ITEM 3.2TPC The Planning Company MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: TPC FILE: BACKGROUND 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 763.231.5840 TPC@PlanningCo.com Otsego Planning Commission D. Daniel Licht, AICP 31 October 2017 Otsego —Zoning Ordinance; Motor fuel and related uses 101.01 ITEM 3-2 The City of Otsego has initiated consideration of an amendment of the Zoning Ordinance to review allowances and performance standards for motor fuel uses and related activities. A public hearing to consider this matter has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 6 November 2017. Exhibits: ■ Draft amendment ■ Future Land Use Plan ■ Transportation Plan ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. A primary goal of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan is developing a cohesive land use pattern that ensures compatibility and functional relationships among activities. Based on this goal, the City has adopted policies to cluster complementary land uses and activities into functionally related sub -units of the community and regulate potentially incompatible land uses so that conflicts are minimized. Section 1-1-3 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes that the adoption of zoning districts, allowed uses, and performance standards are for the purpose of implementing the Comprehensive Plan. Definitions. Section 20-2-2 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes definitions for motor fuel stations and truck stops. City staff proposes the definitions be revised to provide greater distinction between the two uses for the purpose of defining allowed locations by zoning district. If a use is defined by the Zoning Ordinance and established as allowed within specific zoning district(s), then it is prohibited from other zoning districts per Section 20-1-5 of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed definitions are as follows: Motor Fuel Station: A place where gasoline is stored only in underground tanks for operation of automobiles and retailed directly to the public on premises, and including minor accessories, but not including truck stops. Truck Stop: A motor fuel station devoted principally to the needs of semi - tractor trailer and straight trucks (Class 4 or larger), including short term parking areas for required operator rest periods, maintenance, servicing, or repair (including major auto repair and tire services), dispensing of motor fuel, truck scale, and the sale of accessories or equipment for trucks and similar commercial vehicles; a truck stop may also include overnight accommodations, lounge areas, shower facilities, convenience or full- service restaurants, a car and/or truck wash, or other ancillary uses, which also serve the travelling public in general. Zoning Districts. Motor fuel stations are currently allowed as conditional uses within the B-2 District and B-3 District. A traffic study prepared on behalf of the City and Wright County to evaluate a potential development of a truck stop use indicated a clear distinction in the type and volume of traffic generated by a truck stop versus a general retail commercial development. Based on the characteristics of a truck stop with large areas of short term parking for semi-tractor/trailers and semi-tractor/trailer traffic volume related to such uses, City staff recommends limiting allowance of truck stops to industrial zoning districts. City staff has also made adjustments to allowances for automobile repair uses to make both minor and major auto repair uses conditional uses within the respective zoning districts in which they are allowed to address the potential compatibility and site maintenance issues related to auto repair activities. The table below summarizes where motor fuel stations, truck stops, and auto repair uses are to be allowed as conditional uses within the respective commercial and industrial zoning districts: District Motor Fuel Station Truck Stop Auto Repair Minor Major B-1, Neighborhood Business District NA NA NA NA B-2, Highway Commercial District CUP NA CUP NA B-3, General Commercial District CUP NA CUP NA B -W, Business -Warehouse District CUP NA CUP CUP 1-1, Light Industrial District CUP NA CUP CUP 1-2, General Industrial District CUP CUP CUP CUP 1-3, Special Industrial District CUP NA CUP CUP 2 Performance Standards. The Zoning Ordinance establishes performance standards for motor fuel stations to ensure site functionality and compatibility with surrounding properties. These performance standards have been rewritten to address separation of motor fuel stations and truck stops as follows: Truck stops must be located on lots abutting an arterial right-of-way and may not abut residentially zoned properties. Secondary uses such as convenience food, auto repair, or car wash facilities included within the motor fuel station site are allowed only as specified for the respective uses within each zoning district (typically as a conditional use). For motor fuel stations within industrial districts, food services would be limited to convenience and take out food with no drive through facilities to discourage retail traffic from entering industrial areas. Truck stops would be allowed convenience food (including drive through facilities) and grocery uses within the principal building. ■ Hours are to be limited to S:OOAM to 12:OOPM unless extended hours are approved as part of the conditional use permit to allow evaluation of the compatibility of overnight hours with surrounding uses on a location specific basis. ■ Truck stops must be accessed from an arterial or collector street. The criteria established by Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance for approval of a conditional use permit allows the City to consider if the street from which the property has access has sufficient capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the proposed use. ■ Off-street parking for Class 4 or larger trucks would be limited to not more than 25 percent of the total stalls provided at a motor fuel station as a means of distinguishing the use from a truck stop and limiting truck traffic volume, noise, and emissions. ■ All motor fuel stations and truck stops must meet the exterior finish requirements for commercial buildings, even if located in the B -W District or industrial districts. ■ The stormwater management plan for motor fuel stations and truck stops requires provision of an oil/grit separator to contain contaminants in the event of a fuel spill to prevent pollution of the ground water supply. RECOMMENDATION The proposed amendment of the Zoning Ordinance will provide for site functionality and address potential compatibility issues related to motor fuel stations, truck stops, and automobile repair uses consistent with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. Our office recommends approval of the proposed amendment as presented. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend City Council approval of an ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance regarding motor fuel and related uses. Motion to table. Adam Flaherty, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer 19 ORDINANCE NO.: 2017 -XX CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE REGARDING MOTOR FUEL AND RELATED USES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. The following definitions within Section 20-2-2 of the Zoning Ordinance are hereby amended to read as follows: Motor Fuel Station: A place where gasoline is stored only in underground tanks, kerosene or meter nil and lubFiGaRtS or greasefor operation of automobiles;-aFe and retailed directly to the public on premises, and including minor accessories and miner aute repair for automobiles, but not including ronnirs � 4 rohi �ilrlin..trUCk stops. Truck Stop: A motor fuel station devoted principally to the needs of semi -tractor trailer and straight trucks and hii h shall in^lude eating and/nr sleeping faGili+ins. , Class 4 or laraer), including short term parking areas for required operator rest periods. sePAGe OF iRd StFy iy ;velyi Tg the—maintenance, eleaning, servicing, c+��eor repair (including major auto repair and tire services). of nnmmorniol vehinlos is r+nnd uGted innli Jinn the dispensing of motor fuel, truck scale, and the sale of accessories or equipment for trucks and similar commercial vehicles.... Aa truck stop may also include overnight accommodations, lounge areas, shower facilities, convenience or full-service restaurants faGilitjes, a car wash and/or truck wash,_. or other ancillary uses, which also serve the travelling public in ems. Section 2. Section 20-76-6.0 of the Zoning Ordinance (B-2 District — Motor Fuel Station) is hereby amended to read as follows: C. Motor fuel station: 1. Secondary Uses: Secondary uses occurring within the same property as the motor fuel station shall be allowed as provided for within this zoning district. 