5,697,975) (5,455,155) (17,523,704) (6,505,248) (6,925,719) (7,083,957) (6,852,124) (7,152,685) (7,063,472) (7,455,475) (5,566,232) Noncash - Depreciation 839,617 925,000 995,000 1,014,900 1,035,198 1,055,902 1,077,020 1,098,560 1,120,532 1,142,942 1,165,801 1,189,117 1,212,899 Cash Balance - Ending $ 6,663,065 $ 7,154,656 $ 6,872,214 $ 7,189,591 $ 7,100,976 $ 6,082,314 $ 5,007,691 $ 4,175,588 $ 4,015,868 $ 3,997,306 $ 4,221,149 $ 4,206,636 $ 6,235,482 Cash Balance Reserve Operating (3.5 Months of Next Year) 304,138 327,392 335,163 510,848 524,270 538,025 552,120 566,564 612,388 713,149 732,527 752,396 Capital (100% of Next Year Less Bond Projects) 1,566,921 1,353,036 921,822 921,822 921,822 971,822 971,822 971,822 971,822 1,021,822 1,021,822 1,021,822 Debt Service (100% of Next Year) 1,967,814 1,964,731 2,102,302 2,776,047 2,788,301 2,801,589 2,525,707 2,454,335 2,449,154 2,419,945 819,988 818,195 Total Cash Reserve Recommendation 3,838,873 3,645,160 3,359,287 4,208,716 4,234,393 4,311,436 4,049,649 3,992,721 4,033,364 4,154,916 2,574,337 2,592,413 Percentage of Cash Reserve on Hand 186.37% 188.53% 214.02% 168.72% 143.64% 116.15% 103.11% 100.58% 99.11% 101.59% 163.41% 240.53% LJABudget\2018\Cash Flows\Utility Funds Combined Sewer & SAC (SLOW) City of Otsego Sewer Access Charge Fund Cash Flow Summary Revised: October 18, 2017 Rate Increase Availability Charge Projected Final Plats Connection Charge Projected Building Permits Revenues SAC Fee Special Assessments Investment Interest (Net) Transfer from Operating Total Expenses Debt Service - Principal Debt Service - Interest Debt Service - Fiscal Agent Fee's Debt Principal (2009A) Debt Interest (2009A) Debt Principal (2010C) Debt Interest (2010C) Transfers to WAC Total Cash Balance - Beginning Balance Sheet Effects Revenues Expenditures Cash Balance - Ending Bonds Payable C'J 1,280,000 Undetermined 643,910 946 - - - - - - - - - - - 480,000 1,008,000 1,046,400 1,536,000 2.00% 3.10% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% $ 2,310.00 $ 2,382.00 $ 2,406.00 $ 2,430.00 $ 2,454.00 $ 2,479.00 $ 2,504.00 $ 2,529.00 $ 2,554.00 $ 2,580.00 $ 2,606.00 $ 2,632.00 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 $ 6,932.00 $ 7,147.00 $ 7,218.00 $ 7,290.00 $ 7,363.00 $ 7,437.00 $ 7,511.00 $ 7,586.00 $ 7,662.00 $ 7,739.00 $ 7,816.00 $ 7,894.00 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Actual Forecast I Projected 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 $ 2,454,539 $ 1,999,909 $ 1,323,300 $ 1,336,500 $ 1,349,850 $ 1,363,450 $ 1,377,050 $ 1,390,800 $ 1,404,700 $ 1,418,850 $ 1,433,000 $ 1,447,300 217,479 65,920 64,044 62,168 33,176 32,222 31,267 30,313 - - - 49,378 - - - - - - - - - - - - 106,180 166,790 166,790 166,790 166,790 166,790 166,790 166,790 147,590 106,262 63,360 2,721,396 2,172,009 1,554,134 1,565,458 1,549,816 1,562,462 1,575,107 1,587,903 1,571,490 1,566,440 1,539,262 1,510,660 1,280,000 643,910 946 - - - - - - - - - - - 480,000 1,008,000 1,046,400 1,536,000 166,790 166,790 166,790 166,790 166,790 166,790 166,790 166,790 147,590 106,262 63,360 1,302,400 1,363,200 1,420,800 1,494,400 1,542,400 1,632,000 1,696,000 995,200 444,800 460,800 - 451,520 399,424 344,896 288,064 243,232 166,112 116,336 62,912 30,568 15,667 1,924,856 1,920,710 1,929,414 1,932,486 1,949,254 1,952,422 1,964,902 1,979,126 1,704,902 1,630,958 1,629,129 1,599,360 5,202,524 6,004,384 6,255,683 5,880,403 5,513,375 5,113,937 4,723,977 4,334,182 3,942,959 3,809,547 3,745,029 3,655,162 5,320 2,721,396 2,172,009 1,554,134 1,565,458 1,549,816 1,562,462 1,575,107 1,587,903 1,571,490 1,566,440 1,539,262 1,510,660 (1,924,856) (1,920,710) (1,929,414) (1,932,486) (1,949,254) (1,952,422) (1,964,902) (1,979,126) (1,704,902) (1,630,958) (1,629,129) (1,599,360) $ 6,004,384 $ 6,255,683 $ 5,880,403 $ 5,513,375 $ 5,113,937 $ 4,723,977 $ 4,334,182 $ 3,942,959 $ 3,809,547 $ 3,745,029 $ 3,655,162 $ 3,566,462 $ 16,422,400 $ 15,120,000 $ 13,756,800 $ 12,336,000 $ 10,841,600 $ 9,299,200 $ 7,667,200 $ 5,971,200 $ 4,496,000 $ 3,043,200 $ 1,536,000 $ - U:\Budget\2018\Cash Flows\Utility Funds 361 -SAC