ITEM 3.3A OHP 9.11.2017ITEM 3_3A Heritage Preservation Commission September 11, 2017 Present: Toni Seroshek, Zonja Matushenko, Chris Wilson, Gail Anderson. Council Liaison: Mayor Jessica Stockamp. The meeting was called to order at 7:10pm. Minutes from the last meeting were reviewed and approved unanimously. Otsego Prairie Festival: Plans were reviewed for the OHPC booth this Saturday. Shifts were chosen with Chris and Zonja on setup and on duty from 9:15am —12 noon. Toni and Gail will staff the booth from 12 noon to closing time, 3 or 4pm and tear down the booth. Toni will bring candy to hand out, her clamps, Sharpie markers to the Prairie Community Center before Saturday. The material we will expect Ross' crew to bring will be: a box of Otsego history books we will have for sale; 2 tables, 4 chairs, two easels, tent, zip ties, Sharpie markers, excess "canvas" for visitors to write on, the Otsego historical map Chris made several years ago, and the new banner Kim produced with the term Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission. Jessica will bring her camera and camera stand. Office staff prepared a handout to give to picture posers to find their pictures on the website Tami has set up for them. State Historical Preservation Office conference: Zonya will attend Friday's events and one of Dan Licht's staff will attend Thursday events at SHPO. Park Signs: Toni and Gail responded to Dan and Kim's queries re parks and park signs. Write ups for Zimmer and Norin Landing will be sent to them. We may have the signs to review at the next meeting. We chose the upright style signs for the park signs. History in Newsletter: Zonya and Gail discussed the interview with Sarah Connett which we believe will be in another issue of the Otsego newsletter. Zonya will look at it and edit it and give it to Tami Loff. Toni has a picture of Norin to add. Meeting was adjourned at 8:10pm. Next meeting will be Tuesday, October 10 at 7a m. Gail Anderson, Reporter