2 Hours: Hours of operation shall be limited to the hours between five o'clock (5:00) A.M. to twelve o'clock (12:00) A.M unless extended by the City Council. 3. Architectural Standards: a All elevations of the principal and accessory structures, comply with Section 20-17-4.D.1.a of this Chapter. b. Contrasting colors not defined as earth tones may be used on the exterior of principal and accessory buildings subject to the following: (1) Ten (10) percent of the building facade may contain contrasting colors. (2) The canopy may have contrasting color bands or accent lines not to exceed a cumulative width of twelve (12) inches. 4 Canopy: A protective canopy structure may be located over the pump island(s) as an accessory structure, subject to the following performance standards: a The edge of the canopy shall be setback a minimum of twenty (20) feet from front and side lot Ijnes, provided that adequate visibility is maintained both on site and off site. b. The canopy shall not exceed eighteen (18) feet in height and must provide fourteen (14) feet of clearance underneath the structure. 5 Landscaping: A minimum of twenty-five (25) percent of the lot. parcel or tract of land used exclusively for the motor fuel facility shall remain as a landscaped area including turf grass, trees. shrubbery, plantings, or fencing, subject to the following performance standards: a At the boundaries of the lot, the following landscape area shall be required in compliance with Section 20-19-3 of this Chapter:.. (1). An area not less than fifteen (15) feet wide abutting public rights-of-way. (2) An area not less than five (5) feet wide along all side and rear lot lines. (3) A buffer yard of not less than twenty (20) feet wide where the use abuts residentially zoned property. 6 Fuel pumps: Fuel pumps shall be installed and located in accordance with the following performance standards: a All fuel pumps shall be setback a minimum of thirty (30) feet from any property line. b Fuel pumps shall be elevated on islands six (6) inches above the drive aisle surface. C. There shall be a minimum setback of twenty-four (24) feet between the curb face of the pump islands. 7. Access and Circulation: a Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement and shall comply with Section 21 of this Chapter.. b The site design shall accommodate adequate turning radius and vertical clearance for a semitrailer truck. 8. Off -Street Parking: a Off -Street parking stalls shall be provided as required by Section 21 of this Chapter; the number of required parking spaces shall be calculated solely based upon the use and the square footage of the principal building. b The number of parking stalls designed to accommodate Class -4 or larger vehicles shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the total number of off-street parking stalls provided within the property. C. Parking spaces shall be screened from abutting residential zoned properties in compliance with Section 20-19-3 of this Chapter. 9 Pedestrians: An internal site pedestrian circulation system shall be defined and appropriate provisions made to protect such areas from encroachments by parked or moving vehicles, subject to the following performance standards: a. There shall be pedestrian sidewalk a minimum of five (5) feet wide and clear of any obstacle or impediment along the front width of the principal building, the pedestrian sidewalk may be reduced to a minimum of three (3) feet wide and clear of any obstacle or impediment when segregated from _parking or drive aisles by a physical barrier that prevents vehicles from overhanging the pedestrian sidewalk. 10. Outside Sales And Service: Outside sales and service shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that: a. Areas for outdoor sales and services shall be clearly indicated on the site plan and reviewed at the time of application for a conditional use permit No outdoor sales or services shall be allowed outside of those areas so designated on the approved site plan without approval of an amended conditional use permit. b. Outdoor sales and services shall be located mon a concrete or asphalt surface and shall not encroach into any required principal building setback, required parking stall. drive aisle, or pedestrian sidewalk required by this Section, or otherwise impede vehicle and pedestrian circulation. C. Outdoor Sales: (1) The area devoted to outdoor sales shall not exceed ten (10) percent of the gross floor area of the principal building or two hundred (200) square feet whichever is less. (2) The height of sales displays shall not obstruct any window or otherwise impair a clear view of the pump islands from the cashier station within the building and shall comply with following: (a) Displays located between fuel pumps under the canopy shall not exceed three (3) feet ineight measured from the grade of the adjacent drive aisle to the top of the display: (b) All other outdoor displays shall not exceed five (5) feet in height measured from grade to the top of the dis la (3) Propane sales limited to twenty (20) pound capacity tanks may allowed provided the propane tanks are secured in a locker and meet all building and fire codes. (4) Freezers for ice products may be located at the front of the building_ or located in a side or rear yard and screened from view from adjacent properties or public rights-of-way by materials consistent with the principal building. d Outdoor Services: Compressed air service or vacuum machines, and/or public phones shall not be located in a yard abutting residentially zoned property. 11 Exterior Lighting: A comprehensive lighting plan shall be submitted demonstrating compliance with Section 20-16-6 of this Chapter and the following performance standards: a Canopy lighting shall only be permitted under the canopy structure, and consist of recessed canisters with no portion of the light source or fixture extending below the bottom face of the canopy. b Total canopy illumination below the canopy may not exceed one hundred fifteen (115) foot-candles at around level. C. The canopy fascia shall not be illuminated except for signs allowed in accordance with this Section. 12. Signs: a A comprehensive sign plan shall be submitted demonstrating compliance with Section 37 of this Chapter. b. Sians may be allowed on a canopy in lieu of any signs mounted on the principal structure elevation facing the yard in which the canopy is located, provided that the area of the canopy mounted sian(s) does not exceed more than twenty (20) percent of area of the canopy elevation. 13. Noise: a Noise control shall be required to comply with Section 20-16-10 of this Chapter. b. A public address system shall not be audible at any property line. C. Play of music or advertisement from m a public address system is prohibited. 14. Litter Control: a. Exterior trash receptacles shall be provided at convenient locations to facilitate litter control. b. The operation shall be responsible for litter control on a daily basis within the property. C. Trash and recycling containers other than receptacles intended for patron use shall be screened within an enclosure as required by Section 20-18-4 of this Chapter. 15 Stormwater Management and Drainage- The entire site other than taken up by a building structure, or plantings shall be surfaced with asphalt, concrete, cobblestone, or paving brick subiect to the following performance standards: a. All plans for stormwater management and drainage shall with Section 20-16-5 of this Chapter, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. b. Drainage from all fueling areas shall be directed to an oil/grit separator that complies with the following minimum design standards. (1) A minimum of four hundred (400) cubic feet of permanent pool storage capacity per acre of drainage area. 2) A minimum pool depth of four (4) feet. 3) A minimum oil containment capacity of eight hundred (800 alb (4) Minimum maintenance/inspection of two (2) times per year and/or after measurable spill events as defined by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. (5) Any measurable spill event shall be reported to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Section 3. Section 20-76-6.H of the Zoning Ordinance (B-2 District — Minor Auto Repair) is hereby amended to read as follows: H. Minor automobile repair and tiro steres provided that: iProvisions arre made + t,rean,dF Ge oiso in annE)Fdanno vii+h Coli ROR 16 of this Chapter. 2. Na outside sage, sales, Se Wino or rental shall be permitted 1 The hours of operation shall be limited to seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. and ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. unless extended by the City Council. 2. All repair activities shall be conducted within the principal building with overhead doors to the service area(s) closed at all times, except when moving vehicles in and out. 3. The emission of odor by a use shall be in compliance with and regulated by the Minnesota pollution control standards, Minnesota regulation APC 7011, as amended. 4 All flammable materials including liquids and rags, shall conform with the applicable provisions of the Minnesota state fire code. 5 All outside storage is prohibited: storage of damaged vehicles, vehicles being repaired and vehicle parts and accessory equipment must be completely inside a principal or accessory building. Section 4. Section 20-77-6.0 of the Zoning Ordinance (B-3 District — Motor Fuel Station) is hereby amended to read as follows: C. Motor fuel station: 1 Secondary Uses: Secondary uses occurring within the same property as the motor fuel station shall be allowed as provided for within this zoning district. 2 Hours: Hours of operation shall be limited to the hours between five o'clock (5:00) A.M. to twelve o'clock (12:00) A.M unless extended by the City Council. 3. Architectural Standards: a All elevations of the principal and accessory structures, including the canopy columns, are to have essentially the same or a coordinated harmonious finish treatment that shall comply with Section 20-17-4.D.1.a of this Chapter. b ContraatincL colors not defined as earth tones may be used on the exterior of principal and accessory buildings subject to the following: (1) Ten (10) percent of the building facade may contain contrasting colors. (2) The canopy may have contrasting color bands or accent lines not to exceed a cumulativewidth of twelve (12) inches. 4 Canopy: A protective canopy structure may be located over the pump islands) as an accessory structure, subject to the following performance standards: a The edge of the canopy shall be setback a minimum of twenty (20) feet from front and side lot lines, provided that adequate visibility is maintained both on site and off site. b The canopy shall not exceed eighteen (18) feet in height and must provide fourteen (14) feet of clearance underneath the structure. 5 Landscaping: A minimum of twenty-five (25) percent of the lot, parcel or tract of land used exclusively for the motor fuel facility shall remain as a landscaped area including turf grass, trees, shrubbery, plantings, or fencing, subject to the following performance standards: a At the boundaries of the lot, the following landscape area shall be required in compliance with Section 20-19-3 of this Chapter: (1). An area not less than fifteen (15) feet wide abutting public rights-of-way. (2) An area not less than five (5) feet wide along all side and rear lot lines. (3) A buffer yard of not less than twenty (20) feet wide where the use abuts residentially zoned property. 6 Fuel pumps: Fuel pumps shall be installed and located in accordance with the following performance standards: a All fuel pumps shall be setback a minimum of thirty (30) feet from any property line. b Fuel pumps shall be elevated on islands six (6) inches above the drive aisle surface. C. There shall be a minimum setback of twenty-four (24) feet between the curb face of the pump islands. 7. Access and Circulation: a Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement and shall comply with Section 21 of this Chapter. b The site design shall accommodate adequate turning radius and vertical clearance for a semitrailer truck. 8. Off -Street Parkins: a Off -Street parking stalls shall be provided as required by Section 21 of this Chapter: the number of required parking spaces shall be calculated solely based upon the use and the square footage of the principal building. b The number of parking stalls designed to accommodate Class -4 or larger vehicles shall not exceed twenty-five (251 percent of the total number of off-street parking stalls provided within the property. C. Parking spaces shall be screened from abutting residential zoned properties in compliance with Section 20-19-3 of this Chapter. 9 Pedestrians: An internal site pedestrian circulation system shall be defined and appropriate provisions made to protect such areas from encroachments by parked or moving vehicles, subject to the following performance standards: principal building: the pedestrian sidewalk may be reduced to a minimum of three (3) feet wide and clear of any obstacle or impediment when segregated from parking or drive aisles by a phvsical barrier that prevents vehicles from overhanging the edestrian sidewalk. 10. Outside Sales And Service: Outside sales and service shall be allowed as an accessory use, provided that: a. Areas for outdoor sales and services shall be clearly indicated on the site plan and reviewed at the time of application for a conditional use permit No outdoor sales or services shall be allowed outside of those areas so designated on the approved site plan without approval of an amended conditional use permit. b. Outdoor sales and services shall be located upon a concrete or asphalt surface and shall not encroach into any required principal building setback, required parking stall, drive aisle, or pedestrian sidewalk regujred by this Section, or otherwise impede vehicle and pedestrian circulation. C. Outdoor Sales: 10 (1) The area devoted to outdoor sales shall not exceed ten (10) percent of the gross floor area of the principal building or two hundred (200) square feet whichever is less. (2) The height of sales displays shall not obstruct any window or otherwise impair a clear view of the pump islands from the cashier station within the building and shall comply with following: (a) Displays located between fuel pumps under the canopy shall not exceed three (3) feet in eight measured from the grade of the adjacent drive aisle to the top of the display: (b) All other outdoor displays shall not exceed five(5) feet in height measured from grade to the top of the dis la . (3) Propane sales limited to twenty (20) pound capacity tanks may allowed provided the propane tanks are secured in a locker and meet all building and fire codes. (4) Freezers for ice products may be located at the front of the building or located in a side or rear yard and screened from view from adjacent properties or public rights-of-way by materials consistent with the principal building. d Outdoor Services: Compressed air service or vacuum machines, and/or public phones shall not be located in a yard abutting residentially zoned property. 11 Exterior Lighting: A comprehensive lighting plan shall be submitted demonstrating compliance with Section 20-16-6 of this Chapter and the following performance standards: a Canopy lighting shall only be permitted under the canopy structure, and consist of recessed canisters with no portion of the light source or fixture extending below the bottom face of the canopy. b Total canopy illumination below the canopy may not exceed one hundred fifteen (115) foot-candles at around level. 11 C. The canopy fascia shall not be illuminated except for signs allowed in accordance with this Section. 12. Signs: a A comprehensive sign plan shall be submitted demonstrating compliance with Section 37 of this Chapter. b Signs may be allowed on a canopy in lieu of any signs mounted on the principal structure elevation facing the yard in which the canopy is located provided that the area of the canopy mounted sign(s) does not exceed more than twenty (20) percent of area of the canopy elevation. 13. Noise: a Noise control shall be required to comply with Section 20-16-10 of this Chapter. b A public address system shall not be audible at any property line. C. Play of music or advertisement from a public address system is prohibited. 14. Litter Control: a Exterior trash receptacles shall be provided at convenient locations to facilitate litter control. b The operation shall be responsible for litter control on a daily basis within the property. C. Trash and recycling containers other than receptacles intended for patron use shall be screened within an enclosure as required by Section 20-18-4 of this Chapter. 15 Stormwater Management and Drainage: The entire site other than taken up by a building, structure, or plantings shall be surfaced with asphalt. concrete, cobblestone or paving brick subject to the following performance standards: 12 a. All plans for stormwater management and drainage shall with Section 20-16-5 of this Chapter, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. b. Drainage from all fueling areas shall be directed to an oil/grit separator that complies with the following minimum design standards: (1) A minimum of four hundred (400) cubic feet of permanent pool storage capacity per acre of drainage area. 2) A minimum pool depth of four (4) feet. 3) A minimum oil containment capacity of eight hundred (800 alb (4) Minimum maintenance/inspection of two (2) times per year and/or after measurable spill events_ as defined by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. (5) Any measurable spill event shall be reported to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Section 5. Section 20-76-6.H of the Zoning Ordinance (B-3 District — Minor Auto Repair) is hereby amended to read as follows: H. Minor automobile repair and tiro steres, provided that: I. Previsions are made to GOttFE)l and red Q'Ge noise in annnrdanno w 0th Condon 16 of this Chapter. 7 NE) outside storage, sales, SerViGe or rental shall be permitted 1. The hours of operation shall be limited to seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. and ten o'clock(10:00) P.M. unless extended by the City Council. 2 All repair activities shall be conducted within the principal building with overhead doors to the service area(s) closed at all times, except when moving vehicles in and out. 13 3. The emission of odor by a use shall be in compliance with and regulated by the Minnesota pollution control standards, Minnesota regulation APC 7011, as amended. 4. All flammable materials, including liquids and raps, shall conform with the applicable provisions of the Minnesota state fire code. 5. All outside storage is prohibited: storage of damaged vehicles, vehicles being repaired and vehicle parts and accessory equipment must be completely inside a principal or accessory buildina. Section 6. Section 20-78-2.A of the Zoning Ordinance (B -W District — Auto Repair) is hereby repealed and subsequent sections renumbered accordingly: Section 7. Section 20-78-6.K of the Zoning Ordinance (B -W District — Conditional Uses) is hereby repealed and the following provisions adopted: Minor automobile repair, provided that: 1. The hours of operation shall be limited to seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. and ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. unless extended by the City Council. 2. All repair activities shall be conducted within the principalbuilding, with overhead doors to the service area(s) closed at all times, except when moving vehicles in and out. 3. The emission of odor by a use shall be in compliance with and regulated by the Minnesota pollution control standards, Minnesota regulation APC 7011, as amended. 4. All flammable materials, including liquids and raps, shall conform with the applicable provisions of the Minnesota state fire code. 5. All outside storage is prohibited: storage of damaged vehicles, vehicles being repaired and vehicle parts and accessory equipment must be completely inside a principal or accessory buildina. 14 Section 8. Section 20-78-6 of the Zoning Ordinance (B -VV District — Conditional Uses) is hereby amended to add the following provisions: H. Motor fuel station: 1. Secondary Uses: Secondary uses occurring within the same property as the motor fuel station shall be allowed as provided for within this zoning district. 2 Hours• Hours of operation shall be limited to the hours between five o'clock (5:00) A.M. to twelve o'clock (12:00) A.M unless extended by the City Council. 3. Architectural Standards: a All elevations of the principal and accessory structures, including the canopy columns, are to have essentially the same or a coordinated harmonious finish treatment that shall comply with Section 20-17-4.D.1.a of this Chapter. b. Contrasting colors not defined as earth tones may be used on the exterior of principal and accessory buildings subject to the following: (1) Ten (10) percent of the building facade may contain contrasting colors. (2) The canopy may have contrasting color bands or accent lines not to exceed a cumulative width of twelve (12) inches. 4. Canopy: A protective canopy structure may be located over the pump island(s), as an accessory structure, subject to the following performance standards: a The edge of the canopy shall be setback a minimum of twenty (20) feet from front and side lot lines, provided that adequate visibility is maintained both on site and off site. 15 b. The canopy shall not exceed eighteen -(l 8) feet in height and must provide fourteen (141 feet of clearance underneath the structure. 5 Landscaping: A minimum of twenty-five (25) percent of the lot, parcel, or tract of land used exclusively for the motor fuel facility shall remain as a landscaped area including_ turf grass, trees, shrubbery, plantings or fencing subject to the following performance standards: a At the boundaries of the lot the following landscape area shall be required in compliance with Section 20-19-3 of this Chapter: (1). An area not less than fifteen (15) feet wide abutting public rights-of-way. (2) An area not less than five (5) feet wide along all side and rear lot lines. (3) A buffer yard of not less than twenty (20) feet wide where the use abuts residentially zoned property. 6 Fuel pumps: Fuel pumps shall be installed and located in accordance with the following performance standards: a. All fuel pumps shall be setback a minimum of thirty (30) feet from any property line. b Fuel pumps shall be elevated on islands six (6) inches above the drive aisle surface. C. There shall be a minimum setback of twenty-four (24) feet between the curb face of the pump islands. 7. Access and Circulation: a Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement and shall comply with Section 21 of this Chapter. b. The site design shall accommodate adequate turning radius and vertical clearance for a semitrailer truck. 16 8. Off -Street Parking: a Off -Street parking stalls shall be provided as required by Section 21 of this Chapter; the number of required parking spaces shall be calculated solely based upon the use and the square footage of the principal building. b The number of parking stalls designed to accommodate Class -4 or larger vehicles shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the total number of off-street parking stalls provided within the property. C. Parking spaces shall be screened from abutting residential zoned properties in compliance with Section 20-19-3 of this Chapter. 9 Pedestrians: An internal site pedestrian circulation system shall be defined and appropriate provisions made to protect such areas from encroachments by parked or moving vehicles, subject to the following performance standards: a. There shall be pedestrian sidewalk a minimum of five (5) feet wide and clear of any obstacle or impediment along the front width of the principal building' the pedestrian sidewalk may be reduced to a minimum of three (3) feet wide and clear of any obstacle or impediment when segregated from parking or drive aisles by a physical barrier that prevents vehicles from overhanging the pedestrian sidewalk. 10. Outside Sales And Service: Outside sales and service shall be allowed as an accessory use, provided that: a. Areas for outdoor sales and services shall be clearly indicated on the site plan and reviewed at the time of application for a conditional use permit No outdoor sales or services shall be allowed outside of those areas so designated on the approved site plan without approval of an amended conditional use permit. b. Outdoor sales and services shall be located upon a concrete or asphalt surface and shall not encroach into any required principal building setback required parking stall, drive aisle, or pedestrian sidewalk required by this Section, or otherwise impede vehicle and pedestrian circulation. 17 C. Outdoor Sales: (1) The area devoted to outdoor sales shall not exceed ten (10) percent of the gross floor area of the principal building or two hundred (200) square feet whichever is less. (2) The height of sales displays shall not obstruct any window or otherwise impair a clear view of the pump islands from the cashier station within the building and shall comply with following: (a) Displays located between fuel pumps under_ the canopy shall not exceed three (3) feet in eight measured from the grade of the adjacent drive aisle to the top of the display: (b) All other outdoor displays shall not exceed five (5) feet in height measured from grade to the top of the dis la . (3) Propane sales limited to twenty (20) pound capacity tanks may allowed provided the propane tanks are secured in a locker and meet all building and fire codes. (4) Freezers for ice products may be located at the front of the building or located in a side or rear yard and screened from view from adjacent properties or public rights-of-way by materials consistent with the principal building. d Outdoor Services: Compressed air service or vacuum machines and/or public phones shall not be located in a yard abutting residentially zoned property. 11 Exterior Lighting: A comprehensive lighting plan shall be submitted demonstrating compliance with Section 20-16-6 of this Chapter and the following performance standards: a Canopy lighting shall only be permitted under the canopy structure and consist of recessed canisters with no portion of the light source or fixture extending below the bottom face of the canopy. b Total canopy illumination below the canopy may not exceed one hundred fifteen (115) foot-candles at around level. 18 C. The canopy fascia shall not be illuminated except for signs allowed in accordance with this Section. 12. Signs: a. A comprehensive sign plan shall be submitted demonstrating compliance with Section 37 of this Chapter. is located, provided that the area of the canopy mounted sjan(s) does not exceed more than twenty (20) percent of area of the canopy elevation. 13. Noise: a. Noise control shall be required to comply with Section 20-16-10 of this Chapter. b. A public address system shall not be audible at any property line. C. Play of music or advertisement from a public address system is prohibited. 14. Litter Control: a Exterior trash receptacles shall be provided at convenient locations to facilitate litter control. b. The operation shall be responsible for litter control on a daily basis within the property. C. Trash and recycling containers other than receptacles intended for patron use shall be screened within an enclosure as required by Section 20-18-4 of this Chapter. 15. Stormwater Management and Drainage: The entire site other than taken up by a building, structure, or plantings shall be surfaced with asphalt, concrete, cobblestone, or paving brick subject to the following performance standards: 19 a. All plans for stormwater management and drainage shall with Section 20-16-5 of this Chapter, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. b Drainage from all fueling areas shall be directed to an oil/grit separator that complies with the following minimum design standards: 1) A minimum of four hundred (400) cubic feet of permanent pool storage capacity per acre of drainage area. (2) A minimum pool depth of four (4) feet. (3) A minimum oil containment capacity of eight hundred (800) allons. (4) Minimum maintenance/inspection of two (2) times per year and/or after measurable spill events as defined by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. (5) Any measurable spill event shall be reported to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Section 9. Section 20-85-6 of the Zoning Ordinance (1-1 District — Conditional Uses) is hereby amended to add the following provisions: J. Automobile repair — major and minor, provided that: 1 The use shall be setback a minimum of fifty (50) feet from any abutting residentially zoned properties. 2 Hours of operation shall be limited to seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. to ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. unless extended by the City Council. 3 All repair activities shall be conducted within the principal building with overhead doors to the service areas) closed at all times except when moving vehicles in and out. 4. The emission of odor by a use shall be in compliance with and regulated by the Minnesota pollution control standards. Minnesota regulation APC 7011, as amended. 20 5 All flammable materials, including liquids and raps, shall conform with the applicable provisions of the Minnesota state fire code. 6. All painting must be conducted in an approved paint booth All paint booths and all other activities of the operation shall thoroughly control the emission of fumes dust or other particulate matter so that the use shall be in compliance with Minnesota pollution control standards, Minnesota regulation APC 1-15 as amended. 7 All outside storage is prohibited; storage of damaged vehicles, vehicles being repaired and vehicle parts and accessory equipment must be completely inside a principal or accessory building. Section 10. Section 20-86-2.E of the Zoning Ordinance (1-2 District — Permitted Uses) is hereby amended to repeal the following provisions with subsequent sections renumbered accordingly: Section 11. Section 20-86-6.A of the Zoning Ordinance (1-2 District — Reserved) is hereby amended to read as follows: A. Motor fuel station: 1. Secondary Uses: Secondary uses occurring within the same property as the motor fuel station shall be allowed as provided for within this zoning district. 2 Hours: Hours of operation shall be limited to the hours between five o'clock (5:00) A.M. to twelve o'clock (12:00) A.M unless extended by the City Council. 3. Architectural Standards: a All elevations of the principal and accessory structures, including the canopy columns, are to have essentially the same or a coordinated harmonious finish treatment that shall comply with Section 20-17-4.D.1.a of this Chapter. 21 b Contrasting colors not defined as earth tones may be used on the exterior of principal and accessory buildingssubiect to the following: (1) Ten (10) percent of the building facade may contain contrasting colors. (2) The canopy may have contrasting color bands or accent lines not to exceed a cumulative width of twelve (12) inches. 4 Canopy: A protective canopy structure may be located over the pump islands) as an accessory structure, subject to the following performance standards: a The edge of the canopy shall be setback a minimum of twenty (20) feet from front and side lot lines, provided that adequate visibility is maintained both on site and off site. b. The canopy shall not exceed eighteen (18) feet in height and must provide fourteen (14) feet of clearance underneath the structure. 5 Landscaping: A minimum of twenty-five (25) percent of the lot, parcel or tract of land used exclusively for the motor fuel facility shall remain as a landscaped area including turf grass, trees. shrubbery, plantings, or fencing. subiect to the following performance standards: a At the boundaries of the lot, the following landscape area shall be required in compliance with Section 20-19-3 of this Chapter: (1). An area not less than fifteen (15) feet wide abutting public rights-of-way. (2) An area not less than five (5) feet wide along all side_ and rear lot lines. (3) A buffer yard of not less than twenty (20) feet wide where the use abuts residentially zoned property. 22 6 Fuel pumps: Fuel pumps shall be installed and located in accordance with the following performance standards - a. All fuel pumps shall be setback a minimum of thirty (30) feet from any property line. b Fuel pumps shall be elevated on islands six (6) inches above the drive aisle surface. C. There shall be a minimum setback of twenty-four (24) feet between the curb face of the pump islands. 7. Access and Circulation: a Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement and shall comply with Section 21 of this Chapter. b The site design shall accommodate adequate turning radius and vertical clearance for a semitrailer truck. 8 Off -Street Parking: a Off -Street parking stalls shall be provided as required by Section 21 of this Chapter• the number of required parking spaces shall be calculated solely based upon the use and the square footage of the principal building. b The number of parking stalls designed to accommodate Class -4 or larger vehicles shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the total number of off-street parking stalls provided within the property. C. Parking spaces shall be screened from abutting residential zoned properties in compliance with Section 20-19-3 of this Chapter. 9 Pedestrians: An internal site pedestrian circulation system shall be defined and appropriate provisions made to protect such areas from encroachments by parked or moving vehicles, subject to the following performance standards: a There shall be pedestrian sidewalk a minimum of five (5) feet wide and clear of any obstacle or impediment along the front width of the principal building: the pedestrian sidewalk may be reduced to a 23 minimum of three (3) feet wide and clear of any obstacle or impediment when segregated from parking or drive aisles by a physical barrier that prevents vehicles from overhanging the pedestrian sidewalk. 10. Outside Sales And Service: Outside sales and service shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that: a Areas for outdoor sales and services shall be clearly indicated on the site plan and reviewed at the time of application for a conditional use permit No outdoor sales or services shall be allowed outside of those areas so designated on the approved site plan without approval of an amended conditional use permit. b. Outdoor sales and services shall be located upon a concrete or asphalt surface and shall not encroach into any required principal building setback, required parking stall, drive aisle, or pedestrian sidewalk required by this Section, or otherwise impede vehicle and pedestrian circulation. C. Outdoor Sales: (1) The area devoted to outdoor sales shall not exceed ten (10) percent of the gross floor area of the principal building or two hundred (200) square feet whichever is less. (2) The height of sales displays shall not obstruct any window or otherwise impair a clear view of the pump islands from the cashier station within the building and shall comply with following: (a) Displays located between fuel pumps under the canopy shall not exceed three (3) feet in eight measured from the grade of the adjacent drive aisle to the top of the display: (b) All other outdoor displays shall not exceed five (5) feet in height measured from grade to the top of the display. (3) Propane sales Limited to twenty (20) pound capacity tanks may allowed provided the propane tanks are secured in a locker and meet all building and fire codes. AM (4) Freezers for ice products may be located at the front of the building, or located in a side or rear yard and screened from view from adjacent properties or public rights-of-way by materials consistent with the principal bujldin d Outdoor Services: Compressed air service or vacuum machines. and/or public phones shall not be located in a yard abutting residentially zoned property. 11 Exterior Lighting: A comprehensive lighting plan shall be submitted demonstrating compliance with Section 20-16-6 of this Chapter and the following performance standards: a Canopy lighting shall only be permitted under the canopy structure, and consist of recessed canisters wjth no portion of the light source or fixture extending below the bottom face of the canopy. b. Total canopy illumination below the canopy may not exceed one hundred fifteen (115) foot-candles at around level. C. The canopy fascia shall not be illuminated except for signs allowed in accordance with this Section. 12. Signs: a. A comprehensive sign plan shall be submitted demonstrating compliance with Section 37 of this Chapter. b. Sians may be allowed on a canopy in lieu of any signs mounted on the principal structure elevation facing the yard in which the canopy is located, provided that the area of the canopy mounted signs) does not exceed more than twenty (20) percent of area of the canopy elevation. 13. Noise: a. Noise control shall be required to comply with Section 20-16-10 of this Chapter. b. A public address system shall not be audible at any property line. M C. Play of music or advertisement from a public address system is prohibited. 14. Litter Control: a Exterior trash receptacles shall be provided at convenient locations to facilitate litter control. b The operation shall be responsible for litter control on a daily basis within the property. C. Trash and recycling containers other than receptacles intended for patron use shall be screened within an enclosure as required by Section 20-18-4 of this Chapter. 15 Stormwater Management and Drainage: The entire site other than taken up by a building structure or plantings shall be surfaced with asphalt, concrete, cobblestone or paving brick subiect to the following performance standards: a All plans for stormwater management and drainage shall with Section 20-16-5 of this Chapter, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. b Drainage from all fueling areas shall be directed to an oil/grit separator that complies with the following minimum design standards: (1) A minimum of four hundred (400) cubic feet of permanent pool storage capacity per acre of drainage area. (2) A minimum pool depth of four (4) feet. (3) A minimum oil containment capacjty of eight hundred (800) alb (4) Minimum maintenance/inspection of two (2) times per year and/or after measurable spill events as defined by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. (5) Any measurable spill event shall be reported to the Minnesota Pollution Control Aaencv. 26 Section 12. Section 20-86-6.13 of the Zoning Ordinance (1-2 District — Reserved) is hereby amended to read as follows: B. Automobile repair — major and minor, provided that: 1 The use shall be setback a minimum of fifty (50) feet from any abutting residentially zoned properties. 2 Hours of operation shall be limited to seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. to ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. unless extended by the City Council. 3 All repair activities shall be conducted within the principal building with overhead doors to the service area(s) closed at all times, except when moving vehicles in and out. 4. The emission of odor by a use shall be in compliance with and regulated by the Minnesota pollution control standards, Minnesota regulation APC 7011 as amended. 5 All flammable materials, including liquids and rags, shall conform with the applicable provisions of the Minnesota state fire code. 6 All painting must be conducted in an approved paint booth. All paint booths and all other activities of the operation shall thoroughly control the emission of fumes, dust or other particulate matter so that the use shall be in compliance with Minnesota pollution control standards Minnesota regulation APC 1-15 as amended. 7 All outside storage is prohibited: storage of damaged vehicles, vehicles being repaired and vehicle parts and accessory equipment must be completely inside a principal or accessory building. Section 13. Section 20-86-6.D of the Zoning Ordinance (1-2 District — Reserved) is hereby amended to read as follows: D. Truck stop: 1. Location: a. The property shall abut an arterial right-of-way. 27 b The property shall not abut any residentially zoned ropes 2. Secondary Uses: Secondary uses occurring within the same property as the motor fuel station shall be allowed as provided for within this zoning district, and including: a Convenience food, which may include drive—through facilities, and restaurant uses as a secondary use within the principal building. b Convenience grocery and retail sales within the principal buildina. 3 Hours: Hours of operation shall be limited to the hours between five o'clock (5:00) A.M. to twelve o'clock (12:00) A.M unless extended by the City Council. 4. Architectural Standards: a All elevations of the principal and accessory structures, including the canopy columns, are to have essentially the same or a coordinated harmonious finish treatment that shall comply with Section 20-17-4.D.1.a of this Chapter. b Contrasting colors not defined as earth tones may be used on the exterior of principal and accessory buildings subiect to the following: (1) Ten (10) percent of the building facade may contain contrasting colors. (2) The canopy may have contrasting color bands or accent lines not to exceed a cumulative width of twelve (12) inches. 5 Canopy: A protective canopy structure may be located over the pump island(s), as an accessory structure, subject to the following performance standards: a The edge of the canopy shall be setback a minimum of twenty (20) feet from front and side lot lines, provided that adequate visibility is maintained both on site and off site. 28 b The canopy shall not exceed eighteen (18) feet in height and must provide fourteen (14) feet of clearance underneath the structure. 6 Landscaping: A minimum of twenty-five (25) percent of the lot, parcel or tract of land used exclusively for the motor fuel facility shall remain as a landscaped area including turf grass, trees, shrubbery, plantings or fencing. subject to the following performance standards: a At the boundaries of the lot, the following landscape area shall be required in compliance with Section 20-19-3 of this Chapter:. (1) An area not less than fifteen (15) feet wide abutting public rights-of-way. (2) An area not less than five (5) feet wide along all side and rear lot lines. (3) A buffer yard of not less than twenty (20) feet wide where the use abuts residentially zoned property. 7 Fuel pumps: Fuel pumps shall be installed and located in accordance with the following performance standards: a All fuel pumps shall be setback a minimum of thirty (30) feet from any property line. b Fuel pumps shall be elevated on islands six (6) inches above the drive aisle surface. C. There shall be a a minimum setback of twenty-four (24) feet between the curb face of the pump islands. 8. Access and Circulation: a Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement and shall comply with Section 21 of this Chapter. 29 b Access to the property shall be from an arterial or collector street. C. The site design shall accommodate adequate turning radius and vertical clearance for a semitrailer truck. d Vehicle access, circulation, fuel islands, and off-street parking areas for passenger vehicles and semitrailer truck traffic shall be separated. 9. Off -Street Parking: a Off -Street parking stalls shall be provided as required by Section 21 of this Chapter the number of required parkin spaces shall be calculated solely based upon the use and the square footage of the principal building. b Parkins spaces shall be screened from abutting residential zoned properties in compliance with Section 20-19-3 of this Chapter. . 10 Pedestrians: An internal site pedestrian circulation system shall be defined and appropriate provisions made to protect such areas from encroachments by parked or moving vehicles, subject to the following performance standards: a. There shall be pedestrian sidewalk a minimum of five (5) feet wjde and clear of any obstacle or impediment along the front width of the principal building: the pedestrian sidewalk may be reduced to a minimum of three (3) feet wide and clear of any obstacle or impediment when segregated from parking or drive aisles by a physical barrier that prevents vehicles from overhanging the pedestrian sidewalk. 11. Outside Sales And Service: Outside sales and service shall be allowed as an accessory use provided that: a. Areas for outdoor sales and services shall be clearl indicated on the site plan and reviewed at the time of application for a conditional use permit No outdoor sales or services shall be allowed outside of those areas so designated on the approved site plan without approval of an amended conditional use permit. 30 b. Outdoor sales and services shall be located upon a concrete or asphalt surface and shall not encroach into any required principal building setback, required parking stall, drive aisle, or pedestrian sidewalk required by this Section, or otherwise impede vehicle and pedestrian circulation. C. Outdoor Sales: (1) The area devoted to outdoor sales shall not exceed ten (10) percent of the gross floor area of the principal building or two hundred (200) _square feet, whichever is less. (2) The height of sales displays shall not obstruct any window or otherwise impair a clear view of the pump islands from the cashier station within the building and shall comply with following: (a) Displays located between fuel pumps under the canopy shall not exceed three (3) feet in eight measured from the grade of the adjacent drive aisle to the top of the display: (b) All other outdoor displays shall not exceed five (5) feet in height measured from grade to the top of the display. (3) Propane sales limited to twenty (20) pound capacity tanks may allowed provided the propane tanks are secured in a locker and meet all building and fire codes. 4) Freezers for ice products may be located at the front of the building, or located in a side or rear yard and screened from view from adjacent properties or public riahts-of-wav by materials consistent with the principal building. d Outdoor Services: Compressed air service, or vacuum machines and/or public phones shall not be located in a yard abutting residentially zoned property. 31 the following performance standards: a Canopy lighting shall only be permitted under the canopy structure, and consist of recessed canisters with no portion of the light source or fixture extending below the bottom face of the canopy. b Total canopy illumination below the canopy may not exceed one hundred fifteen (115) foot -candies at around level. C. The canopy fascia shall not be illuminated except for signs allowed in accordance with this Section. 13. Signs: a A comprehensive sign plan shall be submitted demonstrating compliance with Section 37 of this Chapter. b Signs may be allowed on a canopy in lieu of any signs mounted on the principal structure elevation facing the yard in which the canopy is located provided that the area of the canopy mounted sign(s) does not exceed more than twenty (20) percent of area of the canopy elevation. 14. Noise: a Noise control shall be required to comply with Section 20-16- 10 of this Chapter. b A public address system shall not be audible at any property line. C. Play of music or advertisement from a public address system is prohibited. 15. Litter Control: a Exterior trash receptacles shall be provided at convenient locations to facilitate litter control. 32 b The operation shall be responsible for litter control on a daily basis within the property. C. Trash and recycling containers other than receptacles intended for patron use shall be screened within an enclosure as required by Section 20-18-4 of this Chapter. 16 Stormwater Management and Drainage: The entire site other than taken up by a building structure or plantings shall be surfaced with asphalt concrete cobblestone, or paving brick subject to the following performance standards: a. All plans for stormwater management and drainage shall with Section 20-16-5 of this Chapter, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. b. Drainage from all fueling areas shall be directed to an oil/grit separator that complies with the following minimum desjan standards: 1) A minimum of four hundred (400) cubic feet of permanent pool storage capacity per acre of drainage area. (2) A minimum pool depth of four (4) feet. (3) A minimum oil containment capacity of eight hundred 800) gallons. (4) Minimum maintenance/inspection of two (2) times per year and/or after measurable spill events as defined by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. (5) Any measurable spill event shall be reported to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agencv. Section 14. Section 20-87-2.E of the Zoning Ordinance (1-3 District — Permitted Uses) is hereby amended to repeal the following provisions with subsequent sections renumbered accordingly: 33 Section 15. Section 20-87-6.A of the Zoning Ordinance (1-3 District — Reserved) is hereby amended to read as follows: A. Motor fuel station: 1 Secondary Uses: Secondary uses occurring within the same Property as the motor fuel station shall be allowed as provided for within this zoning district. 2 Hours: Hours of operation shall be limited to the hours between five o'clock (5:00) A.M. to twelve o'clock (12:00) A.M unless extended by the City Council. 3. Architectural Standards: a All elevations of the principal and accessory structures, including the canopy columns are to have essentially the same or a coordinated harmonious finish treatment that shall comply with Section 20-17-4.D.1.a of this Chapter. b Contrasting colors not defined as earth tones may be used on the exterior of principal and accessory buildings subiect to the following: (1) Ten (10) percent of the building facade may contain contrasting colors. (2) The canopy may have contrasting color bands or accent lines not to exceed a cumulative width of twelve (12) inches. 4 Canopy: A protective canopy structure may be located over the pump islands) as an accessory structure, subiect to the following performance standards: a The edge of the canopy shall be setback a minimum of twenty (20) feet from front and side lot lines, provided that adequate visibility is maintained both on site and off site. 939 b. The canopy shall not exceed eighteen (18) feet in height and must provide fourteen (14) feet of clearance underneath the structure. 5. Landscaping: A minimum of twenty-five (25) percent of the lot, parcel. or tract of land used exclusively for the motor fuel facility shall remain as a landscaped area including turf grass, trees, shrubbery, plantings or fencing subject to the following performance standards: a At the boundaries of the lot, the following landscape area shall be required in compliance with Section 20-19-3 of this Chapter: (1). An area not less than fifteen (15) feet wide abutting public rights -of --way. (2) An area not less than five (5) feet wide along all side and rear lot lines. (3) A buffer yard of not less than twenty (20) feet wide where the use abuts residentially zoned property. 6 Fuel pumps• Fuel pumps shall be installed and located in accordance with the following performance standards: a All fuel pumps shall be setback a minimum of thirty (30) feet from any property line. b Fuel pumps shall be elevated on islands six (6) inches above the drive aisle surface. C. There shall be a minimum setback of twenty-four (24) feet between the curb face of the pump islands. 7. Access and Circulation: a Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement and shall comply with Section 21 of this Chapter. b. The site design shall accommodate adequate turning radius and vertical clearance for a semitrailer truck. 35 8. Off -Street Parking. a Off -Street parking stalls shall be provided as required by Section 21 of this Chapter: the number of required parking spaces shall be calculated solely based upon the use and the square footage of the principal building. b The number of parking stalls designed to accommodate Class -4 or larger vehicles shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the total number of off-street parking stalls provided within the property. C. Parking spaces shall be screened from abutting residential zoned properties in compliance with Section 20-19-3 of this Chapter. 9 Pedestrians: An internal site pedestrian circulation system shall be defined and appropriate provisions made to protect such areas from encroachments by parked or moving vehicles_ . subject to the following performance standards: a. There shall be_pedestrian sidewalk a minimum of five (5) feet wide and clear of any obstacle or impediment along the front width of the principal building; the pedestrian sidewalk may be reduced to a minimum of three (3) feet wide and clear of any obstacle or impediment when segregated from parkins or drive aisles by a physical barrier that prevents vehicles from overhanging the pedestrian sidewalk. 10. Outside Sales And Service: Outside sales and service shall be allowed as an accessory use, provided that: a. Areas for outdoor sales and services shall be clearly indicated on the site plan and reviewed at the time of application for a conditional use permit No outdoor sales or services shall be allowed outside of those areas so designated on the approved site plan without approval of an amended conditional use permit. b. Outdoor sales and services shall be located mon a concrete or asphalt surface and shall not encroach into any required principal building setback required parking stall drive aisle or pedestrian sidewalk required by this Section, or otherwise impede vehicle and pedestrian circulation. 36 C. Outdoor Sales: (1) The area devoted to outdoor sales shall not exceed ten (10) percent of the gross floor area of the principal building or two hundred (200) square feet, whichever is less. (2) The height of sales displays shall not obstruct any window or otherwise impair a clear view of the pump islands from the cashier station within the building and shall comply with following: (a) Displays located between fuel pumps under the canopy shall not exceed three (3) feet in eight measured from the grade of the adjacent drive aisle to the top of the display: (b) All other outdoor displays shall not exceed five (5) feet in height measured from grade to the top of the dis la . (3) Propane sales limited to twenty (20) pound capacity tanks may allowed provided the propane tanks are secured in a locker and meet all building and fire codes. (4) Freezers for ice products may be located at the front of the building, or located in a side or rear yard and screened from view from adiacent properties or public rights-of-way_ by materials consistent with the principal building. d Outdoor Services: Compressed air service or vacuum machines, and/or public phones shall not be located in a yard abutting residentially zoned property. 11. Exterior Lighting: A comprehensive lighting plan shall be submitted demonstrating compliance with Section 20-16-6 of this Chapter and the following performance standards: a. Canopy lighting shall only be permitted under the canopy structure, and consist of recessed canisters wjth no portion of the light source or fixture extending below the bottom face of the canopy. b. Total canopy illumination below the canopy may not exceed one hundred fifteen (115) foot-candles at ground level. 37 C. The canopy fascia shall not be illuminated except for signs allowed in accordance with this Section. 12. Signs: a. A comprehensive sign plan shall be submitted demonstrating compliance with Section 37 of this Chapter. b. Sians may be allowed on a canopy in lieu of any signs mounted on the principal structure elevation facing the yard in which the canopy is located, provided that the area of the canopy mountedsian(s) does not exceed more than twenty (20) percent of area of the canopy elevation. 13. Noise: a Noise control shall be required to comply with Section 20-16-10 of this Chapter. b. A public address system shall not be audible at any property line. C. Play of music or advertisement from a public address system is prohibited. 14. Litter Control: a Exterior trash receptacles shall be provided at convenient locations to facilitate litter control. b. The operation shall be responsible for litter control on a daily basis within the property. C. Trash and recycling containers other than receptacles intended for patron use shall be screened within an enclosure as required by Section 20-18-4 of this Chapter. 15 Stormwater Management and Drainage: The entire site other than taken up by a building structure, or plantings shall be surfaced with asphalt, concrete, cobblestone, or paving brick subject to the following performance standards: 38 a. All plans for stormwater management and drainage shall with Section 20-16-5 of this Chapter, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. b Drainage from all fueling_ areas shall be directed to an oil/grit separator that complies with the following minimum design standards: (1) A minimum of four hundred (400) cubic feet of permanent pool storage capacity per acre of drainage area. 2) A minimum pool depth of four(4) feet. 3) A minimum oil containment capacity of eight hundred (800 alb (4) Minimum maintenance/inspection of two (2) times per year and/or after measurable spill events as defined by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. (5) Any measurable spill event shall be reported to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Section 16. Section 20-87-6.13 of the Zoning Ordinance (1-3 District — Reserved) is hereby amended to read as follows: B. Automobile repair — major and minor, provided that: 1 The use shall be setback a minimum of fifty (50) feet from any abutting residentially zoned properties. 2. Hours of operation shall be limited to seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. to ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. unless extended by the City Council. 3 All repair activities shall be conducted within the principal building with overhead doors to the service area(s) closed at all times, except when moving vehicles in and out. 4. The emission of odor by a use shall be in compliance with and regulated by the Minnesota pollution control standards. Minnesota regulation APC 7011, as amended. 5. All flammable materials, including liquids and rags, shall conform with the applicable provisions of the Minnesota state fire code. 6. All paintina must be conducted in an approved paint booth. All paint booths and all other activities of the operation shall thoroughly control the emission of fumes, dust or other particulate matter so that the use shall be in compliance with Minnesota pollution control standards, Minnesota regulation APC 1-15, as amended. 7. All outside storage is prohibited: storage of damaged vehicles, vehicles being repaired and vehicle parts and accessory equipment must be completely inside a principal or accessory building. Section 17. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this day of , 2017. ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk .N CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor